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01x06 - Muscular Beaver/Fish 'n' Dips

Posted: 09/25/23 09:57
by bunniefuu
[ Lively dance music playing]

♪ A-a-a-angry beavers

♪ Beavers.

Feel my wondrous fur of steel, baron bad beaver.

And so the planet sleeps easier tonight

For justice has a new name, and every villain knows it:

[ Shouting]: muscular beaver!



Whoo! [ Crashing]

Dag, are you playing

Muscular beaver again?

Why, norb, whatever do you mean?

Well, every time muscular beaver shows up

Things get destroyed.

Remember last time?

Now, cut it out

Before you break something else.

[ Blows raspberry]

Harsh words.

But true.

As loathe as our hero was to admit it

Norb was right.

The bumbling, stupid losery daggett

Was just an alter ego that had outlived its usefulness.

Now it must be cast off for good.

And that was the day dag the loser died

And muscular beaver was truly born!




Evil is afoot.

And muscular beaver is...

Dag, what are you doing?

You can't go outside like this.

...the ground to avoid baron bad beaver.

Who is this dag you speak of, citizen?

I know of no such person.

I am...

[ Shouting]: muscular beaver!

Yeah, yeah, okay, dag

I know you like to toss on the old mask and cape

Every time you feel a little droopy-poopy.

If it makes you feel better, fine.

Just don't do it in public

Where everyone I know can see you!

It's embarrassing.




Greetings, citizen!


[ Softly]: oh, hey... Be quiet.

You'll scare the fish.

Have no fear.

I have many powers of vision.

I shall render these fish powerless

With my fantastic fish-o-vision.

Water creatures cannot resist the magnetic pull

Of my all-powerful ogling.

Fear not, citizen.

They'll be back.

My trusty fish-o-vision

Has never failed!



Like this.

[ Tires squeal]

Watch your step, bystander

Or you may cut yourself

On my razor-sharp wondrous fur of steel.

Oh, sorry.

I was just learning to fly.


All that wing-flapping

Won't get you anywhere.

A real hero takes to the air like this.

Put your arms out in front

And let your super powers do the rest.

Ha! Really?

Just leap and say, "whoosh."

Ah, that's easy.


[ Screaming]

Okay, who's next?

My work here is done, citizens.

And now I'm off with the wind.

[ Squawking]

Greetings, masked citizen.

I see you are hungry.

And there is much food over there.

Fear not.

Muscular beaver takes from the foody people

And gives to the non-foody.

But I'm not hungry.

Fear not.

My utility shorts contain a plethora

Of superhero devices.

Behold my cloak of limited visibility!

[ Chanting]

[ Chanting...]

Amazing, is it not, citizen?

I am just nearly visible.

But do not be afraid.

I am still here.

Just follow the sound of my voice.

Now I shall sneak

Onto their table undetected

And remove all that is good from their lunch.

[ Chanting...]

Did you see that?

He just walked right in here and stole our food.

No need to thank me, citizen.

It's all in a day's work for...

[ Shouting]: muscular beaver!


Hey, get back here, raccoon!

Hey, you!

Hey, get back here!

Bear: you have got to do something about dag.

He is nuts, baby.

He's a disgrace.

He's now running around with his underpants on the outside.

Hey, this is the forest.

Please, respect.

[ Squawks]

He's making our kids jump off cliffs.

Yeah. Yeah.

Come on.

Ticking off the tourists.

He thinks he's nearly visible.

Enough already!

I know my brother's nuts.

And I'll deal with it.

But is he too far gone, baby?

Um... What'll you do?

Oh, iwon't do anything.

♪ Pom... Pom... Pom!

♪ Dramatic reverb.

The only way to beat a wacko beaver

Who believes he's a superhero, is to become a wacky beaver

Who believes he's a super-villain!

This is a job for...

[ Echoing]: baron bad beaver!

Master of really terrible...

Evil... Things.

They're both nuts.

[ Grunting]

Fear not, citizen.

I shall save you

From this foul, head-eating shell.

[ Yells]

Eh? Drats, swallowed him whole.

We meet at last, muscular beaver.

You'll pay for that, whoever you are.

I think not.

For I am baron bad beaver

Master of really terrible, evil... Things.

You are?

Right. Of course you are.

I shall crush you like an insect

In a super battle to end all super battles.

Then I'll take over this immediate vicinity.

You're not taking over anything

Except the world of hurtness.

Prepare to feel the burning bite

Of my laser teeth!

You'll have to do better than that

Muscle brain beaver.

For my cape is capable of absorbing your laser energy

And throwing it right back at you.


[ Groaning]

[ Growls]

Let's see how you fare

Against my razor-sharp wondrous fur of steel!


Drats, the scoundrel remains intact.

A super-villain super force-field

Must have been protecting his body.

But not his mind!

You are through, baron bad, uh...

Bad guy!

For I am turning your brain to putty

With my mind-melting powers.

You fool.

Didn't you realize

I just traveled at the speed of light

Gently jimmied open your head

Took out your brain

Disabled its mind-melting powers

Before you even noticed?

I would have seen you.

No, you wouldn't.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

See, you blinked.

I just did it again.

Oh, blast it!

Just missed him.


If that's the way you want to play.

I see our super battle to end all super battles

Is unable to... End.

Super. Then there's only one thing we can do.

Correctomundo, foe.

Thumb wrestle.

The final finger fight of fate.







You are indeed a formidable opponent

Muscle face beaver.

[ Laughs]

But tell me, what color

Is your cloak of limited visibility?

I... I... I don't know.

It's just nearly visible.

And can you melt your own mind

With your mind-melting powers?

What? Are you trying to confuse me?

And how come you only travel

Eight miles per hour faster than the speed of light?

Why not nine?

I... I...

I... Don't...


[ Crying]

[ Laughs]

Victory is mine!

You must be an impostor.

A plain old, normal beaver named...


Oh, come on, it's not that bad.

It's not?

Of course not.

Who wants to be a superhero anyway?

All that going on patrol

And fighting super-villains.

That's hard work.

On the other hand

A plain old beaver gets to sit around the dam

And watch tv.

Now, who's got the better deal?


[ Gasps]


My brother.


A super villain?

How did you keep your identity secret?

I'm not a super villain.

I just dressed up like one

So I could make you stop embarrassing me!

But... Just promise me

You'll never do anything like this

To embarrass me again.

Okay. I promise.

Of course I had to promise him that

So he'd keep thinking

I was plain old, bumbling little daggett.

But that's only a cover for...

Double- beaver--

Secret agent from the near future.


Hello, gold-beaver.

[ Hums theme fromjames bond ]

Dagger: , ... , ...

, ... , ...

, ... , ...

, ... Hey!

Come here, you lame ball!

[ Squeaks]

[ Burbling]: keep off the kelp?

[ Rumbling]



[ Burbling yelps]: woo! Ooh!

[ Gasping]

[ Whimpering]

[ Panting]

[ Yelling]: ooh!

[ Daggett panting]

[ Screaming]: ooh!

Man: ♪ try juicy, juicy chews

♪ With a real fruit flavor...

[ Crash and splash]

What the...?!

[ Panting and gibbering...]



[ Shrieks]

[ Imitating]: you no make sense.

Old gramps!

Not the big book of scary thingsagain!

Old gramps-- he's out there!

The legendary -year-old muskellunge--

A freshwater fish so huge he can swallow a swede!

Dag, you have nothing to worry about.

You're not swedish.

Oh, yeah?

Look at the bite he took out of my tail!

Oh, come on! You snagged it on a rock or something.

Old gramps is nothing but an old beavers' tale.

A story told so many times

Only a brainless beaver would believe it.

Well, I believe it.

I rest my case.

And brain or no brain

I'm getting that piece of my tail back!

[ Crashing]

Ships ahoy, matty.

It's "matey."

Whatever. Come on aboard the s.s.

[ Hissing]: ssss.

I only had an "s" stencil.


But she's a seaworthy vessel.

With everything I need to catch the world's largest muskellunge

Including... The muskie lounger.

This is kooky. Your tail piece is probably

Stuck in the mud outside the dam.

Have you looked?

Eh... Ah...

The landblubber still refuses to believe, eh?

Perhaps he's just a little jealous

He didn't get to see old gramps.


I'm so not jealous.

I'm going to prove to you old gramps is a big old fib.






Fib. Fib-buh

Fib-buh, fib-buh, fib-buh!

Fish. Eh.

Fine, captain flounder.

I'll not only prove you wrong

I'll take some snapeshots

For posterity.

[ Squeaks]

[ Screaming]

Thar he blows!

[ Whistling cheerfully]

Hey, I have an idea.

Let's sing us a good old-fashioned sea chantey.

Aye-aye, lady.

That's aye-aye, laddie.


♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho, once just a plain beaver ♪

♪ Now a fancy-pants captain with a first matt named norb ♪

♪ Who won't do anything I say

♪ But that's okay, hey!

[ Whistling]

♪ Hey!

I get it.

You plan to keep singing

Till old gramps gets sick

And throws up your tail!


Stop your kidding, cabin boy.

[ Rattling and clanking]

Argh. All I need to catch a fish

Is good old-fashioned fish bait.

We'll chum the water with these paddle balls.

It's my experience

Old gramps has a real hankering for 'em.

Hmm... That is odd.

Gramps isn't racing from his shadowy depths

To eat your delicious paddle balls.

This will bring him to the surface.

[ Water gurgling]

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

[ Growls]

[ Grunting]

[ Balls splashing]

[ Groans]

Old gramps is more cunning than I imagined.

If he won't come up top, I must go below

In my muskie cage, and search for him

With my own eye... Yi-yi.

Dag, we both know there's nothing down there.

Start lowering me

To the shadowy, bottomless depths below, swappy.

If you insisty.


[ Chuckling]

This one's for the refrigerator.

Okay, captain adag

The first tries to find old gramps were a lot of laughs

But now it's old and I'm out of film.

So let's go home.

Home? The sea is my home, ladle.

Lady... Wait, are you calling me lady?


All right, captain bait-for-brains.

You can stay here.

I'm out of here.


Argh! Shaver your timbers!


This is mutant-knee.

[ Sighs]

I'll see you back at the dam.

[ Gasps]

[ Frantic panting]

[ Gibbering]

Fish! Big! Eyes! Scary!

I saw old gramps.

I must be dreaming.

I could have swore you said you saw...

[ Both screaming]

[ Panting and gibbering...]

What do we do?

I'll start the engine.

You man...


The muskie lounger.

Aye-aye, moo camitan!

[ Creaking]

[ Swishing]

[ Doesn't start]

Oh-please-oh-please. Please-please start.

[ Starts]

[ Stops]

[ Crashing, grunting]

Oh! Oof!

[ Harpoon whizzing overhead]


[ Swishing]

[ Both screaming...]

[ Big crash]

Grumpy voice: what's this thing in my way?

Criminy, move it already!

Old gramps?

You're darn tooting.

I'm old gramps.

Terror of the deep.

Feel my wrath.

[ Wheezes and coughs]

That's old gramps?

He's not so tough.

You keep him talking

While I reload the muskie lounger.

Come on. He's a harmless old fish.


He ate my tail!

How could he eat your tail?

He has no teeth.

[ Grumbling]: oh, give me my tail.

I don't have your tail.

You do have my tail.

And I'm not leaving until I get it.

[ Thump]

[ Birds shrieking]

[ Animals howling and moaning]

[ Whimpering]

Old gramps: now you've done it.

You woke up my wife, old gram.

Just when I had an afternoon to myself.

[ Deep rumbling]

[ Starter balking]

[ Starts]

My tail!

Lucky for you, she forgot to floss.

[ Roaring...]

[ Both screaming]

[ Both grunting and panting]

Daggett: paddle! Paddle! Ooh!

[ Both panting and grunting]

[ Chortling]

Dag, some of these photos

Really capture a different side of you.

Look at this one, look.

[ Laughing]

Laugh, blubber-breath.

But I proved old gramps exists

And I got my tail back.

[ Xylophone chimes]

Hello. I am from sweden.

You won't believe this

But I was just fishing and...

Yeah, I know.

You got swallowed, too.

Join the club.

All: hello! Hello!

[ Speaking swedish]

Hello! Sven! Lars!

Ey! Ingemar, jurgen, jorge, johannes

[ Naming more names]

How you doing?

Well, lucky for us

I have plenty of swedish meatballs.

Daggett: I don't suppose you packed anything else?

Meatballs, yah!

Daggett: ooh, I'm so sick of meatballs.

And nickelodeon