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04X07 - One Thousand Berry Balls

Posted: 12/11/12 12:12
by bunniefuu
Where is it?!

Come on! Come on!


Oh wait!

Dang it!

[ Clears throat ]

Looking for something? Hmm?

Yes! Why...

Do you have it?!

You mean do I have it right here, in this pocket?

Yeah! Do you?!

Nah, I'm just messing with ya I don't even know what we're talking about.

I have spent the last twenty minutes tearing my locker apart, trying to find a five dollar bill that I know I put in here!

I know it!

Hey. Hey hey hey...

What what?!

It's just five dollars, no big doodle.

Yes. It is!

It is a huge doodle!

Oh! I'm broke.

I need money.

For what?

For jeans, makeup, special cheese, a new purse...

Wait wait, why do you need special cheese?

Oh! You know I don't like regular cheese!

Okay. You wanna make some money?


Maybe. How?

Well, you know how I've been working part time at Yotally Togurt?


Well, on Saturday, they're gonna launch a new thing called frozen Berry Balls.

What, like fruit flavored yogurt?

In small ball form.


And my boss is looking for someone to work this Saturday, ya know, hand out some free samples, and get people pumped up.

Well, I can get people pumped up about Berry Balls.

So you're in?

Yes! I am in!

She's in!

But wait!

He waits!

Saturday night you and I are doing a song here at the Cow-Wow dance.

Oh, it's cool, we'll be done with work at eight, so we can get here by nine, do the song, no problem.

Then okay!

You tell your boss he's got himself a Berry Ball Girl!


Hey! Hey you guys?!

Hey Cat.

'Sup little red?

I have a problem!

Well you should tell Jade.

There's Jade, right over there.

'Kay, I'll go tell Jade!

Jade! I have a problem, I need help.

Well, uh, Tori and Andre are right over there.

But they just sent me here to talk to you!

So... you know the Cowboy-Luau dance, this Saturday night?

Yeah, I know about the Cow-Wow.

Well, Robbie texted me last night saying he wants to talk to me, and I know he's gonna ask me to be his date.


Don't say gross, I like Robbie.

So go to the dance with him.

No, gross!

You just said that...

Look, Robbie's one of my best friends.

It'll be weird if I'm his date to a dance.


Well, think fast, because here he comes.

Quick hide me!

Where, Cat? In my bra?

Oh! No, that will never work.

Cat? Hi.





I'm gonna go.


I just wanted to ask you something.

Oh, you wanna know my favorite Vice President of all time?

Easy! d*ck Cheney.

No. Uh, I just wanted to ask you um...

Ya know the Cow-Wow dance that's happening later this week...

She ran away.

I was in the middle of talking to her. She ran away from me.

Why would a girl do that? Why...

Yeah, but you walked away.

[ Music ]

Here I am once again.

Feeling lost but now and then.

I breathe it in to let it go.

And you don't know where you are now.

And what it will come to if only somebody could hear.

When you figure out how.

You're lost in the moment.

You disappear.

You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action.

You'll never gonna fade.

You'll be the main attraction.

Not a fantasy.

Just remember me.

When it turns out right.

Because you know that if you live in your imagination.

Tomorrow you'll be everybody's fascination.

In my victory.

Just remember me.

When I make it shine.



You are wearing this to the Cow-Wow.


What, you don't like it?

I... I said okay.

You barely even looked at it.

I just, I don't really...

This is the first social event at this school we're going to since we got back together.


You wanna know what I'm gonna wear?


I'm gonna wear a Hawaiian skirt, a black Western top and a cowboy hat.

That sounds great.

What is wrong with you?!?

Cat? Hey Cat!

Cat! Cat!

Which boots should I wear? Black or brown?


Just make a decision!



Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

You don't have to keep running away from me.

I already asked Gabriella to be my date to the Cow-Wow.



Ooh, what'd she say?!

She said "si".

That means "yes"!

I know!

I looked it up.

Well, yay!

You got yourself a pretty girl to take to the Cow-Wow.


Well, I just want to let you know you don't have to run away from me anymore.

Thanks, Robbie.

See ya in class.



[ Music ]

Alright, thanks a lot.

Enjoy the yogurt.


Hey kid, where's my stinking yogurt?!

Hey, what's up little co-worker?

Just ready to "get to it".

Cool. Uh, Mister Mooney! Tori's here!

Just a minute.

Mm. What are these?

Uh, coconut raisins.

Mm. And these?

Peanut butter chips.

Happy tongue.

And what's this white stuff?

That's what we use to clean the counter.

Well hel...

What's she doing?

Oh, she ate some counter cleanser.

Now she's spitting it out.

Nice to meet you.

In the future, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't choke, or gag in front of the customers.

It's her first time...

Eating cleanser.

Now Tori...

Today, you'll be giving away free samples...

Of Yogurt Berry Balls.

Your job is to give away one thousand of these today, to Mall customers as they pass by.

What are they?

They're balls of flash-frozen, fresh fruitly flavored yogurt...

On a stick.

Uh, why do they have green afros?

That's green Cotton Candy.

And what flavor is that?



Will I have to explain everything to her twice?

No, no, Sir.

Why are the pretty ones always so stupid?

Hey! I...

Uh, how much money will she make today?

Well, after she passes out one thousand of these, I will pay her one hundred dollars.

A hundred bucks?!


Just to give away a thousand of these, for free?

She's making me explain it again!

No no, I, I get it, I...

I'm down.

Your costume is back there. Go put it on.

You want me to wear a costume?

That tears it!

No, she understands!

Go put on your costume.

What kind of costume?


What do you think?

Um, well, it's...

Don't ya think it's a little bit... hideous?


My wife designed that costume.

Oh! Well I... I didn't mean to offend...

See, see, these days, teenagers say "hideous".

When they think something's awesome.

Ya know, like how "bad" means...


Right, and "hideous" means real good.

Yeah. Like uh, that sweater is hideous.

I'm talking ha day-day.

This card tells you what to say to people when you offer them a Berry Ball.


Oh, here comes my daughter.

Everyone be nice, she just got braces on her teeth.

Ah, here's my little girl.

How was the Mall dentist?

Okay I guess.

What do you think?

You look...


Don't you two think so?

Straight up ha day-day.

Aw. Oh, Milly. Come now.

Ooh, we'll buy you a new set of hair curlers.

Now that we've destroyed a young girl's self-esteem...

I better start handing out these Yogurt Berry Balls.

One thousand to go!

One thousand to go!
Oh, hey! Hi! Excuse me...

Um... Yotally Togurt is proud to offer you a free sample of their new, flash-frozen, fresh fruitly flavored Yogurt Berry Balls.

They look disgusting.

And so do you.

Hi. Excuse me um...

Yotally Togurt is proud to offer you...

[ Screaming ]


One thousand to go!

[ Music ]

Hey, Yotally Togurt is proud to offer you a free sample of their new, flash-frozen, fresh fruitly flavored Yogurt Berry Balls.

You wanna try a Berry Ball?

Why not?! I've been trying to hand these out now for four hours!

[ Screams ]

Wazz bag!

Uh, you... you probably shouldn't call little kids wazz bags.

Well, I am sorry!

But I have asked at least six hundred people to take one of these disgusting Berry Balls, for free and only eighteen people have taken one!

And this costume frightens little children!

One little boy pointed at me, wet his pants, and then fainted!

Don't laugh!

Oh, it's already close to five o'clock!

We've gotta be at school by nine if we wanna sing our song!

Hey, hey, look, there's an easy one.

Oh, he's perfect!

Excuse me! Young man...

Hey... boy?




They're free. Have as many as you want.

They look like gunk.

With green hair.

Okay, here...

Take one of these stupid Berry balls, and I will pay you a dollar.

Hey! Hey! We had a deal!


[ Music ]

Oh yeah!

Who's having a good time at the Hollywood Arts Cow-Wow?

[ Cheering ]

[ Music ]

Excuse me.

I'm so upset!


I'd ask you why you're upset, but I don't care.

That's why!

I thought you told Robbie you didn't wanna be his date tonight.


That doesn't make it okay for him to bring another girl!

So, you don't wanna be Robbie's date...

And you don't want Robbie to bring another date.


Thank you.

[ Music ]

Weiner in the punch!


Oh, hey Cat, what's going on?

Come dance with me right now.

Aw yeah.

Oh! Hey Cat.

Oh hi Robbie.

Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm dancing with Sinjin.

See this? See what I'm doing?


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha. O-M-G, Sinjin you're so funny.

I didn't say anything.

Oh, sure Sinjin, whatever you want.

[ Music ]

The Northridge Mall will be closing in twenty-five minutes.

Hey uh, listen, it's already after eight-thirty...

If we don't leave in a few...

Hey. Your tray it's...


Is that the word you're looking for?

Uh, where are the rest of the Berry Balls?

[ Gasps ]

Did you dump 'em in the trash?

No. They're not in the trash.

Let's go.

Where are the Berry Balls?

I stuffed them up my hat.


The Berry Balls, they're...?

Up my hat.

But they're gonna melt.

So let's get outta here.

We'll drive to my house, change into our outfits for the Cow-Wow, and I'll return this stupid costume tomorrow.

Well hello.



Mister Mooney.


You said you weren't gonna come back tonight.

But here you are.

Well, I forgot my pills.

Oh, did you hand out all thousand Berry Balls?


She sure did.

Well, then, I'll write you a check for a hundred dollars right now.

Oh, no.

Uh, she can get that next week.

I insist. She did her job, and she deserves her remuneration.

First, I'll write out the date...

Pay to the order of... Tori.

Is that spelled T-O-R-I, or it T-O-R...

What's happening?

Uh, I'm...

She's crying.

I'm crying.

I'm so happy to be getting a hundred dollars...

I'm crying, and my mascara is dripping.

I'll get you a rag.

So... T-O-R-I?


How much mascara are you wearing?

Here, I'll fix it.

I better get her to the mascara clinic! Um...

[ Music ]

[ Music ]



There's a weiner in my punch.

Ya think Cat's trying to make Robbie jealous?


Sinjin, you're such a good dancer!

So much better than Robbie!


Oh Cat! I'm so sorry!

Did you see that?!

Ah, I'll drink it.

Guys! Somebody find Lane!

Come on!

You feeling okay?


I've just got a little head on my bump.

Did you go to nursing school?

Are you sassin' me?


You sassed me.

I'd never.

I don't like being sassed.

I wasn't sassing you.

So you're making fun of me?

No. Of course, not.

You better watch out.

I'll watch myself...

I'm the guidance counselor at this school.

I will call your daddy.

Oh, please don't.

Watch your tone.


I will be respected.

Alright, I will respect...

I don't like sass.

I'm sorry about that.



Okay, everyone, go on back to your dancing and snackin'.

Let Cat have some air.


Will you stay with me?

Why me?

Because I want you to stay with me 'til I feel better.


Unless you wanna go be with your dumb date.

Nah. I think she likes Sinjin.

Well, Captain, I say...

Love will keep us together.

That's right, Tennille.

Muskrat Love.

Si! Si!

I'm sorry you got kicked in your head.

I'm sorry I didn't come with you to the dance in the first place.

Is my hand sweaty?

Yeah. It feels like a fish.

Okay, Hollywood Arts...

Who's ready to rock the Cow-Wow?!

[ Cheering ]

Alright, well, then hang on to your hulas...

And your cowboy hats...

And anything else you wanna hang on to.

This is a song written by Andre and me, and it's called "here's to us".

[ Cheering ]

[ Music ]

Here's to the mondays.

Watching all the cars on the freeway.

I ain't got a thing to do.

Can I sit here next to you?

And oh oh oh.

Yeah I kinda wish I got paid.

Because my card got maxed out, yesterday.

Could you give me a shot?

And I'll work with what I got.

Not a dollar in my pocket. But I rock it like I ain't broke...

Ya know.

Ooh ooh-oo ooh-oo ooh ooh.

Here's to us.


Here's to us.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-oo.

Here's to us.


Here's to never winnin' first place.

Here's to cryin' on your birthday.

Here's to every single heartbreak.

Here's to us.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-oo.

Here's to us.

Na-na-na na-na-na. Na-na-na na-na-na.

Na-na-na na-na-na. Na-na-na na-na-na.

I'm a player, I'm a hater.

But I swear, you would never know.

Because I got a smile on, I'm an ex-con, that just got on parole.

Could've been a contender. A pretender.

Like Brando playing a role.

But I'm not. So what? And that's just how it goes.




Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-oo.

Here's to us.


Here's to us.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-oo.

Here's to us.


Here's to never winnin' first place.

Here's to cryin' on your birthday.

Here's to showin' up anyway.

Here's to us.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-oo.

Here's to us.

Here's to...

Here's to the mondays.



Thanks for petting my head bump.

Can I tell you a secret?


Outta the way!


Great song...


Good job.





A weiner?

It comes with the punch.