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03x11 - Fistful of Toenails/Blind Love, Monster Love

Posted: 09/26/23 05:59
by bunniefuu
[bell tolling]



[owl hooting]


baby cries]

man screams]

It is you, who!



[evil laughter]






Hey, Oblina,
look what I found.


Krummy, it is
perfectly delish.

I know.

Look at this wonderful
discovery that Krumm has made.



Wow, ooh, that's good.

Give me
some more.

Help yourself,
little buddy.

Plenty more where
that came from.


[rooster crows]


There's gotta be a better
way to do this.

I have an idea.


Ickis, look at
your stomach.



stop eating.

You guys, it's a box
full of old human movies!

You mean like the ones
that the Gromble says

we were never
supposed to see?

Yes, yes,

Just like those.

and look at this.

There's a viewfinder
in here too!

This is so great.

I really do not think
we should be doing this.


[click, squeaking]

Here we go.

Turn around,
you hombres.

Feel like finishing what you
started this morning?

This maverick
must be loco.

Yeah, plumb hard
to that lady.


Yellow, huh?

Now, look, cowboy, if you
were meaning me, I'll--

[cowboy voice]

Turn around,
you hombres.

Feel like finishing what
you started this morning?

[cowboy voice]
This maverick must be loco.

Yellow, huh?

[cowboy voice]
Now, look here, cowboy,

if you're meaning
me, I'll--




Giddy up!



Help me!

Somebody help me.

Oh, boy.

Yippie ki yay!

What are you doing?

There, now you are

property of the
OKI Ranch.

Yeah, now make tracks,
you mangy polecat.


Purdy good riding there,

Now it's my turn.

Well, climb aboard
there, cowpoke.

There, see
what I mean?

Yes, indeed I do.

This is most
curious behavior.

It definitely deserves Zimbo's
investigative scrutinies.

Yeah, I was thinking the
very same thing, you know?

And I should probably
go with you guys.

You know, just in case these
scrutiny things get rough.

I mean, I could--


I was thinking the very same
thing, you know, just in case--

Wait here,
my good Snorch,

while I, Zimbo,
stealthily invade

the domicile of our three
friends and reconnoiter

the cause of these
strange goings on.

[cowboy on film]
Reach for the sky!

and laughing]

Yippie ki yo!

Reach for the sky, you busters!



Ooh hoo hoo hoo, what an
absolutely fabulous scare!

I am extremely

[cowboy voice]
Why, shucks, it weren't nothing.

Excuse me?

[Oblina in normal voice]
I mean, it was nothing, really.

Thank you for your kind words,
Master Gromble.

And so humble too.

How touching.

But tell me, how did
you three puss brains

come up with
a scare like that?

[cowboy voice]
Aw, shucks--

[normal voice]
You know, it just

kind of came
to us, sir.

Mmm, I see.

Well, I guess this just
goes to show you

that anyone can succeed if
you put your minds to it.

Well, I certainly look forward
to your next inspiration.

Class dismissed.

Pardon me, oh,
great Gromble, master,

but may I, Zimbo,
your ever-humble servant,

have a word with you
in, um, private?



[cowboy voice]

That was a good
little buckaroo.

[cowboy voice]
Smile when you say that, hombre.

[cowboy voice]
Yeah, you mangy varmint.

wind blowing]

I should have known!

But your Grombleness,
sir, we--

And now,
my little cow spookies,

y'all are going
to the hoosegow,

or as we affectionately
refer to it down here,

the chamber
of horrors!

Oh, tsk, tsk,
what a shame.

Looks like we've been
double-crossed, pardners.

I think it's high time
that no-good Zimbo

gets what's
a-comin' to him.

You with me?

Count me in,

Yeah, me too,

Well, well, well, if it isn't
the three desperados,

or should I say,

[cowboy voice]
You done us wrong, Zimbo.

And now
you're gonna pay.

Yeah, you little bushwhacker,
we'll calling you out.

Tonight in the dump
at high moon.

Toilet plungers
at paces.

That is, of course,
unless, you're yellow!


Oh, don't you worry,
my precious little stick.

We'll be there.


Well, as you can see,

it is just as
Zimbo suspected.

It is almost
a high moon

and the challengers
have not arrived.

They are wiser
than they seem.

I see 'em, I see 'em!

Here they come, Zimbo!
Here they come.

[cowboy voice]
We've come for ya, Zimbo.


The Snorch!

Oblina, he brought
the Snorch!

What are we gonna do?Oblina?
Where's Oblina?

I don't know!

She was right
behind me.


Zimbo sees two
but not three.

It would appear that the stick
has lost her nerve.

What do we do,

Run away.

[Oblina in cowboy voice]
Nobody's lost their nerve,


[wolf howling]

I'm here.

Well, now we can
finally get this over with.

Snorch, prepare to commence
with the plunging.

Hold on, Snorch.

We got no quarrel
with you.

Our fight's
with Zim-bob.

I'm gonna have to ask you to
step aside.

Zimbo would like to know
what the Snorch is doing.

[speaks gibberish]

Zimbo's fight
is your fight.

What's the matter, Zim-bob?

Lost your nerve?

Of course not.

It just seems that Zimbo against
three is not a fair fight.

I can fix that.

I'll handle this,

Thanks, pard'.

Now it's just
you and me.


But Zimbo
has no armaments,

as you can plainly see.

Zimbo is so grateful,

he cannot even
express himself.

Well, let's get on
with it.

You gonna pull those plungers
or just whistle "Dixie"?


give up.


You sure were
something, partner!

Boy howdy,
you sure was!


Well, thank you...


and applause]

[Gromble in cowboy voice]
Hello, pardners.

Do you like to
play cowboy?


Well, play we will!

♪ She'll be scaring six white
horses when she comes ♪

♪ She'll be scaring six
white horses when she comes ♪

♪ She'll be scaring
six white horses ♪

♪ She'll be scaring six
white horses ♪

Those horses
were frightened to death!

♪ And we'll all go out
to meet her when she scares ♪

♪ Oh, we'll all go out
to meet her when-- ♪♪

[old woman]
Give me that!

You've got to be
more careful!

Did my heart love
'til now?

Foreswear it sight.

For I never saw true
beauty 'til this night.

'tis he, that
villain Romeo!


Holy moly!



Another viewfinder

[old woman]

Give me that!



Well, that's the end
of that, I'll bet.

He was a man
I'll soon forget.

Who will shower me
with love so true?

Will you, will you,
will you?

Will you?

Oh, wow...

[Ickis humming]


Oblina, Krumm,

Hello yourself,

What are you doing
out here?

Looking at
the moon.

Okay, let's go.

[rooster crows]

So, to repeat, Pythagory
stated that the total length

of the fear produced by a
monster is equal to--



We were discussing
Pythagory's Theorem.

Oh, that's nice.

I'm glad
you think so.


Did I ever tell you I think
those shoes look great on you?

Oh, do you
think so?

Actually I found
them-- Ickis!

Come down here.


I hate to think
I'm boring you.


Would you please provide
Ickis with something

that will hold
his interest?

And make it hurt.

[Ickis humming]

All done?


You know, we don't spend
hardly enough time together.

[old woman]
Give me that!

You've got to be
more careful!


[both laughing]

What is wrong
with him?

It think it's
pretty obvious.

He's in love.

Oh, in love!


So, Ickis, who's
the lucky monster?

She's not a monster.


Is she a human?


Ickis, you cannot-- I mean,
it is, it is forbidden!

No, no, it's worse
than that.

It is,

Not a human!

Oh, Oblina, no, no,
she's not a human.

Oblina, she's a...


A "Judy"?

I don't know.

She's small and hideous

and moves like she
was walking on air.

where'd you meet her?

Meet her?
As in talk to her?

Oh, no, no, Krumm, I mean,
she's perfect and I'm, I'm dull

with the eyes and
the ears and oh--

Someone like
her would--

Oh, she'd never want to
meet a monster like me.

Now, now, that is
where you are wrong.

Not only is she going
to meet you, this Judy,

whatever she is--
she is going to...

love you.


Find some clear water
and some soap.

Hold your nose,

I am cleaning
you up.

Um, how do I look?

If this Judy
likes 'em clean,

she's gonna
love you.

what do I--

What do I say?

Tell her that you felt
the joy of a successful scare,

breathed the fumes of festering
trash and seen hills of foil

that glittered like
stars in the moonlight.

Tell her that none of that means
a thing to you compared to her.

that is beautiful.

Could you write it down?

Give me that!

[kids laughing]

You've got to be
more careful.

and applause]

Yes, yes, yes!


Don't do that!



Don't worry, I'll--

I'll get you out
of there, I promise.



Speak to me!

Do you hear me,

Come on, Judy,
please wake up!

Okay, wait here.

I'm going to get
the doctor.

You rest, you rest,

I'll be back, I promise,
I promise.

Oh, I don't know.

Oblina, what's that?

Oh, um, it's, it's
one of those human puppets.

I wonder how
it got here.

I will bet you Ickis
got it for his sweetheart.

Do you think Ickis has
brought her back here?

Well, I'll bet you
he is showing her around.


Well, come on,
let's surprise him.


[Krumm as Judy]


This is Judy?

You're all right,
you're all right!

I was so scared!

I thought--
I thought--

Ickis, this
is Judy?

Yes, Oblina.

Here, Judy,
meet everybody.


Ickis, Ickis,
dear, don't.

But, but,
this is Judy!

We got ourselves a problem.

I know, I know she's not like
us, but I don't care.

I love her!

Krumm, get out of there
this instant.

It's not what we look like or
where we're from that matters.

The thing, the thing that makes
us hideous is what's inside

of us and, and inside,
Judy is...



Oh, oh, oh,
we got them, Ickis.

We did?

Yes, yes.

I mean,
look at them.

You did a great job,
good job.

Really had
them fooled.

You actually had them believing
that you were in love...

with a puppet.

Oh, you're good.

Wait-- a joke?

Yes, yes,
of course.

I mean, wouldn't it be
heartbreaking and embarrassing

for Ickis if
it was not a joke?


Oh, of course.

A joke.

And what an
excellent joke.

Don't you think?

Uh, wait a minute.

Come on everybody, let's
leave these jokers alone.

They need to talk.

You're not gonna
let me take him?

What about some tests, I mean,
can I at least run some tests?

No! He's been
through enough.

Oh, Ickis...

I am sorry.

What for?

Like you said,
it was a joke.

Don't be mad, Ickis.

Now, Oblina only said that so
they wouldn't make fun of you.

Well, it was a joke.

What do you think of that?
It was a joke!

I knew she was a...

Puppet, dear.


I knew that
all the time.


You thought I was--
I was in love with her?

I mean,
would you look at her,

I mean, I just--
look at her.

I'm, um, I'm gonna go
and just take her back.

Though blind, this monster's

star-crossed love
still burned

as true and pure
as any human's heart.

So when you speak
of this,

feel no regret for Ickis
and his puppet Juliet.

Nobody's perfect.

But you're
pretty close.



Reach for the sky,
you sorry bunch of sod busters!