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01x18 - A Sleep Story for Ellie/Super's Super Mug

Posted: 09/26/23 08:00
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When there's a problem,

what do we say? ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Where there's a will,

there's always a way ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ We've got ideas for days ♪

♪ Solve problems lots of ways ♪

♪ I love it when we play ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Hey, I'm Zadie,

bring on the problems ♪

♪ Try some different things

till we solve them ♪

♪ I'm Malik, we'll work it out,

just wait ♪

♪ We make some plans,

then we build and create ♪

♪ I'm Zeke, here's Snout,

we like to explore ♪

♪ Let's go do it,

one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Help's never far away,

that's for sure ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Come join the fun, get ready,

let's go! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats! ♪


♪ ♪



"A Sleep Story for Ellie."

Gonna try out

my latest invention,

the Hammer-Slammer !

(watch beeping)

That's amazing, Grandma Super!

Zadie's lemonade stand on wheels

has arrived!


I'm the lemonade maker!


Delicious lemonade, Zeke!



(hammering continues)

(hammering continues)

I don't mean to be a problem,

but when will

that pounding stop?

(watch beeps)

Thank you, Super.

Are you all right, Ellie?

You're talking to a bush.

I'm exhausted.

I haven't slept well in days.

Me and Snout also

couldn't sleep last night

because it was so hot.

But Super opened a window

and we fell right to sleep.

Maybe you should try that.

Fresh air is a good idea--

thanks, Snout.

I sometimes wear

a sleep mask over my eyes

to block out the light.

That's a good idea, too.


But what always helps me

fall asleep

is listening to my favorite

story time radio show.

It's calledSleepy Sleeptime

Stories for Sleepyheads.

They tell the most

soothing bedtime stories,

with calming sound effects, like

wind rustling through the trees.

(Ellie imitates

wind rustling)

(sigh contentedly)

And every night,

I crawl into bed,

turn on my radio, and listen to

a brand-new whispered story

with soothing sounds.

But the storytellers are on

vacation for three weeks,

so there are no

stories for me to listen to.

And so I can't sleep.


Ooh, what if I came up with

a bedtime story for you?


I could whisper it to you,

and Zeke and Malik could make

all the sounds to go with it.


Oh, yep!

That could work.

Zadie could tell

her story over a walkie talkie,

here at our house, while you use

the other walkie talkie

to listen to it, in bed.

I better start writing

the story!

And we better work out a way

to make

the sounds to go with it.



You all are such wonderful


Thank you so much.

Oh, my, Super,

your skin is quite dry.

Have you considered

using a moisturizer?

Okay, who should the

main character be in my story?

Who is the story about?

Snout says a dragon.

Uh-huh, what problem

does the dragon have?

A cold head.

And what does

the dragon like to eat?




Now for the sounds

that go with the story.

Name something

that makes a funny sound.


A growling tummy.

Something that goes splat!

And what's the most

relaxing sound we know?

Oh, a crackling fire

always makes me feel cozy.

Oh, the sound of rain always

makes Snout feel very sleepy.

What are all those cards for?

I made a card for each

sound that we hear in the story.

The cards will help us know

which sound to make and when.


Now I want to hear

your story.

(clears throat)

One night, a dragon sat in front

of a crackling fire

in a cozy home.

Sound number one:

crackling fire is the first

sound we'll need to make.

The dragon got hungry

and her tummy growled.

The tummy growl is

the second sound

we'll need to make.


Snout thinks "growling

tummies" sounds funny.

So the dragon decided

to go out into the forest

and get some

cheezy wheezy pizza from

the cheezy wheezy pizza tree.

But the dragon had a problem.

It was cold out,

and that gave her a cold head.

So she put on a hat.

The dragon walked

and walked into the forest

until she came to

the cheezy wheezy pizza tree.

(licks lips)

The sound of cheese

falling onto the dragon's hat

is the third sound we'll need

to make.



What happens?

What happens?


A big glob

of cheezy wheezy pizza cheese

splatted all over her hat.

The dragon was

so sad about her hat,

it even made the clouds sad.

The clouds were so sad,

they started to cry raindrops,

and the rain washed all

the cheese off the dragon's hat.

Rain is the fourth sound

we'll need to make,

because it's so relaxing,

it's sure to put Ellie to sleep.

And the dragon filled a bucket

with slices of

cheezy wheezy pizza

and went home and ate them--

the end.

That is the best story

ever written by anyone ever!

Ellie will love it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Okay, now we need

to work out a way

to make all the sounds

we need.

Before we start working out

how to make sounds,

we're going to need something

to collect the sounds in.


the Wombat sound wagon!

Once we find something

to use to make the sound,


I'll put it in the wagon.

It's a big job, but I can do it.

What sound comes first?

The first sound

we need is a crackling fire.

We can't use a real fire;

that is too dangerous.

Let's find something safe

that sounds like crackling fire.

We had a campfire

when we went camping.

What did that sound like?

Crackling fires

sound kind of crunchy.

I have an idea!

To the kitchen!



Sound wagon,

sound wagon,

finding sounds for a dragon...


(both giggle, horn honking)

Corn Poppers cereal.

When you add milk to it,

it makes a crackling sound.

Let's test it out.


(cereal crackling)

It sounds just like a fire.

(crackling stops)


When the cereal got soggy,

it stopped crackling.


Maybe if we used less milk,

it would crackle longer.


There's no more cereal left.

(bag crackling)

Malik, that was it! Listen!

(bag crackling)

When you push

the bag into the box,

it sounds like

a crackling fire!


Let's add the box

and the bag to the sound wagon.

And I'll draw

the cereal box on the card

with the crackling fire.

The card will help us remember

which sound to make and when.

What's next?

The second sound is

the growling tummy sound.

(roars loudly)

That's a sound!

Malik, you can make

the dragon's tummy growl.

Third is something that sounds

like gooey melted cheese

falling on a hat.

Like a big, wet splat.

We need something wet,

drippy, and messy.

LOUISA (over intercom): 

Attention, Treeborhood friends!

I am having a mud party in

the garden and you are invited.

The end!


A mud party?

Mud is wet,

and drippy, and messy.

Let's go!

(horn honks)

Beep, beep!

(all giggle)

(horn honking)

♪ ♪

Hello, welcome to my mud party.

May I see your tickets,


Here are our tickets.

Thank you!

You may enter.

(mud splats)

That mud hitting

the ground sounds like

a cheese splat to me.


I wonder how this will sound?



A lot like this!

(Malik groans, mud splats)


(laughing, mud splatting)

We found the

gooey cheese sound!

But now we need a bath.

Too bad we don't need

to find a bubble bath sound.

Yeah, but we do need

the sound of the rain

when it washes the cheese

off the dragon's hat.

That's the most important sound,

because it's sure to put Ellie

to sleep.

(water trickling)


That sounds just like rain!

Do it again!

(water trickling)

We can use the sound

of the watering can

pouring water into

the bowl for our rain sound.



Hey, little squishes,

it's time for Ellie's story.


When you tell your story

into this walkie talkie,

Ellie will hear it in bed

through the other walkie talkie.

(static buzzing)

Ellie, can you hear me? Over.

I can hear you, Super.

I'll let you know

when I'm in bed

and ready to go to sleep. Over.

Snout says it's easier to sleep

if you aren't hot

and have fresh air.

Will do, Snout.

If a little fresh air is good,

a lot will be better.

I think I'll sleep outside.


(acorn plonks)


I'm ready for my bedtime story.


One night, a dragon sat

in front of a crackling fire

in her cozy home.

(bag crackling)

That sounds

just like a crackling fire.


It's so relaxing.

The dragon got hungry

and her tummy growled.



That was a loud belly growl!


The dragon decided to

go get some

cheezy wheezy pizza from

the cheezy wheezy pizza tree.

But she had a problem:

a cold head.

So the dragon put on her knitted

cap to keep her noggin warm.


I'm opening the front door

to let in some fresh air!

And now I'm opening the back

door to let Ellie out!

The dragon came

to the cheesy wheezy pizza tree

and some cheese splatted

on her hat.

(mud splats)

That does sound

like gooey cheese.

Getting cheese on her hat

made the dragon very sad.

And seeing her sad,

made the clouds so sad

that they rained tears.

(water trickling)


So relaxing.


And the rain washed all

the cheesy goo off her hat.

And the dragon filled

her bucket with pizza

and went home and ate it.

The end.


That was a wonderful story.


I wonder if it worked?

(Ellie snoring)

Uh, that'd be a yes.

(all laughing)



(giggle softly)

♪ ♪

♪ Look what I made!

A new mystery game! ♪

♪ What does this

mysterious box contain? ♪

♪ You can feel

but you can't see! ♪

♪ Reach right in ♪

♪ And make a guess for

me! ♪

♪ It's not very big,

no, not big at all ♪

♪ I can pinch

it with two fingers ♪

♪ This thing's really small ♪


♪ Gotta guess, gotta guess,

put your thinking to the test! ♪


♪ It's thin and long

from side to side ♪

♪ Could a magic wand

be what's inside? ♪

Nope, guess again.


♪ Mystery box ♪

♪ What's inside? ♪

♪ Use your touch

and not your eyes! ♪

♪ One end is smooth,

the other is rough ♪

♪ It kind of tickles

when I touch ♪


♪ Gotta guess, gotta guess,

put your thinking to the test! ♪


♪ I've felt that before,

I know what you've got! ♪

♪ A paintbrush

is hiding in the mystery box! ♪


Nope, guess again.


♪ Mystery box, what's inside? ♪

♪ Use your touch

and not your eyes! ♪

♪ When I flick it,

it makes a sound! ♪

♪ I know I've heard that

sound around! ♪


♪ We know what it is,

we know what you've got! ♪

♪ A toothbrush is hidden ♪

♪ In the mystery box! ♪

You got it!


♪ Mystery box, what's inside? ♪

♪ We used our touch

and not our eyes! ♪

♪ Mystery box, we figured out ♪

♪ What was inside! ♪


"Super's Super Mug."

♪ ♪

Who do I bounce it to


Me, me! Bounce it to me!

Snout! He hasn't had a turn yet.

♪ ♪

(guitar playing)


(all grunt)

No throwing balls

inside the house, squishes.

But we were

outside the house.

Yeah, the ball came

into the house without us.


Okay, my squishes.

How do you like my new mug?

(kids reacting)

I love it, it's awesome.

Quique gave it to me

to celebrate our friend-versary.

It's my absolute favorite mug.

QUIQUE (over intercom): 

Super! Super!

Super! Super!

Quique? What's wrong?

It's the new

motorized skateboard ramp.

The sides keep

getting higher and higher.

Uh-oh-- now it's stuck in

one big circle!

I'm on my way.

Gotta run and fix

Sammy's skateboard ramp.

See you later, taters.

It's going to fall--

I'll catch it!

(yelping, grunts)


I'm all right.

Oh, no!


Super will be so sad.

Her favorite mug

is now smashed to bits.

(chuckles nervously):

Uh, it's not smashed to bits.

It's just a little,

uh, cracked.

Maybe we can fix it.

We just need something

sticky to put the handle back on

and seal up the cracks.

You know, close them up so

the water doesn't come through.

Now, what's sticky?

How about tape? Tape is sticky!

We can use tape to fix it.

To the Anything-You-Need Drawer

to find the tape.


Where's the tape?

I just remembered--

I left it in my art box.

Hm, I know

it's in here somewhere.

(Malik clears throat)


We need a really

long piece of tape.


Look, the mug's fixed!

That looks terrible.


At least the handle's on.

Let's test it out to see

if the tape sealed the cracks.

(water drips)

It's working!


It was working,

but now it's leaking.

So tape doesn't work.

Okay, time to fix this.

What else is sticky?

Glue! Glue is sticky.

No glue in here.

I know where to find some.

(squeezes bottle)

It's dried out.

Who left the top off?


Okay, we all did.

What else is sticky besides tape

and glue?

Thinking positions.


I've got a plan.

We can use our favorite thing

of all-- honey!


♪ We forgot something! ♪

(murmuring happily)

SUPER (over intercom): 

Hey, squishes, you there?

(all gasp)

What is it, Grandma?

How's Sammy's ramp?

I lowered the ramps.

But now it's stuck

in the lowest position.

(Sammy yawns)

Can you bring my Rampy-Clampy?

I think I left it in

the Anything-You-Need Drawer.


Trust me, it's not in there.

Huh, then, it must be

where I last left it.

I'll be home in two shakes of

a salt shaker to find it.

Oh, no!

We've got to fix her mug before

she gets here and sees it.

Zeke, you go be lookout--

yell if you see Super.

Snout, do you see Grandma Super?

Neither do I.


Grandma Super?

What is it, Zeke?

Could you give a holler

when you're almost home?

Sure thing!

Ah, little fella misses me.


This honey is

a good choice because I can

still see

the picture on the mug.


But will it hold water?

Uh, let's test it out.


The water washed

off the honey.

How do we fix this?

Okay, we need something


that won't rinse off

or cover the picture.

I have another plan.

Super! Super!

Zeke, where do

you keep your stash of taffy?

You're hungry? Now?

No, we need it for the mug

because taffy is sticky enough

to keep the handle

on and seal the cracks,

and it won't wash away.

Oh, why didn't you say so?

I'll get it.

I hide it so

Zadie won't eat it all.

Hey, I heard that.


(tune playing)

(tune stops)

Here's the taffy!

Got it!


Keep pushing it into the cracks.

The taffy is

the same color as the mug.

It's going to look so good.


I'm almost home, Zeke!

Stall her!

What does "stall her"


It means keep her outside

for as long as you can.

Super, Super,

where are you?

I'm home!

Oh, no! I mean, hi, Super!

Want to do the hokey pokey?

Maybe later.

Snout missed you,

he wants a hug.

Stay right there, okay?

Don't move!

What's that squish up to, Snout?

It's stuck!

(both grunt)

Now I'm stuck!

This taffy is too sticky.

Hello! I'm back

for my Rampy Clampy!


If I can remember

where I left it.

Super, we have some

sad news.

When you slammed the door,

the ball rolled into

your mug and smashed it.

Got it, back to the ramp!


Whew, okay,

that was close.

We still have

time to fix the mug.

Let's get unstuck.


(all gasp)


We didn't make it better.

We made it worse!

It's time to fix this again.

I think we might need to

ask someone for help.

Yeah, someone who is helpful

and likes to fix things.

And who has lots

and lots of sticky things.



To the Creation Station!


Tell me what you've tried

so far to fix this.


It kept the handle on,

but it didn't stop the leaks.

It also covered up the picture

and we got tangled up in it.


Then we tried honey.

It didn't cover the picture,

but it didn't seal the leaks

or fix the handle.


Then we tried taffy--

it didn't cover up the picture,

but it was so sticky

that we got stuck to the mug.

Oh, I know what will fix it.


Mr. E's Ooey Gooey Goo.

Oh, yeah, I remember

that stuff!

♪ It can bounce, it can stick ♪


♪ Yes, it's ooey gooey true ♪

♪ There is nothing my

Ooey Gooey Goo can't do! ♪



(all giggling)


Now to dry it.

(machine whirring)

(bell rings)

Now it's time

for the test.


It worked! It worked!

The goo, it worked!

It really, really worked!


Hey, what's wrong?

♪ Nothing's wrong, we fixed it,

the cracks aren't leaking ♪

♪ And the handle is back on! ♪


But, look.

The goo

that sealed up the cracks

made the mug look awful.

Wait a minute--

I have a plan.

All that mug

needs is a little love.

And I've got just the thing.

Oh, yeah, it's,

it's in my pouch, somewhere.

I just have to, oh, oh, okay,


That's definitely not it-- oh,

I was looking for those shoes.

(shoes honk)


♪ Got it! ♪

You can use these things to make

the mended parts look beautiful.

Yeah, we can paint

over the muddy-colored lines

and glue on some shells.

Let's work it out, wombats!

♪ ♪

Good news!

Sammy's ramp is working.


Back to my relaxing.

Now, where's my mug?

Oh, yes, I left it

in the kitchen.


Huh, I thought I left

my mug on the counter.

Hey, squishes,

have you seen my new mug?

Here it is.

You gift-wrapped my mug?

Well, um, uh...

When you left to go over

to Sammy's,

you slammed the door so hard the

Mega Bouncy Ball broke your mug.

We didn't want you to feel bad,

so we tried to fix it.

But it's not the same

as it was before.

Oh, my stars!

Leiko helped us use

goo to put it back together.

We painted over the cracks in

gold to make them look pretty.


And we added seashells

because you love the beach.

So... Do you like it?

I don't like it.

(all gasp)

I absolutely love it!


Even more than before.


Well, you've funned it up.

(kids cheering)

Oh, I love your new

and improved mug, Super.

It's very beautiful.

If you want,

you can break yours.

And then we'll fix it,

just like Grandma Super's.

You know, I'm good,

but thanks for the offer.



♪ ♪