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02x20 - IV Xample

Posted: 09/25/23 17:39
by bunniefuu
All right!

Let's bring out the cast of all that!


What's up, y'all?

Audience: what's up?

How y'all doing?

All right! Before we start the show,

We're gonna take some requests from our audience!

You tell us what you want to see,

And we'll make it happen.

Look at all the questions!

Uh, you, that guy from

That old show head of the class.

You guys, great show. Great show.

I would love to hear kenan

Do his famous tarzan yell.


Ahem. Excuse me.

I don't do a tarzan yell, man.

Just do it!!!

[Weakly] ahh, ahh, ahh...

Ah ah ah., ma'am?

Hi. Can I have josh's shirt?

[Audience screams]


Um, you sir.

Hi. Uh, I was just thinking that I'd love to see

Katrina wrestle a bear.

Well, you see, I would wrestle a bear,

But there's no bears here.

Uh, hey. Wait a minute.

Look right back there.

Oh, yeah. There's a bear right there.


No, we cannot have katrina wrestle a bear.

This is just not going to happen.






Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ We're entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?


You already took my order minutes ago, ludicrous!

You're still hungry? Eww.

Yeah, because you haven't given me

My food yet, crazy.

Man: order up!

It's about time. Give me this.

You get nothing.

What? What was...

[Loud crunching]

Ow! Ptew.

Oh! My watch!


Ptew. This is disgusting.

Oh, no it's not.

It's still ticking.

Order me another good burger right now, mister.

Sorry, dude. We're closed.

You can't be closed.

I'll beat you in seconds.

I'm sorry, man. Hah huh.


Uh-oh. Storm's a-brewing. Hah huh.

Let's go, guys.

Hey, we're outta here.

Sorry, I can't.

Mr. Bailey put me on clean up tonight.


Ed, today's saturday the th.

[Wolf howls]


What's wrong with saturday the th?

You mean, you don't know?

Oh! Huh huh...


Ed, a long time ago

Good burger had a manager named john rogan.


No! Ohhhhh!

Hey! Ed...

I haven't said anything scary yet, man.

Oh. O.k. Go on.

John was cleaning up one summer night.

He was all alone. It was saturday the th!


W-w-w-what happened to him?

Nobody knows, ed.

No one has seen john rogan since.

Some people say whenever it's saturday the th

The ghost of john rogan returns to good burger!



Can you guys tell me

How to get to the hockey rink?

It's uh...

Down the street on the left, dude.


Yeah, um, ed? I think we're gonna go now.

We'll leave you all alone.

Bye, ed! Aaaah!

What's wrong with you guys? Hah huh.

I ain't afraid of no ghost.

♪ I mop good

♪ Da da da da da

♪ My mop...

[James brown impersonation] ♪ I mop good

♪ Da da da da da da

♪ My mop's made of wood

♪ Da da da da da

♪ I mop good

♪ Da da da da da da

♪ My mop's made of wood ♪

♪ Da da da da da da da

♪ Woo! So good...

[Deep shrill voice] haa-aaa-aaa-aay!




[Ominous voice] whoo-oo-ooah!

Look, dude.

I don't know who you are,

But sounds like you had a good burger to me!

Hah hah!



Sorry, dude. We're closed.

I'm a ghost!

No way! Huh huh.



[Roaring sound]

Whoa, it's drafty in here.

I'd better go close the window.

No! I did that.

I'm a ghost!

No way! A real live ghost!

Let me get your autograph. Hold on.

Write, "to ed, from..."

What's your name, dude?


O.k., "To ed from boo."

No, I said "boo" to scare you.

Oh, well, it's not scary.

If you want to scare someone

You have to do something like this, hold on...


You try it.

Oh, no no. I'm the ghost here.

You don't have to tell me how to frighten people.

[Car approaches]

Oh, no. My boss just drove up.

Ah, good. You wanna see scary?

I'll show you scary.



Look at this mess. Ed, why--


Now thatwas scary.

Let me try.

Oh! Oh, my spleen.


How was that?

Pretty impressive.

Say, I gotta go haunt a slumber party

On the other side of town.

Wanna join me?

Oh, I don't know.

Bunch of pretty girls.

I'm there! Huh huh.

Let me get my jacket.

Oh--allow me.

Whoa. Spooky. Huh huh.

Let's go.

Ah, it's gonna be great, dude.

Aah! Boo! Huh huh.

And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

If your teacher asks you what you did

Over summer vacation,

Don't say, "well, I painted a picture of you,

And then I stuck a fork in it!"

If you're from the planet mars

And you want breakfast, don't say,

[Alien gibberish]

[Laughing in alien gibberish]

Never go to a party, sit in the onion dip,

And then run around screaming,

"Hey! Grab yourselves a chip

And scrap some dip off my rump!"

This has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Oh, yeah!

Well, we'll see who pops the next one!

This meeting of the disciplinary committee

Will now come to order.

Miss fingerly, today's business?

Yes, principal pimpel.

Sometime yesterday our school's beloved mascot

Was stolen from his t*nk!

The fighting salmon?

That's right.

The fighting salmon disappeared

Between the hours of noon and : pm.

What kind of demon child steals salmon!?!


Miss fingerly, I understand we have

A suspect in this crime.


The student accused in the salmon theft is...


That's him! That's the boy who stole the fighting salmon!

I can tell! Look at his ears!

They huge! Daaaagggghhh!

Earboy, please approach my desk

And sit right here.

Principal pimpel, I stole no fish.

I respect all salmon!

I respect the mascot, principal pimpel.

Well, that's what this trial will determine.

Coach kreeton, you may begin

Questioning earboy.

Heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh.


Earboy, why'd you steal the fighting salmon!?!

I didn't! I told you!

Your ears are big like big fat flapjacks!


So you stole the fighting salmon.

I did not!

Are you telling me the whole truth,

Nothing but the truth, so help you gaa-aaa-aaad?!

Of course.

Then where were you yesterday afternoon?

At school.

And where was the salmon?

At school.


You stole the salmon!

Miss fingerly?

Oh! My turn.


Watch out, miss fingerly!

He might hit you with one of those

Big jumbo fat ears!

Please. It's my turn.

Now, earboy,

Do you like fish sauce?

Well, yes. I do enjoy fish sauce.

I see. And do you eat fish sauce on chicken?




Heh heh heh.

No chicken, no beef.

Then earboy, pray tell,

Upon what do you eat fish sauce?

Yeah. Pray tell.

Fish! I eat it on fish!

Aha! That's it!

I told you--


Y'all broke my knuckle bone!

Now, now, now, coach kreeton.

Just because the boy eats fish sauce on fish

Doesn't mean he necessarily stole

The fighting salmon.

But his ears are big in ways I can't understand.

Now, now, earboy,

I'll just come out and say it--

Did you steal the fighting salmon?



I suggest we expel this big-eared boy immediately.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to agree.

Earboy, as principal of dullmont high school,

Principal william baines pimpel,

I'm afraid I'm going to have to--


[Bicycle bell rings]

Hey, people! Hang on, there, earboy!

Who are you?

My name is h. Ross perot

And I'm here to defend my good friend earboy.

Are you an attorney?

Nope, but I got $ billion.

Oh! Good enough.

I understand there's a missing salmon,

So I come to help.

[Snaps finger]


Hey! Mr. Mailman!

Who's that in back of the window?


Is that enough salmon for ya?

Well, i... I suppose it is.

Wait a minute! I demand a retrial!

That's not the fighting salmon!

I disagree!

I will give you $,

To hush up.

Heh heh heh...

Heh heh. I knew he was innocent.

Earboy, thank you.

Now I can afford one of those microwaves

That the young people are talking about,

Heat it up real nice, and you just look at it

And, anyway.

Gee, mr. Perot. Thanks for saving me.

But I wonder what happened to the real fighting salmon?

[Car horn honks]

[Tires screech]look out!



My microwave is a memory!

I'm gonna get you, boy!

I know you're guilty!


♪ This is all that ♪♪

[Bell rings]

Happy morning, students.

Sorry I'm tardy but my car overheated.

I guess you might say I have a "hot car."

Heh heh heh.

Now, where shall we begin?



Ooh! Ooh!

That smarts like the dickens.


Students: bless you, miss fingerly.

Thank you.

I'm afraid my allergies have run amuck.

[Sound of rubber squeaking]

Crazy brassiere.


Young man!

Remove those headmuffs!

The classroom is no place to enjoy yourself.

You haven't listened to a word I've said.

Yes, I did. I heard everything you said.

Oh, you did?

All right, smart boy.

What have I said thus far?

[Knock on door]

Happy morning, students.

Sorry I'm tardy, but my car overheated.

I guess you might say I have a "hot car."


Shall we begin?


That smarts like the dickens.


Students: god bless you.

Thank you. I'm afraid my allergies have run amuck.

[Sound of rubber]

Crazy brassiere.

Hey, you!

Young man! Young man!

Remove those headmuffs!

The classroom is no place for enjoying yourself.

You haven't listened to one thing I've said, have you?

What do you think you're doing?

Why, I'm waving my hands in the air

Like I justdon't care!

All that proudly presents "life with...

In the wintertime, peter keeps warm

By wearing his heavy jacket.

Flem pours hot gravy in his lap.

[Glub glub glub]

Before going on a date,

Peter sprays himself

With sweet-smelling cologne.

Flem spreads peanut butter in his armpit.

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!