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01x10 - Cold Hard Toe Nails / Attack of the Blobs

Posted: 09/23/23 20:04
by bunniefuu
( Clock chiming, thunderclap )

( Creaking )

( Owl hooting )

( Shrieking )

( Crying )

( Gasps )

( Screaming )

Lazy slimeballs!

[Captioning sponsored

By nickelodeon

And the u.s. Departmen

Of education]

( Needle scratching record )

( Chuckles )

Male voice:

They sailed a sea of glorp

And woe be the hapless vessel

That crossed their path

For they were pirate monsters

Of the first degree.

And no ship,

Be she sloop or galleon

Was safe from their attack.

( Yells )

Child's voice:

Did they ever find the treasure?

They did.

And they brought it up on deck

So the whole scurvy

Crew could see what booty

Their crimes had won them.

And they opened the chest

And what do you think

Was in it? Eh?




Aye! 'Twas a grink's ransom

In toenails.

Yup, human toenails.

Lovelier than ear wax.

More priceless than carpet lint.

The most precious things

Known to monsterdom.

And they had a chestful.

Can you imagine?

Can you believe

Old wodget?

He was telling that same

Story when I was a kid.


I remember wishing

I had a chest full

Of toenail clippings.



You could buy

Anything, couldn't you?

Oh, gee.

You'd never have to do anything

For the rest of your life.

Oh, you could just

Enough daydreaming.

Have you forgotten

We've got a scare?

Yeah, right, come on.

So, you see, in the end, all

That fighting was for nothing.

They weren't toenails at all.

They were plain old

Worthless fingernails.

But, I mean, how

Could they tell?


The fingers were still attached.

( Gasp )


( Giggling )

( Sniffing )

This kid's going

To have quite a night.



What's the address again?

For grak's sake

I have only

Told you 50 times.

132 231St street.

Got it.

See you at 9:00.

132 231 Street.

132 321 Street.

131 312 Street.

Ah-ha! This is

Going to be a cinch.

Any kid in a place

Like this is already scared.


( Squeaking ):


( Groaning )

( Man mumbling )

That should do it.


( Giggling wildly )

( Snoring )

Man mumbling:

Must have

Left my trousers

On the submarine. Oh

( Yawning )

Well, well, look who's here.

Mr. Trustworthy.

"Count on me, never

Let a friend down."

We almost got fed

To a trash compactor.

Yes, escaped by the skin

Of our teeth, as it happens.

No thanks to you!

Um, guys, look.


See, I went to this guy's house

And it was more toenails

Than anybody's ever seen.

I, I

Ickis, you are rich!

I'm rich!

I'm rich.

( Sobbing )

I'm rich!

He's rich!

All right, ickis.


What a dump!

Oh, believe me,

It set me back.

But I think it's worth it for us

To have a nice place to live.


Here is my handwoven

Persian silkworm rug.

Why get just the silk

When you can have the worms

I always say.

Ickis, there is no way

Krumm and I can afford

To live in a place like this.

You didn't think I'd forget you

Once I got rich, did you?

Oh, ickis

I mean

Thank you, it's lovely.

I just, I don't know.

I'm really hungry.

Oh, yes,

This looks lovely.

Could you just see

If the chef could prepare

Just a small plate

Of braised mothballs

With fly brain paste?


It's so nice to have

Fly brain in season

Don't you think?


Must be an acquired taste.

Is there anything else

I can get for you, ickis?

By the way, did I mention

That you look great?

Oh, oh, thanks, kuffle.


Absolutely nothing

I can think of

At the momen

That I wan

And don't have.

Ah, life.


( Class belch )

And remember

If you get the assignmen

Done by tomorrow morning

There's an extra couple of

Toenails in it for you.

Wacka, wacka.

If the gromble asks

Tell him I'll be along, hmm?

Well, well, it's young ickis,

If I'm not mistaken.

Old wodget, how are you?

Not like I once was.

You know,

If you need anything

I've come into a lot of

So I've heard, so I've heard.

Ickis and his toenails,

Talk of the dump.

Ahem, well, um

I better be

I'd be careful

If I were you.

Vast wealth is no

Always what it seems.

Did I ever tell you

Of the pirate monsters

Who rode the sea of

Oh, yeah, yeah

I think I heard

That one, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Don't worry about me.

( Giggling )

I won't end up like that.

Hey, what's going on?

Hi, ickis.


We are moving

Back to our old room.

What? Why?

Well, we are jus

Not comfortable here.

Not comfortable?

What do you need?

I'll buy it, anything.

No, ickis, it's not

Well, we're just

Here's your

Pickled cowpie, ickis.

Merci beaucoup,


Here's a little something

Just for you.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, can we have

Another party tonight?

( Absently ):

Oh, a party?

That would be great.

What about school tomorrow?

School? School?

A monster in my position

Hardly needs to waste time

With something as

Irrelevant as school.

What are you doing?

I was just

I dropped my lucky

Rabbit spleen.

You're looking for my toenails!

That's what you want.

That's what you all want!

You wait until my back is turned

And then you're going

To steal my toenails!

Get out! Get out, all of you!

I don't need you!

( Gasping )

I don't!

I don't need any of 'em.

There's only one

Thing that I need.

( Laughing )

A rabbit spleen?

Who put that there?

( Sighing )


This is all I need.

( Gasping )

( Yammering )

I don't believe it!

There were hundreds.

I know there were!

( Knock at door )

Come in.

Ickis, I just came back

For my

( Crying )

Ickis? What's wrong?

It's good to see you, oblina.

Please, please,

Take whatever you want.

Yes. Are you sure you're okay?

( Babbling )

Never better, never better.

( Giggling )

Well, I'll just see you around.

( Crying )

That close

Was full of toenails.

I'll just go in there,

It'll be fine.

I'll be rich again.

I will be richer.

( Man snoring )

Just one more.

What? Wha, wha

( Glass breaking )

Stop! Thief!

Help, police.

I'm being robbed.

( Grunting )

Hey, you little

Whatever you are

I'll tear you limb


( Screeching )

What? Where am i?


Where's that little

Must have been a dream.

Yes, a dream, a warning dream.

If I keep on like this

I'll end up like tha

Greedy little monster.

This place is a dump.

I've got work to do.


( Grunting )

Now, now

Now I'm all set,

Set for life.

Yes, yes.

This'll teach 'em

To mess with me.


( Screaming )

( Screaming

And gurgling )

Help! Help!

( Gurgling ):

Ickis! Oh, ickis!


Ickis, what is it?

( Coughing )

I went for the res

Of my toenails

And then they all

Went into the river.

They're all

At the bottom of the river.

You could have

Drowned because of them!

Snap out of it!

Gone, they're all gone!

( Sobbing )


Oh, ickis.

Hey, guy.

( Sobbing,

Then laughing )

Can you believe it?

All those toenails.

They're all sitting

On the bottom of the river.

( Laughing hysterically )

Can you guys believe

How crazy I was?

Over a bunch of stupid toenails.

And now look where they are.

( All laughing )

Hey, how abou

Something to eat?


Oblina and krumm:


All right.

( Gobbling and chomping )

( Clears throat )

And, uh, next, with their hands

Like this

Then they touch fingertips

And form a blob.

Did you say blob, sir?

Yes, blob.

That's after

The fingertip thing?

Ickis, please.

Yes, after the tips!

30 Days later the blob shakes

The bonsty pops out,

And that's it.

Master ickis,

How inquisitive you are today.

It is so annoying!

Just one thing, sir:

How do you keep

From laughing?

( All laughing )

I do not know him.

I do, he's ickis.

( Giggling )

So, you pu

Your elbow

On your knee like this

Your thumb on your nose

And you wave your hand like

How dare you!


What just happened?

You are so naive.

I have never been

So embarrassed.

Excuse me

Miss know-it-all.

All I'm saying is

Wait, I'm curious.

How do you know

So much about blobs?

There are things

I know a lot about.

Blobs are one of them!

Did someone

Mention blobs?

I have

A blobsitting opportunity

For an ambitious young monster.

I have a lot of homework,

And I'm not sure

I knew you'd

Back out.

So much for knowing

All about blobs.

Yes, I would be very interested

In blobsitting.

Take a gander

Down yonder to your left.

No, that's too far.

Below the one

For the antique plunger.


"Young couple desires

A responsible monster

To blobsit their precious

For seven days"--

No, six, no, five--

"Somebody quick, please."

Appearances are

Very importan

Slovenly is good

But never come

Off as careless.

Remember, they are

Entrusting you

With their

Precious blob.

Ickis, dear, I am much

More experienced than

I was trying to help little

Miss edgy know-everything

But if you don't want

( Knock on door )

That's them!

Well, if no one's

Going to get it

Oh, please tell me

You're not oblina.

I'm not oblina.

Hello, I'm oblina.

Thank goodness.

This place is perfect.

Yeah, nothing

Of value at all.

I'm klarp, this is twarp,

And this is our precious blarp.

Oh, that is the uglies

Blob I have ever seen.

Thank you.

Have you ever

Blobsat before?

Oh, oh, oh, yes, many times.

My neighbors at home always

Brought their blobs to me.

I know everything there is

To know about blobs.

Do you have any references?

Do you know the flubungers?

Too bad, they loved me.

What do you think?

Gee, twarp, I think

We've got ourselves

A blobsitter.

Oblina, we'll pick little blarp

Up in exactly 25 hours

And 12 minutes.

Be careful,

He's our little precious.

Never fear, he is in good hands.


Forgetting something?

The curl is still attached!

Let me see!let me see!


Later, when we ge

Little blarp back

Safe and sound.

Bye, little blarpie

( Babbling )

My little poochie

Poochie poo poo


Have a good time.

Don't worry

About anything.

Oh, thank you for talking me

Into this, ickis.

These are going to be

The easiest toenails

I have ever earned.

Be careful, oblina,

You hit the blob's basket.

I did not.

They why is I

Shaking like that?

Oh, it's,

It's shaking because

Oh, no! Oh, no!

We're going to have a bonsty!


( Kissing )


Ickis, boil me

Some skankum. Hurry!

( Babbling )

Icky, picky, putrid.


Here's your skankum.

What's it for?

For energy.

I'll need it if I have to

Watch this toddler.

That brat bit me.

Try that again,

And I'll

He is probably

Just fanging.

He's a little


He's more dangerous

Than a human.

Stop it, I will no

Have you talking dirty

In front of this sweet,


Ow! Why, you little

We should get him something

To chew.

Wugh, wugh, wugh, wugh.

Try this nice,

Rusty sewer pipe, hmm?

How extraordinary.

Um, strange, I wonder

Why he is so hungry?

I thought you knew

Everything about blobs.

I do, but I'll go

To the library and brush up

In case there's

Anything I forgot.

I'll go, you stay.

You're the professional


Kid's got potential.

( Babbling )

Hmm, you say it ate the stool?

In one bite.

Ah, here it is.

You're dealing with a woodchuck.

A woodchuck?

No, sorry, jumped the g*n

On that one.

It's oh, a chainsaw.

A chainsaw?

Oh, no, wrong again.

Uh, ooh

You're ooh, in big trouble.

Tell me something

I don't know.

Uh "run for cover

For the first 24 hours.

This species eats everything

In sight."


They prefer

To eat other monsters, but

Terrific, terrific!

This is all oblina's fault.

Some blobsitter!

( Clanking, crashing )




Oh, one of these days I'm going

To get this right.

( Blarp chewing noisily )

Oblina, krumm!

Oh, no!

Where are oblina

And krumm?

( Burps )

( Wailing )

You little brat,

You ate my best friends.

You looking

For us?

( Shrieks )

( Gasping )

Where were you?


To avoid

The hungry one.

( Babbling )

So you see, when he sees

The three of us

He's thinking breakfast, lunch,

And dinner.

I want to be dinner.

Chaps, I have

A confession to make.

I know, you never

Blobsat before?

How did you know?

You don't know squa

About blobs.

Okay, the truth is out.

Now we have to band together.

We've got fifteen hours

Until this bonsty's

Parents show up.

That's noon


If we each take

A five-hour shif

We can do it.

What do you say?

I sure could use some

Of those toenails.

Me, too.

Uh, wait a minute.

Who said anything

About toenails?

I'm out of here.

With you, buddy.

Okay, okay

We'll split it evenly.


We would

Have helped

You anyway.

All for one,

And one for all.

Buddies till the end.


Now, who wants

The first shift?


Not me.

You're yellow.

I'm not yellow,

I'm magenta.

You should

Do it.

Why don'

You do it?

( Chomping )

( Babbling

And chomping )

( Banging )

Ickis ( yelling ):

Go to sleep!

Not a peep!

Dream of scary little sheep!

( Babbling )

( Wailing )

Go to sleep!

Not a peep

( Chomps )


( Snoring )

( Chomping )

Oh, my

Krumm krumm!


Ickis, wake up.

Krumm fell asleep.

He what?

Oh, time is almost up.

( Knock on door )

That must be them.


What fascinating activity

Prevented you

From attending my class?

Your grombleness

We can explain,


Oh, I'm sure you can.

In fact, you'd better.

I'm afraid

It's all my fault, sir

( Chomping )

Oh, it's a little bonsty.

How cute.

He looks so young.

But you wouldn't be so foolish

As to bring a bonsty in here

If he was less than a day old.

It would be a disaster.

Icky, picky putrid.



( Gromble yelling )

( Grunting and yelling )

( Clears throat )


Spit that out now!

Oh, dear.

Hello there,

How are you?

He looks like the dog's dinner.

I like dog dinner.

Ma-ma, da-da.

Oh, my little precious.

He was no trouble,

I hope.

No trouble,

No trouble at all.

Then he turned into a bonsty!

You said you

Blobsat before.

You knew

All about blobs.

I am a child.

I exaggerate!

Enough chitchat, klarp.

Everyone seems

To be all righ

And we've got to ge

Our precious home.

Thank you.

Here are

Your toenails.

Ready, klarp?

Ready, twarp.

Here we go, blarp.

( Sighs )

Where am i?

In our simple

But beautifully decorated room.

You were swallowed,

But the danger's over.

We saved your life.

Ah, yes, I remember.

However shall I thank you?

Pretty soon we're all going

To be experts on blobs

Just like you, oblina.

Thank you.

( Baby monsters crying,

Babbling )