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01x06 - Crab Quakes/Hopping Helpers

Posted: 09/26/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When there's a problem, what do we say? ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Where there's a will, there's always a way ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ We've got ideas for days ♪

♪ Solve problems lots of ways ♪

♪ I love it when we play ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Hey, I'm Zadie, bring on the problems ♪

♪ Try some different things till we solve them ♪

♪ I'm Malik, we'll work it out, just wait ♪

♪ We make some plans, then we build and create ♪

♪ I'm Zeke, here's Snout, we like to explore ♪

♪ Let's go do it, one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Help's never far away, that's for sure ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Come join the fun, get ready, let's go! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ ♪


MALIK: "Crab Quakes"!


(rattling sound)


(rattling continues)


(shrieking, rattling continues)

(knocking, crabs yelling)

Hmm, that sounds like Kat, Kit, Carly, Cece, and Clyde.


What's going on?

We heard the weirdest and scariest sound!

It was scary and weird!

Kat, hold my claw.

Well, I don't hear anything now.

How about you all get some sleep,

and we'll sort it out in the morning.

Good night.


(sneezes, wombats gasp)

We got scared out of our house last night.

By a weird and scary sound.

So scary and weird.

CARLY: We ran all the way to you house

to get away from it!

What was it?

Don't know what it was or...

Where it came from!

Ooh, a mystery!

♪ ♪

Detective Wombats will solve the mystery

of the weird and scary sound!

Wombats, roll!


Let's start by writing down everything we know so far.

You heard a weird and scary sound.

Hm, that's a yes.

Where were you when you heard the sound?

In our bedroom.

Was it coming from inside or outside?

All sides.

Can you make the sound,

so Zadie can record it?

(imitating rattling sound)


ZEKE: Eeeeeeee!

Sounds like a tap-dancing dragon,

with a nose like a kazoo!

Really? A dragon?

It can't be a dragon!

We don't even know what

a tap-dancing, kazoo-nosed dragon sounds like.

Maybe it sounds like...

(recording of crabs imitating rattling sound)

I mean, it's possible.

Well, we can't just guess.

We have to go to your house to find what caused the sound

that scared you last night.

Wanna come with us?

No, thanks!

We're good.

Really, no thanks.

Tell your parents we're heading to your house, okay?

Time to solve the mystery

of the weird and scary sound!

What's that for?

To catch the dragon!

(slurping tea)


(door opens)

Detective Wombats are going to our house.

To investigate what caused...

The sound.

I hope they find...

The cause of that weird and scary sound.

They will, and you're welcome to stay here until they do.

(slurping tea)

Are we interrupting your day or...

Keeping you from anything?


Not at all, I've got a light schedule.

Not much on my to-do-list today...

Make yourselves at home!

Thank you.

That's super, Super!

Are they making themselves at home by leaving?

(truck approaching)


MR. E (sleep talking): Price check on garbanzo beans.

(snorts) Huh, what?

(yawns) Sorry.

Mmm, didn't get much sleep last night.

No excuses, Mr. E, get back to work!

The Crab Kids heard the weird

and scary sound in their bedroom.

So that's where we'll look first.

Good thinking, Malik.

(doorbell rings) Ah!

Hear that?

You push a button, and it rings a bell!

Yeah, that's a doorbell.

(rings doorbell)

I'll play the weird and scary sound.

(crabs imitating rattling sound)

Not the same sound.

The doorbell did not cause

the weird and scary sound.

This way.

♪ ♪


Hear that?

I don't hear anything.

(footsteps receding)

There it is again!

When we stop walking, I don't hear it anymore.

It's the sound of our footsteps, Zeke.


I was hoping it was that dragon.

Me too.

There. Is. No. Dragon!

SUPER: I was really looking forward to vacuuming the carpet

but fizzle-flip, let's fun it up!

I've never sculpted with sand before but...


♪ ♪





Not bad for my first try!


Make the toy dinosaur go, and we'll listen

to see if it caused the weird and scary sound.


(flips switch, crabs imitating rattling sound)

Nope, not the same as the weird and scary sound.

(balloon inflating)

It was you,

wasn't it, Balloon?

(balloon deflates)

Not the same sound.

There's gotta be something in here

that caused that weird and scary sound.

Gather up anything that makes a sound.

One of you is responsible for scaring the crabs

out of their home!

(rubber duck squeaks)

Too squeaky.

(toy squishes)

Too squishy.

(toy rustles)

Not even close.

(cymbals crashing)

(car engine)

(blows horn)

(sputters, gasps)

Hmm, maybe we missed something.

Zadie, play back all the sounds.

Good thinking, Malik!

(previous sounds playing)

(squeaking, squishing, cymbals crashing)

(car engine, horn blowing)

And now I'll play the weird and scary sound.

(crabs imitating scary sound)


(sighs) We didn't find the sound.

Let's go home.

♪ ♪

Shhh, they're napping!

SUPER: They didn't get much sleep last night.

Did you find what caused the weird and scary sound?

ALL: No.

I'm sure you'll work it out, Wombats.

Like how I beached it up in here?



Got everything at the Everything Emporium.

Mr. E, poor guy, said he didn't get much sleep last night.

(gasps) Carly, Cece, and Clyde didn't get much sleep last night.

And same for Mr. E!

Maybe he got woken up by the weird and scary sound too!

And maybe he knows what caused it.

Or he has a dragon.

(sighs) There's no-- never mind.


(door opens, bell rings)

(snorts) Clean-up on aisle two?

We've got some questions for you, Mr. E.

Why didn't you get much sleep last night?


I had to work late, there was a night delivery.

How come stuff gets delivered at night?

(yawns) So I can put it on the shelves

before I open the store in the morning.

Who made the delivery? Was it a dragon?

What got delivered?

I'll show you.

It's a free sample

of a new toy.

I told you there was a dragon!

(winds up toy dragon)


Is that what I think it is?

(rattling sound continues)

I think so!

(crabs imitating rattling)

We found what caused the sound

that scared the crabs out of their home!

Last night I wound it up, just to see what it does,

and started making such a noisy sound

that I had to chase it, chase it down.

I chased it all the way to the sand castle.



Put it back in the box and... (snoring)

We worked it out, Wombats!

During our investigation, we found a lot of sounds

that weren't the weird and scary sound,

and one that was.

It's a dragon!


Yes, a dragon caused the weird and scary sound,

and we're going to show it to you.


See, I just have to wind it up and then...

(rattling sound)

That's it!

It is it, it's weird!

But not scary!

How come it's not scary anymore?

Because it surprised you.

And you didn't know what was causing the sound.

It's not scary now,

CARLY, CECE, CLYDE: Because we know what it is!

♪ ♪



(ball pops)




♪ ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ When there's something that's confusing ♪

♪ And all you want to do instead of snoozing ♪

♪ Aaah! Is hide under your covers ♪

♪ Aaah! Is hide under your covers ♪

♪ Something weird or something scary ♪

♪ Might not be so very very ♪

♪ Aah, you see? Something's going on ♪

♪ Aah, you see? Something's going on ♪

(flipping switch rhythmically)

♪ You can figure out what's going on ♪

♪ By asking how and why and what you think is going on ♪

ZADIE: ♪ And if you keep on searching ♪

♪ You'll come upon the cause ♪

♪ The cause of what is going on ♪

♪ ♪

ALL: ♪ ‘Cause when you're face to face ♪

♪ With something new it might be just a shadow ♪

♪ That is fooling you ♪

ZEKE: ♪ And now I'll get to sleep ♪

♪ ‘Cause the mystery's gone ♪

ALL: ♪ It's nice to know what's going on ♪

♪ It's nice to know what's going on ♪

♪ It's nice to know what's going on ♪

♪ ♪

ZADIE: "Hopping Helpers!"

♪ ♪

(wombats whooping)

SUPER: Whoo hoo!


Ha ha!

Gramma Super!

Like my moves? I've been practicing.

I don't think anyone in the Treeborhood

needs my help today.

So, I'll be down by Lake Bellyflop if you need me.

Ready for lift off, Zeke?

Ready! (inhales)

Right... now!


Ha ha!

ALL: Bye, Grandma!

(intercom buzzes)

I'll get it!

No, I'll get it!

Let me get it!

(clicks intercom)

ALL: Hello?!

GABRIELA (over intercom): Kumusta, it's Gabriela.

Is Super around?

(nervous laugh) I could use a little help.

Super isn't here.

(mutes intercom) What should we do?

We can help!

Yeah, let's do it.

(un-mutes intercom)

We're on our way!

GABRIELA: I have all this mail to deliver,

but I don't know how I'm going to deliver it.

What happened?

Did someone forget the stamps?


Are there big words on the envelope that you can't read?

That happens to me, 'cause I can't read yet.

Oh no, I can't find my glasses.

So I can't read who I'm supposed to deliver the mail to.

Oy, I've looked everywhere for them!

Why the funny looks?

Because, Gabriela, they are right here

on top of your head.

My glasses, you found them!

Oh, salamat!

Thank you!

You three are really good helpers.

Now I can deliver the mail, ooh!

Who... knew... helping... could

make... me... so... happy?

Let's... do it... again.

Yeah, we could be the Hopping Helpers,

and help anyone who needs, well, help!

What do we do next?

We could build a great big building

with our names on the door.

Uh, oh, I know.

We can just use our old lemonade stand.

That could work too.


Our very own Hopping Helpers desk.

Now we can help the whole Treeborhood!

If you have problems big or small,

we can help, just give us a call.

How will we know who needs help?

ZADIE: Attention Treeborhood, this is...



Zeke and Snout.

The Hopping Helpers!

If you have problems, big or small,

we can help, just give us a call.

(blows horn loudly)

Think anyone's gonna call?

(intercom buzzes)

That was quick.

Hopping Helpers, how may we help you?

Hi, Hopping Helpers!

We heard your message.

We need you in the Sow ‘N Grow Garden!

We're hopping to it!

♪ ♪

Oh, thanks for coming!

You hopped here quickly!

If you have problems, big or small,

we can help, just give us a call.

(blows horn)


Well, at least we're starting on a high note!

Yes, ha, very high indeed!

Now, tell us your problem.

Well, we need to get to dance class.

But before we go, we have to plant all

these tomato seeds!

Yes, all these tomato seeds,

in this long row of dirt.

That is a lot of dirt,

and a lot of seeds.

But guess what? To us, it's:

ALL: No problem!

♪ ♪

(grunts) Oops.

Oh no, no, no, no, that doesn't look right!

No, no, no, no, not at all!

All right, that's it!


KIT: We know you're trying to help, but,

...but your help is making a big old mess.


This job might be too big for us.

The Hopping Helpers need help.

Well, you just need to make this big planting job smaller

by breaking it down.


Break the big job

into three small jobs, like this:

Job one-- make a hole.

Job two-- put in the seeds.

Job three-- cover the hole with dirt!

Hey, there are three jobs and three of us.

Yeah, we can each take a job.

I'll take the first job!

See, I'm making the holes with my pogo stick!

And I'll follow behind you and plant the seeds.

And me and Snout will cover the holes.

♪ ♪

Hey hey hey!

That's the way to do it!

You did it!

Oh yeah!

Ah, great job.

You've made us very happy, Hopping Helpers.

Now we can go to our class, tap dancing!

Shuffle ball-change!

We're kinda made for it, buh-bye!

That was fun-- I liked the helping.

I liked the hopping!

I liked the helping and the hopping.

MR. E.: Super!

I have a big problem!

Where's Super?

She's not here but...

ALL: If you have problems, big or small,

we can help, just give us a call.

(blows horn)


Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.


Okay, I have a big, Ooey Gooey Goo problem.

Uh, what now?

Ooey Gooey Goo is my homemade goo.

There's nothing this Goo can't do!

Need glue? Use the Goo!

♪ ♪

Need to clean? Rub it down.

Wanna play? Roll it 'round!

It can bounce, it can stick, yes, it's ooey, gooey true!

There is nothing my Ooey Gooey Goo can't do!

ALL: We want some!

Well, I'm sure you do, everybody does.

It's flying off the shelves!

Which is why I'm making a new batch,

but I can't work at the store and jar it up at the same time.

I'm only one iguana!

We're happy to help!

Okay, fine, I'll be right back!

You'll need to fill each jar with Goo,

label it, and put a ribbon on it.

Shouldn't be too hard.

No problem!

We'll have it ready for you by tomorrow.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'll need it much sooner!

How much sooner?

I'll need them when the sand runs out.

Then the buzzer will buzz, and I'll be back-- ta-ta!

ZEKE: That's a lotta Goo.

Well, we better get to work.

♪ ♪

(lid falls)

(goo squishing)

All right, one jar... is done?

You know how we always say, "no problem"?

I think we have a big problem-- look.

Oh no!

We're running out of time!

Remember planting the seeds?

We forgot to break this big job down into smaller jobs.

Okay, let's break it down.

Job one, scoop the goo in the jar.

Job two, clean the goo off the jar.

Job three, stick the label on.

But we still have job four, put the lid on.

And job five, tie the ribbon on, and job six,

put the jar in the box.

But that's six jobs,

and there's only three of us.

Snout says that maybe the Hopping Helpers need help.

But Snout can't help, 'cause

he's on a break.

You know what? Snout's a genius!

I think I know just the help we need.

May we please have your attention?

(over intercom): The Hopping Helpers need your help.

ZEKE (over intercom): We helped you and now we need your help.

Please report to Super's office.

The Hop-a Hopping Helpers!

Need our help!

Flap toe, flap heel, toe, shuffle step hop!

I'm coming, Hopping Helpers!

We're here to help the Hopping Helpers!

Me too!

(blows horn)

Great, we have six jobs to do,

and now we have six people to help.

Job one, I scoop the goo in the jar.

Job two, I clean the goo off the jar.

Job three, I stick the label on.

MALIK: Job four, Kat, puts the lid on the jar.

ZEKE: Job five,

Gabriela ties the ribbon

on the jar.

ZADIE: And job six, Kit, puts the jar in the box.

GABRIELA, KIT, KAT: No problem!

Job one.

Job two!

Job three.

MALIK: Job four.

ZEKE: Job five.

ZADIE: And job six.

(alarm blaring)

Please tell me you've scooped all the Goo into the jars!?

Customers are waiting!

We did, but only because

we broke the big job into smaller jobs,

and got help from our friends!

Thank you, Hopping Helpers.

SUPER: Whoo hoo!

Whoa! (crashes)

Aw crumbs, how am I gonna fix this?

Don't worry, it's no problem!

Ooey Gooey Goo is a homemade goo.

There's simply nothing this goo can't do!

Thanks for the help, everybody!

If you have problems, big or small,

we can help, just give us a call.

(blows horn)

