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02x13 - Bye Bye Kenan: Part 2

Posted: 09/27/23 08:39
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into somethin' fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're always
gettin' caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like siegfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪


Hey, hey, hey. Thank you.
Thank you. All right.

Well, um, as you can see,
kenan's still not here.

Well, if you saw
last week's show,

You know what happened.

If you didn't, well,

Check this out.

Here's some scenes
from last week's show.

I'm calling an important
family meeting.

Leave chicago?

What about my school
and what about my job

And what about--

kel to kenan.

Kel, I'm moving
to montana!

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

I just gotta go
get something.
Be right back.

Kel, you can't leave.
We leaving in

I'll be back.

Kel! But--g--
kel, where you--kel!

Kenan, kyra, sweetheart,

This is it.

No, we can't leave yet.
Kel's not back.

Kenan, I'm sorry.
We've got to go.

Hey, yo, kenan,
I'm back, man!

Hey, kenan!


Yo! Hey, man,

I got you a present.

Kenan! Come on, man.
Answer me!

Kenan! Where are you?!

Next on part ,

Kenan moves to--

No! No!

Man, come on, man!

Tell me, is kenan
gone for good?

Tell me, what's gonna
happen to me?

Come on!

Ah, you cheap pawn shop
television machine!


Come on, please,
please tell me.

What's gonna happen?
Tell me! Oh!

Aw, here it goes!

Dad: family, get ready to
see our brand-new home.

Mom: ooh!
I'm so excited!

Kyra: me, too.
Open the door!

Kenan: hurry up.
This suitcase
is heavy.

Dad: o.k. O.k.
Here we are!

Home sweet--


It's more like

Home stankhome.

What is that smell?

I don't know!

Oh, it's all right.

I'll just turn on
this fan here,

And we'll stir up
the air a lit--

You should have
known better than
to turn on a fan

In this kind of
a place.

You o.k., Pop?

you o.k.?

Yes. Yes!

Yes, I'm fine,
jessica. I'm fine.

I'm not jessica!
Who you spittin' on?
I'm kenan!

Mama, where's
the bathroom?

It smells like
we in the bathroom!

Kenan, hush!


That must be
the bathroom
over there, honey.


[Kyra screams]

What? What?

There's a big old
nasty bug

On the bathroom!


[Baby voice]
I'm baby kyra,

And I'm all afraid
of bugs!


Kenan, don't tease
your sister.

Go k*ll the bug, son.

Fine. I'll go k*ll
the bug.

Girls always scared
of some bugs.

Man, please.
Do your business
and flush the toilet.

That's all you
got to do.

[High-pitched squeal]

There's a big old
nasty bug in there!

I told you!

You didn't tell me
it was the size of
a raccoon!

Oh, you are both
big babies.

I'll k*ll the bug.

No, no, mama,
don't go in there.

You'll lose.
I tell you,
you'll lose!

no, no, no!
I'll k*ll it.

I'll k*ll it.
I'm just going
to be a man
and k*ll it.

Be careful.

Right on.

[Slamming and crashing]

Is it dead?

Maybe you shouldn't
go back in there.

No. This is between me...

And the bug!!

Oh, yeah!

and slamming]

Everything's cool.


I won!

Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm just
going to flush the bug
down the toilet now.


[Toilet flushes]


All right, now, the
golf club is a little
bit bent up--aah!

What happened
to y'all?

We've just been showered.

against our will!

Honey, remind me
to call the plumber.


This house bites!

It just needs

It needs a bulldozer!

Listen, now, before
you two go criticize
the whole place,

Why don't you just
go upstairs?

Yeah, take a look at
your rooms, o.k.?

All right.
I'm gonna check
my room.

But I'm gonna
tell you like
this, though.

If my room don't look
no better than this house,

Then we gonna have
some serious prob--whoa!




I found a neat little
shortcut to the closet!


Wait a minute.

I'll get the door.


Whoo! Hello!

I'm mrs. Blatt,
your new next door

Welcome to pummis!

Hello, mrs. Blatt.

I'm mrs. Rockmore,

And this is my family.

I can't stay long,

But since I knew
you was movin' in

I decided
to bring you
a big old pot

Of mystery chili!

Well, that's very
nice of you to bring--

I'll set up
in the kitchen!

Follow me!


O.k. O.k.

[Imitating mrs. Blatt]
mystery chili!

I set up in the kitchen.
Follow me.

Oh! Nice kitchen.

When was
the tornado?

Everybody sit down,

And you'll each
get a bowl full
of mystery chili!


Chili for you!

Chili for you!

Chili for you!

And chili for you.


What is in
mystery chili?

You know, I believe
that's a mystery

Best left unsolved.

You put the rest
of this back in
the ice box, would ya?

I'd be glad to.

Father, I do believe
this needs to be

I'll fix it!

[Knock on door]

Oh, that's probably my boy.

He's bringin' over
some soda pop for to drink!

Hi mama!
I brought over the
soda pop drinks!

Good boy.

this is my boy,

Cleeb, say hello
to your new neighbors!

[Nervous laughter]

Son, do you know
anyone here in pummis?

No, not yet.

Well, great!

Cleeb can be
your new best friend!

Right, cleeb?

Well, no, it's all right.

I don't really need
no giggling friends
right now.

Cleeb, give your
best friend a hug.

No, uh, don't--

I give you $ .
If you stop
squeezing me.

Oh! Turn him loose,

So, uh, cleeb,

What did you
bring us to drink?

Oh, oh, um...

I got root beer...

I got fruity punch...

I got orange soda.

Kel loves orange soda.

You know, I'm not
really hungry right now.

I'm--i'm sorry,
mrs. Blatt, cleeb,

But...y'all excuse me.

Did I say
something wrong?

No, cleeb,
you didn't.

Kenan's just a little...
A little homesick.

Kenan and cleeb.

Oh, that'll never work!

I gotta get out of this place!


I sure do miss you,

I miss you, too.


Is that you?!

How can you hear me
all the way from chicago?

I'm not in chicago!

Well, where are ya?

Open the door!

Open the door!

Baby! Aah!


Wait a minute.

What's up, man?


It's cool.


Ooh, boy,
I'm glad you're here!

Whoo, me, too, man.



Mom: it is kel!

Oh, happy day.

What are you doing
here in pummis?

Since I didn't
get a chance

To give kenan
my present or
say good-bye,

I asked my
parents if I
could visit,

And they
were just happy
for me to go.

Wonder why?

I'm sorry.
Who is this now?

Oh, I'm sorry,
mrs. Blatt.

This is my
very best friend, kel!

Whassup, blapp?

I thought I was
your best friend!

Uh-oh. You done hurt
cleeb's feelings!

So, how long
can you stay?

Well, my parents
said I could stay
for a whole week.

What? Yeah!

Hey, man, I better
go upstairs
and unpack.

All right, well...
Well, actually,

No, kel, you don't
wanna use the stairs,

Dad: kel!it's a little flimsy--


Man, that was fun!

I'm doin' it again!

Dad: kel...


[Knock on door]

Entre vous!


I'm roger--

Ranger rockmore!


I'm ranger
herbert whittle.

We spoke
on the phone.

Yes. It's nice to
meet you in person,
ranger whittle!

I can tell just by
lookin' at you

That you were meant
to be a mountain ranger.

Yes. It's always
what I've dreamed
of being.

So tell me...
What do I do first?

Well, you sit
at this desk here...


And if someone comes in,

Ya give 'em a brochure!

O.k. What else do I do?




Oh! Ah, and here...

What's this?


, Pencils!

What am I gonna do
with , pencils?



Uh, wait, wait,
is there anything
for me to do here?

Oh, yeah, sure!
Ha ha ha!

You can, uh...
Well, no. Uh...


No. No!


Wait. Wait.


Ranger whittle?

Ranger whittle.

Good morning, children.
Take your seats.

Now we are supposed to
have a new student
joining our class today.

I wonder where
he could possibly be.

Yo, whassup,

There you are.

Young man,
you're supposed to
be wearing

Your school

Oh! You
think I'm kenan.
No, I'm not kenan.
I'm kel.

I see.
And where's kenan?

Oh, uh, he's
in the hall.


He's embarrassed
to come in.

Oh, poppycock!

[Gasping] oh! Oh!

Watch your language!

Children are
amongst us!

Young man, please!

Kenan rockmore,
please enter this
classroom immediately!


Good morning, kenan.
I'm miss nomer.

Class, greet kenan.

Class: good morning,

[Whiny voice]
good morning, class.

Now, kenan,

We do not tolerate
tardiness here at
pummis academy.

However, since it is
your first day, I will
waive your punishment.


Now sit down.

All right. Now, class,

Today we will continue
discussing vocabulary.

Who can use the word

In a sentence?


A man got sick

Because of...
A fish he ate!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Get it? O-ffic-iate?


you don't under--

Mr. Rockmore,

The classroom is not
a place for comedy.

Please keep your
jokes to yourself.

They're not welcome
at pummis academy.

Now, to continue.

Man, that's it.

I can't take this
no more.

I'm getting my family
out of pummis
and back to chicago.


And you gonna
help me.


So how's it look?

Oh, you missed
a little spot
right there, sweetie.

Ooh! O.k.

O.k. All right!


Looks pretty good.

This house bites!

Big time!


Boy, it just
keeps gettin' better
by the minute,

Doesn't it?

Hey, why is
the stair rail
on the floor?

The same reason
the front door
is on the floor.

This is awful!

Kel is leavin'
in a few days,

And the rest of us
are gonna be stuck here

In nasty, awful,
pummis, montana!

Pummis sucks beans!

All right.
Now we cannot just
think of ourselves.

We made this move
for your father.
This is his dream
come true!

Pummis sucks beans!

Oh, family!

My job isn't
anything like I
thought it would be.

All they want me to do
is sit there all day long

In the middle of nowhere,
doing nothing!


Well, what did you think

A wilderness
mountain ranger did?

I don't know,
fun mountain-related

See, that's it
right there.

I hate my school.

He hates his job,

And I think it's
pretty safe to say

That none of us
are particularly
enjoying this
nasty shack

We living in here.

So come on home
with me to chicago!

No, no, no.
Uh-uh. Ain't
gonna happen.

Why not, pop?!

I made an agreement

With the ranger
of pummis.

I promised them
I'd stay at least

That's bad.
That's bad!

I signed a contract.
I gave my word.

We just can't leave.

I'm afraid
we're just stuck

In this stank hole
of a town!

I'm gonna go upstairs.
I'm taking a hot bath.

Hey, pop,
you don't wanna
go up there,

a hot bath--

Kenan, I can't
quit my job,
and that's final!

I don't want--

That does it!


It! Man, we are
leaving pummis and
going back to chicago!

But your daddy said
he didn't want
to leave.

Naw--my daddy said
he didn't want to quit.


All we gotta do
is come up with a plan
to make him quit.

O.k. How we gonna
do that?

Well, I don't know,
but I think we'll

[Knock on door]

Hey, kenan,
it's me, your best
friend robert!

I thought your name
was cleeb.


Oh, yeah! Ha ha.

Listen, I ain't got
nothin' to do,

So I was wondering
if maybe you wanted
to go with me

Down to the river
and play with sticks!

Sticks, man!
I love sticks.

I'm sorry.
I don't wanna play
with sticks right now.

I'll see you later,





Cleeb, what are you
doin' tomorrow?

Huh huh huh hah!

Well...that's it.

No more pencils.

Now what do I do for fun?

Hey, pop!

Yeah, hey,

Kenan! Kel!

How are you guys?
How you doing?

What are you
doing here?

Well, we was on our
way home from school,

And we thought we'd
stop by and say hey.

Good! Good!
How's school?

How's work?

It's so boring up here!

I'm doing nothing
all day,

Just sitting around--






What?!do something!

Do something!

I don't know
what to do with
a bear!

the window!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Close the window!

Now that horrible bear

Won't be bothering us
anymore, boys.


Do something!
Be a ranger!

Be a ranger!

Be a ranger!

Is he gone?


I'm not sure.

Daddy, do something!

Shoo, bear! Shoo!

Shoo, bear.
Now go on back to
your bear cage now.


That was one big
bear out--


What the flip
happened in here?

Please, mr. Ranger...

There was a big bear,

And he had big bear paws,

And he stuck 'em
through the window!

And he smelled terrible!

Now, now, now,
just hold the snow,

Are you telling me
a big ranger like you

Is afraid of
a thousand pound
k*ller bear?


I think I wet
my ranger pants!

Ranger pants...ranger pants...

Well, roger, I'm sorry,

But a mountain ranger
ought to be able
to handle

A k*ller bear.

I think maybe we
better just call
this whole thing off.

Wait a minute.

Are you firing me?

I'm afraid so.


Oh! Oh!

Help! Let me down!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Let me get this straight.

I didn't quit.
You're firing me, right?

Boys, you heard him?

Yeah! We gotcha, man.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I--i hope you're not
too upset.




The rockmores
are back in chicago!

Soon as we can get
on a plane, baby!

Oh, I love you,

I love you boys!
Let's get outta here.


Aah! The bear!
The bear!

Bear, bear, bear!


Bear! Bear!

Wha-what? What are
you guys laughing at?!

Pop, that's not
a real bear.

What's the meaning
of this?

Well, when you said
that you wouldn't

We knew that we had to
come up with a plan
to make you quit.

So we hired
your next-door neighbor...


To pretend
that he was a bear

And scare you
into quitting.

We didn't know
you'd get fired!
That was just lucky!

That's not a real bear?

No! That's just

Ha ha ha ha!

Dad: you guys
are so funny!

Hey, kenan, I'm
ready to pretend
to be a bear. Grr!





I'll meet y'all
in chicago!


Run! Run! Run!

Hey, y'all, hey, hey,
hey, everybody.

Guess who's back
in chicago?

Good to see y'all.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

All right.
Everything's o.k.

My family's back
in chicago.

Hey, hey.
And the show will
continue for...

Ever...and ever...ever...and ever...

And ever...
And ever...
And ever...
And ever...

Aw, yeah!


So kel and I
wanna thank y'all

For comin'
to the show--



Man, what are you
doin' here?

Well, I was wonderin'
if maybe you wanna go
back to pummis with me

And play with sticks!

Uh, no, see, cleeb,
kel and I have a show
to do here.

O.k. Bye.

Wait, wait, wait, cleeb.


You look like
you're a fun guy.

You want to go have
some fun with me?

With sticks?

No, with motorcycles
and barbeque sauce.

Oh! I love

And I love
barbeque sauce!

Well, that's good!
Kel, grab yourself
a helmet and a sponge

And meet us at
the dog track.

Come on, cleeby!

You're a funny

Oh, I know, I know.

Kenan! Come back here, man!



Come here!

Oh, man!

What does motorcycles
and barbeque sauce

Have to do
with anything?

It's so vague.

Kenan! Cleee-b! it goes!