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01x15 - Moo Moo Choo Choo/Lake Bellyflop

Posted: 09/26/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
When there's a problem,

what do we say?

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

When there's a will,

there's always a way

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

We've got ideas for days

Solve problems lots of ways

I love it when we play

All together

Hey, I'm Zadie,

bring on the problems

Try some different things

till we solve them

I'm Malik, we'll work it out,

just wait

We make some plans,

then we build and create

I'm Zeke, here's Snout,

we like to explore

Let's go do it,

one, two, three, four

Help's never far away,

that's for sure

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

Come join the fun, get ready,

let's go!

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!




"The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo."

(train whistle blows)


Oh, no!

Come on.

Oh, no.

That's a berry big bummer.



Come in, Super.

Super, here.

I've got

a strawberry pudding emergency

in the café!

What's the problem?

The pudding dispenser

is spewing pudding

everywhere and

making a giant mess!



I'm on my way, Duffy.

I won!

(door opens)


(motor running)

There's a huge pudding eruption

at the café.

Got to go.

(motor putters)

Pudding eruption?

Last one there is

the stinky cheese.


(machine whirring)

My new pudding dispenser

is broken.

Mmm... yum.



That's an ooey, gooey

delicious mess.


Stand back, little squish.

This is a job for...

my Super Sucker Vacuum.



(vacuum whooshes)


Look at that vacuum go!


Mmm... yum.

Let me at that pudding.

(vacuum whirs)




No fair!

Sorry, kiddo.

This baby has a mind of its own.

Thank you, Super.

You saved the day.


That thing ate all the pudding.

No fair.

(Super laughs)

The vacuum didn't "eat"

the pudding.

It sucked it up

into this bag, see?


Sorry, Squish.

Here you go, Duffy.

This bag's full.

Can you dump this out

while I change the bag

to suck up the rest?

(pudding sloshes)

(phone buzzes)


The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo

is coming through!



I have no idea

what she's talking about,

but that was fun.

I've got to tell everyone

in the Treeborhood.


Every time the rope

comes around, you... jump!

Around and-- whoa!



(kazoo plays fanfare)

SUPER (over speaker): 


Treeborhood residents.

The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo

is a-comin' through.


The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo?

Let's go!


(train whistle blowing)

(train clattering)

Chugga-Chugga Moo-Moo!

The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo

is a train?




It's fantastically,

wonderfully wonderful

to see you, old friend.

Oh, and these must be

your little grandwombats.

Hi, I'm Malik.

I'm Zadie.

I'm Zeke. And I'm not little.

I'm this big.

Oh, you're right.

My mistake.

I think you're big enough

to wear my conductor hat.

Yes, I am.



(rope whipping

the air)

Ooh. (coughs)

Ugh. I meant to do that.


It's so good to see you.

You too, Ellie.

Can you stay awhile?

Moo. Ugh, I'm afraid

I can't stay long.

I'm picking up passengers

for a tour through

the Woodsy Woods.

It's beautiful

this time of year.

Ooh, pretty.

Ooh, pretty!

I'm just stopping here

to deliver Super's new

hot air balloon in a box.


My old one has

a hole in it.



I promise to come back

soon for a longer visit.

Don't worry.

Sylvia will be back. (laughs)


(train rattling)


Here's your hat!

You keep it, kiddo.

It looks great on you.


(Sylvia cries out)

(liquid splashes)


Oh, no!

That's Silvia.

Something's wrong.



(wheels spinning)

Oh, Moo.

Now what will I do?

The Moo-Moo Choo-Choo is

stuck in the muddy goo-goo.

We've got to help.

Oh, Moo.

All right,


Thinking positions.

I got it!

We can get

a big strong dragon

to fly down and pull the train

out of the mud.

I love that idea!

I've always wanted

to meet a dragon.

MR. E:

I'm not so sure that would work.

What if the dragon

refuses to help us?

Plus, I'm not sure

dragons are real.


I bet all of us working together

would be as strong as a dragon.

We could tie my jump rope

to the train,

and together

we could pull it out.

I love that idea!

Okay, on three--

one, two, three.


(rope creaking)

(gasps and sighs)

It's too heavy

to pull.

Oh, Moo.

Don't worry, Silvia.

We just need to fix this.

Yeah. But how?


This calls for extreme

thinking positions.


I've got it!

We weren't able to pull

the train out of the mud.

So what if we lifted

the train out instead

with Super's hot-air balloon?

If we tie Super's balloon

to the top of the train

with Ellie's jump rope,

it will lift

the train out of the mud.

I love that idea!

If I take off

some of these heavy sandbags,

the balloon just might lift

the train out of the mud.


Oops, sorry.



It's working!


(ropes creak)



Not again.

Oh, moo!

Well, that was a mud dud.

We need to fix

the problem... again.

But how?

Let's put our heads

together and think.

We couldn't pull the train

out of the mud

or lift it out of the mud.

Well, instead of moving

the train,

how about we try

to move the mud?

But there's so much of it.

And it's so ooey-gooey.

Just like that pudding.



Are you thinking what

we think you're thinking?


That if this mud was pudding

I could eat it?

I am thinking that.

No. What if we

sucked up the mud

the same way Super

sucked up the pudding?


With my Super Sucker Vacuum.


(vacuum whirring)


(cheering continues)

It's working!

(bag bursts,

everyone gasping)

Oh, moo.

That almost worked.

We need to fix

the problem again.

But how?

Sucking up the

mud was working

until the

vacuum bag popped.

That's right.

Too bad we don't have

a bigger vacuum bag,

one that's big enough

to hold all the mud.

We could use

Super's new balloon.


All right!

Now that's a plan.

We can deflate the balloon

and use it

as a giant vacuum bag.


We love that idea!


I think that's good.

All right.

Paws and claws crossed.

ALL: Go, go,

go, go, go, go

go, go, go, go!


Go, go, go!


You did it!

You worked it out

and got my train out of the mud.


(whooping and cheering)



We worked it out, Wombats.

How can I ever thank you?

Uh, I know.

Would you like to go with me

to the Woodsy Woods

to see the sights?

I love, love, love that idea!



(cheering, laughter)



It's party time,

we're feeling good

Everybody coming

from the Treeborhood

It's the Wombat Wiggle

Sure to make you giggle

First wave your arms

in the air

Next stomp your

feet, to the beat

Then shake your tail

like you just don't care

Shake it


Knock, knock, who's there

Open the door... ♪

It's Ellie!

Show us your Wombat Wiggle

on the dance floor

Go Ellie, go Ellie,

go, go, go

Knock, knock, who's there,

Open the door...

It's JunJun.

Show us

your Wombat Wiggle

on the dance floor

Go Junjun, go Junjun,

go, go, go

Knock, knock, who's there,

open the door...

It's Mr. E.

Show us your Wombat Wiggle

On the dance floor

Go Mr. E, go Mr. E,

go, go, go

Knock, knock, who's there?

Open the door...

It's Louisa.

Show us

Your Wombat Wiggle

on the dance floor

Go Louisa, go Louisa,

go, go, go

Knock, knock, who's there

Open the door

ZADIE: Come on, Super,

come on, Super

Let's see some more

Show us your Wombat Wiggle

on the dance floor

ALL: Go Super, go Super,

go, go, go!


"Lake Bellyflop."


I spy with my little eye

someone dancing?

(polka music playing)



Is it Ellie?




You'll never guess who it is.

Let me see.


Who knew Mr. E liked to dance?

It's my turn to play.

I spy with my little eye

something red and shiny.

You're just spying Snout.

No, I'm not.

I'm I-spying Snout's new ribbon.

Isn't it pretty?

He does look snazzy,

but maybe try I-spying

something farther away.

Okay. I spy with

my little eye...

something blue and sparkly.

Something sparkly?

Like secret treasure?


Nope. Not treasure.

It's blue.


Like blueberries?


Not blueberries.

It's blue and sparkly and wet.

And you can swim in it

because it's a lake.

I didn't know there was

a lake in the Treeborhood.


I've always dreamed

of being an adventurer,

exploring new places,

and meeting new friends.

(in deeper voice): I love

exploring with you, Zadie.

Let's go on an adventure

to the lake.



(music playing on radio)



Wow, Super.

That's cool.

Can you show me how to

clean floors like that?

Sure thing.


You two go ahead

without me.

I'll meet you there.

The two brave adventurers

beginning their journey

to the mystical lake.

First, they climbed down

the tallest mountain

ever to be seen.


Looks like a small hill to me.

And just beyond the leafy bush,

they found the beautiful...

mud pit?


That's not the lake.

This can't be right.

Looks right to me.



We need a new plan.

We are looking for the lake,

and all we found

was a mud pit.

Let's head back

and find Malik.

How do we get home?

I don't know the way.

There's the Treeborhood.

All we have to do is

head back towards it.

Those are some pretty

smooth dance moves.

Thanks for helping, Malik.

It was fun.

See you later, Grandma Super.

I'm gonna go find

Zadie and Zeke.

(bush rustles)



Uh, who goes there?

It's us.

We couldn't find the lake.

It was so easy to see

from up on the deck

of the Starlight Room.

Why can't we find it now?

It's because we could see

everything from up there.

Down here, all we can see is

what's in front of our faces.


I have an idea!

Follow me.

Since we can see the lake

through this telescope,

I'll stay up here and give you

directions to get there

using these walkie-talkies.

Then, once you get to the lake,

I'll meet you there.

This is Stargazer,

ready to give directions.

Who's Stargazer?

That's my adventurer name.

Oh! We get new names.

Then, I want to be...

(fake whispering)

The Rock Whisperer.

And, I'll be...

Adventure Wombat.


Go down to the Big Blooming Bush

and wait

for further instructions.


We're at the Big Blooming Bush.


Head to the bottom of the hill.

Ooh! Nice rocks.

There are two paths here.

Which one should we take?

Take the one that heads in

through the woods. Over.

We're at a stream. Over.

Now what?

Hop across the stream

on those three flat stones.


Hey! Pretty river rocks.

Oh. You want to come along?


Now what? Over.

Take the path through the cave.


Going through. Over.



I've never seen

so many pretty rocks

in my whole life.



you've got to see

this lake up close.

It's gorgeous.

I'll be right there. Over.


I don't know

how to find the lake

without looking

through the telescope. Over.

Uh, we don't remember

the way you told us to go.

Meet us back at the

Big Blooming Bush

so we can make a plan.


If we're all down here,

then there isn't anyone

to look through the telescope

to tell us where to go.

This reminds me of Snout's

favorite Sticker Monster book:

The Cookie Caper.

Sticker Monster left

a trail of cookies

so she could find

the cookie jar again and again.

That's it!

We need trail markers.


Uh, what's a trail marker?

Real adventurers

use trail markers

to make sure they can find

their discoveries again.

So if I tell you how to get

to the lake from up there,

and you leave trail markers

for me behind down here,

then I can follow the

trail markers to the lake.

I'll let you know when

I get back up there.

Zeke, look around for something

we can use as trail markers.


When did my backpack get so



What's in there?

Rocks. I've been

collecting them

for my rock collection.


Oh! Let's use those rocks

as trail markers.


Head down the hill.

Now, mark the path through

the woods with the rocks.

Mark the three flat stones

you used to cross the stream.

(rocks splashing)

Now mark the way into the cave.

We're at the lake. Over.

On my way. Over.


There are rocks everywhere.

I can't tell

which ones you left.

The pretty ones. Over.

They all look

pretty to me.

Meet me back at

the Big Blooming Bush.

This didn't work.


Okay. Rocks don't

make good markers

'cause there are

too many rocks

on the trail already.

You can't tell which

ones are the markers

and which ones aren't.

We need a trail marker

that doesn't look like

the other things on the trail.

How do we fix this?

What if we use

these red flower petals?

They're easy to spot,

and I didn't see anything

like them on the trail.

Let's try it.

Mark the path through the woods

with the flower petals.

Mark the three flat stones

as you cross the stream.

(wind blows)

And mark the way into the cave.

(wind blows)

We're at the lake. Over.

(wind blowing)

I saw Zadie drop flower petals.

Uh, where'd they go?

(wind blows)


The new flower petal

trail markers blew away.

Meet me back

at the Big Blooming Bush. Over.

How do we fix it now?

We need another trail marker.

Rocks don't work because

there are too many rocks

on the trail already,

and I couldn't tell which ones

were the trail markers

and which were

just regular rocks.

And the flower petals were easy

to see, but they blew away.

We need something

that is easy to see

and won't blow away.

(wind blowing)

Zeke! Snout's ribbon.

The wind is blowing,

but it isn't blowing it away.

I wish we had

more ribbon like it.

We would definitely see it,

and we could tie it to things

so it wouldn't blow away.

Your wish is granted.

Super gave me a whole thing of

red ribbon to use for Snout.

Let's do this!

Mark the path through

the woods with the ribbon.

Mark the three flat stones

you use to cross the stream.


Mark the way through the cave.

We're at the lake.

I see the ribbon!


Stargazer has arrived.


You made it!

We did it.

We worked it out, Wombats.

We tried all kinds of markers

and finally found one

that worked.


This place is amazing.


I wish Super could see this.

Let's go get her.

Those ribbons were sure helpful.


Lake Bellyflop.

I haven't been here in years.

Back in the day,

me and my very best friend,

Beatrice Beaver,

would spend all day here.

I wonder whatever happened

to Beatrice?


Super? Is that you?


Where have you been

all these years?

I've been traveling the globe,

searching for the best place

to bellyflop into.

I realized Lake Bellyflop

is the best lake

in the world.

But, I didn't know

where to find it--

until today, that is.

I was able to find

old Lake Bellyflop

because the trail

was marked with ribbon!

My grandwombats did that.

Ah, smart thinking, kids.

Love how you

worked it out.

Well? What are we waiting for?

Belly... belly... belly...

