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03x21 - Ugly Roomers/Finger Lickin' Goofs

Posted: 09/25/23 10:21
by bunniefuu
[ Lively dance music playing]

♪ A-a-a-angry beavers

♪ Beavers.

Hey, get out of my way!

[ Snoring]

[ Screams]


[ Yells]



[ Grumbling]

I was wondering, pondering contemplating, spay-culating

If you couldn't possibly maybe feasibly conceivably

Go play somewhere else!

Sure thing, norb.

[ Hooting]

Rampart, rampart, this is medivac six.

We're en route to... Ah, my leg!

My leg! What?

Hey, where's my leg?

Okay, I'll just go read downstairs.

[ Crashes]


The gum!

Keep your dirty paws off my gum collection!

Ooh, the chenille.

[ Chuckles evilly]: indeed.

[ Flies buzzing]

That's it!

You're cleaning this place up right now!

[ Stammers]

What the hecksinki is this?

The los machitos, the singing pride of the andes.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, senorita

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, senorita

♪ Si, si, si, I want to meet ya ♪

♪ Si, si, si, I want to meet ya ♪

♪ ¿Porque no comido conmigo?♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

[ Shatters]

[ Yells]

Stop it.

You're acting like me.

Acting like you-- oh, no.


Here's acting like you.

Ooh, look, I'm dag!

Ooh, I'm going to embarrass my brother

With my lame-o musical poster...



Los machitos no son lame-o.

Oh, si, los machitos son muy lame-o

Y tu eres muy lame-o tambien, hermano!

In fact, you're so lame-o

That I can't even relax-o and enjoy-o my own room-o!

This is half my room, dos.

Then I'll just have to get my own room, huh?

[ Gasps]


I'm going to build a new room, too!

Let's see you put your monkey

Where your mouth is, freak boy.

[ Chomping loudly]

[ Hums]

[ Gulping]

[ Humming]

[ Yelps]


Let go, you stupid thing!

[ Hooting]

[ Chokes]

[ Grunts]

Hey, dagson pollack

You don't stop goofing around with your art project

Your new bedroom is never "guana" be finished!

[ Buzzing]

Yes! Finished!

The bestest new bedroom ever, much better

Than any other bedroom being added to this dam

By someone who will remain nameless... Norb.


[ Coughing]

Come on, norb!

Let me in!

[ Coughs]

I'm dying...

[ Coughs]

Out here!

♪ Pass it around, bottles of... ♪

[ Screaming]

If you came here to ask to see my super cool new room

You can just forget it.

Oh, well.

I mean it, it's too cool for you!

Yeah-huh, sorry I missed it.

I know you're jealous and want to see it

But I'm not going to let you.

Yeah, that's it, dag.

I'm jealous, for reals.

Fine, mr. Nosy, I'll show it to you.

Just quit begging me already.

I don't want to.

"Bridge out ahead."

[ Snickers]: cool, huh?

I got it for free on the highway.

[ Horn honks]

[ Yelling]

[ Splash]

Come on, come on, quit lollygagging.

[ Panting]

Dag, my legs are going to fall off.

How high is this thing?

[ Panting]

It shouldn't be too much further.

What the hay?

Dag, you doofus!

Okay, let's take the shortcut.


Cool, "idn't" it?

No, it "idn't"!

It "idn't"?

It'd be gross.


What did I just step in?

My water closet.


How could something so new be so filthy?

This place is disgusting, dag.

Well, if you don't like my new room

Then why'd you want to see it so bad?

I didn't!

You didn't?

And I don't.

And I'm leaving.


And good-bye.

Mm-hmm, see ya.

Hi, norb.

Hi, again.

How are ya?

Daggett, let me out of this festering maze!

Sure I will, if you show me your new room.


I'll do anything to get out of here!


Now where is that door?


I think it's under this filth.


[ Yelping]

[ Splashing]

Okay, so don't feel so bad

If your room isn't as

Cooly-cooly-cool as mine, norbegito.

After all, not everyone can be as...

Sanctified mother of crud!

It's not much, but it's all solo mine-o.

[ Yells]

[ Chuckles]

I sure hope dag survived the fall.


Thinks he's so smart-- mr. Bigshot and his ivory trowel.

Well, my room's going to be way betterer than his.

Yes, sir, indeedy.

♪ Tu eres el gato en rojo♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

Okay, dag, this means w*r.

Coming soon, the world's biggest and bestest new bedroom.

He thinks he can build his room as good as mine?

I'll show him.


Who's biggerer and be-better, gooder now?

[ expl*si*n]


I'm still biggerer.

I only stopped to give you something.

[ High-pitched tone]

[ Coughing]

You... You dirty rat.

[ Coughs]

Oh, norby... My room's biggerer and betterer.

Oh, and this is for spraying me in the eyes.

Higher than you, norb.

Too low by half, imitator.

What's wrong, dag?

You having a little trouble with your...

My new bedroom.

Our dam.

Your anger broke it.

Your pride broke it.

It's not over.

It shoulda been, norb.

Looky in the valley of the lepers.


I don't know.


You're right.


I'm sorry, norby.

It was my fault.

That's right.

Maybe I could've tried harder to get along.

Yeah, you creep!

I promise to be a betterer brother in the future.

And I promise that I'll try not to get

Quite so irritated by you, daggett.



Now let's go to bed.

I'm exhausted.


[ Disco beat]

Norbert: you promised!

[ Stammering]


You are out of favor with me.

You have slipped in my fondness poll.

You're the kind of person to talk about

Behind their back now.


♪ Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

[ Crickets chirping, birds singing]

[ Tchaikovsky's nutcracker suite "waltz of the flowers" plays]

[ g*nsh*t]

[ Squawks]

[ Gurgling]

[ Panting]


[ Tchaikovsky's nutcracker suite "waltz of the flowers" plays]

[ Snarling]

What the...? What the...?

[ Chomps loudly]

Hm, beaver.


[ Spits]

Hey, what's the big idea?

I'm sorry, baby.

I mistook you cats for salmon.

So, you're finally giving up

Your vaygetarian-ness.


You know fish aren't my bag.

It's for my poor lonely mama.

[ Watch timer tune playing]

Hey! It's time

For the most stupendousest tv show on earth!

We got to dash.

Hello, I'm señor mr. Bill licking

And welcome to bill licking's

Wild animals who seem laid back and mellow, but aren't!

[ Canned laughter]

Although the cunning bear can appear almost funkadelic

In his hip grooviness, don't let the dashiki fool you.

Bears are twisted machines of destruction.

[ Daggett laughs]

Yeah, right.

[ Chuckling]

Bill licking's a boob.

[ Laughs]


Licking: here's a little known factoid about the oh-so-lovable bear.

It is a rare occurrence for the mighty bear to get a taste

Of the delectable freshwater beaver, but once they have

They will never give up the chase.

Mark my words, if you're a beaver, beware of the bear!

Hey, norby, are you thinking

About that thingy that just happened?

You bet your ever-loving beaver behind I am.

[ Spits]

Mm, beaver.

Dag, barry's our friend.

He, he, he would never do anything

Like, like that.

I mean, let's not jump to rash conclusions.


Oh, no, norby!

Barry's going to eat us.

[ Yelps]

Don't be stupid, dag.

Don't you think you could be having

Just a slight, itsy-bitsy overreaction?

[ Crash]

You'll be sorry when it's too late

And you're all mushy mush in his stomach.

Barry: have you boys got any more of these?

[ Whimpering]

I don't know what the deal is, man, but I'm starving tonight.

[ Whimpers]

Hey, how did you

Get in here to eat us anyway?

What dag means is, "our casa es su casa."

But how did you get in?

Daggy, baby, you kept locking yourself out

So you gave me a spare.

I let myself in because it's tuesday

And tuesday is the night we hang, man.

See, dag?

Same old barry.

Now, do us all a favor and give

Your freakishly overactive imagination a rest.

Licking: when finished with his meal

The bear will often bury the beaver bones in a shallow...

[ Tv shuts off]

Hey, wasn't that...?

Barry, we never talk anymore.

How have you been?

Hey, why are you so hungry, barry?

What's up with that, huh, huh?

You know, you're right.

Of course I am.

I'm still hungry.

Oh, well, then, why don't you have

A delicious lickety split?

That is, unless it doesn't taste enough like beaver for you!

I think I will have one.

[ Slurps]

Tastes like wood, man.

I'm in the mood for something... I don't know, more delectable.

You cats don't mind if I raid your fridge a little?

No, mm-mm, no, no way, baby, no.

You ever have a taste for something

But just don't know what it is?

Like... Beaver maybe?

Sure, we all get cravings.

It's perfectly normal.

I remember one time...

Barry: I just can't pinpoint it

And it's getting worse.

It's getting worse, because you want beaver!

You know, I think I see

What I've been searching for, baby.

[ Yelling]

[ Crunches]

I feel like I'm going to lose my mind.

You dig?

We dig.

[ Laughs]

Excuse us uno momento.

Back in two and two.

[ Chuckles]

Yeah, great.

Now, let's think, moon-daggie.

What to do, what to do?

Norby, norby, he'll never get us.

He'll never get us.

Not if we eat him first!


I think I've got it now.

If we satisfy his insatiable appetite, we'll be home free.

Hey, why don't we just get him something to eat?

[ Crashes]

My apologies, my friend

For our poor hospitalitia.

Yeah, what he said.

From now on, chef norbert

Will take care of you.

Never fear! I know plenty of exotic dishes

To appease your fussy palate.

[ Stammering]

What about some nice borscht?

Hot cakes, zucchini a la mode?

No... This is not what I had in mind, man.

[ Whimpers]

[ Growls]

[ Yelling]

[ Rumbling]

I'll never find it!

[ Claws scraping sharply]

[ Crashes]

I thought this would be the best place

To break it to you.

Break what to me, hermano?

That from now on...


It's every beaver for himself!

If someone's going to get eaten, it's not going to be me.

No, no!

Take him,barry.

He's a much betterer thingy to eat

Than me,i swear.

I taste like... I taste like fish!

[ Spitting]

You don't want me, you want him.

Oh, baby, you cats think I want eat you?

No, we don't.

Whatever gave such a stupid idea?

I don't know.

You guys keep repeating it.

[ Snickering]

Well, don't listen to us, you big bear.

I don't believe you.

If you really don't think I'm going to eat you

Then prove it.

Both: prove it?!

Climb into my mouth.

Both: what?!

It's a matter of trust, baby.


Nothing to worry about.

Hi, this is bill licking with a special report.

This just in:

If a bear you suspect has had a taste of beaver

Stands in front of you innocently

And asks you to climb into his mouth

Do not believe him!

I repeat: do not believe him.

It's a setup.

Who you going to believe, man, him or me?

You. You.

This just in:

If a bear has just said to you

"Who are you going to believe, baby?"

And you're now sitting in his mouth, you will be eaten

In a matter of seconds.

[ Grunting]

Oh, he's good.

[ Loud crash]

But he's not good enough!

Run for your lives!

He'll eat you all right.

He's the most vile, heinous, mean, beaver-chewing lunkhead

To ever disgrace this beautiful forest!

Daggett: I knew it, I knew it.

Hey, man, what's this?

"America's number one bear hater?"

Okay, I lied.

Bears are laid back, mellow, groovy, funkadelic

And all-around the coolest animal in forests.

I mean, they're way cooler than beavers

But I don't care.

I hate them anyway

Because when I was just a boy

None of the other little bears would play with me.

I mean, what's wrong with me anyway?

Maybe your wig scared them all away, baby.

[ Glass shatters]

"Dear son, thanks for the salmon

Love, mama."

Hey, mm-- spinach goulash, yum.

Carrots, yum...

Tofu crispy cakes, my favorite.

I guess this is what I was craving all along.


Guess we all learned an important leeshon

About friendship today.

You bet, wally.

I learned not to mistrust and backstab your friends

Unless you know for sure

That he's not out to have you for dinner.

Oh, so that's the moral!

[ Laughing]

Yeah, baby.

Hey, I wonder whatever happened

To that spooty old bill licking anyway?

[ Chuckles]

Let's hope he's finally gotten over

His ridiculous hatred of bears.

[ Laughing]

[ Groaning]

[ Spits]

[ Loud belch]