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02x01 - Naughty by Nature

Posted: 09/25/23 17:17
by bunniefuu
Hello. I'm josh.

A lot of you out there have been writing us letters

Here at all that,

Asking how we became cast members.

It wasn't easy to get on this show, believe me.

Auditioning for all thatwas a challenging process.

Josh: like with any acting job,

We had to read lines for the producers.

We had to be good, and we had to be funny.

Some kids were funny.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Some kids weren't.

But the audition process was just getting started,

And things didn't get any easier.

The tougher the auditions got,

The more kids were...uh...


They really separated the men from the boys.

And the conscious from the unconscious.

And not all tests were physical, either.

We had to prove we could be creative.

Some kids choked under the pressure.

Other kids passed with flying colors.

But we still had a long way to go.

The obstacle course was filled with obstacles.

You don't really know what kind of actor you are

Until you've had to run through old tires,


Climb through an old station wagon...

And then eat cocktail weenies.

Trust me, that's a lot of weenies.

But the auditions were far from over.

We not only had to eat a lot of weenies,

We had to prove we were smart. Real smart.

Most popular lunch meat?


The opposite of weeee!


Papa doo. Synonym for papa g?

Trousers. Another name for pants? sister's name?

A chair? A bench?

Things you sit on.


All of our acting skills were put to the test.

They tested our agility.

That means spinnin' and twirlin' and stuff.

And they even tested our guts.

They also tested our strength.

To get on a show as good asall that,

You gotta be able to pick up a television set,

And heave it good and far.

And I'll tell you this--

Not just any young girl can chuck a big screen

Plus feet.

No, sir!

And we were strong.

Even little katrina.

Pulling your weight on a television show is one thing,

But pulling your weight onall that

Takes a whole lot of kid.

You viewers can rest easy

Knowing that each of us cast members

Has unusually thick thigh muscles.

And that is how we got here.

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ We're entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

Hello, and welcome to good burger,

Home of the good burger.

May I take your order, miss?

Yes. I'll have one good burger.

Your order is coming right up.

Here's your good burger, ma'am.

Is everything good?

Very good. Thank you, good burger.

No, no. Thank you.

What's going on? You're not me, dude.

Cut! Who is this guy?


Eddie, what are you doing here?

I told you not to come in today.

We're trying to sh**t a tv commercial.

Whoa! Tv commercial! I love tv commercials!

Have you ever seen the one with the bunny

That keeps goin' and goin'?

I've seen it.

And goin' and goin!

It's a wonderful commercial.

And just when you think he's gonna stop...

He goes.


He's tenacious.

He's quite a bunny.

He's like a-- like a magic bunny.

Just goes.

Ed, we're trying to sh**t a tv commercial here!

The bunny's here?! Whoa!

Just stay out of the way of the commercial, please!

You can watch from over there.

Oh, cool!

All right. Whoa!

Big burger, dude.




You! Me?

You knocked out my actor!

Yes! Look at him.

He's all horizontal.

Nice work!

Oh, thanks, dude!

No problem.

I don't know who you are,

But I have a commercial to sh**t here,

And you're gonna have to fill in. Make-up!



It's o.k.

It's just stuff that makes your face look good.

Oh! You should use some. Ha ha.

I'm already wearing makeup!


All right, that's enough!

Look, kid, have you ever done any acting before?

Before what?

Never mind. Get behind this counter,

And be yourself.

Be myself. O.k.


Just read these cue cards.



[Reading silently]


Ed, what are you doing?

I was reading the cards!

Out loud, ed. Read them out loud.

Oh! Good call!

Why didn't you say so?

Take .


[Sarcastically] action.

"Welcome to good burger,

"Home of the good burger.

May I take your order? Customer: yes, I'll have one good burger--"

Wait, wait.

You're reading my part.

Uh...that'll be bucks.

Excuse me! Hello!

Do you realize this is just a commercial?

I'm not a real customer.

But you seem so lifelike!

Stop feeling my face!


I'm sorry. I didn't know. Bad hand!

Welcome to good burger, home of...the...

Welcome to good burger, home of the order.

Can I take your good burger?

Can I take your-- your mother?

Can I take your order?

Can I taste your lobster?


Here's your order. Whoop!

Have you ever met the bunny?

I'll strangle him!

Get it right this time!

People, this isn't working.

I think we should just

Pack it up and call it quits.


No, we can't quit!

We have a tv commercial to do!

The bunny wouldn't quit!

The bunny would just keep goin'...

And goin'...

And goin'!

Yeah, I know.

And just when you think he's gonna stop,

He goes!

Just like a magic bunny.

Don't listen to him.

We wanna go home.

Wait, people.

You know...

Ed's right about the bunny.

The bunny wouldn't quit, and neither shall we!

People! Let's make a good burger commercial.


Come on!

Now, what we're gonna do...

Ooh! Gather 'round, kids.

It's time for good burger's first tv commercial.

If you demand a burger that's good...

Whoa, look! Those are my hands!


You have wonderful hands. if you're thinking of trying

Some other burger, we got words for you.


There's only one burger in town,

And it's...

Ed: whoa!


You did good, kid.

I wonder how I'll handle being a star.

Ed, having your hands in a tv commercial

Hardly makes you a star.

Oh. O.k.


Look! It's the guy with the hands!


And now, lori beth denberg with vital information

For your everyday life.

If there's a new kid in school,

Put a sign on his back that says, "lick the new kid,"

Then watch the fun begin.

If your mother tells you to sweep the kitchen floor,

Don't hold your sister upside down

And use her head as a broom.

This has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

♪ This isall that ♪

♪ This isall that ♪♪

What in the world is she doing?



This is a library!

Can't you read?

People are trying to study!

How can you be so rude?!



♪ Oh, beautiful

♪ For spacious skies

♪ For amber waves of grain ♪

♪ For purple mountains majesty ♪

♪ Above the fruited plain

♪ America, america

♪ God shed his grace on thee ♪

♪ And crown thy good with brotherhood ♪

♪ From sea to shining sea ♪

Excuse me, can you vacuum and sing later, ma'am? 'Cause--

Quiet! No talking in the library!

Take a hint!

Yeah, but--



You talk, you walk!



[Beep beep beep]

It's :, everybody!

And now we return tothe sick and the jealous.

Woman: that's right, daniel.

I did it.

I'm the one who hit you in the head with the lamp.

Man: oh!

I knew it!


No talking in the library!

[Raises volume]

But...but why?!

Because... I love you, daniel.

Don't leave her, daniel!

For crying out loud,

Don't leave her!!

Man: I am leaving you!






Excuse me.

Back off!

Woman: give me another chance.

O.k. I'll give you another chance.

Yes! Oh, yes!


Excuse me!

Quit yappin'!

I just wanna know

If you have the book mr. Happy pants?

Didn't I tell you to quit yappin'?!

This is a library!

I know. That's why I asked about a book.

That does it!


But--but I just wanna read!

Then read the signs!

Silence! Quiet! Stifle! Hush!

Shh! Now, exit!

What's her deal?

Stifle, you! This is a library!

She should be fired.

That's one noisy woman.





I can't concentrate with all of this.

Yeah, but she sure can bowl.

[Motorcycle revs]





♪ This isall that ♪♪

I'm randy.

And I'm mandy.

And this is cooking with randy & mandy.

Hi, randy!

Hi, mandy! What's cookin'?

Well, ever since we asked,

We've been receiving a lot of homemade lovely treats.

So today we're gonna show you some of these thoughtful goodies

Sent in by you fans!

Our first gift was sent in by jessie clee from new hampshire.

It's our initials made entirely out of...


Gee, randy, what should we do with this lovely gift?

I dunno, mandy. Maybe we could...

Eat it!

"M" is for mmm!


What's wrong, randy?

My tooth hurts! Ow!

Your tooth? Quick, put some chocolate in it.

Oh, ho ho ho ho!


It's not working!

Is there a dentist in the house?!

Uh...i'm a dentist, and I'm in the house.

Help me.

Let's see. Open.


Oh. Ooh. Tch, tch, tch.



Have you been eating a lot of sugar,



You've got a nasty cavity.

That tooth's gonna have to come out. Ha ha!

Until then... No more chocolate.


He fainted.


Doctor, when will he be able to eat chocolate again?

Well, let's see.

Golf. Golf. Mm-mm.

Golf. Golf. Golf. Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Oh! Here.

I can see randy in / months.


No more chocolate until that tooth comes out.



Well, this is certainly tragic.


But...the show must go on.

Now, our next gift was sent in by alex railnu.

It's a replica of randy's head

Made completely out of chocolate nuggets.

I never looked so good!


Randy sure is sweet.

Come on, mandy, don't eat my whole head.

Save me an eyeball or something.

Oh, all right!

Our next gift is from c.j. Over in orlando, florida.

It's a chocolate doozy.

It's a chocolate castle!

Don't you wish we could live in there?

Oh, yes, I do!

It's raining chocolate syrup!

And can it be snowing chocolate sprinkles?

I wanna play with the chocolate weather, too!

No, randy. Not until that bad tooth comes out.

Now, to add further chocolate to our chocolate castle,

We thought we could take some chocolate marshmallows--

Randy, please!

This tooth's gotta go.

Randy, what are you doing?

I know what I'm doing.

Yank it!


Yank, woman!

All right. O.k.

Randy, how do you feel?

♪ Choco-nificent! ♪


I feel like a dip in the chocolate jacuzzi!

Catch me, chocolate!

Whoo hoo, whoo hoo, whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

Isn't it dangerous to swim in chocolate right after you eat?

I have no idea!

Come on in, mandy. The chocolate's fine.

Don't mind if I do!

Well, that's all for today.

Tune in next time!

See ya! See ya!

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!