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03x10 - Eye Full of Wander/Lifestyles of the Rich and Scary

Posted: 09/25/23 07:32
by bunniefuu
(clock chiming)



(thunder crashes)

(baby crying)


(children screaming)






All right!

And now, the moment
you've been waiting for.

The world premiere of the new
video from Nigel Cretin--

"Snake Eyes"
coming right atcha.

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪♪

A phase?

Let's hope so.

(music continues)

Good one.

Ickis, Krumm, we must not be
late for class.

In a minute, Oblina.

We're just getting
warmed up.

That's right, gotta exercise the
body as well as the mind.

Yes, well, I for one am not
about to be snorched

for the sake of your
juvenile antics.


Did you see that,
Krumm, pal?

Do I have
great aim or what?

That was not funny.

Honestly, the two of you are so
childish sometimes.

Heads up, Ickis!

Fun is all well and good,

but not without a sense of

I have such a sense,
you do not.

Are you with me?


Go long, Krumm!

I got it!


Yes, isn't it all fun and games
until somebody loses an--

Don't say it!


I've got him!

I've got him!

All right, give it up!

Give it up you, you...
hose, you.

Hey, come on,
it's getting away.

Oh, great.

We're never gonna
find it now.

Can you see anything
through your eye, Krumm?

No, it's pretty dark.

Hey, wait.



Let's go.

Well, what do
we have here?


Well, guess that's
the end of that.

Let's go back.

Nonsense, Ickis.

We must help Krumm
get his eye back.

After all,
it was you who threw it.


But that was a good throw,
wasn't it, Krumm?

Yeah, it was a great throw.

Wait, wait a minute.

Forget the throw,
we gotta get my eye back.

There he is.

Come on.




Ha ha!



Follow me.

Maybe we just shouldn't
rush into this.

You know, even at a time like
this, it is important to take a

moment to stop and smell
the garbage.

Look me in my lonely old eye
and say that, Ickis.

We're talking
about my eye here!

Not that this eye is a bad eye,
but that other eye,

now that's some eye!

Don't you want to help me
get back my eye?

Well, since you
put it that way.

Coast is clear, let's go.

Wait for me!

All right, I'm going in.

Krumm, are you nuts?

You can't just
go in there.

It could be dangerous.

Look, Ickis,
I'm on a mission here.

There comes a time when you
have to take bold action.

This isn't one
of those times.

Bark and bites!
Run, Krumm, run!

All righty.

I think he likes you.

This ought to
quiet them down.

What's going on in here?


What am I feeding
you guys?

I'm so tired of
the blooming snakes bit.

Can't we do
something else?

But Nigel, I mean, the snake's
your whole act then, innit?

Well, yeah, but it's boring,
you know.

Plus I must go through the
blooming things like Medusa's

blooming hairdresser,
don't I?

Couldn't we just, you know,
put two or three

of these blokes
But Nigel--

There's the box where they
threw the tongue poker.

Oh man, this just
isn't my day.

Hey, Nigel, I got it.

How about a bigger
blooming snake?

A bigger snake.

Bear, you're a blooming
genius, lad.

Quick, which one is it?

Um... that one?

Sure thing.

Down that aisle.

Well, just grab one
and let's beat it!

This'll do--
Pay the bloke, Bear.

Nothing yet.

Hey, I think
I got something.

Oh, it's no use.

From now on, I guess I'm
just a one-eyed jerk.


Hey, it's him.

It's me!

It's us!

But we are with the band.

This is outrageous.

You guys tilt the freaky meter
even for this group.

Look at this.

Well, for humans,
they look almost normal.

Be right there, lads.

Gotta check the
blooming drums first.

Someone's coming--

That's dull then, innit?

That was fun.

Let's do it again.

Ickis, Oblina, up here!

I wonder what's
gonna happen here.

All right, baby,
are you ready to rock?


I said, are you ready
to rock?

(louder cheering)

All right then.

Please welcome the reptilian
rebel himself,

ladies and
gentlemen, Nigel Cretin!

There's my eye!



I am the messenger of fire
and destruction and terror

and lots of stuff that's
really blooming bad.

I am the creepy baddie from
your worst nightmares.

I am the red-eyed scary bloke
with the fangs

that lives under
your bed.

I am just not very blooming
nice, then, am I?

So don't you roll the dice with
me 'cause it's gonna come up

snake eyes!

♪ Snake eyes ♪

♪ Snake eyes ♪

Say, this isn't bad.

♪ Snake eyes ♪

I have an idea.

(music continues)


I said steady, Ickis!


♪ Snake eyes ♪


Get it away!

Ooh, get it away!


Don't let it bite me.

It's scary.

Oh, is it gone?

It was a blooming horrible
beasty thingy.

(crowd laughing)

Welcome home, old pal.

Krummy, your chariot
awaits, dear.

Let us go home.

(toilet flushing)

Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame,
lame, lame, lame, lame...

♪ Snake eyes,
those cuckoo snake eyes ♪

♪ Hey, snake eyes ♪

♪ You gotta love
those snake eyes ♪

♪ Those scooby-dooby-doo
snake eyes ♪

♪ Hey, snake eyes ♪


But Nigel...



Scaring seems so easy
for you, Oblina.

How do you do it?

Oh, Oblina's what
you call a natural.

No, no, I'm not.

I'm what you would call
a hard worker, Ickis.

But, it is work
I love, I do.


What is it?

Mumsy and Dada want me to come
home for the weekend.

Oblina, you make it
sound like it's so bad.

Krumm, imagine that.

"I don't want to go home;
it's too fancy.

It would be too nice."

I wouldn't mind
a little pampering.

It's just that, well,
I have so much studying.

Listen, Oblinski, there are two
things you need right now.

You need to spend the
weekend in the lap of luxury

and you need
to take your friends.

Please, Oblina, please,
can't we come with you

and live like rich
monsters for the weekend?

Can we, huh?
Please, please.

Oh, all right.

Hmm, well, here we are.



Oh... Hi.

Krumm, Ickis, this is my oldest
and dearest friend Lugo,

our butler.

Any friend of Miss Oblina's
is a true friend of mine.

Now, please follow me,
Miss Oblina.

Your mother and father
wish to see you immediately.


All right.

Hello, Mumsy.

Hello, Dada.

Hello, Stripes.

How's my little--
Oblina, darling!

How nice it is
to see you!

Oh, goodness, Umo,
what are these?

These are my friends,
I see.

Um, may I say, if I may, it's
a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.

Your daughter is just
one of the greatest scarers

our school has
ever seen.

The best.
The best scarer?

Hmm, well, she may as
well be a mold farmer.

Yeah, she'd be-- Hey.

Would you two like to see my
little monster shine?

Oblina, play the
anthraxicord for your friends.

Mumsy, no, please.

Don't make me play.

Oblina, we've just had it
knocked out of tune.

You have to play.


Oblina's always been a little
genius at the anthraxicord.

Why she wants to waste her time
scaring, I'll never know.

Mumsy, I'm done.

That sounded great, Oblina.

Yeah, Oblina, that was,
that was great.

Sounded to me like someone
needs some practice.

Oblina, you stay here
and work on your scalies.

I'll have Lugo see to these
little friends of yours.

Yes, Mumsy Dearest.

Miss Oblina.

What happened to
my scary books?

I'm afraid your mother told me
to give them all away.

I did save this one.

The Big Book of Scares.

I'm sure the books you study now
are much more advanced.

Still, for sentimental reasons,
I thought you might like it.

We really should
rejoin the others.

I'm in heaven.

That garbage was the best
I've ever eaten.

Oblina, you are one lucky
monster to get to grow up here!

Yeah, yeah.

What's that?

Oh, it's just the family

This I gotta see!



Yes, yes, Ickis.


We are located directly under
something that the humans

call a pedicuria.

Can you believe that?

They actually have their
toenails trimmed

and then throw
them away.

Maybe you could go with Lugo
on a toenail run.

Lugo, would you mind?

So Lugo, a toenail raid!

Pretty exciting
work, huh?

Nail gathering, Master Ickis,
is simply one of my duties

as butler.

I have never thought it, as
you say, "pretty exciting."

Ickis, let's go.

The bark and bite!
Run for your lives!

This is old Max.

He is called old Max
because he is aged,

antique, time-worn,
ancient, elderly,

advanced in years...


That's all there is to it?
That was dull.

I'm sure.

Shall we?

Of course you're upset,
Oblina, but you'll see.

This is what's best for you.

You can still see
your little friends.

I mean, if you've got to,
but this is your home.

It's where you belong.

Yes, Mumsy.
Yes, Mumsy what?

Yes, Mumsy Dearest.


Oblina, hey, hey, Krumm
and I had an idea.

You know, instead of sitting
around the house all day,

let's go back
to the academy, huh?

This wealthy stuff
is too rich for me.

I'm beginning to think I've
forgotten how to scare.

I know what you mean.

I wish I could
go back with you.


My parents have decided it's,
it's just best I stay here.

So I'll be learning how to mange
the family fortune.

I have to go.

And give up scaring?

I hate this place.

Me too.

It's not gonna be the same
without her.

I thought you were
Miss Oblina's friends.

We are, but there's not much
we can do about it.

She's made up her mind.
Oh, no, no, you're wrong.

Miss Oblina hasn't
made up her mind.

Madame Sublima has
made it up for her.

Well, if there was anything
we could do...

There is.

We must remind Miss Oblina of
how much she loves to scare.

If we can do that, she'll insist
on going back with you.

I'm gamey--
What's the plan?


do you hear something?

Well, now that you--

It sounds like those
two friends of yours.

What were their names?
Ickis and Krumm!

Sit down!

Ring for Lugo.

He'll set things right.

Miss Oblina!

Where are you going?

They need me, Mumsy...


Help us, Oblina!


Please, Oblina!

Please help us!

Help, Miss--

Help me.

Nice try--
Come on.

Oblina, we were
just trying to get--

I know, I know what you
were trying to do.

And I appreciate it.

But it won't work.

Hey, Jimmy?
Yeah, what?

Tell me again why we're
breaking into a toenail store?

Oh boy.

It's not a toenail store,
it's a pedicuria,

and the reason we're
breaking in here is that

the stuff in here
is worth a mint

and after we
clean this place out,

all we gotta do is find
somebody that wants to open

their own pedicuria and we'll
make a fortune, if you get it!

Yeah, that makes sense.

Well, grab anything that's not
nailed down, will ya?

Pardon me, gentlemen.


Did you see that?
Did you? Did you?

I was magnificent,
was I not?

That was amazing.

Yes, those two big humans
were standing there

and I just could
not help it.

I couldn't.
And do you know why?

Because you were
born to scare.

Oblina, please come back to
the academy with us.

Return to the academy?

Absolutely not.

But sweet thing--
This academy nonsense
has gone on long enough.

So fasten your seatbelts.

I will not
have my daughter

live the life of a lowly

Mumsy... Dearest...

I beg your pardon.

Scaring is
part of who I am.

Who you are?

So you might as well
get used to it.

Mumsy, Dada,
please understand.

I am who I am.

I cannot be something I am not
and I just hope someday

you can see that
and be proud of me.

Yes, Dada?

I'm proud of you right now.

I'm glad someone has taught
you there's more to life

than toenails.

Don't listen to
your father.

If it was up to him, he would
have built our house

under a dry cleaners.

Sublima, sit down
and be quiet.

Sublima, your
daughter has a gift.

It'd be a crime to make her
turn her back on that.

What matters
is you're happy

and you make the most
out of your life.

Oh, Dada,
do you mean it?

Of course we mean it.

Thank you, Dada.

Thank you, Mumsy...

Well, I guess, I guess
we will be going now.

Goodbye, Stripes.



Oh, dear, now what
are we gonna do about

all of those toenails?

Who's gonna manage them?

I think I have
an answer.

Old friend, I have a job for
you, if you're up to it.

Yes, sir.


