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01x09 - The Mighty Zeke/Gift For a Fish

Posted: 09/26/23 08:14
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When there's a problem,

what do we say? ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Where there's a will,

there's always a way ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ We've got ideas for days ♪

♪ Solve problems lots of ways ♪

♪ I love it when we play ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Hey, I'm Zadie,

bring on the problems ♪

♪ Try some different things

till we solve them ♪

♪ I'm Malik, we'll work it out,

just wait ♪

♪ We make some plans,

then we build and create ♪

♪ I'm Zeke, here's Snout,

we like to explore ♪

♪ Let's go do it,

one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Help's never far away,

that's for sure ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Come join the fun, get ready,

let's go! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ ♪



"The Mighty Zeke."

♪ ♪

♪ Oh yeah, oh yeah ♪

♪ Today's the day ♪

♪ My training wheels come off,

hooray! ♪

I'm so excited!

I can tell.

That's thefifthtime

you sang me that song!

(bicycle bell chimes)

♪ Hiya ♪

Got the latest copy of my

favorite superhero comic.

That's great, but

I'm gonna find out

if Wonder Wombat defeats

Lord Lemming

and saves--



♪ Ra-ta-ta-ta! ♪

You're going to do it?

Yep! No more training wheels.

I'm going to ride my bike

like a big wombat!

Watch me!

♪ ♪


I can do this!

Yeah, you can!




No, I can't...

Snout doesn't want to

ride a bike today.

It's too hard and he's scared.

I am too.

Don't worry, Snout.

We can be big wombats

another day.

Aww, it's okay.

Riding a bike without training

wheels just takes practice.



But just think of all the fun

you can have when you learn!

Like what?

Let's show him what

he'll be able to do

once he gets

the hang of it.

Great idea!

Zeke, check it out!

Malik, you dropped your comic!


♪ ♪

Look, Snout!

Betcha Wonder Wombat isn't

scared to ride a bike.

Betcha he isn't scared

of anything.

Check this out, Zeke!

♪ ♪


Look what I can do, Zeke!

♪ ♪


Cool, huh, Zeke?

♪ Ra-ta-ta-ta ♪

I'm Mighty Zeke!

The bravest Wombat

in all the land!

He wasn't even watching us.

He was pretending

to be a superhero.

I wish he was pretending

to be a superhero

who gets rid of

his training wheels.

Hey, that's it!

If we turn Zeke into

a brave superhero,

he wouldn't be scared

to ride his bike.


Now all we have to do

is concoct a secret formula

to turn Zeke into a superhero!

Or we could make

Zeke a costume

so he can pretend

to be a superhero?

Yep, that could work too.

Hey, Zeke?

You wanna be

a superhero?

A really brave one

who loves to ride his bike

without training wheels?

Yes! Whoo-hoo!


Hm, there's gotta be something

in these old clothes

we can use to make

a superhero costume.

Okay, where do we start?

Super powers!

All superheroes have powers.

Like flying through the air!


On it.

Time to find that

secret flying formula!

Or we make a pretend cape out

of something in all this stuff?

Yeah, that could work too.

Mighty Zeke will fly through

the air thanks to his...

mighty cape!

♪ Ra-ta-ta-ta ♪




Sorry, Mr. E.

Don't worry, Zeke,

we'll find you something

to make your

mighty cape out of.

Then, you'll be able

to swoop around stuff

before bumping into it.

Ifwe ever find something!

I wanna help!

Hey, this blanket would

make a perfect cape.

Uh... we need something

to hold it in place.


I have something!

Yep! It's in here,


Okay. Nope, that,

that is not it.


Oh, that's no good.


A-ha! Gotcha!

♪ ♪

That'll do it.

Thanks, Leiko!

Rock on.

I love how long it is!

Lemme test it out!

♪ Ra-ta-ta-ta ♪

I can fly!




Uh... help?

I'm stuck.


Sorry, Mr. E.

The cape's too long.

It made Zeke trip.


I know!

What if we improved the cape

by making it shorter,

so it won't get tangled up

in Zeke's feet?

Can I borrow this?

Please and thanks!


Zeke, lay down so I can

mark where to cut.

♪ ♪


♪ Ra-ta-ta-ta ♪

It worked!

What comes next?

A mask!

So Mighty Zeke can see

really, really far

and not ride

into anything.


Uh... here's something!

That's a hat,

not a mask.

Not if we cut it!

♪ ♪

I can't see!

How am I supposed to ride

my bike if I can't see?


I got an idea!

We need to cut eyeholes!

Go ahead, Zeke!

Try it out!


Can't-- I'm still frozen.

Sorry! Unfreeze!

How's it feel, Zeke?

Better, but I still can't see

that good.

Okie doke.

It just needs

a little more improving.

♪ ♪


Bigger eyeholes!

I can see much better!

What else does

the Mighty Zeke need?

Super strength!

So I can hold on super tight

to the handlebars

when I ride around.

We're gonna need...


Super gloves!



Uh, sorry, Mr. E.

These gloves are too big.

We need to improve them

so they stay on.

We can tape

the gloves on!

♪ ♪

Test them out again,




I am Mighty Zeke!

There's just one

little thing missing.

A sidekick!

Super Snout!

Yay, yay, yay!



Is that a superhero?

It's me! Zeke!


You're kidding!

We used a blanket for my cape,

and improved it

by making it shorter

so I wouldn't trip.


Then we made a mask

out of a hat.

We cut eyeholes

but they weren't big enough

so we made them bigger

so I could see.


Then we made super gloves

and taped them on

so they wouldn't fall off

and land on Mr. E's head!


What do ya say,

Mighty Zeke?

Are you ready to


I... think so?

(blowing loudly)

♪ ♪

Presenting the bravest,

the mightiest, and

the cutest superhero

the Treeborhood has ever seen!

Mighty Zeke!

Yay, yay, yay!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Heard you're being

a superhero today

and every superhero needs...


A Mighty Zeke-mobile?

Thank you, thank you,

thank you Grandma!



♪ ♪

I can do this.

I am brave.

♪ ♪

I can do this!

(inhales, exhales)






♪ ♪

Mighty Zeke is not afraid!


Don't worry, Snout!

Mighty Zeke will save you!

Be brave, Snout!

I'm coming!

(breathing heavily)


♪ ♪

I did it, Snout!

Mighty Zeke saved you!



My costume fell off.

I guess I'm not a

brave superhero anymore.

But you didn't

need the costume!

Oh Yeah!

If I rescued Snout

without a costume,


You sure are.

Hey, can you show me some of

your cool bike moves?

Oh, me too!

Watch this!

All right!

(cheering, laughing)

♪ ♪

♪ We're building

sandcastles ♪

♪ So many different ways ♪

♪ And working so hard ♪

♪ To protect them

from the waves ♪


♪ We'd better move fast ♪

♪ Or our castles won't last ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh no, boo-hoo ♪

♪ Now what can we do? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ To make a new castle ♪

♪ Let's create, test, improve ♪

♪ We need to find a way ♪

♪ To protect our castle

from the waves ♪

♪ To keep the water out ♪

♪ We'll build a sandy wall ♪

♪ If the water can't get in ♪

♪ Our castle

might not fall ♪

♪ Will it work?

Can it work? ♪

♪ This wall is too small ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh no, boo-hoo ♪

♪ Now what can we do? ♪

♪ To make a new castle ♪

♪ Let's create, test, improve ♪

♪ We need to find a way ♪

♪ To protect our castle

from the waves ♪

♪ Here's a good idea ♪

♪ Everyone take note ♪

♪ Our little wall didn't work ♪

♪ What if we dig a moat? ♪

♪ Will it work? ♪

♪ Will it work? ♪


♪ The moat held

the water back ♪

♪ Saved our castle from attack ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It worked ♪

♪ It really, really worked! ♪

♪ ♪


"Gift for a Fish."

♪ ♪

Flip! Flip! Flip! Flip!

I don't know...

It might end up

on the ceiling.

You can do it,

Grandma S!

You're the best flipper!


Pancakes, pancakes!

Pancakes, pancakes!

Ready... and flip!

♪ ♪

What in the world!?

Where'd that come from?

From the window!

It's unbelievable!

It went right through

the pancake and bam!

It looks like some

kind of envelope.


It's addressed to us!


It has all our names!

Let's open it!

I'll do it!

I'm great at

opening stuff.

I'm great, too.

Plus I'm the oldest!


Well, I'm the littlest!

I wanna open it!


Since it's addressed to:

"Super, Malik, Zadie,

and Zeke," we'll take turns.

♪ ♪


It looks like a puzzle.

It's the strangest thing...



It's an invitation!

To a Baby Fish Shower!

Tomorrow afternoon!


A shower?

Like, like where you

wash with soap?

No, a "shower" is also

a kind of celebration.

The Fishmans just had

three babies

and it looks like

they're throwing a party!

KIDS (chanting):

Party! Party! Party! Party!

If I know the Fishmans,

it'll be epic!

This we gotta see!

♪ ♪

Uh... don't you want

a pancake, first?

♪ ♪



Okay, a little

to the right.

Yep, okay,

back... back...

All right,

more... more...

Forward... okay.

Okay, a little...

just a little to the...

just a little more...






Uh, gotcha, Mr. E!

Well, I do

thank you.

Thank you.

What are you wombats

doing here?!

We wanted to see

the decorations.

Super said they'd be epic!

Well, as I am in charge,

I cannot disagree.

Feast your eyes,

my friends!


That looksawesome,Mr. E!

In addition to my services,

I am also giving the Fishmans

three baby bonnets from my

extremely popular

"Fancy Fish" line.

I'm knitting the fishies

a hammock.

Three whole stitches long!

AndI'mcomposing a song!

♪ Fish babies, oh babies ♪

♪ Don't it feel good

to be movin' ♪

♪ Into the Treeborhood ♪


(imitating guitar)

♪ Fins! Finny fins! ♪

Thank you,

thank you, Duffy.

(awkward chuckle)

And what willyou

be giving the fish babies? Hm?

Uh, I don't...


Did you know

we needed a gift?


Not at all.

Um, our gift is... a secret!

But it'll be

really, really good!

C'mon, Malik!

I know just the thing

for fish babies!


The Fishmanslovecrackers.

Okay, it costs three monies.

Uh, do we have three monies?

No, but I do

have an idea.

♪ ♪


(nervous chuckling)

Where'd we put

our monies?


Ah, right...

♪ ♪


That's all we have.

Not enough.


I know!

Let's make a present!

I was gonna to say that!

Me too!

Well, I beat ya to it.

Let's work it out,


ZADIE (gasps):

What about a bicycle

built for three?

Do baby fish ride bikes?

I don't know...

I don't know if they

juggle, either...

Or hippity hoop!

Well,Ilike to

hippity hoop.

But you're not a baby fish.

And you don't live under water.

I tried to hoop

under the water once...

but it kept floating up

and went off with a baby shark.


The truth is,

we don't know

anything about fish babies

or what they like to do.

Then how do we know

what present to make?

(Super clears throat)

Got a little hint for ya.

If you don't know the answer

to something, you can...?

Ask you!

Yup, or...

Ask Ellie!


Uh huh, uh huh, or...

See what Snout thinks!

Or you can work it out!

You can observe!

Look and listen to the

baby fish in action.

That's the best way to learn

what they like.



So it's okay if we observe your

babies to get some gift ideas?

Of course!

They're adorable.

I'll give you a hint, though.

Pebbles, we love 'em,

can't get enough.


Is there something else

they might like?

Something more fun?

Hm... I don't know.

You could ask 'em.

Though right now they

only speak fish.


Thanks, Mr. Fishman!

We'll keep pebbles in mind.

(polite chuckle)

Hey, little fishies!

What do you like to play?


they don't talk yet, they...

(flapping lips):


Like Super said, we'll have

to observe and see...



They're bopping the shells!

Take a picture!

(shutter clicks)

Got it. And look!

They're playing chase!

♪ ♪


And wriggling into the trees!

(shutter clicks)

"Fish like to

chase and wriggle."

What are they looking at?


They can see themselves

in the glass!

They're probably wondering

who they are!

That isso cute!

(shutter clicks)


We observed the fishies

for ten whole minutes

and got the best idea!


So many we didn't know

which one to choose.

So we chose them all!

We're gonna make a...



Fishy Play Thing!


I'm not sure I know

what that is...

It's gonna have four things

to play with.

Fishies like to bop shells,

so we're making some

boppy shell strings.

My idea! My idea!

And they like to wriggle,

so we're gonna make

a wriggle tube.

And a mirror so they can

look at themselves.


And because they like

to play chase,

we're making

an obstacle course

so they can

chase each other.

And then we're putting

all those things together...


Into a Fishie Play Thing!


I love how you

worked it out, Wombats.

What you little squishes

come up with sometimes!


Do you need any help?

♪ ♪

(dance music playing)

And that was

"Change Your Boots"--

whoo!-- for all you disco fans

out there.

And now, for a change of pace,

"Sopping Wet Socks."

Actually, now is the time

to thank Mr. And Mrs. Fishman

for this wonderful party.

And also a certain, ahem,

Mr. E.



Oh, it's nothing.

Please think of the

Everything Emporium

for all your party needs.

As Grandpa E. used to say--


Hear ye, hear ye!

The Wombats have a present

for the Fishmans!

But mostly for the babies!

Aw, you shouldn't have.

But I'm really glad you did!





It's a Fishie Play Thing!

Snout will demonstrate!

See, it's got shells to bop,

and a chasing place--

chase, chase, chase--

and a mirror for looking,

and a wriggle tube!

We got all these ideas

from the babies.

We observed them playing

and they showed us

what they liked to do!

Oh... oh... oh...

oh, oh, oh!

Bouncing bubbles,

it's magnificent!



Allow me.


(crying out)

Gotta be careful there,

Mr. E!

Of course, Ellie.

(dance music playing)

Care for a dance?

That is a thumbs up affirmative!

I, I mean-- sure!

♪ ♪


I think they like it!

I think theyreallylike it.

I think they love it.

And I think I wanna dance!


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪