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02x08 - Lumberjacks' Delight/Zooing Time

Posted: 09/24/23 08:09
by bunniefuu
♪ A-a-a-angry beavers ♪

♪ Beavers. ♪

♪ timber. ♪

♪ Timber. ♪

♪ Timber. ♪

♪ timber. ♪

( Crashes )

♪ We get up with the sun
and knock down trees. ♪

♪ With a belly full
of biscuits ♪

♪ And a lot of butter
if you please. ♪

♪ Making stumps
and cracking bark. ♪

♪ We saw and chop
until it gets dark. ♪

♪ Then we eat some more. ♪

( All laughing )

( Whistling )

what's all that racquet,

( Yawns )
oh, no, it's...


They're chopping our trees

Which are ours,
not theirs.

Now, daggie,
calm yourself.

We knew this day would come.

Come, come?

A bunch of spooty-headed
lumber jerks

Are demolishing
our forest, norbert!

( Shrieks )

( Crashing, clanking )

I understand how you feel.

Behold, my brother.

The tool that will guide us to
victory over the lumberjacks.

The mystical seven ball.


Does it talk?

No. Observe.

Oh, mystical seven ball

How may we overcome
the lumberjacks?

"You will prevail
through patience

"And superior tactics.

Strategy number one:
confront and reason."

Hmm, better leave
the reason part to me.

"Confront the lumberjack

Reason with him,
and he will go away."

It says that, really?

How does it fit in
that little window?

Well, it helps
if you can read.

Did you pay money
for this?

Come on, brethren.


It's time for us

To confront and reason.

♪ We dangle from trees high
above the roots. ♪

♪ With leather straps
on our butts... ♪

♪ And shiny spike-d boots ♪

♪ Pound and pulp and slap
and sap, we... ♪

( Sniffing loudly )

Say, fellas, do you smell that?

( All sniffing )

♪ That wet, moldy,
musty, stinky ♪

♪ Smelly, low-down smell
of beavers! ♪

♪ beavers! ♪

Ah! Howdy, woodsman neighbor.

♪ looks like a couple
of germ-breeding ♪

♪ Tree-biting rats. ♪

♪ A beaver's got no place ♪

♪ Working lumber
and that's that. ♪

Rats? Indeed!

Come on, put 'em up,
put 'em up.

Come on...

( Lumberjacks laughing )

We don't want to be rude...

( Crashes, grunts )

...but we would appreciate it
if you would leave.

♪ Hmm, that sounds reasonable. ♪

♪ hmm... ♪


♪ Sorry, stink face,
no can do. ♪

♪ We claim these trees for us,
not you. ♪


♪ No, dirty beaver,
I've a better idea. ♪

♪ A good old-fashioned scrubbing
from toe to ear... ♪

( Lumberjacks whistling
cheerfully )

( Daggett squealing,
grunting )

( Water sloshing )

stupid seven.

Oh, mystical seven ball.

What the...?

Shh, shh...

Oh, mystical seven ball.

Just ask the question!

What next?

"Stategy number two:
infiltrate and exaggeate.

"Befriend your enemy

"Then convince him
that there is another place

Much better
than your place."

Love it.

( Sputtering )

What are you, nuts?!

Lumber jerks hate beavers.

♪ whoa, ho-ho-ho, ho-ho-ho,
ho, ho ♪

♪ Whoa, ho-ho-ho, ho-ho-ho,
ho, ho ♪

♪ Oui, oui, bonjour ♪

♪ Eh! ♪

♪ Oh, my, who is that we see? ♪

( With french accent ):
♪ it is me! ♪

The legendary canadian

Beaucoup bonjour, you see!

♪ It is! ♪

( Cheering )


♪ And this is my legendary
fur hat, icky. ♪

( Honks, slaps )

♪ We come from a land
that's way up north ♪

♪ Where the nights are cold
and the days are... ♪

♪ Not so cold. ♪

♪ It's an honor ♪

♪ My name's lars
and here's my crew. ♪

♪ Sven, peter, dieter
and achim, too. ♪

♪ So, beaucoup, tell us of
where you are from. ♪

♪ The trees are so big, it takes
two days to walk around one. ♪

♪ And are they tall? ♪

♪ Mon dieu! ♪

♪ They scrape the sun
when they fall. ♪

♪ Well, by golly, that sounds
like a magical place. ♪

♪ Let's go now,
I'll pack my suitcase. ♪

See, what did I tell you?

( Cackling )

Wow, these guys
are moraines...

Uh, morans...

( Clears throat )

♪ Yes, we will go where
the timber is vast. ♪

♪ But first, we must have
a hearty breakfast. ♪

♪ join us! ♪

Oui, oui.

( Laughs mischievously )

♪ Who wants flapjacks? ♪
♪ I'll take a stack. ♪

♪ Keep the coffee coming. ♪

♪ Strong and black. ♪

♪ It is biting and chewing
and real loud slurping ♪

♪ Breaking wind
and real men burping ♪

♪ It's a lumberjack
breakfast, huzzah!

Hey, uh, could I get some
artificial sweetener over here?

Uh, gulp, uh...

♪ If you don't have any,
that's ah-ee-ah... ♪

♪ Ba-ba-da-ba-da ♪

♪ Ba-ba, sugar, sugar, oh,

( Daggett honking, wailing )

( Water sloshing )

"You are reading this?

You asked for
artificial sweetener!"

Okay, seven ball

What do you say I smash you
into a billion pieces?

( Water sloshing )

Oh, mystical seven ball.

Great trance.


What do we do?

"Ask again later."

What? Give me that.

No, dag.

Don't you see what
the ball is telling us?

It's time to resort to v*olence!

That ball's finally
coming around.

Let's do it, baby!

( Squealing )

Dag, wait, we need...

To make... A plan.


♪ I'm a germ-breeding,
tree-jumping rat ♪

♪ A beaver's got no place... ♪

♪ Working lumber, that's that. ♪

What have they done
to you, dag?

They've broken him.

They've worn down
your spirit.

It's go time,
you lumber monkeys.

( Chopping )

( Norbert panting )

♪ Oh, look, boys,
the beaver's back for more. ♪

( Thwacking )

( Howls )

Nobody makes my brother enjoy
bathing and gets away with it.

I challenge all you singing
weirdoes to a timber-ama.

Whoever fells the most trees
in 30 seconds, wins.

And the losers must leave
this forest

And vow never to darken its
hallowed, hollowed logs again.

♪ We accept! ♪

♪ Prepare to meet your defeat. ♪

( Cackling maniacally )

( Honking )


( Pops )

( Panting )

( Squeals )

( Honking )

( Grunting )

All right! Whoo!

( Honks )

( Grunts )

♪ Well, I guess you've won... ♪

♪ It's yours to have your fun. ♪

We did it!

( Both giggling )

We saved the forest
from the lu...

( Truck engine starting )

♪ ha-ha-ha, ho-ho, hee-hee! ♪

♪ We're off with your timber,
you see. ♪

♪ Ha-ha-ha, ho-ho,
hee-hee-hee! ♪

♪ Et cetera, et ceter-ee... ♪

Hey, look.

It's that spooty
seven ball.

What's it say?

"I can't believe you take advice

From a plastic billiard ball

Dag, get my hammer.

Ball peen or framing?



( Oinking, slurping )

( Squealing )

( Squeals )

( Panting )

Ooh, h, eeh-ah,
hmm, uh, uh. Oh.

What's up, dagzilla?

Oh, n-n-nothing,
nothing, nothing.

I-i'm going to go upstairs;

I'm nervous now.

( Muttering )

( Knocking... )

I wonder who that is.

It's for you.

I didn't do it.


Thought you could
eat the log cabin

Abraham lincoln
was born in

And get away with it,

That's a national
landmark, son

And you're going to pay.

wait, you've got
the wrong beaver.

Daggett, you come out here now.

( Crying ):
they're taking me to the zoo!

The zoo!

Oh, no!

What have I done
accidentally on purpose?

( Shrieks )

( Steel door slams;
daggett moans... )

( Gasps )

I wouldn't admit it in court,
but... This is all my fault!

I must rectify this situation.

Don't worry, norbert!

I'll save you!

I think you'll have

A pleasant time here,
mr. Beaver.

I can't believe my own brother
set me up.

If I ever get my hands on him...

Here we are.

( Gulps )

Isn't it bea-u-ti-ful?

Welcome to my zoo.

Shut up, charlton, I'm talking.

just hang in there, norbie.

I won't let you down, again.

I'm on my way.


( Screeching )


Get your filthy pws
off me

You darn spooty ape!

( Growling )

( Daggett grunting, groaning )

I wonder what dagge-dip's up to?

( Howling... )


( Buzzes )

And here we have
the beaver pen.

( Ice cubes tin#ling )

What's that, charlton?

Yes, the beavers are very good
at eating wood.

Next, the reptile


Don't worry, norbie.

Mole man-- that's me,
daggett mole man--

With his trusty shovel
is on the way.


Not tin foil!

Don't make me chew it, please.

♪ Dah-da-dah! ♪
I'm here, norbie.

All is well.

My hero.

( Both grunting... )

( Groans )


( Sighs )

Just hang in there, norbie.

I'm coming.


Hmm, a slight miscalculation.

( Elephant trumpets )

( Growls )

( Squeaks weakly )

( Growling )

( Grunts )

( Norbert grunting... )

( Howling... )

Next, w have
an alsaaaa-tian pine.

( Loud chewing )

Mmm. Sappy, yet
not overwrought.

You like?


A perfect plan.

I'll set them all free.

( Rumbling... )

Please leave
in an orderly fashion.

( Speaking spanish )

( Screaming... )

( Hooves thundering,
elephant trumpets )

Now, all I need is zanktar,
the 100-foot robot.

Spoot, what was I thinking?

( Grunts )

( Yelps )

( Howling )

parks hours are from
9:00 to 9:00 today.

If you plan on leaving and
returning in the same day

( Bawling )
please have your hand stamped
at the front gate.

Thank you.

There's a lollipop
in it for you

If you keep quiet.

( Bawls )


( In deep voice ):

And with the tide came beauty.

♪ Dah-da-dah-duh! ♪


I've come to set
you all free.

Easy, dagnabit.

Amp down a little bit.

You suffering
is at an end!

You'll be free!

Hold on, dag.

Hey, look at me.
Look at me.

I don't want
to leave.


Take a look around.


It's paradise.

What have they done to you?

( Chuckles )
pleased me.

Of course!

You've been brainwashed!

I blame myself

But won't admit
that in court.

I'm sorry.

I'm the one who ate
honest abe's cabin.

I'm guilty.

As guilty as a sasquatch
in a pudding factory.

"Sasquatch in a
pudding factory"?

Go with me on this--
you're free!

Yes, but fear not,
fair maiden.

You're free.

Dag, you're missing
the point.

I want to stay.

All of us want to stay.

Right, guys?

yeah, yeah, stay, yeah.

Yu'v all been bainwashed.

I'll have to take matters
into my own hands.

Freedom, my brothers!

Oh, this is going to be ugly.

freedom, free!

You're all free!

Did I say you're free?

You are...

Be free, you big,
blubbery thingy.

Oh, great.

Freedom, my brothers!

Free yourselves!

Smell it, my brothers!

The smell of freedom!

Uh, dag.

That's the monkey house.

You're a menace.

I don't know
about you guys

But I'm going
to san diego.

yeah, why not? I'll go, too.

Wait, you can't leave
without your leader...


Freedom... Guys.

Good one, daggie.

What do you mean?

You really did it
this time, bubbaloo.

I had paradise in the palm
of my paw, and you blew it.

Well, maybe
I overreacted.

just a bit.

Just a smudge.

Feel like a doof?



Well, let me tell you

None of this
would have happened

If I wasn't a doof.


Okay, I'm a doof.

Charlton, look what they
did to my beautiful zoo.

I'm ruined.

What's that?

Yes, tomato juice
is delicious, I agree.

Ruined, charlton.

What will we do?

All the animals are gone.

Norb, norb?

I wish there
were some way

I could make it
up to you

And the rest
of the free guys.

Hmm, maybe there is, daggie.

Maybe there is.

Yes, charlton.

It's wonderful.

Just look at all these people.

Over here, we have
the beaver lion.


And over here
the beaver seal.


the beaver snake.





( Woman screams )
