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03x05 - Who'll Stop the Brain?/Cement Heads

Posted: 09/25/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
[ Clock chiming, thunderclap]

[ Creaking]

[ Owl hooting]

[ Shrieking]

[ Crying]

[ Gasps]

[ Screaming]

Oblina, help me!


[ Needle scratching record]

[ Chuckles]

[ Ickis and krumm giggling]

Can you not see
that I am studying?!

you've been studying so hard

Your brain's going to fry.

Oh, that is ridiculous.

Come on, oblina,
let's go

Above ground
and do some quick scares.

All work and no play
makes oblina a dull monster.

Spout cliches if you must, icky,
but come exam time

We will see who gets the "a"
and who gets the "e".

What's the "e"?


I thought that was an "x".


Get out!

[ Ickis giggling]

[ Snorts]

[ Snorts]

[ Sighs]

[ Wheezes]

[ Gasping and wheezing]

[ Sniffing]

Oh, oh, uh...

[ Snorting]

[ Sneezes]

[ Babbling]

[ Gurgling]

[ Laughing goofily]

Um, I think oblina's
closed for the night.

[ Squeaks]

Krumm, do you smell
something funny?

[ Sniffing]

Nope. Just me.

[ Laughing giddily]

[ Banging and grunting]

[ Squawking]

Um, ickis?

[ Noises continue]

[ Oblina grunting
and babbling]

[ Gasps]

[ Babbling and gurgling]

Krumm, I think

She really has
fried her brain.

Do you think
the gromble will notice?

[ Laughs]

I don't think so.

[ Yelling]

[ Shrieking, muttering]

[ Gasps]

[ Grunts]

Grotesque morning, class.

As you know,
tomorrow is your final exam.

But that doesn't mean

I've forgotten about
today's assignments.

So, who has a scare
for the viewfinder?

One that's gut-churning,

And let's not forget-- vile.

[ Gulps]
[ gasps]

Ah, oblina, my prize student!

I'm giddy with anticipation
for your scare.

Duh... What sc-scare?

Um, ex-ex-excuse me,
your gromblosity.

Oblina's just not really
herself today.

Oh, really.

Are you using dear, dear oblina

To cover up
one of your own botched scares?!

[ High-pitched laughing]

A very good assumption!

But you see...

[ Bellows]:

How dare you impugn
the grace and dignity of....


[ Gasps]


[ Gasps]

[ Murmuring]

[ Groans]

[ Gurgling]


[ Gags]

[ Echoing]:

Hello. Hello.

[ Echoing]:
anybody home?

Anybody home? Anybody home?

[ Gasps]

It's horrible, horrible!

I didn't think
such a thing could happen.

Oblina's brain...

Is missing!

[ All gasp]

[ Excited chatter]

[ Squeaking]

[ Squeaking]

Oblina's brain could be
anywhere in this city.

That is, if it's still...


[ Shrieking]

[ Laughing]

[ Clattering]

Hey! I think I found
oblina's brain!

It's got a few black spots.

I guess that's
where she studied too hard.

Krumm, that is a vegetable!

Hey, that's no way
to talk about
oblina's brain.

[ Blithering and banging]

[ Music playing]

[ Squealing to music]


Oblina's brain is eating
that kid's face!

Don't eat him!

Don't eat him!
[ Screaming]

[ Laughing]

False alarm.

Krumm, where would
you go if you were

An overworked brain,

You're asking the wrong guy.

[ Crack of bat]

[ Crowd cheering]

[ Squealing]

[ Cooing]

[ Laughing]

Do you have any
educational toys?

I want a monster
m*ssacre game!

I'm sorry, timmy

But overprotective parents
magazine says

That game is too scary.

How about this replica
of a brain?

It's so realistic,
you'd swear

It just popped out
of somebody's skull.

[ Brain squeals]

[ Screaming]

[ Laughing]

[ Screaming]


Where are we going
to find a brain?

This is a big city!

It could be anywhere.

Runaway brain!

Brain on the loose!

[ Crowd screaming]

What are odds
of that happening?

[ Blathering]

Brain. Brain problems.

Brain problems.

"Call dr. Sy napse,
the brain king."


[ Gasping]

[ Clanging]

oh, no!

[ Shrieking]

See, ickis? It wasn't
oblina's brain.

It belonged to someone
named "see-through."


[ Giggling]

[ Panting]

[ Squealing]

[ Train tooting]

[ Laughing]

[ Krumm huffing and puffing]

[ Squealing]

[ Rumbling and rolling]

Ooh! Ooh!

[ Rumbling, rattling]

[ Babbling]

[ Tires screech to halt]


[ Musically]:

Is this the place with the...

Brain problem?

[ Musical tones]

[ Giggling]

[ Gasps]


[ Grunting]


Come on, krumm!

Once we get oblina out of this

We can get the brain.

I think it's too late.

Ah! It's perfect!

Look at that stem!

Those gently rippling

Just what
I've been looking for!

[ Van pulling away]


I am notcleaning this up!

[ Screams]

[ Gasps]

[ Fluids bubbling]

[ Roars]

Oblina's voice:
icky! Krummy!


Wait a minute.

What am I doing there
if I am in... Here?

Well, actually...
[ Chuckles]

We're not sure ourselves.

Oh, my gosh.

What a cruel trick monster fate
has played on me!

Trapped forever in a...

In a...

Whatever this thing is.

It is so ugly and so hideous!


it is rather repulsive.

[ Buzzing]

[ Gulps]

Ooh, and think of all
the delicious buggies

That will grow in my fur.

Oh, wait. What am I saying?

Get me out of here!

Well, it's not as easy as...

Get me out of here!

[ Straining]:
if you would put me down...


How did your brain escape?

Well, I remember smelling smoke

I sneezed,
and the next thing I knew

I was here.

Well, if you sneezed it out once

You can sneeze it out again.

Stand back!


[ Skidding]

[ Rumbling]

[ Groans]

[ Huffing]

[ Sneezes]


All right, oblina!

yes, yes!

[ Giggling]

[ Crashing]

[ Giggling]

[ Crashing]

[ Ickis and krumm growling]

[ Gasps]


What happened to you?

Got it!

When I find out
who's responsible

Brains will roll!

[ All grunting]

Get in there!

[ Gasps]

I am... Back!

[ Growling]



[ Screams]

[ Punching]

[ Ickis squeals]

Yes! Yes, yes!

Thank you!

Thank you so much

For getting my brain
back into my body!

They are a matched set,
you know.

Next time,
try to have a little fun.

Life isn't all
study, study, study.

Look at me.


Uh-oh! The test!

[ Loud belch]

Well, how'd you do?

I do not wish to talk about it.

I, on the other hand,
did splendidly!

Perhaps, ickis

You should try studying
a little harder, dear.

You know, studying

Is an important part
of being a great monster.

For instance, i...

Is it too late

To take her brain
out... Again?

I don't think so.

Let's grab her!

[ Moans]

- ♪

Oh, why would they
want to tear down

A beautiful old building
like this?

Ah, no one wanted
to live here anymore.

They say
it was haunted.

Get out of here.

Yeah! Night after night
people would hear voices--

Three of them.

And you believe
that bunk?

Don't tell me
you believe in ghosts.

You think I'm some
sort of head case?

I don't
believe in ghosts.

Hey, they think
we're ghosts.

Ghosts always get
all the credit.

Let's get one thing straight,
we ain't ghosts.


[ Both gasping]

Did you hear what I heard?

[ Gulping]: yep.

[ Screaming]

[ Moaning]

[ Groaning]

Call me crazy

But I don't think
there's anybody here.

Oh, come on,
it's a big building

It can't just be

Totally empty.

[ Echoing]:
empty, empty.

Well, this is certainly
a fine kettle of worms.

All dressed up
and no one to scare.

Do you guys get the feeling
somebody's watching us?

Oh, come now,

It is obvious this place
has been completely abandoned.

Psst-- get us out of here.

[ Screaming]

Ah, don't be so jumpy.

We're monsters, too, you know.

I'm chimera...

This is echnida.

Charmed, I'm sure.

And this is typhon.


What are you
doing up there?

Never mind that.

Chisel us out of here.


Wait, ickis.

Something tells me
they belong up there.

Watch it, lips.

[ Gasps]

You don't know nothing.

we're prisoners
but we ain't supposed to be.


Hear me out, long time ago...

Exactly years, two months,
one week and four days ago.

Hey, who's telling
the story here?

As I was saying,
once upon a time, three monsters

Burst into the first
monster toenail treasury

[ Coughing and groaning]

They sprayed the place
with perfume

That smelled like
fresh flowers in springtime.

that had to hurt.


Then they tied everybody up

With salt water taffy

Stuffed a bag full of toenails
and got away.

The toenails were never found.

Meanwhile, my friends and I

Were minding
our own business when...


[ Grunts]

Chimera: well, I'll make a long
story short, we were convicted.

But it was all
circumstantial evidence.

They claimed the same
flavor taffy used to tie up

The monsters
at the scene of the crime

Was found
on a sock in our room.

We were sentenced to life
in this building.

[ Grunting]

It was a setup.

I swear, we were set up.

We are absolutely,
% not guilty.


You know how it feels

To be blamed for something
you didn't do?

Ah, you've never been
falsely accused.

You've never been
wrongfully punished

When you know
you were innocent.

You're a kid.

I'm not just a kid.

I have had stuff happen
to me, too, you know.

It's okay, we'll wait
for a grownup to rescue us.

I almost forgot--
it's a school night.

School night, schmool night

I don't have to go to school.

You don't?

Quiet, krumm.

Oh! Help!

We're going to be crushed
into powder!


[ Gasping]

[ Grunting]


[ Groaning]

[ Moaning]



Let's get out of here!

[ Crashing]

[ Grunting]

Come here,

Do I love this kid
or what?

[ Laughing weakly]


Stick-lips and no-neck

You weren't bad,

Come on,
now, ickis.

The hour grows late.

The hour grows late?

Ickis, if we
don't get back

We'll get sent
to the snorch.

Snorch? Who's snorch?

Does he bother you?

Do you want me to take care of
the snorch for you?

Well...just say
the word.

Say good-bye,

Good-bye, ick--
[ gasps]

is it?

[ Gulps]

You know, ickis,
so much has changed here

Since we've been in
the big house.

What say you give us
a little tour around town?

Good idea, I'd like to visit
our old stomping grounds.

We had some good times
at the old farmhouse.

Could you take us to
the old farmhouse?

I am sure he would
love to, however

We must get back
before curfew.

We have a curfew?

Quiet, krumm.

Kid, you going
to let her

Make your decisions?

Will you
stand up for yourself?

I'm with you guys!

Let's stay up late!


Oblina, krumm

Seeing as
the hour is late

And I was enjoying
a peaceful slumber

I can't help
but ask myself

Why are you here?!

We don't want to be tattletales,
your gromblehood

But we're worried about ickis.

Yes, call me a rat, call me
a snitch, call me a stoolie

But I'm afraid we feel
that ickis has fallen

Into some bad
company, mm-hmm.

Where are we?

Over there is where
the old farmhouse used to be.

Do I love this kid
or what?

I tell you,
I love this kid.

[ Choking]:
let go of my neck!

The monsters
you are describing

Can be none other
than the notorious taffy g*ng.

They are sinister, ruthless

And beyond rehabilitation.

I was on the tribune of elders
that put them away

two months, one week

And four days ago.

Oblina, krumm, ickis could be
in grave danger.

To the old farmhouse!

So, um, this is what you guys
consider a good time, huh?


[ Gasps]



B-b-but, th-th-tho-those are
toenailsfrom the robbery.

You lied to me!

Don't worry, ickis.

You helped us find them,
you'll get your share.

Um, I think it's a little
past my curfew.

After all,
it is a school night.

[ Growling]

Sorry, kid.

We can't let you go.

You're out too late
and you're in too deep.

[ Choking]


Let's get him.


[ Growling]

Where did he go?

Don't worry, doll

He can run
but he can't hide.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

[ Smothered squeals]

[ Hysterical squealing]


Yucky, yucky,
yuxen free!

[ Spitting, choking
and coughing]


There he is!


Look, there's ickis!


[ Grunting]

[ Grunting]

Come on, krumm.

Wait, oblina.

We mustn't blunder in.

We must have a strategy.


Hello, chimera, I wondered
where you hid the toenails.

Let's get him!


Wait, don't lose
your heads you too.

First things first.

Hey! Watch that-- ow!

[ Gasps]

Oh, I wish I was
a better judge of character.

Don't do it, chimera.

Tell you what,

We'll make a deal with you,
the toenails for the kid.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

No deals with hostage takers,

What? No deals
with hostage takers?

What is this world coming to?

If you can't deal with a hostage
taker, who can you deal with?

All right, all right!

Let go of ickis and
I'll give you the toenails.

The toenails first.


[ Cheering]

[ Gasping]

Come here, you.

[ Growling]


[ Tumbling and yelling]

Good work, no-neck.

Likewise, stick-lips.

I'm so proud of you,
my little dump deputies.

[ All laughing]

Your grombleness,
what's going to happen to them?

Oh, I believe these
badlittle monsters

Will be doing some
serious hard time.

I hate that kid.


Lousy no-good snitch.

Oh, that hurt.

Just wait till I get my...

Ow! Claws on him, I'll...

Oh! Snow tire.

Oh! Ooh! Ouch! Watch it!

Oh, here comes a semi!

- ♪

- ♪

Oblina: blah...

[ Blabbering]... Oh.