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04x10 - Side By Side/Hooked on Phobics

Posted: 09/26/23 06:15
by bunniefuu
[ Clock chiming, thunderclap]

[ Creaking]

[ Owl hooting]

[ Shrieking]

[ Crying]

[ Gasps]

[ Screaming]

Ickis, you're toast!

[ Needle scratching record]

[ Chuckles]

[ Monsters chatting
and grumbling]

[ Snickering]

Come along,
you're holding up the line.

Why do we have
to draw names anyway?

We already do team scares.

Krumm, oblina and me--

We're a great team.

You must be prepared to work

With any monster,
any time.

Cooperation is
the name of the game.

In this world
it's monsters against humans.

And monsters must always win!

So, you must choose.


And I pity
the unfortunate monster

Who must work with you.



But, but, but...

No buts.

That is your assignment.

[ Bubbling]

So, bob,
where we dumping

The toxic waste

Oh, gee,
I don't know, doug.

It's a nice day
for a drive.

We'll go see them
giant dinosaurs.

You know, the one
you can climb

In its belly?

[ Grunting]
there's our scare.

I will loom
from the left

You buzz in

Oh, save your planning.

Zimbo will die
before he helps you.

Zimbo will do
this simple scare himself.

But the gromble said...

Ha! For the gromble.

Zimbo needs no one.

Watch it and learn it.

Oh, yeah?

You watch and learn, buzzo.

[ Ickis screeches]

You hear that?

Hear what?
Let's roll.

[ Both choking]

Where are we?

Lost! Picking your name
is the worst thing

That's ever
happened to me!

The feeling is mutual.

I will be happy never
to see your face again.

Really? Well, not
as happy as I am!

I don't care what the gromble
said, I am going home.

And don't even think
about following me.

Zimbo would not
dream of it.

Zimbo will find
his own way home.

[ Vultures screeching]

Well, perhaps we will
travel together

For just a little
while longer.

[ Both screaming]

[ Sobbing]

We'll never make it.

We're going to die.

Out here all alone.

[ Gasps]

Maybe you are,
but not zimbo.

I will fly to the giant toilet

And be saved!

[ Gasping]

Where did it go?!

It must be here somewhere.

[ Spitting]

You fool.

Don't you see?

It was a mirage.

A trick of the sun

A playing
with our minds.

We are doomed.

No, we're not.


and so I sneaked up behind
the elusive jackelope

As he hopped through
the desert-- hop, hop, hop.

Oh, I was lucky to catch
this little sucker.

Because they're wily
little devils, wily.

[ Screaming]

This place is a rip.

Hey, wait,
you ain't paid me.

Ah, who am I kidding, huh?

The day of the jackelope
is over.

What this place needs
is some real freaks of nature.

Oh, there it is,
civilization at last.

All we have to do
is scare the old guy

Get to the toilet,
and we're home free.

Not to worry.

To make sure
you do not mess it up again

Zimbo will take it from here.

[ Coughs]

Ah... Boo!

[ Screams]
monster bee!

Monsters in my barn!

Monsters in my barn!
Monsters in my barn?


Monsters in my barn.

♪ Monsters in my barn.

Since I have saved you

I will have the honor
to go first.

Saved me?
I saved you!

[ Screams]

Hold still,
you freaks of nature.

I'm going to be rich.

Hey, hey,
you can't leave me!

You can't leave me!

Let go! Let go!

[ Zimbo buzzing]

I'll get you, and stuff you
monsters for my collection.

I have sawdust
with your name on it.

You'll never escape!

[ Grunting]
ow! Ow!

I have saved us...
[ Panting]

Just as I said I would.

[ Screeching]

Oh, yeah?

Oh, like we're so safe here

In the middle of nowhere!

Oh, sure we got all the sand
we could possibly want!

Plenty of nice, hot sunshine!

Really sharp prickly trees!

And a way home.

[ Ickis squeals]

Zimbo, help me!

Help me, zimbo!

[ Screaming]

Ha ha-ha ha ha ha.[ Screaming]

Hasta la vista,
my little purple friend.

[ Panting]

It's you!

[ Panting]

[ Zimbo laughing]

[ Panting]

[ Roaring]

You are too late.

I am on my way home.

[ Thudding]

[ Yelling]

Ickis, help me!

[ Gurgling]

Help me.

Ha ha-ha ha ha ha!

And hasta la vista to you

My obnoxious little friend!

[ Teeth chattering]

Who am I kidding?

He'll be fine.

[ Groaning weakly]

Who am I kidding?

He won't be fine.

I got to help him!

[ Yelps]

On "three."


[ Smack]

[ Whimpering]:
oh, no!

The old man's got him.

He's going to stuff zimbo
and put him on display.

I got to, I got to...

[ Howling]

[ Metallic

Oops, pardon me.

[ Gasps]

[ Whirring]

[ Sighs]

[ Yelps]


Save me, ickis.

Save me?

I will do anything
if you will save

Little helpless zimbo.

Anything at all.




Bunny monster came back

To save bee monster

Did you?

I knew you would.

That's why I built
a brand-new home, just for you.

So, open up wide.

I've got
some nice, fresh sawdust

To stuff you with!


Okay, a monster bunny

Will do me just fine.

[ Choking]

[ Whimpering]

Zimbo [ with deep voice]:
mule morgan!

No more stuffing little animals.

No more, you nasty, nasty man.

Or we will rise up and...

Get you!

[ Yelling]

[ Loud burping]

Good morning, class.

I don't know about you

But I'm dying to see

What marvels of cooperation
our teams have wrought.

Zimbo, ickis, amaze us.

[ Laughing]

Pertaining to our scare

Your horrific grombleness--
looking beautiful--

We unfortunately found ourselves
unable to cooperate.

He has no scare to show...
Me, too.

What are you saying?

We have a great
scare to show.

Shh, if I show that scare
to the class

Everyone will see that
zimbo was weak enough

To do a nice thing
for a friend.

My reputation
will be ruined.

[ Spluttering]
I do not care.

If you won't show the scare,
I will.

Snorch, teach these two a lesson
in teamwork, would you?

[ Growling]

[ Whimpers]

[ Playing sad, slow polka]

Will you stop pushing,
you oaf!

You insolent bunny rabbit

Zimbo is leading!

Ouch, ouch!

You know nothing of
the fine art of dancing.

You are talking to
the flower of madrid.

Oh, what are you
talking about?

[ Both arguing loudly]

[ Water splashing]

[ Crickets chirping]


Okay, what do we do now?

[ Giggles]


Maybe we should kiss.

[ Giggles]


This'll be easy.

[ Smacking]

[ Roars]

[ Screams]

What was that?what was that?

Let's get out of here!

[ Starts car]

[ Tires squealing]

Ow, ooh, ow, ee,
ow, ooh, ow, ow!

[ Roaring with laughter]

[ Uproarious laughter


[ Stopping abruptly]

How dare you laugh
at ickis's misfortune.

I am appalled.

And as your punishment

I want everyone but ickis

To take a lap
around the sewer now!

And a one and a two

And a three and a four!

Hup, hup, hup, hup!

And I want you
all to remember

There is nothing funny

About another monster in pain!

Thank you,
o compassionate gromble.

[ Yelps]

[ Starts laughing]

[ Swallowing it]

[ Whimpering]

I am giving up, I quit!

I will never...!

[ Gasps]

Easy scaring, huh?

"Are you the type of monster
who doesn't like to work hard?

Are you...?"

Always looking for shortcuts?

Want big scares
without a sweat?

I've got one word for you:

Phobias. That's right, phobias.


What's a phobias?

Now, you may ask,
what are phobias?

Well, we here at i.e.s.,
Institute of easy scaring

Have discovered
every human has a fear.

And they can be afraid
of the most ridiculous things.

For instance... Spiders.

Now, we think they're beautiful.

We eat 'em, enjoy 'em.

But some humans,
they're afraid of 'em.

That's hard to believe.

Hard to believe? It's true.

Same goes for snakes, mice

And, believe it or not...

Germs. Certain humans
are so afraid of these

They'll devote hours
to washing them off.

Now, for the low price
of toenails

You, too, can have
this easy scaring phobia kit.

Yes, we've done
the hard work for you!

It comes complete
with a list of phobic humans

Compiled by our crack
researchers, and...

If you act now, we'll throw in

Our holiday
claustrophobia special--

For those humans
who are afraid of santa claus.

Ha! Remember,
every human has a fear

But don't take my word.

Listen to this
satisfied customer.

Other monsters used
to laugh at me

Until I discovered
the phobia kit.

Now I'm the one laughing.

[ Chuckles weakly]

That's it!

I'm going to do it!

[ Crowd murmuring excitedly]

[ Grunting]

[ Grunts harder]

[ Gasping]

[ Applause]

[ Moans]


[ Clang]

[ Clang]

[ Creaking]

[ Yells]

[ Crash]

[ Chuckles gleefully]

They think they can scare me

With their poison darts
and giant boulders

But nothing scares...

[ Chuckles]
mississippi smith.

[ Rattling]

Except snakes.

I hate snakes!

[ Yelling]

Clean, clean, I must be clean.

Finally, I am completely
free of germs.

I'm clean, I'm clean.

[ Starts snoring]

[ Whispers]:
come on!

Run along, little doggies!

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Squeaking]

[ Shrieks]




[ In deep voice]:

[ Giggles]

[ Shrieking]

santa claus!

[ Screaming]

[ Class murmuring]

[ Ickis sighs contentedly]

Well, well, well.

I see no one is laughing now.

My dear ickis, I must say

That was an impressive
array of scares.

I have just one
eensy-weensy problem--

[ Yells]:
they don't count!

What's the big deal?

You know what I always say:

A scare is a scare is a scare.


Phobic scares

Are not monstrous.

The monster is not
doing the scaring.

The spider, the snake

The costume does it.

It's a shortcut!

You're too good
for that, ickis.

But I've gone
consecutive days

Without a major humiliation.

And you know
what I always say:

Every human has a fear.

[ Cackling]

Very well, ickis, I see you'll

Have to learn the hard way.

So let's put your trusty
phobia kit to the test.

The human circus
is in town once again

And I want you
to scare this man:

Gunther guber farfegnuton!

[ Circus music playing]

[ Elephant trumpets]

[ Yelling, laughing]

[ Roars]


Back, meinkitty cat!

Nice kitty,
that's meinkitty.


What have we here?

Ve have been looking all over
for bobo the clown.

Shame on you, kitty!

How many times have I told you

Do not eat ze clowns!

So he's not on the list.

Big deal.

Every human has a fear.

I just have to look
through my kit

And find out which one it is.

Sic 'im!

[ Squeaking]

Eat zis, kitty.

[ Gulps]


[ Squeaking]

This ought to do it.

[ Rattling]

How dare you defy me!

[ Cracks like whip]

[ Roars]

Snakes, no good.

All right! I'm going to have
to roll out the big g*n.

Get ready, far-fig newton!

Santa claus is coming to town.

[ Cackles gleefully]

Ah, santa claus

I love santa claus!

I am being

A very good boy this year

So I want ze choo-choo train,
and a yo-yo, and...

Santa claus?
You are not meinsanta claus.

You are the easter bunny.

How dare you pretend
to be meinsanta claus!

Open vide, meinkitty.

[ Growls]

[ Squealing in terror]


Circus people!

oh! Boy, am I glad
to see you guys!

The gromble sent us
to look after you.

I-i-i just need
the right phobia.

No, too bad, kid.

Not on the list.

Can't scare him.

But you said
every human has a fear.

That's right, I said
every human has a fear.

I didn't say
every human has a phobia.

There's a difference.

Read the fine print.

Oh, boy, am I a sucker.

Tell you what I'll do, kid.

For another toenails,
not only will I get you

Another list
of phobic humans

But I'll throw in
one of these!

[ Ickis yelps]

[ Laughs]

Ooh! I am not falling

For any more
of your swindles!

Well then, what are
you going to do, huh?

Scare somebody all by
your cute little self?

Oh. Oh, that's rich.

[ Laughing hard]

[ Class laughing]

[ Continues laughing]

[ Growling]

[ Deep voice]:
never call me cute.

[ Yelling]

[ Panting]

With scaring talent
like that, kid

You don't need these tricks.

These are for losers.

You're too good.

[ Lion growling]

Oh, nein, meinkitty,
not again.

You eat one more clown.

I give you snip-snip

And send you to vegas
to work with siegfried and roy.

[ Growls in protest]

On the other hand,
this vermin

He is fair game.

[ Growling]

[ Yelling]

It's a...


[ Screaming]

[ Clowns honking]

[ Elephant trumpeting]

[ Cheering and applause]

Excellent, ickis!

This just goes to show

You don't need
to take the easy way out.

You had the potential
to do this all along!


[ Cackles coyly]

You were right, grombie.

I am just too good.

Let's not get carried away,

Are you a monster
who doesn't like to work hard?

Always looking for shortcuts?

Want big scares
without breaking a sweat?

Well, forget about phobias,
try the all-new ickis pump!

Why work hard looming?

All you do is pump
this little pedal

And our patented
ickis balloon will

[ Pop]loom for you!

[ Air escaping]

[ Gasping]

Whoa! Whoa!

[ Yelling]

Ow, ow, ow, ow!



[ Giggles]

[ Nerdy monster
chuckling weakly]