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02x10 - Run DMC

Posted: 09/25/23 17:29
by bunniefuu
Don't forget to make it all fuzzy.

Right. Don't worry.

Thanks, santa.

You've got minutes.

Well, hello, katrina.

Hiya, santa.

And what would you like for christmas?

I want things...

Peace on earth and...

A cordless phone.

Now you've got to pick one or the other.

Cordless phone.

You'll have it on christmas.

Thanks, santa. Don't let me down.

Oh, here you go.

Hi, kel. Come and sit down.

What would you like for christmas this year?

Santa, uh...

Can I have $?

What? $?

Right now? Yeah.

Yeah, come on, santa.

But there's still a few days left till christmas.

Come on, santa. I got a date, man!


Hey! You really are jolly!

My man!

Oh, hey, santa.

Hi, alisa.

I'd like roller blades, a blow dryer,

A helicopter, a car, a horse, some bacon,

Diamond earrings, and a trip to hawaii.

Thanks, cutie.


Hi, josh.

Come and sit down.

Uh, thanks, santa. I'm jewish, man.



You know, I was wondering...

Would it be all right for me to get a new computer?

You've got it. And merry ch--


Thanks, pal. Mazel tov, shalom, and all that good stuff.

Hello, lori beth.


Have you been a good girl this year?




Hi, santa!

Hello, angelique. And what would you like for christmas?

Denzel washington.

You know I can't do that.

Then you're just wasting my time!

Santa! What's happening, man?

Ha ha!

Same old, same old.

What I need from you, man...

I need a big old big screen tv.

I'm talking big!

Like inches or something.

Change the channel...

Uh, kenan, I'm sorry, but it seems that you're on my naughty list this year.

What? Man, let me see this.

Naw, see, man, this must be one of them computer errors,

You know, typographical or something.

I'm sorry, kenan.

Naw, see...

I was good all year.


Santa, man, come on.

Why you dissing me like that for, man?

Santa, don't make me mad, man.

Me and rudolph grew up together, man.

You see how they do me, corn?

Is that a good book?

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

And now, channel .b presents,

Live from their own kitchen,

Holiday cooking with...

I'm randy!

And I'm mandy!

And this is cooking with...

Randy! And mandy!

Hi, randy!

Hi, mandy!

Today's show is extra-special.

We call it our salute to holiday cooking,

And we know that when you're cooking for the holidays,

You gotta have a lot of...

Chocolate! Chocolate!

Our first dish is the traditional holiday turkey.

There's only one thing to say about this plain old turkey:

[Yawn] ahh...

Gee, what can we do to perk up this turkey, randy?

Stuff it!

That is right.

Now, most people stuff their bird with bread stuffing

Or oyster stuffing.

We prefer to use... Chocolate!

Chocolate candy, chocolate bars...

Chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, chocolate fudge...

Any kind of chocolate, really!

Oh, don't forget to baste it.


Get it good, now!

Ho ho ho!

Mmm! ♪ Feliz chocolate...♪♪

Now, after you cook it,

It'll look like this turkey we've already prepared.

It's gone!

Randy, what happened to our chocolate turkey?

Uh...i don't know, mandy.

Let's move on.


Oh, well.

There's many different types of holidays.

Jewish holidays are often celebrated

With a bowl of matzo ball soup.

It's usually made of chicken broth

And a white, fluffy ball of some sort.

We make our matzo ball soup a little differently!

We start with a huge bowl of chocolate sauce,

And then we add...

This big old chocolate ball!

Bye-bye, matzo ball soup!

And hello choco-ball soup!


All right, then!

Our next holiday treat is...

Our special...

Chocolate milkshake!

Now, most people make a chocolate milkshake in a blender.

We prefer to use...

My mouth!

The ingredients are...

Chocolate milk...

Chocolate ice cream...

And of course, raw eggs.

Blend, randy, blend!

Randy, exactly what holiday is the chocolate shake for?

I have no idea!

Well, our holiday special's come to an end,

So, until next time...

[Christmasy bells jingle]

Until next time...

Happy holidays!

See ya!

And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your holiday life.

Next christmas eve, leave a big pot of water in the fireplace before bed.

The next morning,

Have a big ol' bowl of santa noodle soup.

Oh, christmas tree, oh, christmas tree...

Oh, why am I talking to a christmas tree?

On christmas eve,

It's a good idea to leave santa some milk

And some cookies.

It's a bad idea to leave him some liver and some elf juice.

This has been lori beth denberg with vital holiday information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

It's time for...

Oh...milk and cookies!


Oh, well.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Looks like santy claus

Fell for my clever little trap!

The cage should have tipped me off. But who are you?

I'm milkman...

And I'm gonna ruin christmas.


Because for years I've delivered milk to people every day,

But no one cared.

You get off your jolly fat butt once a year,

And everyone loves ya!

You'll never get away with this!

Ah ha ha ha! Of course I will!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!



Better check on my little guest.

Will you kindly let me out of here?



But the children... I must deliver the gifts!

Sorry, santa klutz,

But there'll be no christmas this year.

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Take your milky paws off me, you filthy ape!

Milkman, two crazy kids just rolled up on their bicycles.


I knew it!

Only milkman would be evil enough to harm santa claus!

Right you are, penny lane.

But you'll ruin christmas!

So true, so true.

And I'm gonna start by destroying santa's little presents!

No! No!


What the--


It's superdude!


That's right! I'm superdude,

The teenage super hero who's always in the right place at the right time.

I'm strong and I can squeeze melons

And I can also fly in bad weather.

I also enjoy soft oatmeal cookies

And slumber parties and...

Public jacuzzis.


No, thanks, santa. I don't need any help.

No, superdude. Help santa claus!

Oh. Don't mind if I do.

Oh, no! Oh, no!

Excuse me. Ow!

There you go.

You're gonna pay for that, superdude.

Am not.

Oh, yeah? Well, someone's gonna pay.

That cage was rented!


Super poop?

Uh-oh! He's got milk!

Santa: superdude...

Stop that malicious milk maniac!

He can't, santa!

Superdude's lactose-intolerant!

Lactose-intolerant? What's that?

Lactose-intolerant means

That superdude is harmed by dairy products,

Examples of which are:

Ice cream, cheese, chocolate,

And, obviously, milk.

That little girl was correct...

Whoever she was.

Put that milk down before you harm that young man!


Better catch some milk, superdude.

You got milk all over penny lane!

It's in my ears and in my eyes!

And this one's for you!

And now, time to finish you for good!

Leave that dude alone!

I warn you, santa...

You're no match for me!



Ah ha ha ha ha ha!







This is for bothering santa.

This is for being annoying.



And this is for moistening penny lane!


Superdude, you're the greatest!

Even if you are lactose-intolerant.


Love ya a lot! Ha ha ha!

Now I've got to go deliver the presents to the children!

My sleigh and my reindeer are clear across town!

No problem. I'll fly you there myself.

Hop on.

Up, up, and a--


Up, up, and a--


Look, man. Here's $.

Catch yourself a cab.

Thanks, superdude.

You're welcome.

Merry christmas, everybody.

All: merry christmas!

Happy holiday. Happy kwaanza and all that.

Hooray for superdude!

Hey, superdude, you think santa will have enough time

To get to all the kids' houses?

Maybe if it doesn't rain, dear.

Ha ha!

The rain and the deer!

Rain, dear!

Whoo! Yeah!

You know! Right on!

♪ This isall that ♪♪

And now,all that presents

A semi-educational moment...

Holiday french with pierre escargot.

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]


Officers, want some lemonade?

We can't stop.

Robbery at target mart.

Free donuts.

Good donut.

Yeah. They're sticky. What's in 'em?

Oh, did I forget to tell you?

Those donuts are filled with extra-thick peanut butter.



Oh, do you officers want some lemonade?


No problem. Only bucks a glass.

, , , ...



Yeah. See ya.

Thanks a lot.

More donuts?

Have all you want!

Only bucks each.


You said these were free.

The peanut butter donuts were free.

These cost money.

You can forget it.

Yeah, let's go.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

What's the matter with you?!

My mother said

If--if I didn't collect $ a donut,


She'd cancel christmas!

O.k., Please!

We'll pay for the donuts!

Stop crying!

Hey, you're short bucks!

We're outta money!

Gimme your stuff.

Here you go.


All of it.

We should be arresting you.

I know!

[Angry mumbling]

There! You happy?


Some people these days...

Calling all cars! Calling all cars!

Proceed immediately to the lemonade stand

At the corner of ernest and borgnine.

There's a very cute little girl giving away free donuts.

I repeat--free donuts!

[Sirens approach]

All that proudly presents

Life with...

Peter is a good boy all year,

So on christmas, santa gives peter many nice gifts.

Flem has to convince santa to give him presents.

You're not getting away from me! Come on, santa!

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!