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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 09/25/23 11:52
by bunniefuu
Come on, come on. Look out.


Come in.

Amanda, the show's about to start.

Can I get you into wardrobe? Sure.

Amanda's on her way.


Amanda?! Oh!

Oh, you scared me half to death.

Don't care. Where's amanda, please?

Who are you?

I'm, uh...

The air conditioning man.

But you're a girl.

Prove it! Where's amanda, please?

Um, she went to get dressed. She's got to be on stage in just a minute.

Does this air conditioning duct lead to the stage?

I'm not sure.

Then thanks for nothing.

I'll find amanda myself, please. Fare thee well.

Amanda. Amanda, please.

Sandwich? Ew, please.

Amanda? Amanda? Oh, here's an opening.

I'll bet this is the stage.

The time has come for me to finally meet amanda, please.

Amanda, please?

Mom? Mom?! There's a girl in the toilet!

Flush, please.

And u.s. Department of education

♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda show ♪

My name's amanda and I come with everything you see here.

Ok, now we have a great show for you guys tonight,

But first I want to show you this cool new trick I've been practicing.

You guys wanna see?

All: yeah!

Great. Jim, kathy.


Thanks. Right here. Ok.

Uh, here's your glass of water.

Thank you.

Ok, now I'm going to put the glass of water right here.

Now I'm going to dive right into this glass of water.

Are you ready?

All: yeah!

Drum roll, please.

[Drum roll]


Aw, man!

What happened?

Uh, amanda, sorry,

But something's wrong with the electricity.

Oh. Can I borrow that, please?

Sure. Thanks.

Be right back!

[Hair dryers whirring]

Guys, what's with all the hair dryers? You blew a fuse.

We're having a weenie roast.

Over hair dryers?

Yeah, we're not allowed to light a fire in here.

Weenie?all right.

We're gonna roast some weenies, so stick around.

I'll be back in a sec with new stuff.

This artichoke is boring.

I know. Let's play

Pass the skunk!

Pass... The... Skunk?

Yeah! Pass the skunk!

How do we play?

Just pass the skunk around until the music stops.

Then what?

You'll see.

[Music starts]

[Music stops]

Oh, no!


I've been stinkified!


[Music stops]

It burns my eyes!


[Music stops]

I think I might vomit!

Say, kids. What reeks?

Hey, who's this little guy?

This is nauseating.

Ha ha ha ha.

Announcer: pass the skunk!

Comes with live skunk and music box.

May cause warts, swelling, and fits of rage.

When will it stop?

Wha ha ha ha ha ha!

♪ Amanda-manda-manda- manda-manda ♪

♪ Manda-manda-manda- manda-manda show ♪

Hi, and welcome back to so you wanna win five dollars.

Now let's welcome our next contestant,

Tony pajamas.


Are you ready to play?

Uh, listen, I didn't have any dinner tonight.


And it was to my understanding there was gonna be food backstage.


Well, there wasn't any. I'm starving over here.

Could you get me like a sandwich or something?

We have no sandwiches.

Oh...can we order in or something?

You know, some hot wings? Couple tacos?

Tuna melt?

Uh, let me see--no.

Now here's your first question.

"I pledge allegiance to the--"


I haven't given you the answers yet.

No, I'm sayin' why don't you order me a pizza?

We're in the middle of a show.

Now, "I pledge allegiance to the..."

Hmm, tough question. Can I use my phone-a-friend?

Yes. Let's get tony's friend on the line.

Man: hi, this is tommy.

Hi, tommy, this is tina from so you want to win five dollars.

We have tony here and he needs your help.

Tommy: ok, what does he want?

Get me a large pizza, half pepperoni, half sausage.

You want extra cheese?

Wait a minute. Who did you have us call?

This is tony's pizza.

You can't use your lifeline to order pizza!

Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?

I'm the host of the show!

Hey, I'm still starvin' over here.

Hello, this is tommy.

Just answer the question!

It's "c", flag. Flag, flag, flag!

You happy now? Now give me some stinkin' food.

I hate you!

I'm still hungry.

Grrrr. Next question.

"How many states make up the united states?"

Is it...

Well, let's see. I know it ain't none,

And I'm pretty sure it ain't leather,

[Beep beep]

Oooh, hey. Somebody order a pizza?

Hey, yo, right over here.

You can't eat that here.

Ooh, yeah, you can eat this anywhere.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Time's almost up. Your answer, please!

Hey, this pizza's beautiful.

[Buzzer sounds]

Ha! Time's up.

I don't care. I'm gonna go finish this pizza.

Good. Go!

You got any parmesan?

Get out.

Aw, fuggedaboutit.

Please give me a moment to suppress my deep hatred.

There. Now let's welcome our next guest, judge trudy.

Announcer: this is judge trudy.

If you have a question and you want it answered,

Don't take the question into your own hands.

Take it to judge trudy.


All right, all right. I am judge trudy.

You can't bring a bailiff on the show.


Judge trudy wants a bailiff!

All right.

Thank you. Now tina whatever-your-name-is,

I understand you have a few questions for me.

Yes. Your first question is,

"How many days are in a year?"

Is it-- !

All right. Next question, sweetheart.

[Trumpets sound]

Ooh, I'm sorry, time for the lightening round.

You'll be given questions--

Shut your tooth box and make with the questions!

Heh heh heh heh, tooth box.

That's your mouth.

All right, your first question is...



Walter b. Tubbs.

[Buzzer sounds]

Oh, I'm sorry. It was warren b. Tubbs.


You can't overrule me!

Your answer was wrong!

It was right!

It was wrong!

Right! Wrong!


Judge trudy says she's right!


Thank you. I find in favor of the contestant, me,

In the amount of five dollars.

Game dismissed.

Bring in the dancing lobsters.

Who gets the people?

Thank you. Ok, so how many of you guys

Saw the last episode of moody's point?

[Cheers and applause]

Uh, did you like it?

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you. Well, you're all here on a great night,

Because we've got another brand new moodyfor you.

So here we go. Everybody, moody's point.

♪ Doo doo doo

♪ Doo doo doo

♪ Doo doo doo

[Bell rings]

Hi, spalding. Hey brie.

Hey, moody.

Hi. Your locker stuck again?

Yeah. I can't get it open.

Come watch me try out for cheerleader.

Oh, hi guys. You're gonna come watch me try out for cheerleader, right?

Oh, I'll get them.thanks.


Are you ok?!

You're so hurtful!

She seems upset. Maybe you should talk to her.

I don't know.

You should talk to her.

You're so right, moody. Misty, wait.

Hey, moods. Maybe after we're done

Watching misty try out for cheerleading,

You wanna go out and get some cole slaw?

Oh, I would, but I have to return this videotape by :.

Return it tomorrow.

Brie, I have never, ever returned a videotape late.

What kind of girl do you think I am?

What kind of girl are you?

Sternum.hi, sternum.

What smells like beef?


New flavor. You like?

Guess you do.

♪ It doesn't matter that I should not meet you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I could not see you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I would not leave you ♪

♪ Can you love me for all I am ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I should not meet you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I could not see you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I would not leave you ♪

♪ Can you love me for all I am ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I still carry ♪

♪ All the pieces of the story ♪

♪ Come tomorrow I'll be ♪

♪ Standing here with all I have ♪


Hit 'em low, hit 'em high,

Kick their mothers in the thigh.

If we don't win this game today,

We'll squirt their eyes with pepper spray.


Great job!

Ok, next up is misty rains.

What's that supposed to mean?'s your turn.

Oh. Yay.

Think she'll make it this time?

I hope so. I'd sure hate to see her lose out again.

Ready? Ok. Gimme a "g".

All: "g"!

Gimme an "r". "R"!

Gimme an "f". "F".

Gimme a "p". "P".

Gimme a "l". "L".

Put it all together and what does it spell?

Grfpl... [Mumbling]

It doesn't spell anything!

Can I do it again? Please?

Yeah, just do it fast. It's almost :.

Oh my gosh, brie, it's almost ! So what?

I've gotta return the tape by or it'll be late.

Who cares? I do!

Hey, what's wrong with moody?

She's gonna be late returning a video.

What?! We've gotta help her! Come on!


You didn't rewind.

I forgot.

What if you forgot to breathe? Then you'd be dead.


I'm just saying.

I wanna return this tape.

No problem. I'll just--

This tape is late.

But it's :.

Correction. :.

What's the difference?


Give her a break. She's never returned a video late in her life.

Never in my whole life.

Until now.


It's all right, moody. I'm here.

I'm here.

...will be right back.

And now back to...

♪ Doo doo doo

♪ Doo doo doo

Moody, you can't let it get to you like this.

I can't help it.

I understand w you feel.

Didn't you used to sell balloons here?

Yeah. We switched to corn.

I love corn.

Can we please go back to my video problem?

Moody, the late fee's only a dollar.

It's not the money. It's my father.

How can I tell him? He'll be so disappointed in me.

He'll understand. He's a nurse.

It doesn't matter. Even with all his nursing skills,

He won't be able to heal my reputation.

Moody, you didn't mean to turn the video in late.

Just tell your dad you made a mistake.i can't.

You can. I can't.

You can. I can't.

You can.i can.

So I was one minute late.

I'm really sorry, dad.

I know you are, sweetheart.

But just because the cat has kittens in the oven,

Doesn't make 'em biscuits. Ha ha ha.

Know what I mean?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Oh, gosh, I miss your mother.

She'd be very proud of you for being so honest with me.



I'm gonna pass.

♪ Doo doo doo

♪ Doo doo doo

♪ Ahhhhhhhh

And the next spot on the cheerleading squad goes to...

Lisa wickle.

All righ@á that leaves one spot left

On this year's cheerleading squad.

Oh, please, please, please, please, please!

And the final spot goes to...

Brrrrrrrdb--drum roll.

Eileen margolis!

Yes! This is so exciting!

Life is so suckful!

Tough break, misty.

We're sorry.

I wish I were elsewhere.



You look like you'd make a fine cheerleader.

But--but all the spots are filled.

Oh, heck, we can make room for her.


But she didn't even try out.

Any chimpanzee can be a cheerleader.

Hey. Why don't we go get you some pom-poms, huh?


That was so hurtful!

So moody, did you tell your dad about returning the tape late?

Yeah. He was really cool about it.

Said my mom would be proud of me.

I bet shwould. It's a bummer that

She disappeared in that hot air balloon.

If only I could talk to her.

I wonder what she'd say.

I'm thirsty!



Help! I'm lost in this hot air balloon!

This is so not good.


♪ It doesn't matter that I should not meet you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I could not see you ♪

♪ It doesn't matter that I would not leave you ♪

♪ Can you love me for all I am ♪


From his garage, it's totally kyle.

Um, one time...

My friend had this car...

But he couldn't drive it...

Because he was, like, ...

And it didn't have, like, a motor...

So he sat in the car,

And, like, put on the radio,

Like--like, loud...

Only the car didn't have a radio,

So it was...

Mostly quiet.

Announcer: that was totally kyle!



Whoooo! All right!

Wow, you guys have been an amazing audience,

And because you've been so great,

I'm going to attempt another cool trick for you, ok?

I'm almost !

Ok, now I am going to swallow this tricycle...


All: ooooooooh.

Drum roll, please.

[Drum roll]


Audience: awwwwwww.

Oh, man. Again?

Can I have a flashlight, please?

Ok, be right back.

Drake, I'm trying to do the show.

You knocked the power out again.

Don't blame me. The lobsters put me over the hair dryers.

[Speaking lobster language]

I'm hot. I think I'm starting to cook.

Oh, drake. Don't be such a complainer.

Will you please just get me down form here?

All right.

Thank you.

Ok, that's all the time we have left.

I've gotta go hypnotize social workers. See ya.

Amanda, please.