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01x07 - Old Monster / Mother May I?

Posted: 09/23/23 20:01
by bunniefuu
[Clock chiming, thunderclap]


[Owl hooting]





Not you again!

[Captioning sponsored

By nickelodeon

And the u.s. Departmen

Of education]

[Needle scratching record]




Greetings, tiny terrors.

Thank you, smeech.

This sort of thing

Goes a long way with me.

Now, you're all in for a treat.

Please give a warm welcome

To a monster who

Needs no introduction.

Bet you

He gives one.

A monster who's

Scared more humans than--


The shroink.

[Clanging in distance]

The shroink.

[Door slamming in distance]

The shroink!

[Squeaking and creaking]

[Class gasping and whispering]


Check him out, guys.

That's the shroink?

You'll hear some

Great moments in history.

Listen and learn.

So, what do you want to hear?

You want to hear about scaring?

Have I told you

The one about the grak?

We've never even

Seen this guy before.

Let me tell you

About my best scare.

It was nighttime


No, no, it was dusk

Wait a minute.

Maybe it was morning.

Get to the scary part.

I had just finished snacking

On a nice leather

Steering wheel



[Class laughing]


Come on.

And now, it is my sincere

Privilege to present

The shroink.

[Hooting and laughing]


Ickis! Krumm! Oblina!

Shroink and I have

Discussed your behavior.

We've decided there's

Only one thing to do.


You shall escort shroink

Back to his dump.

Have a good time.


Oblina:come on

Come on.


[All panting]

Hold on, just a minute.

I'm coming.

Wait a second.

Don't worry.

I know a little shortcut.

Could he possibly

Move any slower?

Well, looky here.

If it isn't old

George washington.

He looks familiar.

Terrible picture.

He looks much

Better in person.


Youknew this human-- right.

Knew him? I scared him.

I was just a young

Slip of a monster

When I first saw george.

It was somewhere

Near the delaware river.


General washington,

Sir, shouldn't we go now?

It looks a little choppy.

Maybe we shouldn't do this.

But, sir,

The element of surprise

I say we wait.


Go! Go! Go! Go!


You know

He never thanked me.

Either I've been

Here in a past life

Or we've been down

This street three times.

Trust me.

There's a little shortcu

Right over there.






Use me.

Come on, doggie.

Come here, come here, dog.





Did someone mention shortcut?

Oh, no.


I love litterers.


Reminds me of a guy

I once scared.

His name was albert einstein.


E equals mc plus two.

No, that's not right.

E equals mc

Times two.

No, no, that is

Not right, either.


His hair stayed

That way forever?

Absolutely. Once

You've been shroinked

Come on, kids,

Let's take the shortcut.



Oh, not again.

I guess we better save him.


Here, I'm free!






Run away!


This way, it's a shortcut.

I think we've all had

Enough of your shortcuts.

This time we are going

Our way, if you don't mind.

I wouldn't go in there

If I were you.


Litch is going to love this.

I'm guessing that's litch.

So, what do we have here?


Academy wimps

And a shriveled

Old geezer.

I told you we shouldn'

Have come down here.

Allow me.



I believe they're laughing.

I've had jus

About enough

Of you punks.

Well, what are

You going to do?

Wheeze on me?

Don't worry, kids.

I'll have us out of here

Before you can say

Go phoo kumpuffagus.

I can't watch.


Stupendous, really.

I have never seen

Anything quite like it.

Oh, you were, you were great.

Ah, that was nothing.

Did I ever tell you

About the time

What I'm saying is

You have to believe

In your own burps.

I'll never be able to do that.

Sure you will, ickis.

You know what the secret is

To being a great monster?

I know-- being the scariest.

Being the smelliest.


Being related to the gromble?

Well, now,

Speaking of the gromble

I once had a studen

Who though

He would never make it.

Do you think these

Make my feet look big?

Bring me those slingbacks

In a seven.

Step on it.

Oh, found 'em.

[Both screaming]

Think how differen

The gromble would be

If he wore sneakers.

Why do you think he's cranky?

His toes are pinched.

I'm going to miss you, shroink.

Me, too.


Am i.

Tell us another story.

You're nice kids.

Did I tell you

About taking the gromble

To the shoe store?

All right, time to go,

Story time is over.

The gromble.

What are you doing here?

Making sure

The shroink got home.

The shroink needs his res

And we should be heading back.

I trust shroink didn'

Give you too much trouble.

He's one cool monster.

And he told us

The most marvelous stories.

Those are the same stories

He used to tell me.

Oh, and are they all true?

Of course they are.

Great monsters

Like shroink never fib.

Even the one

About the shoe store?

No, no, no, no, no!

Absolutely not!

Absolute, positive drivel!

That ridiculous nonsense!

But, uh, you just said

All right, so,

Maybe he embellished

A little.



Maybe I should have

Grabbed the black ones.

[Jet engines whistling]

[Tires squealing]

Hey, watch this.



Kitty, kitty.

You better leave

That thing alone.

Nothing's going

To happen.






That's a pretty

Good one.

Here, kitty,


[Snorting and roaring]

[People screaming,

Yak roaring]

I told you

To leave it alone.



No! No!

You call that a scary pose?

[Voice cracking]:

I, um I think so.

Uh, that is, I

Of all the puny,

Pitiful poses

You have


That one is the mos

Profoundly pathetic!


I'm sorry.

Oh, dry up.


Watch and learn.

I am awesome.

I am hideous.

I am feared.


You are


Who said that?

Who do you think, handsome?

It's somebody who misses you

Who loves you

Grombie boom-boom?

Who loves you?


Love me, mommy.





Now then,


You don'

Look well, son!

Mama brought you

Something to cheer you up.


Your favorite--

Refried larvae in motor oil.

[Raucous laughing]

That's right,

My mother is here

And she brought me

My favorite dish.

Does anyone find that amusing?

Isn't he scary?

And to think,

He always wanted to be a dancer!

Mother, please,

I'm trying to teach.

I'm sorry, sonny.

I'll sit here.


You won't even know

I'm in the room.

[Clearing throat]

Now then

Aren't you cute!

You remind me

Of my grombie

When he was a baby.

I got pictures.

Mama loves his little

Baby blue bum.

Mother, no.


Chew with your mouth open!

Mother, please!

And look at this place

It's dirty!

I know, mother.

It should be


Where are your manners?

Put your feet on the table

This instant!

Mother, please!

I am a grownup now.

I don't need you around

To run my life.


If you don'

Want me here

I'll go home.

It's only 17 miles to the sewer.

So what if it's high tide?

I'll hold my breath.


You can stay.

Until high tide passes.

I just want you out of my hair.



Forgive me, your grombleness

But I'm sorry

For my bad pose today.

So I worked up a new one



That's wonderful.

It is?

Come in.

Mother, this is ickis

One of my very best students.

I am?

He wants

To show you the campus

While I

Teach today.

I do?

But sonny, I could assist you.

I know a thing or two

About scaring.

Mother, I want you

To have fun here.

You'd find my classes so boring.

Well, if you think so

Oh, you'll have

A wonderful, enjoyable

Safe time

Won't she, ickis?

Oh, yes.


It'll be a pleasure.

It will be a disaster.

We don't want to.

Oh, please!

She's not that bad.

Bad? She's awful!



This room just needed

A mother's touch.

I'll get ready.

Oh, please, oh, please,

I'm begging you.

Very well.all right.

Oh, thank you.

It'll be the easiest thing.

A walk in the dump.

The dump!

Oh, no, bugies.

We're going up to do scare.

I, I don't think

The gromble wants

He wants me to have fun

And I haven't scared

Anyone in years!

Kids mama's going to

Show you a good time!

A walk

In the dump, eh?


[Dog-calling whistles]

Here, wilde yak.

Nice vicious.

Nice vicious,

Thing, you.


Come here.

Where are you?


[Groaning, gasping]

Here we are.

Made it without a scratch.

[Monsters moaning]



Ickis mama's a little stuck.

Could you help me out?



[Grunting, groaning]



That was too fun.

Maybe we should head back home.

No way, bugies.

We're going

To have more fun.

Follow me. Ha-ha!

Ah, men!

I love to scare 'em.

Um, isn't this

A little dangerous?

Phoo! I can take care of myself.

In broad


And in a crowd?

Get a load of this!


[Mimicking mae west]:

Oh, hello, boys.

Here they come.

Watch this, watch this.

[Blowing kiss]



[Motor roaring]


I still got the touch.

Oh, you

Want to play.

That's the spirit.

[Crushing metal]

[Voice cracking]:

Stop! Stop! Stop!




I'm king of the mountain!

Now, wasn't that fun?


I feel like a kid again.

This has been

The most perfect day.



Mama gromble!


We found the wilde yak!

This doesn't look good.

[Men chanting]:

We found the wilde yak.

We found the wilde yak.

Zookeeper 2:

I can't believe it!

Got to do something.

We have to tell

The gromble.

Be my guest.

Well, do you have

A better idea?

Panic and weep hysterically?

It always works for me.



What we'll do.

Ickis and I will go

To the zoo

Find mama and try to free her.

Oblina, you tell

The gromble.

It won't be pleasan

But it's

The right thing to do.

If anything happens

To ickis and myself

You and the gromble

Will be able to assist us.

Krumm, tha

Was brilliant.

I'm good for one of those

Every couple of years.

Oh, boy.

I've really done it now.

I told you

We'd find

The wilde yak.

I'm a genius.

You are a mush head.


Watch that.

I didn'

Say nothing.

Then who called me

A mush head?

I did.

So you admit it?

I don't admi


But you just said

What're you

Talking about?

You just called me

A mush head.

I didn't call you

A mush head.

Yeah, I jus

Heard it

Zookeeper 2:

You get out of here.

No, you get out

Captured by mush heads!

Wait till my grombie finds out.

He won't take this lying down.


I know, I know

It looks bad.


This is a catastrophe!

Oh, curse me.

I wanted her out of my hair.

But not like this.


It's all my fault.

So then, we won't get punished.

Are you kidding?

Of course you will.


Here we are.

What do we do?

Look for her,

I guess.

Look where?

I don't know everywhere.

It's not like there's

A sign or anything.

Uh, pardon me,

Excuse me.

Have you seen a monster

About yay big?



I'll take that as a no.

A nice pose, though.

Very scary.

No luck, krumm.

[Voice cracks]:


Over here, look.

Did you find her?


You found her.

Oh, you're a genius.


I don't like

To brag, but

Mama gromble.

It's ickis and krumm.

I guess she's asleep.

Mama gromble?

That's not her.

Now you tell me.



I'm scared, ickis!

[Roaring, screaming]



Oh, stop it!

Thank you, your grombleness.

We're so sorry.

We didn't mean to

I'll deal

With you later.

We've got to find my mama.

Over here.


Don't worry, mummy.

That's enough.

Let's get her out.

I'll do it!

I'll chew the bars off

With my bare fangs.

You could

Do that.

Or you could

Just follow

These humans

Right into

The cage.


Yakie, baby.


Feeding time.



And learn.


Zookeeper 1:

This tune stinks.

Zookeeper 2:

Hey! I wrote it.



[Men screaming]

Sandy candy live

As the president of the city zoo

Officially unveils

The fierce, vicious,

Mongolian wilde yak.

It is with great pleasure

That I officially unveil

Our zoo's newest attraction

The only one in captivity

The fierce, vicious

Mongolian wilde yak.



Snarl, g-rr

I'm the wilde yak.

And you're g-rr.


That'sthat'sthat ain't

[Angry yelling]

I told you

It wouldn't work.


Thank you for coming

And getting me, grombie.

I'm sorry

I causing you trouble.

No, I'm sorry, mama.

I should have shown you

Around myself.

It's okay, I had fun.

Maybe next time

You should try to take it easy.

I worry about you.

All right, I'll take it easy

If you let me tuck you in, my


All right.

I forget you're

All grown up now.

Good night, son.

Good night, mother.


Bite the bed bugs.



Would you bring me

Mr. Sluggy buggy?

[Growls softly]