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01x10 - Sakura and the Flowery Athletics Meet

Posted: 09/27/23 07:44
by bunniefuu
Today is the Tomoeda school athletic meet

There are kids

who seem to hate the athletic meet
because it is a pain

But I love it

[Sakura and the flowery athletic meet]

Sakura-chan, you really are fast

Thanks Rika-chan


You really are a fast runner

It's because she has no other merits

This is lunch? It's huge

I made it along with Touya

Dad says he'll come right after his seminar

at the college

There is no helping it if he has work

My dad teaches archaeology at a college

He doesn't just lecture.

He goes to excavations

and holds research seminars,
so he is very busy

In the afternoon there is a 100 meter
race for parents to participate in

It would be nice if
he made it for that


Members of the cheer leading club
please gather at the entrance to the grounds

Ah, it's Tomoyo-chan's voice

I repeat,

members of the cheer leading club
gather at the entrance to the grounds

Are you in that too?


I'll take lots of photos

Take a picture of Yukito-san afterwards

Make sure to do it

Yeah, yeah

That 4th grader Kinomoto is a fast runner

Nobody can seem to beat her

Sakura-chan isn't just a fast runner.

She is also very cute



Is that your outfit for this event?


It's wonderful

But if it had frills at the neck

and a big ribbon.

Your mom isn't here yet?

She had a company meeting

and said she would rush here right after

Tomoyo-chan's mother is the president
of a big toy company

Tomoyo-chan's mother is really busy,

and there are days when
she can't see her daughter

I also haven't met Tomoyo-chan's mother

So I'm looking forward to it

Now that I think about it,

Tomoyo-chan never talks
about her father

I have to go, please watch

I'll be cheering for you from here

She really is cute


You're right

Well then, all set!

I must capture Sakura-chan's exploits

on video!

Sakura-chan has gotten good

Well, if you compare her to before

When she joined the club

every time she threw the baton

she would catch it with her head


Next is the last morning event

The fourth grade obstacle course

Everybody please cheer

for the competitors

as they pass many barriers

Sakura-chan, good luck!


Good luck!

Take your places

Good luck!

I won't lose

Me too


It's down to just Sakura-chan and Lee-kun

Go for it!


Your mom isn't here yet?

Yeah, but I think she'll be here soon

Then have lunch with us

May I? I'd be intruding on your family

Of course you can. The food would taste better
if we all ate together.

Thank you


Do you want to have lunch with us too?

Why with you?


We're ready with lunch


I'll eat with you


Here, the egg is delicious

Your brother

and Tsukishiro-san made it?

It looks really good


Ah, I'm sorry I was eating everything

No, it's good to eat a lot

The lunch was just so good

When your food tastes good,

that is proof of good health

That's right

Thanks for the food

Sorry I'm late


Ah, I missed the cheerleading
club's performance

I took a video of it

I also took a lot of pictures

Thank you

Sorry, Sakura

No, I am happy you ran to get here

I made these yesterday

I cooled them with the university refrigerator

It should be cold

Say, do we have some of this gelatin left?

There is some in the refrigerator at home

I'll let Kero-chan have some when we get home

I'll go throw away the trash

I'll go too

Me too

Lee-kun missed out on the delicious gelatin



What a beautiful person

Sakura-chan, let me introduce you

This is my mom


I'm sorry, I'm Sonomi Daidouji

Thank you for always being
friends with Tomoyo

Not at all, she is always helping me out

You really are cute

You look a lot like a girl I once knew

I have heard a lot about from Tomoyo,

but I haven't heard your last name.

Can you tell me?

Umm, it's Kino





I never noticed because
the last name was different

When you were a student
it was Sonomi Amamiya

Sakura I should have known from the name

Nadeshiko said

she would give that name if she had a girl

I absolutely won't forgive you

At that time Nadeshiko
was still a high school student,

and I had just become a teacher


Even as a trusted teacher
you married a student,

and my precious Nadeshiko

Excuse me

I was looking over Nadeshiko

ever since kindergarten

So that she wouldn't
attract any idiotic bugs

Even so,

for her to attract
such a dim witted bug

How can you be so cheerful

when you let Nadeshiko
die at only 27 years old

Because I promised not to cry

To Nadeshiko

Nevertheless, I won't forgive you

Dad and Tomoyo's mom knew each other

Parents participating in the 100 meter race

please gather at the grounds entrance

Sorry to keep you waiting


you are taking part in the
100 meter race right?

Shall I go instead?

It's OK.

I was ordered to take part by Sonomi-san

Where is the grounds entrance?

Over here

Should I ask the reason?

Or am I better off not knowing?


used to be Sonomi Amamiya

Amamiya is your mother's maiden name


she was Sonomi's cousin

My mom was the lone daughter
of a famous company president

Dad had just become a teacher

Even though they knew it would be tough,

my mother got married when she was sixteen

She worked as a model while going to school

That wasn't the reason she got ill,

but there were various issues
with my mom's parents

Sonomi cared a lot for my mom
since they were little,

and I heard she was the person
most against her marrying my dad

But in the pictures of
Nadeshiko at your place,

even the ones not from magazines,

she always looked happy

Even so, there are a lot of
flowers out today

My mom and your dad seem to
have known each other


Huh, Tomoyo-chan

What? Mother?

Was your mother planning on participating?


Is your mom a fast runner?

I think when she was in high school
she was on the national team


I absolutely won't lose


Good luck! Good luck!


Your dad is amazing

He is fast

The most athletic one in our family

is our dad

Where are these flowers blowing in from?

We can't see anything like this

Could it be a Clow Card?

It's a Clow Card

Lee-kun, where are you going?

Where? Something terrible is happening


It is in times like this we must remain calm

We have to take care of
first aid in the afternoon

Hey, wait!

Oh no you don't We have to be ready

to help somebody if they get hurt

Let go! The Clow Card

They're running

Mother hates to lose

I can't move

We'll drown in flowers

Are you going to use magic here?

Nobody is looking

Key which hides the power of darkness

Display your true form before me

Under the contract, I Sakura command you



I wonder if it really
is the work of a Clow Card

It is best to ask an expert
in times like this

Where were you carrying that?

Right now! Cerberus super special!

My sure k*ll technique!

What is it? I am sunk into sadness now

Kero-chan, big trouble!

No mistake, that is
the work of a Clow Card

So it is The school
is full of flowers already

For the time being, check out carefully
where the flowers are flying from


Over there

I absolutely won't lose


help me!

I'll be buried

Hurry and move to a higher place

We'll hold this

Over there



You're a Clow Card right?


How are thing going over there?

This has gotten serious

Sakura-chan was suddenly invited to dance

It is a girl with curly hair right?


No problem, she loves fun things

What's going on?

Sakura-chan, if you don't hurry
and stop the flowers,

the school will be buried

Return to your rightful form


Yep, it's the Flower card

Your school was having
an athletic meet wasn't it?

Flower gets happy when there is
fun or celebrations going on


She was probably thinking
to add to things with flowers

So what can this card do?

It can put forth various types of flowers

That's it?

Well, you got away without
any danger this time didn't you?

We were almost suffocated by flower petals


What's wrong?

I forgot to take a video


What, Tsukishiro-kun and Touya?

With this much we could
make a lot of tea

Why do I have to clean after
coming to an athletic meet?

I hate this I hate this I hate this

It has been like this ever since high school

Because I didn't want to let you have Nadeshiko

I challenged you countless times

But I always lose

It would be rude to you

if I lost on purpose

Because I knew

how much you cared for Nadeshiko

So I always tried my hardest

I remember it even now,
the house you moved into with her

Living together in that tiny apartment

Going to school with her even
though you were a new teacher

You made Nadeshiko's lunch every day
didn't you?

Both of you with the same lunch,

and then going home holding hands

It looks like they are
quarrelling over something



It's OK

Flower. Bestow flowers upon those two

Why are you good at cooking anyway?

A nadeshiko flower

Nadeshiko was always entwined
with you With a smile

Even though I was really angry

she would just break down my anger

With her light attitude

She was spontaneous from the core

She certainly was a wholehearted person

I loved Nadeshiko the most

Nadeshiko loved you too


Nadeshiko seemed so happy
Ever since she married you

She smiled with

Her best face ever

How could she leave so soon
when she was so happy

I'm sorry

Why do you apologize?

I took all the time with Nadeshiko

from when she was 16 until 27 she was

That is what I hate about you

It must have been my mother

who was the girl I resemble

My mom often talked about

her cousin named Nadeshiko

It was because she wanted to have
it the same as Nadeshiko's that

my hair was grown out like this

I guess lots of things have
happened to our parents

I wonder if he will tell me
about it sometime

Yes, I'm sure he will

But it seems your mom

She really loved my mom

Oh, but I love you too

Me too

Hey! It's just about time
for the closing ceremony


Let's go, Tomoyo-chan
