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02X08 - Who Did It to Trina?

Posted: 09/20/11 05:51
by bunniefuu
Alright. Let's try this again.

From the top of page six, aaaand sinjin stop sniffing me aaaand action.

All right, don't get all mad. I was just sayin' that...

I know what you were saying!

Kevin... if you think my adopted sister's a freaky weirdo then why don't ya just say so?!

Your sister's a freaky weirdo.

You'd say that!

But you just told me to... get outta here!

Get outta my ranch house!

Oh come on man!...Oh man!

Get out of here! Get out!

She's a weirdo!

Get out of here, freeloader!

I'm sorry, Mandy.

I thought he was my friend, but anyone who'd call my adopted sister a weird... yep, yeah, shut up a second.

Hi, can I get a five o'clock appointment for a foot bleaching?

Tori, is that in the rewrites?

No, it is not.

Trina, we're in the middle of a scene.

Yeah, well that doesn't help whiten my feet, does it?

No, no, it has to be at five... and don't gimme that big sweaty girl.

I want foon-yee.

All right, guys, let's take five minutes.



Look, can you just put foon-yee on the phone?

Hey... Busy.

Bye foon-yee.

You just hung up on the best foot-bleacher in all of Beverly h...

Can ya help me?

Could you do that for me please, as my sister, can ya help me here?

It's just a stupid little play why are you so amped?

Oh, come on, like you weren't amped the first time you got to direct a play.

You look bloated.

Have you been eating a lotta salt?


I'd really like to get an "a"

in this class, so I would appreciate it if you would help me out here... ooo good, it's foon-yee.

Hey, foony girl... I got some dingy feet for ya...

Sorry, you guys.

Ah, it's cool.

No big.

But uh... I gotta ask... I mean, don't take this the wrong way... But, um... oh my God, I do look bloated?

No. Well... Nah.

Why'd you cast trina as the lead girl?

I didn't want to.

Y'know my cuddle me Cathy doll that I love and that I've had since I was five years old?

No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

You've never mentioned that, Tori.

Oh... Well, trina kidnapped her and she wouldn't give her back unless... ... Unless you gave trina the lead.


That's janked up.

Yeah. But uhhh... Don't ya think you're a little "old"

to be playin' with dolls?


I know.

Okay, we're all good.

Foon-yee can take me at five.

Well, that's fantastic news.

You go to foon-yee?

Yeah, she bleaches my feet.

She bleaches my feet!

Ah! No way!

Oh my God!


Crossing off.

Heeeeyy, trina.


You wanna know my two favorite things about you?



You don't know what I was gonna say!

Shut it, puppet.

Ah, so listen... About your script... Yeah?

Why did you change all my lines to alien words?

Well, it's not 'cuz I think you're a bad actor.


So can't I say some of my lines in American?

Well, I just felt like... You're such an amazing actor...

You don't even need real words to be great.

Yeeeaaaah, I get it.

Unh! Say it in alien.

Atta girl.

♪ Here I am, once again ♪
♪ feeling lost ♪
♪ but now and then ♪
♪ I breathe it in ♪
♪ to let it go ♪
♪ and you don't know ♪
♪ where you are now ♪
♪ or what it will come to ♪
♪ if only somebody could hear ♪
♪ when you figure out how ♪
♪ you're lost in the moment ♪
♪ you disappear ♪
♪ you don't have to be afraid ♪
♪ to put your dream in action ♪
♪ you're never gonna fade ♪
♪ you'll be ♪
♪ the main attraction ♪
♪ not a fantasy ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when it turns out right ♪
♪ 'cause you know ♪
♪ that if you live ♪
♪ in your imagination ♪
♪ tomorrow you'll be ♪
♪ everybody's fascination ♪
♪ in my victory ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when I make it shine ♪

All right, don't get all mad I was just sayin' that...

I know what you were saying.

Kev! I just... look, if you think my sister's a freaky weirdo, then why don't you just say so?!

You liking it so far?

I can't believe you'd say that!

But you just told me... get outta here!

Get outta my ranch house!

Don't chew like that.

Give me a hug, kev!

You don't do that!

Get out! Get outta here!

You got your wish!

I thought he was my friend.

But anyone who'd call my adopted sister a "weirdo"

is no friend of mine.

Aw Mandy, you know I can't understand you...

Not with your speech impediment.

Ahhh, you're... you're hungry!

You're frightened!

You're sticky?!

You're canadian!

You like my pants.

Ohhh I don't understand!!!

You want me to come closer?

Whoa Mandy! Wait.

What is... wha-... Oh... Ohhhhhhh... I can "hear" your thoughts!

Tori... What do you mean you're not the same as me?


You wrote this play?

Yeah. Ya like it?

You're not of this earth?!

What does that mean?!

You're... ?!?!

You're from another planet?!

I don't believe you!

Oh, c'mon!

If you're an alien, why would you pretend to be my sister, here in this simple ranch house?!

Okay. Okay, then prove it!

Ya ready for this?

Yeah, get excited.


How did she get her feet so white?

Well done, foon-yee.

Oh my God! Mandy!

You are an alien!

Oh my gosh!

How come you never told me... help!

Get her down!

Stop the play! Hurry!

Well I guess someone should get this on video.

Grab the light thingy!

Thank you for making me come to ts s play.

Their poor ranch house.

Please tell me it's over.

It's over.

Get this wall off of me.

Come on, help me!

Lift it!


Poor trina.

I just don't understand what went wrong.

Don't worry.

One time my brother was in Vegas and he fell out of a fourth storey hotel window and landed on the roof of a shuttle bus.

And he was okay?


Well... But he's okay now?


He's seriously messed up.

C'mon c'mon, I gotta get outta here.

I'm supposed to meet keeko after school.


Yeah, this girl I met at b. F. Wangs.

She's all exotic and polynesian.

I gotta get outta here!

I love b.F. Wangs!

Have you guys heard their bang bang noodles?!



Ah, lane says we can't leave.

Lane doesn't know about keeko!

What's so funny?

Are you laughing at that video of trina getting hurt?


I'm laughing at the comments.

You posted it online?!

A little bit.

How's trina?!?!

Is she all right?!?!

How's the ranch house?

Trina's banged up but she's gonna be fine... nothing serious.

Oh, thank God.

Yup. Bye!


Sit down.


Yeah, why do we have to be here?

'Cuz. You all are suspects.

Aw, not again.


For what happened to trina?


But that was an accident.


A terrible, hilarious accident.

That already has seventeen hundred views.

Posting videos of people's tragedies is just mean and wrong.

Yeah, no... thanks.

I really appreciate your input on that.

And what happened to trina... Wasn't an accident.

This is the gimbal that connected trina's harness to the steel wires that mad] Her fly.

Hey listen, I'd love to hang, but I met this girl named keeko at b.F. Wangs and I... hey. See this?

Someone cut a notch here, and that's what made trina fall.

So... you're saying it was... Sab-o-tage?

Yeah, and according to trina, every one of you was with her at some point, just before the show.

Man, whoever did it, you better step up!

I wanna go play with keeko!

Oh come on!

Nobody here would do that to trina.

Except you.

Wh... me?!

Who me?

Why I would never harm my dear sister trina!

Not me, sweet Sally peaches!

I don't talk like that!

I saw what happened.


Before the play.

She and trina were fighting.

We were arguing.


And do all your arguments end in "I'm gonna k*ll you"?

Oh don't gasp.

But I really didn't thr*aten her.

Sounded like it to me.

Okay, why don't you tell us exactly what you saw and heard.

Sure. Ah, let's see... It was about twenty minutes before the play started and I walked into the black box

'cuz Robbie owed me ten bucks and I wanted it back.


And I saw Tori and trina fighting.

Trina!!! Trina!!!


I gave you the lead in my play, now gimme my stinking cuddle me Cathy doll back!

Okay okay, just a sec, relax... here.

Where is her bonnet?!

This thing?

What'd you do to it?!

Ahhhh, I might have blown my nose into it.

Ooooohhhh you filthy skunk bag!!!

I am gonna k*ll you so hard.

Hey Tori, I brought you some pansies.

Why can't I be pretty like you?

That's not even close to how it happened!

It's how I remember it.

Yeah 'cuz you're demented.

Ooo, so you think I'm pretty and demented?

I never said you were pretty and I never "punched" sinjin!

But you admit you threatened trina.


Wait... I did kinda hear you tell trina you were gonna k*ll her.

So did I.

But if you're gonna try to k*ll me, too, then all I heard was pretty music.

La la la la la.

Two witnesses.

Oh c'mon, I know Tori and there's no she'd ever...

Aw, it's keeko!

Tori's guilty, I gotta go!!!

A r right, I might've said something that kinda sounded threatening, but I didn't really mean...

So you threatened her, and then somebody just happen to cut the gimbal on her harness.

I didn't punch sinjin, and I'd never sabotaged trina's gimbal!

Yes, you did!

No, why would I... why... what you saw doesn't make any sense.

Hey... c'mon... Hey! Come in.

You know where nurse kotter is?

No, why?

I think Tori broke my jaw.

Dun, dun, dunnnnn.

Dun, dun, dunnnnn. La, la, la, la, la, la.

What's wrong with you?

Just give me a break, man.

Hey. Hey. Okay okay!

Sinjin... did Tori punch you in the jaw?

Well, yeah.


But it was an accident.




I think nurse kotter's in the gym with coach Davis.

I'll go to the gym.

Okay... do you guys wanna hear what really happened between me and trina before the play started?

Oh my God it's keeko!

Shhhh shhhh!!!

Hey girl.


Andre... shhh, shhh, shh. Yeah.

You just hang now I'll be there in a beat.

All right then.

Can we get through this fast, please?!

Tell your story, Tori.

"Tori's story"... that's so rhymie.

Okay. So it was uhhh... Twenty minutes before the play...

I heard Jade come in, yelling for Robbie.



Me want Robbie!


Oh so I'm a monster now?

Let her tell it how she remembers it.

Thank you.

So yes, I was arguing with trina, 'cuz she wouldn't gimme back my cuddle me Cathy doll.

Trina, c'mon, please?


I gave you the lead role in my play... so I could I please have my doll back, please?

All right.

Just a sec... Here.

Awww, thank you so much.

Uh, I'm pretty sure she had a bonnet.

Ah, whatever.

Take it.

Thank you.

Do you know what happened to it?

Yeah, I blew some snot into it.

Oh my God, stop making me laugh or I'm gonna k*ll you.

Well, thanks for giving me my cuddle me Cathy back.

I'm so happy!


Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry!

Yeah I'm gonna go put my alien makeup on.



It's not my fault you spilled your coffee.


Okay, that's like the opposite of what really happened.

That's exactly what happened.

Okay, hold on...Hooooold on.

There is another person here who had a reason to get back at trina.

Well, it's not me!

All I wanna do is go play with keeko!

Who else had a motive to get back at trina?





Did you cut trina's harness gimbal?


Why would I wanna hurt trina?

'Cuz of what happened between you two right before the play started.

What happened?

Well, um... Aw, no no!

Now we gotta hear another version of the story from a unique point of view?!
.. Ahhhh, hah hah.


Ummmm, it was an unusually windy day here in Los Angeles...

Get to the point!

Okay, uhhh, Tori had just accidentally whacked sinjin in the jaw... And right about then, Cat was helping me with my costume and feeling my muscles.

When trina walked by and said... Hey Robbie.

Why don't you come backstage with me and, ah, help me do my makeup or... whatever.

You make me happy.

Why don't you just get outta here?!

Why don't you?!

Ladies. Come on now.

Look there's one of me... Two of you... And seven swinging days in the week.

He even makes math hot.


Robbie's mine!

He loves me!


Ow!!! You thwacked my head!

She thwacked my head!

I'll get you for that, Trina Vega!

I'll get you good!


That's how it happened.

It is not!

Okay, Cat... tell us what you remember.

So none of you people want me to have a pretty girlfriend, is that it?!

I find myself a keeko, I make myself a keeko date, and nobody cares!

Well, that's cool!

Go on, Cat, tell us what happened!

And start from the beginning!

Just start with Adam and eve and go from there!!

Just tell us what happened.

With what?

With trina!

Before the play started.

Oh yeah!

So Tori and trina realized that they had been tricked.

So they needed to replace their furniture.

And so they... they got jobs packaging Sushi... But the Sushi was moving way too fast, ... so Tori and trina couldn't keep up.

And things got so crazy!



That didn't happen to Tori and trina.


It happened on a tv show.

Drake & Josh.

Heh heh... that show was classic.


Then I don't know what happened with Tori and trina.

Can I have some oatmeal?


Well, we're not any closer to figuring out who in this room sabotaged trina.

This is...... listen all right?!

Lane, you know I think you're awesome but this whole thing is insane.

I mean, okay, we all know that trina can be really annoying...




...But honestly... c'mon... Do you think any person in this room would seriously try to hurt her?

I know I wouldn't.

And I don't think any of you guys would either.

Not even Jade.

I might.

But I didn't.

But you know, some of the rigging equipment we use is kinda old.



I think it was just an accident.

A terrible, hilarious accident.

That now has twenty-six thousand views.

I think Tori is probably right.

It looks like it was cut... Sab-o-tage?

But maybe it was just old, and it broke.

So not sab-o-tage?

And since trina wasn't seriously hurt... I say we just put this whole incident behind us and... keeeeekoooo! Keeko!


I'm coming, keeko. Keeko.

Now, listen!

Don't you ever put me in a situation like that, ever again.

Relax, Rob.

You shouldn't have cut trina's gimbal.

Trina shouldn't have whacked me in the face.

Mischief is never the answer!



You're just lucky I protected you.

And if anyone ever finds out... they won't.

Nobody ever suspects the puppet.

Heh heh heh heh.

I thought you hated that word.

It's okay if I say it.