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03x08 - In Vaulted Halls Entombed

Posted: 09/23/23 18:29
by bunniefuu
We got these f*ckers now.

We're gonna lose comms in there.

Raptor Base, this is Delta Zero Three.

We have positive ID on the hostage.

Delta Zero Three, understood.

The status of hostage? Still breathing.

We followed the insurgents to a tunnel system.

Delta Zero Three, stand by.

It's getting kinda late.

Maybe we should back trail and break camp.

Wait till light.

That hostage looked like he was in pretty bad shape.

It's always f*cking night in a cave.

- Why are you such a p*ssy, Spence?
- Why are you such a d*ck, Dilman? Get ready to move.

Delta Zero Three, secure hostage and proceed to exfil.

Received, Raptor Base.

Delta Zero Three, over.

Beaumont, on point.

One beam, no white light.

Everyone, go goggles.

Spence, I want IR markers at 25
-meter intervals.

Roger that.

Oh, I feel like a fat, f*cking target of opportunity up here.

Don't worry.

I've got your back, donkey.

Stop calling me that.

Okay, okay.

Soon as you stop f*cking donkeys.

I told you, I was just petting it.

It was scared.

What was I supposed to do? All right.

Cut the bullshit.

We're on the job.


Weird shit, man.

What is it? Some sort of lichen.

- Is that normal in a cave?
- f*ck if I know.

I'm from Rhode Island.




- Set security.

- Roger.

A military
-aged male.

No discerning marks of trauma.

No trauma? Then where'd his f*cking face go? The hostage.


What the actual f*ck? Sarge, I got two more over here.

These must be the insurgents.

Didn't we just see these guys? What kinda w*apon does that to a person, huh? f*ck this shit.

We still have a mission.

Let's get this done.

Sarge, the hostage was the mission.

We should take him home.

Harper, up.

Hmm? The f*ck you doing?
- Something's on me.

Get it off!
- Shut the f*ck up.

What the f*ck? It's got a f*cking face or something.


No, no, no, no, no.


Fall back.

- They're everywhere.

- f*ck this! f*ck.

Shit! Stone, light 'em up! Jesus! Beaumont! Give me your hand! f*ck!
- Cover me.

- On me! On your right! Coming on your left.

Check right! Reloading! Sarge! Let's go! Go!
- Dilman, let's go!
- Moving! Move your ass! Let's go! Jesus f*ck, those things ate Beaumont! Where's Dilman? Holy shit.

- Dilman
- Hey! f*ck! Dilman! I could have helped him.


You couldn't have.

The bugs aren't following us.

They must only guard the tunnels.

Guard what? What in God's name is this place? That sound It's coming from And what's making it? We're soldiers, not f*cking archaeologists.

Those f*ckers.

Sarge, for shit's sake Hey! We got bigger problems.

Cannibal roaches with human faces and a giant f*cking alien temple.


We gotta get the f*ck out of here.

There's a tunnel over there.

Could be the way to the surface.

Let's go! and my salvation.

I shall not fear.

- Spencer.

- The Lord is my light.

God is dead.

Embrace the suck.

We gotta move.

Contact rear!
- Go, go, go!
- Moving! Covering! f*ck.

- Frag out!
- Move it! Reloading.

Move it!
- Spence!
- He's gone! Let's go! I'm out of a*mo.

Down to one grenade.

You? Just this.

Might save the last round for myself though.

That voice What the f*ck is that? It's coming from from in there.


So let's get moving in the opposite f*cking direction.


Sarge! Sarge, what the f*ck are you doing? How? What? How? No.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Sarge, what No.

Stop! Release me.

Release me.

Release me.

Release me.

Release me.

- Stop! Stop!
- Release me.

- Release me.

- Don't do this.

- Release me.

Release me.

- Sarge.

Put it down!
- Release me.

- Stop!
- Release me.

- Stop.

No! No! Release me.

Release me.

Release me.

f*ck you! Release me.

Release me.

Release me.

Release me