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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 09/25/23 11:53
by bunniefuu
Whoa! Look at those babies!



I see you.

Ah. A little talcum powder.


Darn it, please.



Ha ha ha. Must be an apple tree around here somewhere.

Dagnabbit, please.

Come on, sweet fruit. Do not disappoint me.




♪ A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda show ♪

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

My name's amanda, and my shoes taste just like chicken!

Ok, now here at the amanda show,

We're not just about the comedy.

Sometimes we try to do things to help

Parents and kids get along better.

Take a look.

Hi, excuse me. Can I talk to you guys for a minute?

Ok. Sure.

Hi, what's your name?

Uh, andy. These are my parents.

Now as andy's parents,

Is there anything andy can do to make you guys happier?

I'll answer that one.

I would love it if he would just clean his room.

Aw, mom.

Come on, andy. I think that was a reasonable request.

Ok, I guess I could clean up my room a little bit more.

Atta boy. Now, in return,

Is there anything you'd like to see your parents do?

Yeah, I wanna see them put on ballerina outfits with flippers

And run down the street carrying big old dead fish

And yelling, "we're idiots!"


Both: we're idiots! We're idiots! We're idiots!

We're idiots! We're idiots! We're idiots! We're idiots!

Is there anything you'd like to see kathy do?

I'd like to see her get her grades up.

Is there anything you'd like to see your mother do?

Yeah, I'd like to see her captured by postal workers.

[Tires squeal]

Oh! Oh! Oh!

What can robert do to make your life happier?

Well, he could mow the lawn on saturdays.

Is there anything you'd like to see your dad do?

Yeah, I'd like to see him shave a clown's back.

Shave a clown's back?

So stick around. We'll be back in a sec

With new stuff. Whoo-hoo!

Our spitwads are ineffective!


Holy spit!

What was that?

That was my super spitballer !

You crazy tweens!


Basketball hoop!


Stop sign!

[Tires squeal]


Yeah! Yeah!

The super spitballer .

Comes with rolls of toilet paper

And a gallon of fresh spit!

Hey, my dad's coming!

Say! What's that thing up there?

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Oh, you kids.

The super spitballer -- from droolco!

♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda show ♪

[Counting in native language]




Yes, papa?

Have you eaten of the egg?

No, papa.



Yaga! Welcome to our video store.

How might to be helping you?

You people ripped us off!


I rented this video here for my nephew.

This is not the nutty professor!

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You no ask for the nutty professor--


You ask for the nubby professor.

Nubby?! Nubby?!

This movie better!

All: much better!

No, it's not. You people ripped us off!


Oh, snap out of it.


I'm good.

Now put the tape in.

Yaga. Let us enjoy the nubby professor.

Look at me. I am fat loser professor.

Now I am cool swinger.

Fat loser.

Cool swinger.

Fat loser.

Cool swinger.

Oh, wonderful!

I love the special effectiveness.

Those weren't special effectivenesses.


Oooh. Egg.

No egg!

Come on, herschel. Let's go try on wigs.

But I want the egg.


That lady loved our fine comedy movie.

I am proud... Like a melon.

Yaga!welcome to our video store.

How may to be helping you?

I rented this movie for the children at the orphanage.

All, sadly: orphanage.


Yes, you see, I asked for george of the jungle.

No, no, no. You asked for

Georgefrom the jungle.

From the jungle.

Yes, this movie better.

All: much better.

I hate to disagree, but i...

Disagree. Please, play the tape.


I am the george from the jungle.

George, george, george from the jungle.

I had better be watching out for that tree.

For that tree.


Hey, there, I am tree. Watch out for me.

Hit me.

Look, it is tragic and funny at same time.

Both: ♪ george, george, george from jungle ♪

Watch out for me, the tree.

Now, I'm sure you'll all agree that that was not the right movie.

How you will be paying me?

You don't understand. not... The movie...i asked for.

Yes...this... Movie...better.

Much better!

Stop saying that!

Be quiet, all of you!

Have you no conscience?

Your movie made orphans cry!

Two of them ran away! One left the country!

I boo you! I boo you all!




Papa, this lady. She did not even take one egg.

Yes, she took...none.

"Nun"! "Nun"!

Let us eat eggs and dance!

Yaga! Yaga!

[Voices from television]


Oh, this is nice.

Our whole family just enjoying

Some fine television together.

Mom! Dad!what's happening?!

Just pipe down and nobody gets hurt.

Who are you men?!

We're thugs.

We're here to cause trouble, steal your stuff,

And maybe even beat up your husband.

Now see here--

Sit down!

All of you--sit!

We're gonna check out your house now.

Anybody moves and you all get it!

Got it?

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

I'll call the cops.


Hello, cops?

Two thugs just broke into our house.

Ok, thanks.

What did they say?

They're sending over a special squad.


Hey, you people got a lot of stuff.

Stuff that we're gonna steal.


Hey, get that ring off her finger.

No, that's my wedding ring.

I won't let you take it.

Then I guess we're gonna have to get a little rough, huh?

Please don't bruise my daddy.


It's the cheerleaders!what the--?

I'm katie!

I'm stephanie!

I'm megan.

Ready? Ok! Ok!

U, n, d-e-r, you're under arrest, that's what you are.


You can't arrest us.

You're cheerleaders.

Correction. Cheerleaders and...

Part-time crimefighters.

Cuff 'em, girls.

We're not gonna let you arrest us.

Oh, yeah? Ready?

Ok! Ok!

Give us an "m".

"M". "M".

Give us an "i"."I". "I".

Give us an "l"."L". "L".

Give us a "k"."K". "K".

Put it all together and what does it spell?



Why did you have us spell milk?

To distract you.

From what?

From this.

Take 'em away, girls.

Ok! Ok!

How can we ever thank you?

By keeping up your school spirit.

I'll do it.

I'll do it.

You're an embarrassment.

Hey, would you consider going on a date with me?

No! But I will do this.


Yay! Whoo!

Wow! I was just flipped by a cheerleader.

That's right. Now, give me a "b". All: "b".

Give me a "y". "Y".

Give me an "e". "E".

Put it together and what does it spell?

Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!


Wow, those were some cheerleaders.

Oh, those aren't just cheerleaders...

Those are crimefighting cheerleaders.

I sure wish katie would go out on a date with me.

[All laughing]

Hey, look at that.

It's time for a ...

Hi. Knock knock.

Who's there?

Cappuccin-i-o machine.

Cappuccin-i-o machine who?

I'm gonna hit you in the head with a cappuccin-i-o machine.

That's good. Yup.

♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda show ♪

[Microphone feeds back]

Hello, everybody!

Let's all congratulate my adorable daughter, julie,

And her brand new husband, donald.


Let's bring out the band and get this party going.

Ladies and gentlemen, melody warble

And her guitar player, thad.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. I'm melody. Thank you.

I'm thad.

Is everybody having a good time tonight?


I'm thad.

Where's the bride and groom?

Oh. Well it's time for you two

To have your first dance together as husband and wife.

This is for you.

♪ You married an ugly guy

♪ And we all do wonder why

♪ You must be insane

♪ His nose is too big

♪ He looks like a pig

♪ You married an ugly guy

♪ This marriage will never last ♪

♪ Divorce will come very fast ♪

♪ You'll both be alone

♪ So say adios ♪

♪ Your husband is gross

♪ Yes, you married...

♪ An ugly guy


I don't know if that was the best song to sing.

You don't?

I don't understand.

I realize donald is a little odd-looking--

I heard that!

Ooh! Um, ooh...

Maybe you can sing a song for the grandparents, huh?

They're right over there.

Come on, thad.

Here I come, melody.

Hi, there. Hello.

This song is especially for you.


♪ You're extremely old

♪ Extremely old

♪ You have tooth decay

♪ You have tooth decay

♪ Some might say you're ancient ♪

♪ Older than the hills

♪ 'Cause your hair's so gray ♪

♪ 'Cause your hair's so gray ♪

♪ You can't remember what your name is ♪

♪ Wrinkles on your face

♪ Your face should be replaced ♪

♪ You look like you're a hundred ♪

♪ Or like a thousand--

Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!

Yes? Why did you stop us?

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to sing to the elderly.

Why not?

What are you trying to say?

Um, maybe you can sing something we can all dance to.


We'd be happy to.


All right, everybody, grab a partner

'Cause it's time to dance!

Hit it, thad.

Ok, melody.


♪ Well, swing your partner round and round ♪

♪ Pick her up then put her down ♪

♪ Shake your partner all about

♪ Then pull his hair and make him shout ♪

Ow! Ahhh! Ow!

♪ Well, dance around, that's how it goes ♪

♪ Flap your wings and blow your nose ♪

♪ Promenade and dosey-doe

♪ Bark like a dog and stomp his toe ♪


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

♪ Dance like a squirrel with a brand new nut ♪

♪ Lean to the left and slap your butt ♪

♪ Now flash a smile and bow with grace ♪

♪ Then go pbbbbt right in his face ♪



♪ Swing your partner round and round ♪

♪ Then wrestle him down to the ground ♪

[All muttering]



[Bell clangs]

[Bell clangs]

Thank you.

Ok. Thank you. Ok.

Now we're close to the end of the show,

But before we go, the president of the united states

Is gonna come here and sing a song. I'm so--

Pretzels! Get your pretzels!

Pretzels. Hot pretzels.

What's up?

Not a lot.

Are you in the middle of something here?

Kinda. We're just trying to do a little tv show.

On an empty stomach?


Looks like you could use a pretzel,

That's all I'm saying.

Thanks, I'm ok.

What about these audience people?

[Cheers and applause]

You guys want some pretzels?

Um, ok. I'll take....

Buy and you get a free baby.




Ok, I'm gonna need some help

Passing these pretzels out.

No problem. Jim! Barney!

[Cheers and applause]

Would you mind passing out some pretzels?

Sweet. Sure.

Well, that's our show. I gotta go burp this baby.

See ya!

Amanda, please.