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02x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 09/25/23 11:58
by bunniefuu
The make-up room!

Behind this door, people put make-up on

Amanda's actual sweet face!

Excuse me.

Who are you, please?

I'm an actress.

I play a part in the show this week.

You're in a skit with amanda?

Yeah. I play a mummy.

Oh! Right.

The mummy skit.

Uh--yeah. They're rehearsing that now.

You're late, please.

What? Where are they rehearsing?

In that closet.

I better get in there. Thanks!

Hey, I don't see--

[Knocking and screaming]

That should hold her, please.

Excuse me, please.


I'm the actress playing the part of the mummy.

Great. Sit right down.

Where's amanda?

She's probably getting dressed.

Ok. Now, hold still.

What are you doing, please?

This is part of your mummy costume.

Very well. You may proceed.

♪ Amanda--manda-- manda--manda show ♪


Ok, wait here. I need to get some more bandages.

But--i can't see, please.

Man: amanda, we need you on stage!

Oh, ok. Coming.


Ow, please.


Ow, please. Amanda.

Amanda, where are you?


♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda- manda-manda-manda show ♪

[Audience applauds]

Hello, everybody. My name is amanda.

Welcome to the show.

[Weak applause]

Thank you all so very much.

We have a marvelous program for you tonight.

First, we will be having a political discussion about cuba.

Then we will have a very special appearance

By paco sifuentes and his wonderful dancing penguins.

Also, we have...


Can I help you?

Um--i'm sorry. This is the amanda show.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Who are you?

Amanda. Amanda rodriguez.

Oh. Well, this is the amanda bynes show.

Who's amanda bynes?

I am.

Oh. Well, where's the amanda rodriguez show?

I wouldn't know.

Oh. Ok, well--

I'd better go, huh?

Oh, no. Stick around. We've got a great show!

Do you have dancing penguins?

No, but we have dancing lobsters.

Then I will stay.

Yeah. Stick around!

We'll be back in a second to do stuff!

[Audience cheering]

Hey, kids, what's the haps?

I'm bored!

I'm hungry.

Oh. Well, I know what'll fix you up.

Mammal o's!

Kids: mammal whats?

Mammal o's!

Kids: oh!

Announcer: mammal o's! The tasty new breakfast cereal

With a special surprise in every bowl!

I got a guinea pig!

A bunny! A bunny!

Skunk baby!

Announcer: a bowl of mammal o's gives you your recommended daily allowance

Of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a furry little animal!

Kids: thanks, mom!

Hey! Where's my mammal?

[Choking sounds]


Announcer: mammal o's. Don't just have breakfast.

Have a mammal!

Kids: mammalicious!

♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda- manda-manda-manda show ♪

[Monotone] greetings, everyone.

Welcome to the glamour and pageantry

That is grandview high school's debate for class president.

The winner of this debate will be crowned freshman class president.

Clap, you little demons.

Now I'd like to introduce the two candidates.

First is gerald stumford.

Thank you, miss perkins.

And running against gerald for president is...


Hi, hi!


All right. Let's begin the debate.

Gerald, go.

Greetings, fellow classmates!

[Knocking sound]my name is gerald stumford.

I'd like to be class president

Because I believe that--that...

I think it's important for...

What are you doing?


I'm trying to give my speech.

Hi, hi!


Anyway--i'd like to be class president

Because I think it's important for our student government

To make great strides in--in--

What'd you put on my face?



Hi, hi!

Uh--anyway, as your class president,

[Crunching sound]i promise to always--

To--to--to always--

What are you doing now?

Eating corn.

Could you wait until I'm done?

Want some corn?




Hi, hi!


Uh--uh--anyway, as your class president,

I promise for our school lunches

To always have both-- [speech garbled]

Ice cream with, uh,

What are you doing to my mouth?

Stretching it.

Miss perkins!

Courtney, will you please pull your fingers out of his mouth?

Thank you.

Hi, hi!


In closing, my fellow classmates,

I will make a great class president.

And if you choose me, you're choosing the right person to vote for.

And I think that it's important--

What did you put on my head?


Why'd you pour gravy on my head?

I like gravy.

I like gravy, too,

But not on my head!

Hi, hi!

That's it! I quit!

I'm dropping out of the race!


I'd like to present your new class president--


[Applause]hi, hi!

Courtney! Courtney! Courtney! Courtney!

Courtney! Courtney! Courtney! Courtney!

Thank you, guys.

Ok, tonight you will all get to see the fourth episode of moody's point.


Wow, thanks.

Ok, now, I don't wanna give too much away,

But let's just say there's a big surprise at the end.

A, um, very--passionate surprise.

Audience: whoo!

All right, calm down.

Ok, here we go.

Everybody, moody's point.

♪ Doo doo doo, doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo ♪

♪ Ah ah ah ah ♪

♪ Doo doo doo ♪

We have turkey jerky, lamb jerky,

Pork jerky, artichoke jerky--

But no beef jerky?

Not really.

Then I'm gonna go.


Hey.hey, mood.

Oh, hi guys. What's up?

You see who's here?


Over there, brooding by the pay phone.


Oh, look at him.

Get me a fork and knife.


I can't take it.

Excuse me.

What's so great about sternum?

Should we start with his feet

And work up?

Or we could start with his hair and work down.

He's just-- such a...


There you go.

Ha ha! Ha ha! Gotcha! Ha ha ha!

I hate that little freak!

He does this to me every day.

Here, at school.

So, no beef jerky, then?

♪ It doesn't matter that I should not meet you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I could not see you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I would not leave you ♪

♪ Can you love me for all I am ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I should not meet you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I could not see you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I would not leave you ♪

♪ Can you love me for all I am ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I still carry ♪

♪ All the pieces of the story ♪

♪ Come tomorrow I'll be ♪

♪ Standing here with all I have ♪

[School bell rings]♪ oh yeah ♪

Come to my birthday party. There'll be karaoke and dip.

Oh. Come to my birthday party. There'll be karaoke and dip.

Come to my birthday party. There'll be karaoke and dip.

Come to my birthday party.

There'll be karaoke and dip.

The w*r took my thumb.

You don't need a thumb for karaoke.

Come to my birthday party. There'll be karaoke and dip.

Spalding. What happened to your head?

You like?


I thought maybe moody would like...

[High-pitched] hey, moody.hi.

What's up?

Oh, I'm so swamped. I have a history final

And I have that thing for biology due.

[Sighs] will you guys help me study tonight?

What about misty's party?

I completely forgot.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Sucker! Blah!

Get me a baseball bat.

He is so annoying.

Don't worry, moody. If he bothers you again,

I'll handle it.

Thanks. I gotta get to class.

Wait! Um--

Did you notice anything different about me?


Yeah, you got a big nose hair there.

[High-pitched squeal]

See ya.

Nose hair!

Hey, you guys ever notice that with sandwiches,

The meat's always in the middle

And the bread's always on the outside.

Yes. Yes, have.

Pretty interesting.

Ha ha ha! Gotcha!

Oh, that's it!

I'll handle this.

Now, you listen.

What you did over there, squirting people,

It's not nice. Understand?

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

You wet your pants.

You little brat! You're gonna get it.

Get away! Get him off me!

Spalding, you're hurt.

I'm fine.

Little brat got a lucky shot at me.

More like lucky sh*ts!

I kicked your sorry butt!


Fine! You think you're tough?!

Meet me right here after school.

I'll kick it again.

I'm not gonna fight some little munchkin.

Just be here, unless you're chicken.

[Making chicken noises]

Don't worry, moody. He won't bother you anymore.

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!


Moody's point will be right back.

And now, back to...'s your eye?

I don't wanna talk about it.

Oh, spalding, it was no big deal.

Everybody's forgotten about it.

Hey, spalding, watch out.

There's a first grader behind you.


Hey, spalding. I heard the little kid hurt his hand.

Yeah, on your face! Ha!

Spalding, I just wanted to tell you,

I am so sorry to hear what ha--ha ha...!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha!

So, what's your fight plan?

I'm not going to fight a child.

You afraid?

He's not afraid. Fighting's just immature.

That's right. I'm gonna show up and explain to that little terror

That you can't go around hitting people.

All right, now you listen to me.

What happened yesterday was a big mi--


That's not right.

I'm sorry.

I won't bother people anymore.

Little man...

You're all right.


Nice hair.

That hurt?


Thanks for sticking up for me.

Yeah. I did such a stellar job.

You tried. That's what's important.

You're a good friend.


The best.


Do you think that um--friends--

Could--ever maybe be more than just friends?

Sometimes, but--

For me, I'm really not ready to be more than friends with anyone.

Not right now.

I understand.

Well, uh--

See ya.

See ya.

What's up?

Where are all the people I invited?!

This is your party?

[Laughs, then coughs]

♪ Don't go breakin' my heart ♪

♪ I couldn't if I tried ♪

♪ Oh, honey, if I get restless ♪

♪ Baby, you're not the kind ♪

What's that supposed to mean?

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Nobody knows it ♪

♪ When I was down ♪

♪ I was your clown ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Nobody knows it ♪

♪ Nobody know-ows ♪

♪ Right from the start ♪

♪ I gave you my heart ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ I gave you my heart ♪

[Audience applauds]

From his garage, it's totally kyle!

Oh. One time-- I turned on my radio--

'Cause I wanted to hear some tunes--

But no tunes came out--

Of my radio--

So I'm all, this is bogus.

But then, my best bud, leif,

Is all, "dude, it's a toaster."

So I looked up toasters, like, on the interweb--


And, like, toasters don't play tunes.

They cook bread.

That was totally kyle!


Thank you!

Thank you. Ok. You guys have been such a great audience tonight

That I am going to sing you a song all about smoked meats.


[Engine sound]

Um--the guy who wrote...

The guy who wrote the song,

He worked in a meatery


He used to smoke lamb chops--

Hey, there, amanda.


The guy used to work in a meatery and...

He used to smoke lamb chops--

Please, stop.

What you need?

Uh--well, it's just that uh--

Oh, sorry.

I guess this is kind of distracting, huh?

Do we really need to mow the stage?

I've never actually seen grass growing here.

See what a good job I do.

I suppose.

Hey, you want a ride?

No. I--i--

No, come on. Hop on.

All right.

That's our show. I gotta go mow stuff.

See ya!

Amanda, please.