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03x09 - Out of the Past/Ship of Fools

Posted: 09/26/23 06:00
by bunniefuu
[clock chiming]




[baby crying]



Hush up now!




I've been looking back
on the latest scares

from this class and those
were the worst scares

I'’ve ever seen
in my life.

I'’ve seen cheese
mold scarier than you.

I only hope for the sake of the
entire class that the next scare

review is better than
the pathetic failures

I've been seeing

I'’ve got a bad
feeling about this.


That feeling
just got worse.

You should have a fantastic
scare to show us, Ickis,

being that the three of
you collaborated on it.

You'’d think that,
wouldn'’t you?

Let'’s go.

Oh, well, this is off
to a promising start.

Ooh, scaring
an old woman.

How ambitious.

Of all the pea-brained
pathetically unimaginative

scares I've seen,
this has to be the--

Stop, stop, it,
freeze that picture!


Back it up, rewind!

Freeze, hold
that thought.

Now magnify it.


You heard me--

Oh boy, ha ha ha,
here goes.

No, no,
stop, freeze.


Well, you heard him.

Class dismissed.

Go on, get
out of here.

Except for you three!

Where did you
see that truck?

We were so many
places today.

Yes, your Grombleness,
we don'’t remember.

Yeah, I'’m sorry, I don'’t
remember anything.

Oh, this is
terrible, dreadful.

This is the worst
day of my life.

Anything except
coming home

through the
east side sewer.

The east side sewer,
that'’s it.

This is the greatest
day of my life.

I love you, Ickis.

Well, thank you,
I think.

You three meet me at
the sewer in five minutes

and get ready for
the scare of your lives.


Yes, I'’ll get
him now.

I'’ll get him
now, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

Get who now?

How should I know?

Wait, and you think we
should just go along

with the Gromble with
the way he'’s carrying on?

Of course.

It is a scare
it is not?

Yeah, it is, but
you gotta admit

he'’s acting
a little weird.

It is not our place to
question the Gromble.

He is our teacher.

Besides, I do not
think he's behaving

all that strangely.

[The Gromble]
Ahoy there.


Oh, it'’s a great day
for scaring, isn'’t it?

I tell you, I feel like
a monsteen again!

You were saying?

There, now
you'’re ready.

This will be a day
you'll remember

for the rest
of your lives.

Are there any questions
before we shove off?

Yes, um, what exactly
are we doing?

Uh-oh, we'’ve
done it now.

He'’s making
that face again.


No, no!

Oh my.

What have I done?

Well, you'’re squishing
my windpipe, for a start.

You'’re right, Ickis.

You deserve an explanation,
but you must promise me

that you will tell no one
what I'’m about to tell you.

Very well-- what I saw
on the screen

brought me back to
a different time in

my life and the night that
I wish I could forget.

It happened many years
ago but I remember

it as if it
were yesterday.

He'’s making
that face again.


[The Gromble]
Those were good times.

I was a younger monster then,
not just teaching scaring,

but going out on scares
myself almost every night.

And the scaring was
easy, too, thanks

to a wonderful new
human invention.


Suddenly, we monsters
were scaring humans

in numbers like
never before.




We thought the good times
would never end, but then,

one dark night,
disaster struck.

While on my way to a scare,
I was startled by a sound that

I had never heard before,
an ominous terrible sound,

a sound just like...

Like that sound
up ahead!

I was afraid you were
going to say that.

That'’s him,
don'’t you see?

We have no
time to lose.

Come on!

We'’re really
flying now!

We are going to be
floating in a minute!

Oh no.



Um, am I safe in assuming
that that wasn'’t him?

No, that wasn'’t him.

Can we go home now?

If you wish,
but I must go on.

I can'’t give
up my quest.

Excuse me, Your Grombleness,
yes, but if maybe you would

tell us why you are doing
this, we would be happy

to go along with you.

Very well,
I'’ll tell you.

I didn't know it then but
the sound I heard that night

would lead me to my most
shameful moment as a monster.

[The Gromble]
I had to find the source of this
horrible sound and when I did,

I laid eyes on the fiercest
enemy monsters ever knew,

the sewer eater.

I tried to scare him...


...but he was fearless.

He att*cked me with
his horrible machine.


I had no choice but
to run for my life.


Because of my failure at
the hands of the sewer eater,

the bottom dropped out
of the scaring boom.

The hard times had come.

When I saw his truck on
the viewfinder today,

I thought I had another
chance to get him,

but instead, I failed and
I almost got us all hurt.

There, now you
know my secret.

'’Kay, see ya.

You are not
going anywhere.

Gromble, we would
be proud to help

you find this
sewer eater.

You would?Yes.




We shall follow you, sir,
no matter how long it takes.

It might not
take that long.


There it is.

The home of
my nemesis.

Monsters, it'’s
scaring time!

Now listen to me,
he's a big one.

Huge-- the biggest
human I'’ve ever seen.

Oh, great.

And he'’s vicious.

Don'’t want to forget
vicious, now do we?

All right, now get
ready to scare.

On three--
one, two, three.


That'’s him?

Um, I mean
that'’s him.

Ooh, he'’s scary,
all right.

Oh, yes, I was just looking
at the size of those... chins.

I swear he was huge.


We understand.

You can'’t

The object of my obsession, the
dreaded sewer eater is this?

Well, he'’s easier
to scare now.

He'’s not worth
scaring now.

I'’m just an old fool.

Come on,
let'’s go home.

Hey, Gramps.

I thought
I heard a noise.




I did it.

I scared him.


Now might I suggest
we save our lives?


We gotta help
the Gromble!


Oh, that was great,
but what do we do now?

How about hold on?


It'’s over.

Finally we
can go home.

[The Gromble]
I got him!

Did you see the way
I scared that human?

Did you, huh--
did you?

Oh, I want to
scare some more!

You were saying?

Sewer eater, ha.

The moment I saw
him, he was mine.

He was putty
in my claws.

I tell you, I could go
on scaring for hours

and even talking about
scaring for hours.

Come on, let'’s
talk for hours.





[loud chattering]


Now hear this,
my miniature maggots.

I will be at the
annual academy

teacher's convention for
the next couple of days.

To ensure that everything
runs smoothly and quietly,

I am leaving
Oblina in charge.

We shall not
let you down!

Let'’s hope not,

Be good little monsters
while I'’m gone.

Or else...

[loud chattering]


Stop it!


All righty, there.

We shall have plenty
of time for that later.

Now it is the time for reading
our monsters' manuals and after

we have all learned what
we have to learn for today,

then we shall have a wonderfully
quick but nourishing meal

and then have an
invigorating exercise.

Krumm, I think we'’ve
got a problem.

Ickis, when we want to
speak, we raise our hands.

Now I know we
have a problem.


Now, how hard
could that be?

I said
alphabetical order.

Babby, you are supposed
to be here by Blib.

Krumm, you are not supposed
to be up with Ickis.

Now, go stand
by Kriggle.

Come on, it'’s
like two places.

I do not see why
Krumm just can't...

Hands, Ickis.

When we want to speak,
we raise our hands.

I'’ll give you hands.

Um, you did not
get any worms.

I don'’t like worms.

You should
have worms.

They are good for you.

I don'’t like worms.

I think you know who
is right here, Ickis.

A nutritious lunch
is the cornerstone

of an effective

You'’re right, Oblina.

Worms are good for me
and like 'em or not,

I should have some
every single day.

I guess that'’s why
you'’re in charge.

That is right.

Oblina, would you do me
a really big favor, please?

Would you just
get them for me?

But of course
I will, Ickis.

Hello, would you
be kind enough to--

Why, you
stanky little--

Sludge fight!

[loud chattering]





Oblina, we'’re
going above ground.

We are going to wait
some place dry

until The Gromble
comes back.

I am in charge now.

I shall take care
of the problem.

Oblina, this
is serious.

And so am I.

Now away,
if you shall.

I am going to solve this
problem and save the academy.

You have lost
it, sister.

You'’re a nut.

And you are
a coward.



Come on.

We'’re out of here.

You'’re just
gonna leave her?

Come on, Oblina, please
just come with us!

Go on.

Little bunny wabbit.

I give you freedom.

open the door.

Close it, close it!

Now what?


Aha, The Big Book
of Emergencies.

Let's see, asteroids,

cats, dogs,
eggs-- eggs?

Fires, floods--
wait, wait, floods.

Page , lovely.




Do you know what happens
when you open doors?

You would if you were here
with us at the washer.

You open
the door and...


Chances are this door
leads to some place

safe we can stay,
a shelter or...


Or you open
a door and the room

fills with water
and that'’s it.

Well, then what do
you propose we do?

We'’ll go to the sewer.

But the sewer
leads to the river.

Which I believe
leads to the ocean.

And I cannot swim!

We won'’t have
to swim.

We'’ll build a boat.

That's it, a boat!

We'll paddle right down
the hall to the sewer

then it's on to the river
and some place safe.

Who'’s with me?


Look, I am sorry
I was so bossy.

Please, read the door.

This makes sense.

Help me, please.

All righty.

Now, we do not
have much time.

Irbaum, get the biggest,
longest stick you can find.

Sloop, go with him.

Come on.

Move it.

I take it
back, sorry.

I take it back.

I will not be
bossy, I promise.



Does anyone know why
the dump is flooding?

Maybe if we
figured that out...


There'’s gotta be
a way down there.

Good luck, buddy.


So, that'’s
the problem.

Oh boy.

Well, here
goes nothing.



There it is.

His monster'’s
ship The Ickis.

And now that you
have finished your boat,

where is it
going to go?

We will float
right out--

just under the-- you know,
we'll just squeeze.

It came out rather
nicely, don'’t you think?

all right, Ickis.

If we all work together, we
can get the door open, please.

But what if there'’s
water behind it?

There is not
water behind it.

But if there is...

Then you'’ll
need my boat.

So we open
your door.

And pedal out
in your boat.


If there is
water back there.


I knew it,
I knew it!

We are free!

Ickis, I can'’t swim!

I gotcha.

Forward paddle!

You know, all of a sudden
our little disagreement

seems sort of silly.

I'’m sorry, Oblina.

I shouldn'’t have.

No, no,
I'’m sorry, Ickis.

I could have been so much
more, I don'’t know, fun-loving.

If we make it through this,
I shall never, never never--

Never what?Never mind.

What happened?

The sewer
was clogged.

That'’s why the
dump was flooded.

You guys would have
figured it out,

but you were too busy arguing
over who was in charge.

What are you doing?

Cleaning up.

thank you, Krumm.

Appreciate it.


[The Gromble]
Yoo-hoo, I'’m home.

It'’s the Gromble,
let'’s beat it!




How sweet-- so quiet
and so orderly.

I guess it was silly
of me to worry.

Ah, home.



[The Gromble]
Monster overboard!


Oh, this is awful!

This is
absolutely awful!

I think-- who has
the water pump?

Oh no.

Get me out of here!


My pumps are
getting wet!

Oh, I'’m a soggy mess!

Look at me!

My pumps are drenched.

Land ho!