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01x10 - Trees Company/Guess Who's Stumping to Dinner?

Posted: 09/24/23 07:59
by bunniefuu
♪ A-a-a-angry beavers ♪

♪ Beavers. ♪

( Screeches to halt, honks )

Mail's here!

Oh, boy, oh, boy!

Mail, mail, mail!

Junk... Junk...

Last year's model.

Junk... ( Gulps )

Last year's model?

My last year's
model model!

At last
my collection is complete!

This year's model...

Next year's model...

And now, last year's model!

It's taken me
almost 12 months to get it.

Thanks, dag,
i, I think

I can handle
this one by myself.

But, but, but, norbie

Look at all
the teeny-tiny


Oh, it's not
that complicated.

Just a simple little
3,000-piece model

For a simple little fellow
like me.

Not much of a challenge

For a genius
like you.

( Shrieks )

You're probably right.

Hey... How about you do
all the simple stuff

Like attaching
the 3,000 pieces

And I'll do the gluing.


I mean no,
no thanks, dag.

I have all the glue I need.

But that can't
possibly be enough.

( Pop )

( Stuttering )


Sorry, norbie.

Let me get that off.

No, no,
you don't have to.

( Grunting... )

( Snap )


( Chuckles sheepishly )

Dag, I know in my heart
you're right.

I probably should drench
my fragile model

With gallons of super glue

But this is a life lesson

I must learn on my own

By myself,
o solo mio...

( Bellows ):

I need a little "me" time here

So I can finish this model.

Great! Why not have

Me time together?

That would be "us" time.

Me time is something
I can only do with me!

So, could you leave me
alone for awhile

And let me do my thang?

Oh, sure, I'll
leave you alone.

No problem.

( Geese honking )





It's bounce-o-mania!

( Laughs giddily )

Hey, norb

What does this piece do?

Give me that.

It looks tres, tres importante.

Dag, I need that piece.

( Creaking, motor straining )


( Rattling )

Okey-dokey, artichokey.

Thank you!

Don't mention it.

( Rattling )

( Shrieking... )

Whoo! Whoo, whoo...!

( Humming merrily )


( Clank )

( Crashing, breaking )

( Fan blade squeaking )

( Snap )

Okay, all right.

You know what?

I can take a hint.

I try to include you in my fun

But you just cut me out.

Act like
I don't exist.

You want to be left alone?


I'm leaving.

( Voice rising ):
I'm going.

I am turning the doorknob.

The door is creaking.

I'm out the door.

I'm outside.

( Creaking )

I'm out of here!

( Creaking )

( Clunking, crashing )


Dag's gone.

You know, right now
he's on my nerves, but...

Maybe some day I'll miss him.

( Laughs heartily )


Hey, dag, check it out!


( Sing-songy ):

Oh, daggie-poo?

Dingle-dangle doop-daggie?



( Creaks open )


( Rumba music, laughter )

( Animated conversation,
at a distance... )


so he says "no"!

( Resumes laughing )

More pate?

Is this your lipstick
on the glass?

Oh, nice shade.

Hey, dag!

Dag! I finished my model.

Check it out.

Oh, norbie.

Hey, love to chat

But I've got some friends
over for a party!

( Laughs merrily )

Hey, get that lampshade
off your head!

( Laughing )

Hey, listen, norbie.

I was going to invite you
to my little treetop bash

But then I remembered

You want to be
left alone!

( Laughs )

Okay, I'll see you later.

Hey! Get that pony
off the couch.

( Whinnies )

( Rumba music continues )

I did want to be left alone.

( Door creaks )

( Music still audible )

( Brightly ):
yep, it sure is nice
and peaceful here

( Trailing off ):
when you're all alone.

"Big... Tree...



( Sighs wistfully )

( Sighs )

( Motorboating )

( Continues sighing )

( Draws deep breath )



I really like those
high heels, little mama!

( Laughs )

Hmm, boy,
dag's little treetop bash

Sure sounds like
it's getting wild.

I better sneak a peek
just to make sure

He isn't falling in
with a bad crowd.

( Daggett laughing )

Oh, I'd love to!

( Humming merrily )

( Whistles )


( Blowing )


( Grunts )

( Growling )


So much fun.

I'll be right there.

Soon as soon as I
toss this trash.

I told you to get
that pony out of here.

( Whinnying )

( Hissing )

( Daggett laughing )

Oh, here let me get you
another one.

Hey, help yourself
to the toothpicks.

( Laughs ) yeah.

Norb, how you been?

Hey! Did you inflate
yourself with helium?

I did that once.

Can't open your mouth

Or you'll let out
all the gas.

Be careful.

By the way,
what time is it?

( Starts to answer )

( Gas escaping )

( Sounding like airplane
losing altitude )

Uh, everything okay
there, norbie?

( Congested-sounding ):
I'm fine.

Just playing a new game
called... "Hide your nose."

Everybody's doing it.

Heh, really?

It's the latest craze!

( Panting )

Let me try.


( Muffled ):
is this right?

A little deeper.

Like this?

That's excellent!

Now count to 43,000

And I'll come
looking for your nose.

( Muffled chuckling )

This is so cool!

One, two...

Three, four, five...

( Muffled snort )

( Door creaks )

( Rumba music playing )

Hey, norb! I just
remembered something.

I can't count to 43

Thou... Sand.

So, this is your big

Treetop blowout, huh?

( Honks )

You tricked me!

You tricked me
into eating dirt

So you could crash in.

There is no party!

( Bellows ):

So, you were just up here

With a bunch
of lights

And music

And imaginary friends.

It's all just... Pretend!

A pretend party is better

Than a real brother who...

Doesn't want you around.

( Choking up )

( Starts crying )

The dam
isn't the same

Without your
constant high jinks.


If you want to come back

I won't stop you.

Does that mean...
You miss me?


Huh? Huh?

Yes, daggett...

( Squeaks )

...i miss you.

I miss your





You can stop.

No, I got more, wait.

Know what, irritating,
that's enough. Strident...

You want to come home?

If you want me to.

Come on, big hug.

Come on. Come to me.

Come to me!

( Laughing )

I got a better idea.

Let's mambo!

( Music begins )

( Both ):

"He who reads this curse

"Shall curse the day

He read it."

( Growling )

( Scoffs )

What ridiculous
superstitious hooey.


( Choking )

Curse this mummy's curse!

curse of
the mummy's curse.

( Laughing )

This is going to be great.

Hurry up, dag, movie's starting.

( Grunting )

Stupid microwave.

( Kernels popping feebly )

Can't you pop any faster?

( Bell rings )

( Loud popping )

Ooh! Ah! Ooh! Ah!

Oh, boy.

And all for a movie

We've never seen before.

Here I come, norbie!


( Grunts )


Oh, good

Thanks, dag.

What's going on?

Why is that in
my tv viewing spot?

Daggett, meet
my new friend... Stump.

New friend stump?

Remember that tree we
chewed down this morning?

After we finished
lunching on him

Stump and I got to talking.


Yeah, we really hit it off.

Since we ate his branches

I couldn't leave him
out in the cold.

This is a joke?

( Laughs ) very funny.

It's no joke, dagski.

Come on, sit between us.

There's plenty of room
for three.

Get that thing
off that couch.

I'm not sitting
in between anybody.

But stump is our guest.

You know the rules:

The guest sits
where he wants.

Guest? He's a stump.

A piece of wood, see?

Hey, take it easy!

Stump's got
sensitive feelings.

Did you get hit
on the head?

He's a stupid stump!

You're insulting
my friend, my friend.

He's a stupid stump,
my stump friend.

( Both growling )

( Sniffing and growling )

( Door opens and closes )

( Car engine starting )

( Gasps )

How'd he...?

Who'd he...?

Where'd he...?

I hope you're proud
of yourself, mister.

But... Norbie!

What about the movie?

We're supposed
to watch it together.

Fine. Go chase a sump.

A stump.

See if I care.

I'll watch this really
cool movie by myself.

Sorry, babe.

This looks
like the end.


This is so scary.

Norb doesn't know
what he's missing.

( Loud moaning )

( Grunts )

( Screaming )

( Screaming )
( screaming )

help! Help!

I'm coming! I'm coming!

I'm coming! I'm...!

I'm going!

( Norbert laughing )

Sorry, big d.

Just practicing
some shadow puppets

Stump showed me.

He's so cool.

While you were watching
the movie

He was showing me
some excellent stuff.

Stump's doing hand puppets?

Check it out.

I could do that
if I felt like it.

When's he leaving?

Never, I hope.

Stump's got some cool
stuff for us to do.

Want to come along?

B-but I got a bunch
of cool stuff

For us to do, too.

First, we can spin

Until we get
dizzy and sick

And then
we can watch tv.

Dag, I know you put a lot
of thought into your plans

But let's do stump's stuff.

( Whistling )

Rock, you're amazing.

A brain surgeon,
a rocket scientist

And now this?

You're good
at everything.

Rock, you rock.

Oh, norbie.

I didn't see you.

My neat new friend rock
is showing me

How he and his muchachos

Down in sunny acapulco
go cliff diving.

Daggett, rock and his muchachos
go cliff falling.

( Laughing )

Oh, I forgot.

Only tree stumps
can do cool things.

Speaking of stump

He's showin me
how to hang glide.

Oh, for fun.

You and your new pal
can come along.

No, thank you.

We're having a great time
cliff diving.

Suit yourself.

Just make sure

He dives first.

( Laughing )

What are you laughing at?


Stupid rock.

( Daggett yelping )

( Gasping with pain )

( Screaming )


first, hang gliding

And now, land luging?

Pinch me,
I must be dreaming.

Let me go first.

( Laughing )

I hate him.

"To south pole."

This ought to put
mr. Smarty-stump

On ice for a while.

( Cackling )

"South pole."

On "ice."

Sometimes I crack myself up.

( Cackling )

hey! Hey!

Let me out of here!

Stump, this is
truly amazing.

If your theory
is correct

An ordinary doorway
in our dam

Will become a doorway

To another dimension!

( Sleigh bells jingling,
dogs barking )

( Teeth chattering )

( Panting )

( Screams )

( Grunting repeatedly )

I'm going to chew up and spit
out that overgrown splinter.

You sure are brave

Being the first person

To step
through it.

If something
goes wrong

You might...
Never return!

Boy, I sure wish daggett
was here to see this.

( Machine beeping )



Here goes.

( Yelling )

Daggett, what have you done?!


Thank goodieness

Stump was there
to hold the rope.

"Thank goodieness,
stump was there."

What are you doing?
I've had enough.

Enough of what?
Your friend stump.

Wait a minute!

You were trying
to get rid of stump!

You were trying to push
stump through the doorway

To another dimension!


What's he ever done to you?

Lots of stuff.


Well, then he...

And he... Uh...

Well, lots of stuff.

You got nothing.

Yeah, he's a stupid stump.

And if you like him
better than me

You're a stupid,
stupid stump-head.

I don't care to share a dam
with you when you're like this.

( Thunder )

Yeah, run off
into a terrible storm

Where you could get hurt

And/or sick
and/or hit by lightning.

See if I care.

I don't need you.

I don't need anybody.

( Grunts )

What's this?

crudely carved

Into your bark
by beaver teeth.

"Dag and norb forever."

Oh, what have I done?

I suddenly realize
I was only mad at norb

Because I was afraid
of losing his affection.

Oh, what a fool I was.



( Thunder rumbling )

( Sobbing ):

( Thunder rumbles )

hey, daggett.

Why are you
walking around

In the rain
getting all wet?

Norbert, I was
a stupid loghead.

I know.

Let's... What?
Never mind.

Let's never
fight again. Deal?


This is great.

Playing a nice game

Of scary movie trivia

With my two most favoritest
people in the world.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, a double six.

All I have to do is
answer one question

And I win, win, win.

"How does the hero
defeat the mummy

In the classic horror classic
curse of the mummy's curse?"

But... Uh...

Tick, tock...

I never saw the end.

Time is tight.

Dropped an a-b*mb on him?

Sorry, time's up.

Stump, if you can answer

You win the game.

That's correct!

"The hero did nothing"!

Oh, a freak earthquake
conveniently opened a chasm

Beneath the mummy's feet

Destroying the monster

Or perhaps only burying him
until his next movie.

That was fun!

Lucky guess.


Stupid stump.

You weren't going
to call him

Stupid stump anymore.

I lied.

You promised.
I did not.

The man
saved your life!
He did not.

You were walking around
with a stone!

He was my best friend!