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01x04 - Box Top Beavers/Salmon Sez

Posted: 09/25/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
[ Lively dance music playing]

♪ a-a-a-angry beavers

♪ beavers.

[ Drum roll]

[ panting]

[ symphony orchestra playing...]

[ Record needle skipping]

[ record needle skipping]

[ record needle skipping]

[ needle scratches across record]

[ symphony continues...]

[ Sonar beeping]

[ yelps merrily]


Free toys!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Where are you?

You stupid toy!

[ Humming happily]

[ yelling]: ay-ay-ay-ay!

[ Crunch]

[ whimpers]

norbert: ♪ first you eat the cereal ♪

♪ then you cut the top

♪ then you send them to the company ♪

♪ they send you neat-o stuff!

♪ Cut away the icky poo-poo

♪ keep the nice box top

♪ make it nice and neat and put it on a stack. ♪

[ Bubbling, steam whistling]

where are you?

Stupid toy!

Come on, come on.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Come on, come on, c-c-c-c-c-come on.

[ Grumbling]

[ boing]


Hey, dag, what ya doing?

Ee, ooh... Nothing.




This is incredible!

I can't believe they give these things away!

They could sell this telescope for, like, five dollars...

Ten dollars!

$ ... $ , ...

Well, maybe not $ , , but $ ... $ !

I bet you can see all sorts of things

with this $ telescope!

Hey, norb, check out my really cool tele... Scope.

Geez, that space shuttle is roomier than I thought.

[ Glass breaking]

[ grumbling] I'll show him!

"Eight essential vitamins, good for you..."

Good for nothing... No toy!

"All-natural, sugar-free, fiber-plus health cereal...

Free toy inside!"

[ Laughs giddily]



Bumblebee magnet!

[ "Flight of the bumblebee" playing]

you know, dag, now, look at me.

Dah, hmm?

Cereal companies make some greattoys.

Unfortunately, they never put them

with their cereal.

They don't? Hmm.

[ Jaws-like theme playing...]

I found it!

The ultimate toy!

A lean, mean, fighting machine.

Prepare to meet...


Master of the universe.

I see you tremble, little beaver.

Fear not.

Toe-bot! Is a kind and merciful master...

Until challenged.

[ Ding]

ha.... Ha!

What is this sad creature?

Kneel before me or I shall crush you!

I wouldn't do that.

Auto-defense mechanism armed.

Laser locked on target.

Ha! Pathetic little robot.

Your red light doesn't scare me!

[ Zapping, daggett shrieking]

I don't get it. Your toys are a thousand times--

well, maybe not a thousand--

but times more awesome than mine!

I've ripped through every cereal box I could find.

But youjust clip a bunch of box tops

and mail them to the cereal company!

What's your secret?

Well, I just clip a bunch of box tops

and mail them to the cereal company.



In fact, if you collect

enough box tops

you'll get this!

[ Panting]

just what I always wanted!

My own personal street sweeper!

Collect a mere , box tops

and this magnificent machine is yours.


Whoa, hold on, dag.

If you're going to do this

you've got to do it right.

Before you cut the box top

you have to eat all the cereal inside.

Allof it?

All of it.

[ Whimpering]

[ alarm clock rings]

how about that?

Another empty box!

You know the rules.

[ Grumbles]

[ alarm clock rings]

oh, look...

I have run out of cereal


Is it my imagination

or is this place getting smaller?

Whatever do you mean, brother?

[ Grunts]

daggett: that's odd.

Norbert: start eating!

[ Crunching]

hey, dag...

Now that the cereal's done

you can cut the box top!

Norbert: patience! And you'll get that street sweeper!

Patience, patience!

Patience... Patience... Patience...


That's your thousandth coupon

isn't it?


Hey, dag, you'll never believe this.

You took so long to collect those box tops

the street sweeper offer's expired.

[ Growling]


I'll show them patience!

[ Bowling pins crashing]


Hey, dag, are you okay?

Holy moley!

That was nuts!

Norbert: the big cereal company.

Guess we're here.

I collected my box tops.

I'm getting my street sweeper!

Hold on a second!

It's a big factory.

That street sweeper could be...


[ Yelps]

congratulations, dag, you found it.


Come back!

You're mine!

My street sweeper!

[ Computer beeping]

[ warning alarms sounding]

[ groans]

[ bonk]

[ yells]

[ loud smack]

maybe it wasn't "patience."

Maybe it was... "Cleanliness."

[ Screaming]

"emergency stop."

[ Whimpers]


[ Boing]

[ howling]


I got beavers again!


Mom: well, you should have been patient

and clipped the box tops instead.


I told you it was patience.

[ Growling]

[ slam] hah!

[ Norbert yawns]

[ snoring and snoring]

[ mysterious thumping racket]

[ big thump]

[ daggett continues snoring]

[ big thump]


Dag, dag, dag!

What are you doing up there?

Wrestling a bison?

That wasn't me.

Ooh![ Crash]

[ crash, thumping...]

[ Growls]

I'll bet it's those spooty-faced badgers

throwing rocks at our house again!

Stupid snaggle-toothed badger heads.

Lick lumber, lame-os!

[ Daggett shrieks]

dag, what's going on?


[ Splashes]

help! Get me out of here!

[ Fish groans]

oh, yeah, the badgers are throwing fish at us!

They are not.


Take a gander.

[ Crash, splash]

man, I wonder what's gotten into...

Dag, what did you do to those salmon?

They're going nuts!

Me? I didn't do anything.

That floppy-gill tried to eat me!

Now they're trying to wreck our house!


Certainly seems that way.

[ Muttering]

[ rattling]

[ bell rings]

what are you doing?

Saving our house!

Hey, floppy-gills!

You want a piece of trouble?

Come to papa!


Come on, you sissy fin-heads!

[ Smack, grunt]

hold still!

Why, i... Oof! I'm going to...

[ Screams]

[ gasping]

ooh! Ooh!

[ Screaming]

did I get them?

I agree we have to save our home.

But I don't think we have to beat up the salmon to do it.

They've always been our buds.

Check it out.

"Beavers' enemies quick reference chart."

Wowsie... We have a lot of enemies!

But look-- no salmon!

So there has to be a reasonable explanation

for why they're doing this.

Eh... I got it!

Those spooty salmons have revolved

into beaver-hating maniacs!

Revolved?you mean "evolved"?

Whatever; they are messing

with the wrong end of the food leash.

It's time to set things right!

All right, here's the plan.

Great, he's got a plan.

In my special disguise

I'll swim among the enemy


I'm sure.

...and pick them off.

We'll sell the little water-heads

to a seafood restaurant!

The way your brain works is frightening.

[ Cackling]

my geniusness amazes me, too, brother.

If you'll excuse me, I've got some infiltrating to do.

If I don't do something pretty quick

dag'sgoing to be infiltrating the endangered species list.

[ Cackling]

my salmo-flage is working perfectly!

Hello there, little miss filet.

[ Honks]

[ quacking]

[ shouting]

ooh-ow! Ah-ooh-oh-oh-ooh!



[ Beeping]

uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

[ Truck beeping]

norbert: whoa!


Hold on there, dag!

What's with the heavy trucky?

I'm filling the stream with cement.

Did it ever occur to you that filling the stream with cement

just... Might... Possibly...

Maybe have a bad effect on our dam?

Like, for example...

Totally destroying it!

[ Laughing]

oh, my brother, you are so naive.

Desperate times call for desperate desperateness!

Suck concrete, fin-heads!

[ Cackling]

[ cackling]

look at the puny rock-faced guppies now, norbie!

Hail to me--

daggett, ruler of the river!

Viva la beaver!

[ Crackling]

ooh! Oh!

[ Blows raspberry]

[ screams]

[ burps]

[ crash]

[ gasping]

care for a lozenge?

This is stu gherkin

in the local eyewitness action news sky copter

bringing you continuous live coverage

of the annual salmon run...

Dag! Look!

Each year salmon make this difficult journey upstream

in order to spawn.

But as you can see

there appears to be some type of

crude wooden structure

blocking the salmon's path.

Wow! What a dump!

Dag, that's our house.

Cool! We're on tv.

Dag, don't you get it?

The salmon are just trying to get upstream to spawn--

whatever that means.

Spawn? Spawn?

You want to know what spawn means?

I'll tell you what spawn means, brother!

[ Muttering]

"smashing... Property...

And, and..."

[ Chalk scratches]

wee, wee, ah, woo-- "womping!"

Nee, ah


No... "Norb!"

[ Gasps]


It's youthey're after.

[ Big crash]

our dam is in their way.

No, my brother!

Their way is in our dam!

I'm not going to let a bunch of scaly-butts

spawn my brother to death!

It's time to call out... The bears!

The bears?

Grizzlies! Lots of them!

We'll build a great wall of bears!

And they'll eat all the fish!

It's genius!

Seems the sitch is in desperate need

of a little finessing.

Norbert: testing... One, two, three.

Now hear this!

Attention! Now hear this!

Greetings, my salmon friends!

I am norbert, a beaver

and I bring you tidings of peace and goodwill.

[ Sniffing deeply]

oh, grizzly-wizzilies!

The salmon are running!

Free eats! Follow me!


Uh, guess they...

[ Gulps]

...went home.

[ All growling]

[ whimpering]

hey, look! Balloons!

[ Bears gasp]

[ panting]: you won't believe it!

I went and got the bears

but when we got here the salmon were...


Norb! What in daniel boone's mossy undies are you doing?

Ah, generalissimo daggy.

I'm glad you could attend.

You will be pleased to know we have reached a peace accord

with our salmon brothers.

All that remains is the addition of your signature.

[ Grumbling]: oh... Brothers!

How could... I...

Norb, you traitor!

You've gone fin-head!

I will nevermake peace with the floppy-gills!

Do you hear me?


Hey, you bears!

The salmon are hiding in here!

Hah! [ Shrieks]

[ laughing viciously]

yes! Victory will finally be mine!

Oh, I give up.

All right, I'll sign it.

But first they have to apologize

for trying to spawn us to death.

Dag, dag, dag.

"Spawn" doesn't mean

"smashing property and womping norb."

It means...

[ Whispering]

ew! Gross!

Okay, okay, I'll sign.

[ Kissing]

ew! Blech! Yuck!

I've been spawned!

It was all just a big misunderstanding.

Now, don't you feel better

knowing you've helped contribute

to the great and wondrous cycle of life?

Yeah. I'm just glad

we only have to look at those salmon once a year!

[ Knocking]

oh, now what?


Dag, there's one thing

I forgot to mention...

[ Squealing][ shouting]

[ babies crying]

mommy? Mommy!