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01x08 - The Sleepover/Secret Tunnels

Posted: 09/26/23 07:07
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When there's a problem, what do we say? ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Where there's a will, there's always a way ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ We've got ideas for days ♪

♪ Solve problems lots of ways ♪

♪ I love it when we play ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Hey, I'm Zadie, bring on the problems ♪

♪ Try some different things till we solve them ♪

♪ I'm Malik, we'll work it out, just wait ♪

♪ We make some plans, then we build and create ♪

♪ I'm Zeke, here's Snout, we like to explore ♪

♪ Let's go do it, one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Help's never far away, that's for sure ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Come join the fun, get ready, let's go! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ Work it out, work it out, work it out wombats! ♪

♪ ♪


ZADIE (giggling): "The Sleepover."

(Zeke yawns)


Brush teeth...

Bedtime story...

Hmm, what am I forgetting?


The bathtub.


(groans, exhales)



Why are you wrestling with the tub?

'Cause I'm going to a sleepover at the Creation Station

and need to bring my stuff.


A bathtub?

(grunting, sighing)

I always have a bath before bed.

It's what I do every night.

(duck squeaks)

Bedtime routines are different at sleepovers.

That's why they're fun.

One time at Sammy's,

we slept under a table pretending it was an ice cave.

(laughing): Cave monster!

(Malik laughs)

You didn't sleep in your hammock?


One time at JunJun's, instead of a bedtime story,

we watched four episodes of Wonderbird.

Uh, no...

No bedtime story?


But I love to read

Wombat Snooze Blues at bedtime.

I do, too.

But it can be fun to do things differently.

But what if the sleepover is too different?

You can always call Grandma Super and come home early.

But I want to do the sleepover.

Can't I just do my normal bedtime routine there?

Hm, maybe.

Let's write down our bedtime routine

and you can show it to Leiko if you need to.

Come on.

First, we read a bedtime story.

Second, we take a bath.

Third, we get into pajamas.

And fourth?

BOTH: We sing "The Good Night Song."

ALL: ♪ So good night, dear Treeborhood ♪

♪ Good night ♪

And fifth,

we go to sleep in our hammocks.


That's what I'm forgetting.

I need to pack my hammock.

(blows kiss)

Everyone, Zeke is here.

(kids cheering)


You're wearing your pajamas already?

Yeah, do you like 'em?

We've got footies on ours.

ALL: Footie pajamas!

But, but...

It's too early for pajamas.

We're getting into pajamas first on this sleepover.

It's a pajama party.

You brought some, right?

Yeah, here.

But bedtime stories

is supposed to be first.

Pajamas are third, after bath time.

Look at how slidey my pajamas are.


Whoa, whoa, whoo-hoo!

Let's do the pajama slide.

(kids cheering)

(cheering and laughing)

Zeke, come on, it's fun.

Okay, let me change.


(Zeke laughs)

ALL: Yay!

KIDS: Chug-chug-chug-chug chug-chug-chug.


Pajama train comin' through.

Okay, everyone.

First was pajamas, and second is...

(mimics fanfare)

Bubble Time!


Bubble time?

Is that the same as bath time?

Here's a giganto bubble heading your way.

Pop it.

(cheering and clapping)

(laughing): I'll get the other bubble wands.

Bubble time must mean it's bath time.


Zeke, what are you doing?

Taking a bath.

Isn't anyone else getting in?


Did you not know that this isn't a bath?

It's just bubbles.

Completely different.

(laughing): Oh, yeah.

That's right.

We forgot.

But, but I thought...

I thought we were supposed to...

Well, maybe Zeke is on to something.

Maybe tonight we can have pajama bubble bath time,

instead of bubble blowing.







You're right, Zeke.

Being in the bubbles is way more fun

than being out of them.

Yeah, Snout thinks so, too.



All right, everybody, out and dry off.

Now, as soon as you're dry,

join me at the Shh-Shh-Quiet Reading Area.

I know what's coming next!

Come on.

(crabs cheer)

Oh, it's finally time for

a bedtime story.

(electric guitar blaring)

Who's ready for the third part of the sleepover?

(in deep voice): "The Amazing Bedtime Karaoke Singalong!"


The what?




And costumes.


But Snout just wants a bedtime story.

We were supposed to do that first.

This music

singy-thingy isn't even on my list.

What is that one, right there?

ZEKE: That's different.

That's "The Good Night Song,"

which comes after the bedtime story.

Well, we'd love to hear you sing "The Good Night Song."

What? Now?





Oh, uh, okay.

(clears throat)

(softly): ♪ Day is over ♪

(whispers): Psst, here's the microphone.

♪ Day is over, night is on its way ♪

(ringing and beating)

♪ High in the sky ♪

♪ The moon looks down ♪

♪ On our sleepy snuggle-up Treeborhood town ♪

(playing along softly)

♪ So goodnight, moon ♪

♪ Sleep tight, all you stars ♪

♪ Sweet dreams to Venus ♪

♪ Buenas noches to Mars ♪


♪ So good night, dear Treeborhood ♪

♪ Good night ♪


Good song!

A hit.

Number one!

That was pretty fun, right?

So, instead of

"The Good Night Song," third was...

Was... What?

A rockin' "Good Night Song."

ZEKE: Then I guess fourth will be

when we set up our hammocks.

LEIKO: Okay, everyone,

it's almost time for bed.

Help me put away these costumes, please.


All right.



So, should I set up my hammock now?

Well, in the Starlight Community Room,

I have set up sleeping bags for each of you.

Sleeping bags?

What about my hammock?

Tonight, we need warm sleeping bags,

'cause we're going to open the dome

and sleep under the stars.



(sadly): But I always sleep in my hammock.

(gently): Are you okay, Zeke?

Yeah, but it's just all too different.

I think I, I just want to go home.

Oh, I see.

None of this is the way you do bedtime at home, is it?


You were supposed to do first,

story time;

second, bath;

third, PJs;

and fourth, we sing.

Fifth comes sleeping in my hammock.

At home,

you do your bedtime steps in the same order

every night, don't you?


And tonight, we did bedtime differently.

We first put on PJs.

Second, we sorta took a bath.

Third, we sang.

And there was no story time.

No story at all.

Hmm, yeah.

It can be hard doing something

differently than you're used to.

(sniffling): Mm-hmm.

Well, your way reminds me that

we should have a bedtime story.

But I just don't know what story it should be.

How about Wombat Snooze Blues?

It's really funny.

Oh, that sounds like

the perfect book to read under the stars.

Want to read it?

(kids cheer)

LEIKO: "And now, all you could hear was snoring.

They had chased the snooze blues away."

The end.


Best bedtime story ever.

(gasps): Look!

A sh**ting star.



(whispering): Hey, Louisa.

Carly, Cece, and Clyde are sleeping.

(snoring softly)

Well, it's really sleepy around here.

Zeke, you wanted to go home.

Should we call Grandma Super to come and get you?

No, I can stay for...

(slowly): A little...


(kids snoring)

So first is pajamas.

That way, you can pajama-slide.

And then second's a pajama bath.

A pajama bath?

And just wait

till I show you the new way

to sing "The Good Night Song."

(loudly): ♪ So good night, dear Treeborhood ♪

♪ Good night! ♪

(all laugh)

♪ ♪

What do you do

when you're learning

something new

and don't know where to start?


you don't know where to start.

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ One part at a time ♪

Okay! Follow me.

Listen close, it's just

a step,

a hop,

and a shake all around.

A step,

a hop,

and a shake all around.

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ One part at a time ♪


A step, a hop, and a shake all around.

A step, a hop,

and a shake all around.

ALL: A step, a hop, and a shake all around!

What do you do

when you're learning something new

and don't know where to start?

No, you don't know where to start.

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Try breaking it down ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ Into smaller parts ♪

♪ One part at a time ♪

A step, a hop, and a shake all around.

We broke this dance



That was great!

MALIK: "Secret Tunnels."

(kids giggling)

Come on, come on.

Oh, no, oh, no!

Stop, stop, stop!


Where are you three off to?

Cece, Carly, and Clyde

want to read our Winnie the Wizard books.

ZADIE: Best books ever.

(intercom humming)

DUFFY (on intercom): Super! Are you there?

Right here, Duffy.

I need help changing my sunflower butter barrel.

It's empty.

Sunflower butter sandwiches

must be very popular.

Could you remind me how to change the barrel?

I did it once before, but of course,

I can't remember how.


Things didn't go according to plan

when Duffy tried to change the barrel.


I'll come do it.

And now I just punch in the code.


There we go.

Our tree has secret passageways?

How did we not know this?

Well, they're only secret if you haven't seen them yet.

You can come along if you want.

(kids exclaim softly)



Just, uh, stay close.


(Super cheers in distance)


(kids exclaiming)

(laughing and exclaiming)

KIDS: Whoa!

SUPER: Keep up!

It's easy to get lost down here.

MALIK: Cool, three tunnels.

♪ ♪

Blue! My favorite color.

I painted things colors

to help me keep track of where I am.

(exclaim softly)

What is all this?

We're in the underbelly of the Treeborhood.

These pipes and cables bring everyone

water, power, heat,

and air conditioning.


I wonder what this does.

Careful, Zeke.

That button turns off the freezers,

and everyone's ice cream will melt.


A yellow lava lamp?


♪ ♪


I'm okay.

Come on, Zeke.


♪ ♪

This is our stop:

the red door.



I gotcha, Zeke.

Here we are.

Time to change the sunflower butter barrel.

(door creaks)

(taps dully)

This barrel is full.

(taps echo)


This one's empty.


There we go!

SUPER (on intercom): Duffy!

You're all set.

Thanks, Super.

Back in business.


This place is amazing.

But we better go up now,

because we have to get these books

to Cece, Carly, and Clyde.

Going to their sandcastle, huh?



The sandcastle.

Tag, you're it!



Thanks, Grandma Super.


Did you bring the books?

The Winnie Wizard books?

We love Winnie Wizard books!

Yep! Book one.

Book two.

And book three.

(gasps): I lost it!


(others gasp)

Uh, not a problem.

You guys start reading-- we'll be back with book three

before you finish book two.


"Winnie Wizard: The Beginning."

I must have lost the book in the tunnels.

That's okay.

We can just go back in the tunnels and find it.

But we might get lost down there without Super.


We could be lost there for hours, years--


Don't sweat it, Zeke.

I have a great sense of direction.

We just go back down through this rock.


Or was it that one?

Um, we really should go home

and get directions from Grandma Super.

Maybe that one?

(sighs): Come on.

So now we have to search all the tunnels

to find Zeke's book.

Not all of them.

Just the ones we were in before.



Ugh! Gotta improve my design.

Sorry, squishes, I'm too busy to take you now.

But I can tell you where to go.

ALL: Okay.

Walk under the blue arch,

turn at the yellow lava lamp,

ride the zipline to the red door,

and climb the spiral staircase.

ZADIE: Blue arch,

yellow lava lamp,

red door, spiral staircase.


(cheering, laughing)

ZADIE: Blue arch, yellow lava lamp,

red door, and spiral staircase.

Do you see your book yet?

No book-- hey!

The blue arch.

Blue arch, yellow lava lamp,

red door, spider suitcase.

Spider suitcase?

You mean spiral staircase.

Oh, right. (laughs)

Blue arch,

llama stamp...

Uh, no.

Wait, yellow door...



It's too dark to see if the book's in here.

This doesn't look like the right place.

Where's a light switch?


Found it.

(switch clicking)

It must be broken.


(switch clicking)

Maybe it's this switch.

(air blowing)

(knob clicking)

(air blasting)

(laughing and exclaiming)


(knob turning)


I bet if we turn this,

the lights will go on.


(knob clicking)

(crying out)

(switch clicks)

Found it.

The book isn't in here.

Aw, let's keep looking.

Come on.

Look at that light.

A secret tunnel

in the secret tunnels.

It's a regular old elevator?


I think we need

Grandma Super's directions again.

"And the dragon broke Winnie's magic wand."

End of book one.

No wand?

How will she save herself?

Oh, I can't wait to read how she saves herself.

We don't have to wait.

We can read it right now!

Oh, now, it's easy to get lost down there.

(all sigh)


This time, I'm gonna make drawings

so we can't forget.

(pen clicks)

Okay: walk under the blue arch.

Turn at the yellow lava lamp.

Ride the zipline to the red door,

and climb the spiral staircase.



Not a spider suitcase.


MALIK: With these drawings,

we can't get lost.

The blue arch.

This way.

♪ ♪

No book yet.

We should hurry, or they'll finish book two

before we get to them.

Uh, they probably read slowly like me,

to enjoy every word.

"But Winnie Wizard's spell bounced off the mirror

"and she turned into an ear of corn.

The dragon inched toward her, hungry for corn."

End of book two.

What will Winnie do?

I don't know what she will do.

And we can't find out

what she will do, because...

We don't have the next book!

(gasps): I have an idea.

No book, no book, no book.

Next, we turn at the lava lamp.

Which color?

I see it.

It's the yellow one.

This way.

♪ ♪

There's the zipline!

No book, no book...


There! There's the book!

I found it, I found it!

We worked it out, wombats!


The red door.


MALIK: And now,

up the spiral staircase.

Where did everyone go?

CRABS: Abraca-poof!

We got tired of waiting.

So we cast a spell to get you here.

And it worked.

We were coming anyway.

We had drawings to help us find your book.

Do you have any more hats?

"Winnie Wizard banished the dragon forever

with her powerful lightning spell."

ALL: Abraca-poof!



We did it!

All right!