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04x04 - Driving Misses Daggett/Big Fun

Posted: 09/24/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
[Dance music playing]

♪ A-a-angry beavers ♪

♪ Beavers ♪

[Golf ball whacked]



You're indoors,
you doof! There's no wind.

Oh, yeah?! Well, what's that

Coming out of your pie hole? Ha!

Ooh, good comeback, daggie.


Um... No.


Ha... Ha!

It's going in,
it's going in...

It's going in!

Eh? What are you doing?

You stupid ball!

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no...

You're going
the wrong way...


Ooh, tough break there,
little daggaputt-putt.

But the important thing is,
you gave it your best shot.
I did.

Which was completely sad
and pathetic, by the way.

Let's go to the big
scorecard, shall we?

We shall.

Now, let me see here now.

Oh, no, no, no...

Now, for me, a "w",
which is short for winner!


And for you,
let's see now...

Oh, it's a big "l"

Which is short for lame-ee-o,
loser-pooserly beaver

Who couldn't make a shot
if his tiny, insignificant
life depended on it!

But I mean that
in a good way.

That's okay, it's all part
of the game, norby.

Sometimes that's just the way
the old ball bounces.

The way the cookie crumbles.
You win some, you lose some.

No pain, no rain.


But... A true
golfing competitor

Never gives up, norbie,
which is why I'm going to...

Quit! Quit! I quit!

I quit, I quit, I quit,
do you hear me? I quit!


Stupid game!

Stupid stuff!

Ouch, ouch!



Stupid... Ouch!

Stupid stuff...
Ouch, I quit.

We've got incoming.

Quit, quit, i...


Come on now,
you can't quit now.

We've still got ni-en
more holes to play.

[Wheezing cough]

Well, I guess
you'll playing them ni-en

By-en yourself-en,

All righty, suet yourself,
mister quitster.


Ooh, ooh...

[Engine revs]

[Tires squealing]

It's beautiful...!

Yes, indeed, my brother.

Behold the official beaver
tournament indoor goolfing cart.

Mine, mine!


I want to drive it,
I want to drive it.

Oh, I want to drive it,
please, norbie!

[Alarm sounding]

Sorry, dag-all-done-

No can dooski.




Only the winner

Of each goolfing hole

Gets the esteem-ed privilege

Of driving the goolfing cart.


And since you--

Let me see if I
got this right

Ee, quit, ee, quit!

Oh, broke my foot
and my head!


I guess that leaves you out.



I never said I quit, norbie.

When did I say I quit, hmm?


About three seconds ago.

Three seconds ago?


Ancient history, norbie.

That was the old me.

I'm a much totally
different new me now.

I'm a much betterer,

You know?
Know what I'm saying?
Sure, I think so.

Hey, how about that golf, huh?
Can't get enough of it.

You sold me!

Let the goolfing begin!

Okey-dokey, dopey.

Now remember-- if you
want to drive the cart

You have to win the hole.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

Ee... Ee...

Whoa there, big-tailed.

I got to tell you
the shot first.

Eh? What, what,
what, what?

From here...

Listen up. From here...

You bounce it off the fireplace,
ricochet off the closet door

Over the wagon wheel chandelier,
into the hole.

Nothing but kersplash.

There you go, little monkey!
Let her reep!

Sure, sure... I just hit it
off all those thingies

And kersplashy...
How about that kersplash?

Ain't that no problem?


You know, norbie, maybe if you
didn't watch me, I'd do better.

You kind of
make me nervous.

No prob, my man.

I understand completely.

Okay... Here I go.





I'm going to win,
I'm going to win.

I'm going to be the driver...


I hit the fireplace!

But don't look yet.


And the closet, too!

And look, it's going
right over the chandelier.

I mean, don't look, don't look.

Just take my word for it.


How about that
kersplash, huh?


Look, norbie, I did it!

I made the shot!

Ain't that something?

Very impressive,

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Now it's your turn, hurry up,
go, go, go, go, go!

Does it bother you
if I stand here?

How about here?
Hey, how about here?

I wouldn't want you
to miss!

'Cause it, uh, it would
be a shame if you miss!

Whatever you do,
don't miss!

Hey, how about
missing, huh?


[Clang, splash]

Well, dag man, I miss-ed.

Looks like you won that one.


Buh-bun, buh-bun!


I won, I won! Hoo-ha!

To the cart!


Come on, norbie, come on!
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

♪ Norbie's the loserer
and I am the driverer! ♪

Hoo-ha-ha, hoo-ha-ha...

Hey, where's the steering

There isn't one, daggie.

That's where
the loserly passenger sits.

The goolf cart driving
is done from up here.




Hey, how about them
tight spots, huh?

Here we go, norbie!

Wait just one-a momentio,


Okay, we're ree-dy.

Drive, my good man.



What do you mean,

We're here.

You mean... But... I... D...

I didn't get to drive!

Sure you did...

You drove us to the next tee.

That's what the goolfing cart
driver does.

And if you win another one,
you get to drive us again.

You do want to drive the cart,
don't you?

Yeah, but...

That's the spirit!

Now, come on.

We got more
goolfing to do.

[Grunting and groaning]

Hey, how about getting out
of them tight spots, huh?

Oh, stupid... Stuck, et cetera.

Here, let me give you
a hand.





Dag, you win again!


Stop! We're here.





Dag, you win again!





[Clunking and dinging]


I hate you.


Again, you're the winner!

[Grunts, shrieks]

Dag, you...

I know, I know!
I win again!


Daggie, my man...

Just getting a little...


So, you ready to drive us
to the 18th tee?

I don't want to drive
this stupidy

Spooty goolf cart
thingy anymore.

Why don't you drive it and let
me ride in the not-driving seat?

But dag, you've won
every hole. See?

Yeah, well...
I'm conflicted.

The not-driving seat
is for losers.

Hey, hey, come on, norbie.

I've got some losing...
I mean win...

Hey, let's play
some golf, huh?

Since I'm the winnerer
I should pick the shot, right?

Good! I pick this one.

Okay, here I go.

I missed.

What a shame, huh?

Hey, about
that missing, huh?

Well, it's your turn, norbie.

There you go, norbie--
let her rip.

Norb, look over there!

You did it, norb.

I can't believe it.

You actually won a...

Now, now come drive me.

Come drive me home, baby.

The game's over, dag.

Hey, what do you mean
it's over?

The 18th
was the last hole.

Hey, wait a minute.

There's no need to drive it.

See ya.

Hey, i...
Tell you, huh, over, huh?

It can't be over.

Drive me!

I lost fair and square!

You get back here and drive me,
you spootyheaded winner guy!

Hey, I tell you, I deserve
to be treated like a loser!

[Clock ticking]


Hey, how about losers, huh?
Ain't they somethin'?



[Stops groaning]





[Groaning, stopping,
groaning, stopping... ]


[Music playing]




"big rabbit wants youse
to come to dinna."

Well, this must bees
the place, norbie.


Hold on there,

What, what?

Before we partake

Of our floppy-eared friend's
generous hospitality

I want to remind you of
one very important thing.

What's that?
Whatever you do

Don't embarrass me!

What do you mean?

We're going to be guests
in someone's home.

So you must be on your
bestest behavior.

And above all,
practice the fine art
of good manners.

So I can't...


How about...

Don't even think
about it.

Now repeat after me,
"please and thank you."

Please and...

Thank you!

please and thank you.

Please and thank you!


That's my little gentleman.

Shall we?

Shall we what?


[Playful arguing]

What is that thing?

Good afternoon,
kind sir and/or madam.

I am pleas-ed and thank you
to make your acquaintance.

How was that, norb?

dag! Help me! Please!

And thank you.

Hey, get off my friend,
youse mugs!

[Beavers grunting
and screaming]

Norb! Dag!

Welcome to our humble abo-day!

I see you met
my baby brothers, huh?
Baby brothers?

Vinnie and little julie.


No problem.
Forget about it.
Forget what?

Now, now! Hey, hey...
What, what?

I want youse guys

To consider yourselves

As part of the family.

Forget about it!

What's mines is youse, capisce?

Forget about it!

That's very kind of you.

Forget about it.

Capisci and thank you.

Here we are, pals.

Home sweet home.

Whoa! Please
and thank you!


Please and thank you.

Hey, ha-ha, nice hair.

[Rabbits laughing]


Ooh, norbie,
look at their floor!

It's all slanty.


hey, you guys...

Come on, norbie, you try it.

Dag! What are you doing?!

We're guests!

Look at you, you're covered
with filthy dust bunnies!

Hey, norb, you got
something against bunnies?

No, uh...
What I meant was...

I can handle this, norbie.

Please and thank you.

[All laughing]

Are these guys great or what?


[Pop] hey, hey, what's a guy
got to do around here
to get a fresh soda!

Oh, oh, hey, hey,
I almost forgot.

Come on, I want youse guys
to meet my pop.


Hey, pop.

I want youse
to meet my friends!

Hey, pop!

What, what, what?

Well, what have we
got here?

They look like puppies.

These is my friends.

Norbert and daggett.

They's beavers.

I can see
that they're beavers.

You don't think I know
what beavers look like?

You think I'm stupid?

Lucky rabbit
at your disposal.

Whoa... What happened
to your hair?

It is an honor
to meet you, sir.

And may I just say... Dag!


It's okay, norb.

Everybody pokes it.

You want to poke it?

Go ahead, poke it.

No, no, no...

I do, I do.

Oh, please
and thank you.


Charm hunter took it.

Rabbits foots is supposed
to be good luck.

But not for me, right?


Right, lucky.

Ah, youse must be
big's little friends.

Please and thank you.

Isn't that nice?

And would you look at this one!

What a cutie!

But that hair!

Hey, hey, hey...


There you go--
much better, yeah.

I barely know you,
but I already love you
like I birthed you myself.


Hey, norbie, aren't you
forgetting something?

Thank... You.

Don't you mention it, sweetie.

All right, you filthy bums,
let's eat!

Aah! Ee...

Forget about it.

[All talking at once]

Hey, ma...

Give me some more of that pasta!

That's right...
I made that myself.

[Commotion continues]

Don't be shy, boys, come on.


Hey, norb, there's hair
in the casserole.

Give me some more
pasta, huh?

I lost a tooth.


Now, stuff your pie holes!

There's plenty more
where this came from!

Please and thank you.

Look, norbie-- head cheese!

Ooh... Please and thank you.

I have lost
the will to live.

[Blows whistle]

All right, you bums!

Dinner's over!

It's time for quality time!

quality time! All right!

[Yelling continues]

Quality ti... What's that?

♪ Lady of... Aha... ♪

♪ I are a pretty thing,
I want to lead ♪

♪ I'd never spit
in your por... ♪

♪ In my garden... ♪

♪ I'm going... ♪

Oh, I should have been a dancer.

See, g

Hey, big, big, come here.

Show me what you got.

Come on, cream puff!

Put some leather on it!


Is that all you got?
Come on!

You want a piece of me?

Oh... Okay, doris...
Whoa... Doris, lie down.

[Daggett laughing]

Please and thank you.

[Norbert groaning]

[Daggett laughing,
norbert groaning...]

Having fun, norbie?


That would be no.


Aw, come on, ma,
we was playing with him.

Oh, sorry, boys,
I just can't resist

Giving little spikey here
a good hair grooming.



He is so cute...

Oh, ooh...
Please... Don't...


Guh... Ee!

Let doris finish your pretty
You're soaking him!

It's just not going
to stay down.

Looks like I'm going
have to give it more spit.


Oh, look at that spit!

Hey, is that stuff
gonna harden?



Don't... Touch... The hair!

[Karate yells]



[All gasp]

Uh, norb, I don't think
that was very good manners.


Sorry about that.

I guess I got
a little carried away there.

Are you okay, mrs. Rabbit,
sir, ma'am?

Okay, let me say one thing
right now.

He did it.

Norb, youse throwed
my mother.

Youse throwed my mother!

Do you know what that means?!

Oh, baby... Oh, baby! Oh, baby!


Wrestling match!

I love her like this!


Ah, don't spike it,

I'm taking you down!

Go, ma!

[All cheering and yelling]

[Norbert groaning and

You know, dag...
What's that, rabbit?

Youse guys should
come here more often.

Al right, all right.
How's about tomorrow night?

Forget about it!

doris, doris...!

Go, ma, go!

Spit on him, ma!

Spit on him!

[All cheering]


[Groaning and cheering

[Theme song playing]