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04x06 - La passagère du temps

Posted: 09/26/23 08:46
by bunniefuu

This international group
claims to be carbon offsetting,

but that's a lie!

You can't handle the ecosystem
like you handle a balance sheet!

This is propaganda!

Offsetting is legal here.

We just want to get to work.
I have children to feed.

What will they say
when they can't breathe?

Let's all calm down!
We will not enter this circle of v*olence.

What are you talking about?
Damn hack.


Sorry Miss, I can't let you through.

The victim is Clément Slanovski.

One of the founders of
Climate Disobedience,

an environmental activist group
that advocates peaceful civil disobedience

against climate inaction.

- Is he dead?
- No, he's in intensive care.

We're waiting for some news,
but the doctors say he's stable.


No doubts about who the culprit is,

dozens of witnesses,
the scene was filmed,

I don't understand, Nicolas.

Why was the case not closed?

The woman is refusing to give her identity
and allow us to take DNA and fingerprints.

- We can insist, but-
- But the law forbids us to force her.

With or without DNA, we need to close
the case and hand it over to justice.

There's a culprit, a MO,
countless evidence.

Yes, but no motive.

You know Raphaëlle,
she won't just let it go.

Listen Miss, we don't-

It's hard to deny it, really.

I'm not saying it's not me.

Why did you do it?

Look, my job is not to crush you.

It is to allow the people
who will judge this case

to have the whole truth.

We need to understand
what happened this morning,

for your own good.

You won't believe me anyway.

Try me.


At least tell me who you are.


My name is Andréa Martin.

I was born on April , .

So you are almost two years old.

You don't look it.

I'm years old.

All right.

How do you explain that, then?

Time travel…

Of course.

That's a new one.

No scientific claims,
with today's available knowledge,

can attest to such a hypothesis.


- However...
- No!

Go for it.

However, we cannot know about
the state of knowledge in .

There is no doubt that time travel
has never happened in the past,

but we cannot say there will not be
any time travel in the future.

The Commissioner is gonna love this.


All right.

I found the victim's name
in several minor cases.

Disorderly conduct.

And he was arrested several times
for vandalism.

I searched for the name of the culprit,

but I'm facing an obstacle.

No Andréa Martin?

On the contrary.

The problem is not that
there is no Andréa Martin,

the problem is that there are too many.

Look. There.

, Andréa Martin.

- Of course...
- Right.

Thus, I did a search
based on her date of birth.

There were , births in France
on April , ,

including Andréa, there,

and Martin.

But no Andréa Martin.

In any case, she can't be born
on April , .

Raphaëlle, there is nothing to confirm it.

No, Astrid, it's not possible.

And it won't be possible
in years either.

It's not possible, period.

The file.

Not possible.


I'm sorry but this time travel story
validates the Commissioner's version.

- How so?
- An unbalanced woman.

Who acted randomly without motive.

I disagree.
What kind of thinking is that?

Just because she has psychiatric problems,
she has no motive?

No, we keep digging.
What do we have on the victim?

Clément Slanovski,
you must have heard about him.

Even boomers like you.

We're not boomers.
Baby boomers are kids born-

That's such a boomer answer, Nico.

And what should we know
about this person that we don't?

He's really active on social networks,
he's a pretty radical ecologist,

and he co-founded Climate Disobedience

with an incredible woman
named Concetta Travis.

Concetta Travis?

She chained herself to a goal
in protest against the World Cup in Qatar.

The match had to be interrupted,
it was such a mess.


She's the publicity stunt expert,
and he organized the group internally.

They have millions of followers
thanks to him.

Try to contact her,
she may know the motive.

I also traced Andréa's itinerary
to the attempted m*rder

thanks to CCTV and
local shop owners' testimonies.

Where did she come from?

A social center for the homeless,

right next to
where the crime was committed.

- Thanks, Norah.
- No problem.

I do like boomers.

- I'm not a boomer.
- Too bad.

They're so much better than
Generations Y or Z.

They're more confident,
they have better musical taste.

- Really?
- Totally.

- Have you seen her before?
- Yes, I recognize her.

She spent three days
with us intermittently.

Do you have her identity?

Depends what you mean by that.
Most people only give us a first name.


Commander Coste, the knife, here.

The knife in the video.

Sorry, do you have more like this one?

Of course, they're provided by town hall.
They're all the same.

Could you check if you're missing one?

A crime could have been committed with it.


I'm starting to wonder if I'm wrong.

All the elements point to a reckless act
committed by a desocialized person.

Were you able to reach Concetta Travis?

No, and we won't.

- Why?
- She left for Nepal a week ago.

She's listed on flight NA to Kathmandu.


I'll see what I can do.

But she and Slanovski are housemates
on an associative farm in Vexin

with other members of their collective.

You should take a look there.

OK, I'll see what I can find there.

And then we close the case, right?

Maybe the Commissioner was right.

Tell me if you see anything, please.

All right.


These flowers are Camellia japonica.

They are unique in that
they bloom very late,

at the end of fall or in early winter.

I meant anything
related to the investigation.


Good morning. Can I help you?

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Is Clément alright?

Still unconscious, but he's stable.

Do you all live together here?

It's been three years now.

Concetta and Clément bought the walls
and created this place.

It's horrible, what happened.

You all saw the video, right?

Do you know this girl?

He knew it could happen.

- Camille!
- Yes, we need to say it.

Maybe that's why she tried to k*ll him.


He's been working on something
with Concetta for years.

A solid file on the Opera group,
with proof.

Opera, the oil group?

They collected damning documents.

Not just green washing, something big.
They've been tense lately.

Before leaving for Nepal,
Concetta felt threatened.

She was scared they'd come after them.

Is there any way to reach her?

No, she's doing a trek in the Himalaya.

To raise awareness about melting glaciers.
She's completely disconnected, obviously.


Yes, Nico?

We have a problem.

I kept digging
to try and find Concetta Travis.

- I hit a snag.
- Meaning?

Meaning she didn't board the flight.

Well, her housemates just told me
Slanovski and Concetta felt threatened.

Do you think
something happened to her as well?

- I don't know.
- Wait, Nico, one second.


These flowers here are Camellia japonica.

They are unique in that they bloom
at the end of fall or in early winter.

- But it is not the end of fall.
- Yes, you said.

Yes. I understood.

I did not understand right away
what I saw, but I understood.

I think these plants benefited from
an additional supply of nitrogen.

Linked, yes,
to the decomposition of a body,

buried under their roots, here.


- Nico...
- Can you hear me?

Ask Fournier and company
to come here immediately.

We hit a snag too.

We found Concetta Travis.


Forensics just confirmed,
this is the body of Concetta Travis.

-What can you tell us?

I'm doing my best,
but the body isn't pretty.

That's why Astrid
could find its trace in the plants.

It's already
in a very advanced state of decomposition.

So, days?

- Vegan.
- What? Is this another joke?

They are a lot of preservatives
in products from the food industry

that greatly slow down decomposition.

So if she only ate natural food,
it could have been sped up.

As well as the soil and the fact that
the body was buried near the surface.

In any case, I can say without a doubt
that it's m*rder.

And it looks like the poor girl
was knocked out with a stone.

They're housemates.

How can you k*ll someone, dig up...

- Camellia japonica.
- Right, Camellia japonica,

bury the body

and plant the camellias again
without anyone seeing anything?

They all go through here,
that's impossible.

days ago, they were all at the
Village Green Society ecologist festival.

The farm had a booth there,
they slept there.

There we go.

At least we know what day she was k*lled.

There is a body of consistent evidence
indicating that

the attempted m*rder of Clément Slanovski

and the m*rder of Concetta Travis
are closely linked.

The co-founders of an association
att*cked a few days apart.

The link has to be there.

Could it be related to
their investigation on Opera?

Concetta's computer is gone,
the window to her room was broken,

forensics are making analyses.

I'm sorry, but this doesn't look like
something a madwoman would do.

It's looking more and more
like a contract m*rder.

Let's stop this nonsense now.

Do you know Concetta Travis, Mrs. Martin?

- Whatever your name is.
- Yes.

She is the co-founder
of Climate Disobedience,

the activist group
that made Slanovski famous.

- She's dead.
- Yes, I know.

- Is that a confession?
- To what?

Everyone knows she's dead.

She disappeared
during a trek in the Himalayas in .

I'm getting tired of this bullshit.

What's your relationship
with the Opera group?

I don't know.

I'm tired, I want to go home.

I want to go home too.

Where is your home?

In .

No, it's not what you think.
I'm not suicidal.

- What is it, then?
- An animal scratched me.

That's what they told me.
I don't remember, I was too young.

I'm starting to think this girl is fragile
and didn't act rationally.

- Not a contract m*rder then?
- Maybe.

We have to find the link between
Andréa Martin and the Opera group.

Maybe she was manipulated.

- Manipulated to k*ll someone?
- You're right, it can't be that.

Maybe she's the one manipulating them?

In any case,
the keystone of this whole story is Opera.

You could try digging into them?

If Clément Slanovski and Concetta Travis
found something,

we can find it too.

OK, but why are you whispering?

Because with such a complex task,

we may be inclined to use,
shall we say, unconventional means.

And if anyone knew how to do this,

they would have my full support.

Got it.

Great, thank you.
Raph, Slanovski woke up.


Concetta is dead?

I helped her buy stuff for her trek.

She must be there, you're wrong.

No, Mr. Slanovski, I'm sorry.

She was m*rder*d.

Do you remember what happened,
why you're here?

The weird girl
who att*cked me with a knife.

Do you know her?

Not at all.

It was the first time I saw her.

You think she att*cked Concetta too?

That's what we want to know.

We know you two were filing
a very big case against the Opera group.

Can you tell me more?

We were going to disclose a real b*mb.

You have to find Concetta's laptop,
she had all the evidence.

It's a computer
with no internet connection,

to avoid any hacking.

Without these documents,
the whole file falls apart.

Two s*ab wounds, but they're shallow.

- Okay, thank you, Doctor.
- You are welcome.

Slanovski just told me
the stolen computer contains a huge b*mb.

We have to find it.

We'll put Norah on it, she's really good.

For Opera, the unconventional means...

She told you about it?

Of course she did.

We get on well,
and she knows I won't repeat anything.

All right. And you just get along well?

Yes, just that.

I don't know.

She's pretty, she's very cultured,
she has a good sense of humor…

She has a cute dimple there
when she laughs,

but no, we're just friends.

Yeah, okay.

- This guy is familiar, who's he?
- Gérard Guez, the deputy.

The case is on a loop
on all the news channels.

It's become political.

Tell me if I'm wrong,
but he's not in the green party.

No, he's more into populism and all that.

Apparently everyone's been visiting
since this morning,

from all parties.

It's good to be seen here.


I set up a kind of bid on the dark web,

addressed to activists
from all over the world.

Any candidates?

To destroy a company like Opéra? Plenty.
I got a lot of answers.

Tell me.

It's a case of misappropriation
and manipulation of illegal data.

It's not a PR stunt,

it could send many of the leaders to court
and t*nk their stock market.

I see.

People who are ready to do anything
so it doesn't become public knowledge.


But I don't have access to the sources.
I can't prove anything.

As long as they don't know,
I'm fine with it.

Let's get the wolf out of the woods.

Summon the director of Opera.

I don't know what I'm doing here.

Is there an indictment
justifying this interrogation?


It's not an interrogation.

Take it as a friendly chat.

A warning.

I'll cut to the chase.

Activists Travis and Slanovski

were about to publish an investigation
against your group.

You already knew that, didn't you?

We have launched
a similar investigation to theirs

with qualified services.


despite your efforts to cover it up,

this investigation
will soon appear in the press.

I really don't know
what you're talking about.

I wouldn't like to be
on your executive board.

You can expect a series of indictments.

You're wrong.

The activities of our group
are irreproachable.

I hope so.

An environmental activist was m*rder*d,
another almost died.

And everything indicates
that you are the instigator.

It's hard to wash off,
blood on your hands.


Especially when you want
to pass for a flawless company.


Premeditated m*rder is assassination

and its author
is liable to a life sentence

according to article .
of the penal code.


I'll let you think about that.


Why are you looking at me like that?

You have a hematoma
and superficial excoriation

on your left sphenoid.



A bruise and a scratch.

How did it happen?

I fought at school.

May I know
the reason for this altercation?

They said a lot of mean things about you.


But I am proud
to have a big sister who's different.

I don't care what they think.
They're losers.

- Has the wound been disinfected?
- No.

Then it must be disinfected.

You're not scolding me?

- Because it was not disinfected?
- No, because I fought.

The principal punished me,
but I didn't even start it.

It is Dad's first-aid kit.

He taught me
to take care of superficial wounds,

so I could be independent.

Was Dad nice?

It does not sting. Dad was very nice.

He bought a disinfectant
that does not sting.

I do not like it when it stings.

Do not move.

What the hell did you do with Opera?

The DA called me, he's pissed.

I just did my job.

Coste, I do trust you, but if you keep
stepping outside the lines,

you'll screw up the whole procedure.

And what's your theory?

Andréa Martin was hired by Opera
to k*ll whistleblowers?

Isn't that a bit of a stretch?

This case is more complex than it seems,
only Andréa knows everything.

There's nothing there,
you tried everything.

We can't use anything from her testimony.

I haven't tried everything yet.

Commissioner, when you say you trust me...

how much do you trust me?

You're not afraid
I'll try to throw myself overboard?

You told me you're not suicidal.

I trust you.

- Cigarette?
- No.


What's the future like?

Not very welcoming.

Half of the living species
have disappeared,

there are no more giraffes,
no more orangutans.

The last of the gorillas
live in captivity,

but they're too old to reproduce.

Sea levels and temperatures keep rising.

We got used to it, we adapted.

The biggest problem is
the lack of drinking water and food.

I mean...

You don't have to come from the future
to predict this kind of thing.

- It's already in the newspapers.
- Yes.

It's crazy, when you think about it
for two seconds, right?

Everything is already there.

Why didn't your generation do anything,
understand what's at stake?

I don't understand why you tried to k*ll
an environmental activist

if the future is so rotten?

Slanovski is not an activist.

He has no convictions,
he's surfing on the matter of the moment

out of pure opportunism,
to garner support.

Then at the first opportunity,
he'll join the party of Guez.

That fascist.

He'll become his green guarantee.

Do you think-

Do you think
the world would have been different

if someone had k*lled Hitler before ?


- Slanovski is not Hitler.
- Not yet.

But he will become President,

will weigh on the international scene,

and will be a huge part
of the future chaos.

He will divert his power.

He's like all false prophets.

He disguises himself as the truth
to better spread the lie.

- That's why you stabbed him?
- No.

I stabbed him because he r*ped my mother.

- Your mother?
- Yes.

He r*ped her in July .

After her r*pe, they put under
enormous pressure to silence her.

July , April .

That's nine months.

You're telling me
you're the child of this r*pe?

I don't care if you believe me.

I did what I had to do.

My mother abandoned me

before she k*lled herself,
this destroyed her.

Slanovski is my biological father,
but he ruined my life,

before he ruined the world.

That's why I volunteered for this mission.

- What are you thinking about?
- Andréa Martin.

- I know she's not very balanced, but...
- To say the least.

I can't stop thinking about
what she said to me.

This r*pe Slanovski could have committed.


You said it yourself,

you can't trust the claims
of an unbalanced person.

If this story of time travel
is a psychotic delirium,

there must be an anchor point
in the real world, right?

Slanovski may not be that clean.

Until further notice,
Slanovski is a victim, not a suspect.

Maybe we should consider this case
from another angle.

I have something in mind,
but the boss has to agree.

What are you thinking?

A confrontation.

Between Slanovski and Andréa.

If she finds herself in front of him,

maybe it could trigger something.

You'd also have to convince Slanovski,
not just the Commissioner.

He has no reason to refuse,
if he has nothing to hide.

I'll try talking to the Commissioner,
maybe he'll like the idea better.

- Thank you, Nico.
- I can't promise anything.

So, we'll try to confront
Andréa Martin and Clément Slanovski.

Problem is,
I don't have enough solid evidence.

Could you check the r*pe complaints
filed in July ?


- Are you listening?
- Absolutely not.

Is something bothering you?



He has a hematoma
and a superficial excoriation.

A bruise and a scratch.

He fought at school.


that's what happens
in schoolyards, Astrid.

I remember that Théo fought sometimes.

But Niels fought because of me.

Because of you?

He fought with children who had
a negative opinion about me having autism.

And that's because of you?

- Yes.
- No.

It's because of those idiotic kids
and what their dumb parents teach them.

I do not want Niels
to get in trouble because of me.

Niels fought to defend you,

and he was right.

And you know what?
I would've done the same.

- Yes Nico?
- Raph.

You're not going to be very happy.

Not very happy, no.

How could you let that happen?

Let what happen, Coste?

You know what!
Andréa Martin was arrested!

The DA asked for her to be referred.
What do you want me to do?

I was about to earn her trust.
You screwed it all up!

I did everything I could.

Her detention is related to
the attempted m*rder of Clément Slanovski,

but you can question her as a witness
to the m*rder of Concetta Travis.


No! Shit!

How can you vanish like that
from an armored van

under the watch of two armed guards?

Don't tell me she went back to !

Most likely the two guards were turned.

They were bribed
to let Andréa Martin slip away.

we're gonna comb through their lives.

If they set money aside, we'll know.

The van stayed more than minutes
in the Rueil-Malmaison tunnel.

It's a -minute cross.

We can assume she was dropped off
at the refuge in the middle of the tunnel

and someone picked her up.

This would therefore confirm the theory
that Andréa was working for Opera.

To k*ll the two whistleblowers.

Something doesn't add up.


A spectacular escape like that
requires a lot of money.

But why?

Why would Andréa martin confess
to the attempted m*rder on Slanovski,

and not the m*rder of Concetta Travis?

Why commit a contract m*rder
in such a crude way?

It doesn't add up.

Don't tell me about this supposed r*pe
Clément Slanovski is guilty of.

He r*ped her mother
and she's the child of this r*pe?

It's pure madness!

And what does it have to do
with Concetta's death?

What if we were wrong?

What if the two murders were unrelated?

Commander, Dr. Fournier has arrived.

He's looking for you.

Ah, Coste.

I have new elements to add to the MO.

She wasn't knocked out with a stone?

She was, but I think
she was unconscious when it happened.

It's much easier to k*ll someone
who doesn't fight back.

We have the result
of the toxicological tests.

She had a massive dose
of GHB in her system.

The date-r*pe drug.

Yes, but she was not r*ped.


They just used it
to knock her out to k*ll her.

Thanks, Fournier.

I found a file which should allow us
to identify the young woman

who stabbed Clément Slanovski.

During the edition
of the Green Village Society festival,

there were misconducts.

Complaints were filed
and investigations were conducted.

There were seven sexual assaults,
, , , , , , ,

and one r*pe.

All committed under the influence
of gamma-hydroxybutyrate.

- GHB.
- Absolutely.

The victim of this r*pe
is one Charlotte Martin.


There is a body of consistent evidence
that leads us to believe

this could be Andréa Martin.

Yes, she does look like her.

And her complaint, what did it lead to?

A dismissal.

The young woman retracted.


She had to be pressured.

What do we know about this Charlotte?

Significantly more
than we know about Andréa Martin.

I made you a copy of the elements I found.

The picture.

- Niels is having dinner at home tonight.
- Tonight?

It's Wednesday.
Doesn't he sleep over on Tuesdays?

Raphaëlle, I did not say
“Niels is sleeping over tonight”,

I said
“Niels is having dinner at home tonight...

His uncle will pick him up after the meal.

I need time.

To talk about the fight
that took place at school.

Niels cannot fight

every time someone has a negative opinion
about me having autism.

If he wants to defend me,

he can do it.

But he must do it without v*olence.

Go put down your shoes.


we need to talk about
the fight that happened yesterday.

Are you going to punish me?

Absolutely not.

I am not waiting for anyone.

I am not waiting for anyone.

I am not waiting for anyone.

I do not know this person.

Marlène Varwaerde, from Child Welfare.

Hello, Mrs. Varwaerde.

- We do not need any help, thank you.
- No, wait.

I don't think you understood.

Yes, you are Marlène Varwaerde,
from Child Welfare.

We do not need any help, thank you.

This is an inspection visit.
We received a report from the school.

I'm here to assess
Niels' living conditions at your place.

Niels does not live with me.

He only comes here once a week,
on Tuesday evenings.

It's Wednesday, right?


Tonight is an exception.

We need to talk about the fight at school.
Niels fought because of me.

Can I come in?

Am I under a legal obligation
to let you in?

It is strongly recommended

if you don't want me
to write an unfavorable opinion.

So you need to take off your shoes.

If you want to come in,
you need to take off your shoes.


- Hello Mrs. Varwaerde.
- Hello.

Niels, could you please give me your coat?

- You're so formal with him.
- Yes.

I am formal with everyone,
so I do not make mistakes.

Niels says you are his sister,
but your names are different.

Niels has his mother's name, Langlais.

Dad was already dead when Niels was born.
Dad was m*rder*d.

So you're related thanks to your father,

Absolutely. Niels is my half-brother.

May I know the reason for the report
made by the school, please?

A seven-year-old child
is living with a person

who is not identified
by administration

and who may not be able
to take care of him.

I am qualified.

That's up to me to decide.

You know what? Pretend I'm not here.


To act as if you were not there,
since you are here.



Do as usual, then.

Wednesdays are not usual.

Niels, we need to talk about the fight
that took place at school.

Did you hit a child?


Are you sure?


If you want to defend me,

you can do it,

but without v*olence.

You cannot fight every time
someone says something bad about me.

I do not want you to get in trouble
because of me.

If you want to defend me,

you can do it,

but with words.

When I get my hands on the assh*le
who made the report, it's over for them!

There's no valid reason.

It's discrimination, you know that?

Raphaëlle, maybe this person
thought they were doing the right thing,

for Niels' sake.

This kid has never been better now that
he's coming to your house once a week.

You're his thimble,

and no one has the right
to make you doubt it.

You get that?

Yes, Nico?

On our way.

Astrid, we have to go to the station.
Andréa Martin's parents have arrived.

I am his thimble.

Do you recognize this woman?

It's her.

Yes, it's her, it's our little Charlotte.

They diagnosed her as psychotic
when she was a teen.

It's been two years
since we've had any news,

but we moved heaven and earth
to try to find her trace.

- Could you point me to the restroom?
- Yes, I'll accompany you.

On the left, at the back.

You know,

my wife always believed
our daughter was still alive.

It was good for her, I think.

She's so...


It's her.

No, I don't know anymore.

She's... so changed.

This is what psychosis is, Commissioner.

The person invents a reality
that is easier to accept

in order to be able to face their trauma.

I don't know about you,
but it's much clearer to me.

Charlotte takes herself
for the daughter of the r*pe she suffered,

returned from the future
to k*ll her mother's r*pist,

to conceal the fact that
she herself is the victim of this r*pe.

- Do you follow?
- Yes.

Not really.

Charlotte Martin
invented a different reality

to hide the r*pe she was a victim of.


- And the r*pist is Clément Slanovski?
- Yes.

- But you have no evidence, Coste?
- I do.

Clément Slanovski was at the festival
where Charlotte was r*ped.

In July .

His speech was so popular,
it's still on YouTube.

That's not proof.

I don't know what you need-


Commander Coste speaking.


All right, I...

I'll text you the address.

- You won't believe it.
- Try me.

That was the general manager of Opera,

he wants to meet with me
somewhere very discreet.

I believe you.


Obviously, you cannot record my words
as an official testimony

that you can put in an official statement.

- No kidding?
- Good.

We did know that a compromising case
was about to come out.

Before anything else,
I'd like to clarify one thing.

It's true that some of
our drilling projects have had...

questionable consequences,

but with the competitive landscape,

in order to preserve our jobs,
we absolutely had to-

Spare me your speech.
I'm not a politician.

Go on.

we wanted to keep this data hidden,

we didn't want the Travis-Slanovski case
to come out in the press.

But we didn't order an assassination.

- How could you believe that?
- It's happened before, you know.

Commander Coste is right.

Many files at the Criminal Documentation
attest to similar cases.

I know the files.

Not with us.

In general, this kind of problem
is handled in a commercial way.

So we did not order an assassination.

We offered million euros
to Travis and Slanovski to shut them up.

- million?
- Yes.

Slanovski accepted immediately,
but his associate,

whom we were not
in direct contact with, was more...


Slanovski then told us

that he would make it his business.

So Slanovski would have accepted
this fabulous offer from Opera?

Not "would". Has accepted.

Has accepted.

The sum was paid into
an anonymous offshore account.

Concetta Travis was much less corruptible.

So, they argue, he kills her.

This, the accusations of sexual as*ault,

the r*pe of Charlotte Martin aka Andréa...

The profile of the good, young activist
with a bright future

is seriously tarnished.

I tracked down the offshore account
where the money went to.

- Great.
- Alright.


So what? What are you waiting for?
Go arrest him.

- I was waiting for your approval.
- Right. Come on, Coste.

You're making a mistake,
I'm a victim in this case.

What case are you talking about?

The r*pe of Charlotte Martin
or the m*rder of Concetta Travis?

What, are you insane?

If you wanted to dip into
your million euros pool

to pay for the best lawyers on the planet,

let me tell you something:

your account has been blocked
by the tax authorities.

This is slander,

you have no proof.

That's true.

Your friends at Opera will refuse
to testify about the million euros.

But they were so afraid
of being associated with a m*rder

that they gave us a present.

Could you give me your coat, please?

Excuse me?

You have a very political face now.
You've changed since this photo.

You cut your hair, shaved your beard.

And that coat that you never take off.

It's kind of your signature,
your new look.

I don't get it.

I need your coat, Mr. Slanovski.

Excuse me.

Did you really think

that Opera would give you so much money
without taking a few precautions?

They hired a private detective

to watch you and Concetta,

and this private detective
had the good idea

to equip you with a GPS tracker,
both of you.

We found Mrs. Travis's in her things.

The data from this GPS tracker

indicates that
Concetta Travis left the festival

to go to the house you shared
on September th.

We can also see that you were making
the same trip at the same time.

That proves nothing.

You both entered the farm,

but the next day,
you were the only one to leave.

Concetta will never leave this farm again.

GPS trackers prove it.

And we are certain

that you k*lled her
at that exact moment, Mr. Slanovski.

Do you understand what that means?

Charlotte Martin told us she stabbed you
to put an end to your ascent.

She thought she had failed,

but if she didn't attack you,

we would probably
never have found Concetta's body.

I do not understand.
The envelope is empty.

I will not submit a report, Mrs. Nielsen.


It is not justified.

You are perfectly able to take care
of your little brother once a week.

We only got this report
because you have autism.

It's discrimination,
and it's unacceptable.

I'm doing it for Niels' sake,

because it's the right thing to do.

I met Niels' mother.

He is very lucky to have you.

You are a solid point of reference
for this child who lacks it.

I am his thimble.

Goodbye, Mrs. Nielsen.



Did you get anything concrete
from the hackers against Opera?

Yes, not bad.

You can tell them that
if information were to leak in the press,

no one would be worried.

Cool. I'll let them know.
But that's not why I wanted to see you.


Why Nico? Not at all.

Charlotte Martin
got pregnant after the r*pe.


She gave birth anonymously
on April , .

Do you remember what she said?

"My name is Andréa Martin,
I was born on April , ."

The child is Andréa.
She was adopted by a family named Garcia.

So, in a way,

Andréa Martin
will be years old in .


Charlotte could have found her daughter,
which triggered her psychosis,

but nothing proves that the rest was true.

Nor can it prove that it was false.

Astrid, get out of this body.

Since you mention it...

Nico… what's his problem?


He doesn't like it.

You have to take the first step.

Seems about right.

I sent him more than obvious signals,
he doesn't see them.

He's the only one
who doesn't know he's attractive.

And that's why he is attractive.

You'll have to show him the way.

That's how it is.


Take care of him. He's a really good guy.


Did someone ring? Who is it?

Look at the lady.

- Hello.
- Hello, come in.

Come on, let's play.

- There you go.
- Hello Andréa.

She's a bit shy.

No, it's me.

I'm staring at her, I must be scaring her.

You have a nasty boo-boo on your hand.

- It was a really close call.
- Oh yeah? What happened?

When you called me yesterday,
the neighbor's cat came into the house.

He wanted to take him in her arms,
it scared him and he scratched her.

An animal scratched me.

It's a very nasty injury,
but everything is fine.

A cat, then.


All right.

I'm sorry
you had to go through this ordeal,

but the woman from social services
seemed very caring.

I'm so happy

that the value of your presence
in Niels' life has been recognized.

- You are crying.
- I'm not.

You are.

You are crying.

I did some medical tests this week.

They revealed
a very high rate of tumor markers.

You have cancer.