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04x10 - Damnesia/The Posei-Dam Adventure

Posted: 09/24/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
[Lively dance music playing]

♪ A-a-angry beavers ♪

♪ Beavers. ♪

[Bird tweeting]

So let me get this straight,

You want me to climb under here,
get all dirty

And re-twig
the bottom of the dam.

And where will you be?

Right here,

Dag, what kind of a brother
do you think I am?

Now get busy.


Path... Etic.

This is the most inspired trick
on my doofusy brother ever.

And second now, whammy! Huh?

All done.

You're finished?


Did you bang the dam

And shake it all around?

Yeah, plenty, why?

Did you hit it,
wiggle it, rock it?


Hey, norbie...
Norbie, this jack...

I've been cheated
out of my whammy!

Norbie, I really think
you need to...

Gah! Brrgack!


[Bird tweeting]


Oh, poor norbie, norbie.

Speak to me, norb.

Gam ya... Brrgack.

Snee... Gooby... Eee?

Let go of me,
you pointy bird thingy.

What happened? Where am i?

Who's this norb? Who are you?


I can't remember anything.

I must have damnesia.


The rare beaver brain trauma

That makes you forget everything
but what damnesia is.



Never heard of it.


it says here

That damnesia can be
cured by therapy, shock
or a blow to the head.

Well, we got
all that stuff.

Hey, norb, check this out.

Mallet! Mallet!


You know, as much fun as being
hit over the head sounds...

Give me my mallet.

I'm sure
nonviolent therapy

Will work better.

Give me my mallet.

Okay, but if you're

Not back to normal in a week

It's mallet time.

Hmm... Okay, deal.






[Coughing and wheezing]

don't you worry.

We'll make you
normal again tomorrow.

And if not, well,
there's always that...

Mallet! Mallet!
Mallet! Wham!

Pointy bird, you didn't
help me in the slightest today

But you tried.
I did.

You're a good person.
I am.

And I'm glad you're
supposedly my brother.

What do you mean

Well, I don't have
any real proof that
you're my brother.

I'm just taking
your word for it.

No proof, huh?

Taking the word
of a pointy bird.

Come on, winifred!

[Norb on tape]
hey, dag! Take
a bite of this!


[Dag on tape]
sure! [Gagging]


[Norb laughing]

Hey, dag,
stick this penny

In this square
hole in the wall.

[Daggett] sure, norby.

[Dag screaming,
norb laughing]


Hey, dag,
jump off of this!

[Daggett] sure!

[Norb laughing]

No! Stop it!

Turn it off!

So you admit
you're my brother!

Yes! I can't believe
that I've mistreated you
for years

And you still like me!

Well, of course
I still like you.

You're my brother.

Watch more if you like.

There's 46 more hours
of this stuff.

I'm going to bed.

See you in the morrow

For some more... Therapy.

Bonk, bonk!

Mallet, mallet!

hey, dag, stick...

"To norbert...
In case of damnesia."

Hmm, what's this?

Howdy doody, norbert.

If you're listening to this

That means that dag
dropped a dam on your head

And now you have damnesia.

Eee? I don't talk
like that, do i?

I would like to wish you
happiness and long life,
old buddy

But unfortunately that's
not going to happen.

You see, that's my body
you've got there,
and I want it back.

I need to get back
to being cool.

I've seen your version
of cool.

It sickens me.

Just let dag hit you
in the head with a mallet

And everything
will be back to normal.

I'm sorry to giveth
and then taketh away

But I was here first.

So, adios, amigo.

Hey, maybe we'll
meet in our dreams.

You never know.


No! I'll never
be like you.

You're a cruel jerk,
do you hear me?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Sorry for everything

The old norb ever put
you through.

I pledge from this day forward,
I'll be the best brother ever!


[Sniffing and snorting]
what's that?

Ooh, eee, ah... Hey, waffles!

Who's cooking waffles?


Good morning, brother!

Eh, uh, uh, food... Your hair...

What's going on, norb?

No! I am norb no longer.

Norbert was a mean,
angry beaver. I'm not!

I'm changing everything
about myself.

I want you to call me troy.


The guy that's all new and not
anything like that old bad norb.

Troy, the guy that's all new
and not anything like that
old norb, bad norb?

Hmm, that's a bit long.

How about I just
call you troy?

I never want to be
norb again.

This breakfast is the first step
towards making up

For all the horrible things
norb ever did to you.

Ah, geez, I don't know
about this, uh, troy.

You know, norb would be
really mad if he thought
I gave up on him.

Why don't you eat
while you think?

Hot dog! What were we
talking about again?

Oh, something silly.
Who cares, really?

Especially when there's
a horror movie marathon on?

Ooh! Turn it on!

No, you turn it on!

You've got the remote!

But, but you never let me
hold the remote.

No, norb never let you hold
the remote... And I'm not norb.


Isn't this great?

Yeah, you really are not n...

Right! He was bad.

And I'm good.

That's right!

Tell you what, while you
eat and watch tv

I'm going to sweep and mop
the entire dam. Bye.

Bye, not-norb.

That's troy.

[Stomach gurgling]

Hey, daggett!

Hey, daggett,
want to go for a ride?

Do i?!

You drive!


I'm not norb!

[Both laughing]

oh, yeah! Sweet!

Check it out.

I'll do the dishes.


[Microwave running]


Here, play
with my toys

While I finish this.

Your t... Hey, troy...

I got something
to tell you.

It's about norb.

You know, you're
a great guy and all...

Thank you.

I don't know.

I feel bad because
norb is my real bro-ther

And even if he is
mean to me sometimes

I still miss him.

Now, why would you
say "bro-ther?"

uh, well, because that's
what norbie used to do...!

Want some pie?

Don't miss him that much.

What were we talking
about earlier?

Um, you wanted to go outside.

Uh, I did?

Oh, yeah.

I said, "hey, dag...

What game would you
like to play outside?"

And you said, um...

Uh, uh...
Sticks in the mud?


I don't remember that.

I thought we were talking

About making you
into norb again.

Sticks in the mud!

Let's go.

This one!



This thing's falling over

And I'm going to win!


Aw, sh**t! I almost won.

Okay, head down,
'cause I'm coming up.



I don't like this game
very much.

You don't like it because
you're going to lose!

Here I come!




Uh... Norb? Troy?

Whoever you are?

I remember. I remember!


I remember


I remember...

I even remember how well
you got along with... Troy.

Oh, yeah, here it comes.


Hold on, dag!

I got a surprise for you!

Oh, goody.

Here's where I win.

Hey, brudda!


You're not mad at me?

No way, how can I be mad

When I know that
you love me so much.

Can I still hit you in
the head with a mallet?

No. Come on...

Big hug!

Oh, no, no, no...

[Both scream]

Hey, dag, are you okay?

Hey now, who now,
what now?

Yeah, I'm fine. Stop
touching me, pally.

What's wrong, dag?

Dag? Who's this dag?

Speak to me!

Eee, I've got damnesia.

Wha? Hold on.

I'll cure you.



Ow! Okay, that's it!




Hey, who am i?

Where's troy?

[Jazzy version of
"jingle bells" playing]

[Foghorn blows]


Dag, why aren't
you enjoying

Our sophisticated
arbor day party?


I'll tell you why.

Because of truckee.

I told you
not to invite him.

He steals.

I've heard
the ugly, unfounded

And probably
untrue rumors, norb.

He's a thief...

And he's standing
right behind you.

You calling me a thief?

oh, hi, truckee.

Thief? Ha-ha, no.

I was talking about...
Look over there.

Ha! Zing!

Fooled you!

I dare you to try to steal
my stuff now, shrew. Eee!

Gonna mash you
like a tater!

Ah, ooh!

I... I ain't
afraid of you.

You will be.


You will...


Gentle rodents, this is
a sophisticated party.

Fight politely, please.

Hey, folks...

I'm click dark.

Welcome to my
rockin' arbor day bash

Broadcast live from
new york's beautiful
heck's kitchen.

Uh-oh, this just in.

It seems that a nasty volnado--

Half volcano, half tornado--

Is tearing through
the forests of the northwest.

Let's take a look.

That'll wreck your arbor day.

Ooh, that looks
just like my dam.

oh, my dog!

Look out the win-der!

Out the what?

The win-der.


Everyone into
the volnado shelter!


Come on, chip, run!

You can make it!
You can...

Guess you can't.

Come on, you
waffle-tailed water rat.

We got to get
to the shelter!

oh, no, something bad
might happen

If we don't do
what truckee says. Ha!

I don't know how this crooked
scam of yours works, thief,

But I'm not buying it.

Sorry, pal,
we ain't going nowhere.



Yee, yee...!

Good... Oh, everybody's safe.

I just keep thinking that
I'm forgetting about somebody.



I can't hold you no more.

You got to let go!

No way! This is one
of your crooked tricks

To steal my stuff.

Now let go of my chair!

[Both scream]

[Both yelling and groaning]

Well, at least
that's over.

There are no more
rooms above.

Uh, below...
Well, that way
from the attic.

We can't fall
any further.



What in the name of big renee
did we just fall through?

Some of norb's spooty
secret rooms.

[Both groan]

Ooh! This door
leads out to the roof.

Don't open that!

Your dam's upside down.

That door is underwater!

So? Beavers can hold their
breath for 15 minutes.

Well, I ain't no dang beaver.

I can't even swim!

Oh, you can't?

Let's go.



[Coughing and panting]

Pin it, norb.

Pin it, man, go on.

Pin it, norb, pin it.

Aw... Baby.

Hmm... For some reason,
I just keep thinking

That I'm forgetting something.

Like the microwave nachos!



[Coughing and panting]

Whoa, this place

Hey, this must be where norb

Makes his super-secret
lavender-scented hair gel.



Your brother sure likes himself.

He likes me, too.

Yeah, well, why hasn't he
come to save you yet?

Yeah, well, at least
he's not a thief!

Oh, yeah?

Give me that!


Eh? Eee!


Norb's been selling

Generated by the dam
that the two of you built

And he hasn't given you
a single penny!

That's the proof
he don't like you.

You know why?

'Cause I hate you?

'Cause you're a menace!

You take that back,


Norb does like me!

Does not.

I'm not a menace!

[Whirring and beeping]



Are too!

Okay, I'm a menace. Run!













[Truckee coughing]

Hey, look at all this
rescue equipment stuff.

We're saved!

Yes, well, norb does like
to take care of us.

Us? Us? Then why is there
only one of everything?




Um... Obviously, norb,
i, uh...

Hey, looky here,
it's a scuber t*nk.

Now I won't drowned!

Hey, get your hands off,
you thief!

Oh, no...

Let go.

Oh, no...

Let go.

You give me...

Let go, let go,
let go... Oops.


Look out!

[Bell dings]


[Screaming, bell dings]


That was close.

Yeah, it sure was...
You thief.

♪ should old acquaintance
be forgot... ♪

♪ and left in a dam to die... ♪

♪ Should old acquaintance
be forgot and... ♪

♪ [Slurring words] ♪

I'll never forget you guys!

You're the greatest
bunch of friends ever!

Right, dag? You betcha!

I shoulda knowed
this was too good
to be true.


Help me get
these doors open.



You pull!


Hey, you know, uh...

We're a
pretty good team

When we work together.

oh, I hate you.

Look out, thief! Ooh!

Don't get all mushy on me.
Come on!


All right, all right,
all right.

We got to work together.

Now throw me up there
and I'll turn that knob.

Okay. [Gurgles]

Thiefs away!



You... Can't... Beat... Me...

You... Stupid... Doorknob!


Now what do we do?

I don't know. I can hold
my breath for 15 minutes.

[Click dark]
ten, nine, eight, seven...

Great howling spoot!

I just remembered.

...three, two, one!
Happy arbor day to all!

Do something!

Okay, but you ain't
gonna like it!

Whatever you do,
don't swallow!

I hate you!

I hate you!




We made it!

You saved me!

Well, of course
I saved you.

Who wants to drag around
a dead shrew by the wrist?

Yeah, well, who wants to be a...
Oh, forget it.

Oh, there you are!

[Daggett] norb!

Oh, I'm sorry
I forgot about you.

I can't believe you made it.

Yeah, no thanks to you.

Oh, baby!

Daddy's so glad
you survived!

That thing?!

What about me?

What about y... Eww?

What have you been
rolling around in?

You smell like burnt cheese.

Truckee was right
all along.

He's a better friend to me
than you ever were.

Yeah, well, don't look now

But your new best friend
is stealing all your stuff.

Oh, I ain't stealing
dag's stuff.

Because I saved his life.

No, that ain't it.

I can't steal his stuff

'Cause he nailed it all down.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks for all
the great stuff, norbie!

Hey, come back here,
you thief!

Hey, thief!


[Theme music playing]

[Music ends]