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01x04 - My Adventurous Song

Posted: 09/23/23 17:29
by bunniefuu
I don't know whether you know that there's been a sh**ting.

It was the detective we saw near the Falls Road on Sunday night.

James Olson was a married man, Stella.

You were a married man when you spent a night in my bed.

I'd like you to meet the girls of Monroe Air.

- It was an accident.

All I want is for somebody to hold me...

..tell me I'm gonna be all right.

- Liz needs help, Jimmy.
- Stay away from my wife.

Or I'll k*ll you and your wife.

And your kids.

He clearly has a victim type.

They are not victims of chance, they are victims of choice.

It's possible that he's out there stalking his next victim now.

It is with great sorrow and regret that I can confirm the identity of the officer

k*lled in the line of duty on Monday in north Belfast.

Detective Sergeant James Olson was a dedicated and hardworking policeman,

liked and respected by his colleagues.

Just 31 years old, he leaves behind a wife and two small children.

On behalf of all the law-abiding citizens of Northern Ireland,

I wish to offer my deep condolences to his family, his friends and his colleagues.

- Danni? - Yes, ma'am?

I got the lab report back on the varnish that was used on Sarah Kay's finger and toenails.

It's called Jezebel Red, it's by Connell, part of their Painted Lady range.

Sold everywhere, unfortunately.

- Right.
- Can you get me some?

The shops aren't open yet.

You'll think of something.

- Daddy!
- Hey.

Eugh, you're sweaty.

I thought you were at work.

I got back early, went for a run.

Instead of being here to help me with the kids?

Must be nice to have all that energy to burn.

Get your things. Time to go.

- Liam!
- Here.

Right, I'm leaving now. If anyone's coming with me, they'd better hurry up.

Bye, Pops.

I took a call on Olson's phone the morning after the sh**ting from an unregistered mobile.

The number subsequently went dead.

The call came from somewhere inside this hotel.

We checked the register.

A suite was booked in the name of Belfast Events Ltd.

Company director: Aaron Monroe.

This is the next morning.

Breedlove with one of the girls.

The suite has been cleaned at least twice since then.

But we still found traces of Class A dr*gs and blood.

These two were picked up an hour or so later by Morgan Monroe's driver.

Both Rossmeisl and Lang made substantial contributions to the Alice Monroe fund.

How do Breedlove and Olson fit into this?

Back in the day, Breedlove was Morgan Monroe's close protection officer.

He might have been there moonlighting, providing security.

He might have been there to supply them with the dr*gs and/or the girls.

Olson, I'm not sure.

It's starting to look like my praise for a dear departed colleague was fabulously premature.

We have a facility on Breedlove's phone.

He put in a call to Aaron Monroe this morning.

He seems to have some concerns that he might meet the same fate as Olson.

Looking at this girl's face,

if she's badly injured, that's a loss of earnings right there.

These girls make ten grand a week, easily.

Breedlove seemed to be suggesting that this has happened before.

He talked about making a payment of 30 grand to someone called Mirko.

The girls flew into Dublin from Heathrow, then came north by road.

I'm making enquiries with the Met.

- Bring him in.
- Breedlove?

Bring him in.




- Did you not hear me calling you?
- When, George?

You just passed me in the corridor.

Did I? Didn't see you.

I have an appointment.

And I've just had James Tyler in here this morning.

To say he was angry would be a considerable understatement.

He says you made an unscheduled house call on his wife when she was home alone.

It wasn't unscheduled. She called, very upset.

Why didn't you have an appointment here?

You know he beats her? She was black and blue.

Then you report it to the police.

There are protocols that you seem to think you can ignore with impunity.

Anyway, she has an appointment. She's coming in today.

It's not in the diary.

I need to make a phone call to confirm.

Did you talk to any of the local residents when you were there,

discuss Mr Tyler's personal business with them?

Does that seem likely?

I don't know.

You tell me.

I asked for some directions.

- Maybe they saw my name tag.
- You bet your life they did.

This is Shankill, not some place you can come and go willy-nilly without being noticed.

- Willy-nilly?
- You know what I mean.

I'd like to talk to Mrs Tyler when she comes in.

Detective Inspector Breedlove?

- Speaking. - It's DCI Eastwood.

I'd like to have a talk with you, Rob.

- When? - Right away, if possible.

What about?

I think you might be able to help me clarify some issues surrounding the m*rder of James Olson.

I'd appreciate your help.

I'll come in.

I have to go.

Don't be long.

The Mosuo women are a small ethic group living in China on the border with Tibet.

They're a matriarchal society.

Well, matrilineal.

They don't practise traditional marriage, no husbands and wives.

They practise what's called walking marriage.

The partners live in different households.

I'm simplifying.

One of Sarah Kay's work colleagues said she talked about them at the bar

on the night that she called you to the house.

Drinking wine with her friends suggests to me she didn't know she was pregnant.

She didn't tell any of her family

and no one's come forward to say that they're the father.

So I thought maybe it was just a sweet night.

What's that?

It's what the Mosuo women call a secret visit

when a woman asks a man to spend the night and then leave in the morning.

How do you know so much about it?

It's not a secret.

My first degree was in anthropology.

- Your first degree?
- Mm, I have hundreds.

I need you to come in.

I can't.

Liz, I shouldn't have called on you at home like that.

It's against the rules.

My job is on the line.

Jimmy needn't know.

I just want you to come in this afternoon.

I can't.


I don't want to see anyone at the moment.

Put on a headscarf and some dark glasses.

You'll look like Sophia Loren.

Who's she?

You asked me to hold you, Liz.

And I held you.

Now I'm asking you to do this for me.


Come on through.

Do you want kids?

Maybe one day.

Do you have a man?

A man?


I'm gay.

The neighbours report hearing a hairdryer in the early hours of the morning.

Perhaps he was drying her body.

Perhaps he was drying the nails.

- Where were you when I called you?
- At the Olson's.

How are they? Are they bearing up?

I don't think it's really sunk in yet.

Your phone records show a lot of calls to the Olson home number.

You've pulled my phone records?

Why so many calls?

He was my friend.

A high proportion of those calls were at times Olson was at work.

Often at work with you.

Were those calls made to Vicky?

Do you know why I joined the police force?

I don't.

That b*mb in '87.

Lost his father.

Would have been six at the time, same age as Rory.

I don't remember the name Olson.

His mother remarried.

It was me called his phone that morning when you answered. careful what you say now.

I had no idea he was already dead, you have to believe me.

You should take legal advice before you say anything more.

Gunned down in the street in front of his son.

f*cking shitbags.


Who's a shitbag? Mclnturff?

Yes, Mclnturff.

Do you really believe that?

Or was your outburst at the station all for show?

- Have you had someone following me?
- No.

- A car was on my tail here.
- Nothing to do with me.

- You swear?
- I swear.

I'm gonna have to caution you, Rob.

- Are you arresting me?
- We want to get this sorted.

Are you carrying a firearm?


- Where is it?
- It's in my desk drawer.

I had someone check your desk.

If I'd just lost a partner,

and I feared I might be next,

I'd be carrying.

I need to take the w*apon from you, Rob. I'm sorry.

It's all right.

I understand.

You're just doing what you have to do.

All of this can be sorted out really easily.

Really, really easily.

Somebody call an ambulance!

Get this woman out.

Matthew, Matthew...

Come with me.

Get everybody out.


Seal these rooms off.

Call Forensics.

Matthew...can you hear me?

Look at me.

Matthew, what happened in there?

- What happened?
- He was handing me his g*n.

Then he put it to his face...fired.

- Deliberately?
- Yes.

- It wasn't just a threat and the g*n went off?
- No.

No, he meant to do it.

- Do you have your g*n on you?
- No.

I'm gonna get a CSI here to take your clothes, all right?

- Yes.
- Right.

We're gonna do this right. We're gonna sort this out.

Do you feel afraid at home?

It's unacceptable, Liz.

You have the right to feel safe in your own home.

I start it.

I throw things at him.

I provoke him.

Even if that's true,

the responsibility for domestic v*olence always lies with the abuser, Liz.

Never with the abused.

He wasn't always like this.

It's been since Danny died.

You're wearing a long-sleeved top.

That's unusual for you.

Are you self-harming?


Does he force you sexually?

As your counsellor, Liz, I'm not supposed to give advice.

But these people can.

He's out of prison on licence.

If I call the police, he'll go straight back to jail.

I can't do that to him.


under the Domestic v*olence Crime And Victims Act,

charges can be brought against your husband without your permission.

I can make the call.

But it's important for you that you do it yourself.

They can arrange a shelter until he's arrested.

I'm offering you a lifeline.

Take it.

Can we talk?

I have to wash.

I'll come with you.

It seems Breedlove was having an affair with James Olson's wife.

Why are you telling me?

I thought it might help...

if you were feeling at all guilty.

I'm not.

It's unclear whether Olson knew or not,

whether he suspected anything.

How was he when he was with you?

Fine. We've been over this.

But the text messages, picture images,

breaching the cordon at a crime scene.

They all surprise me.

I read him wrong.

In what way?

I thought he was the type to accept it for what it was and move on.

A sweet night.



Do you have any idea of the effect you have on men?

I'd have left my wife... kids...

..everything for you.

That would have been a mistake.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have said that.

I'm sorry.

Thank you...for handling things so calmly.

And so efficiently.


All three victims are on professional websites,

all have a detailed profile,

all with a professional portrait photograph.

Maybe this is how he finds them.

If the k*ller's trawling professional websites looking for victims,

should we do the same to identify potential targets?

I'm not sure we can.

If we do identify women who we think conform to the k*ller's type, what do we do?

- Warn them.

If we warn them, we have to protect them and we don't have the resources.

- Hello? - Hi, it's me.

The crime scene is being released back to the family and I'd like to take another look.

- When? - Now.

I'll meet you there.

Mrs Shergold and I would like a word.



Home visiting can be very useful from a diagnostic point of view.

It's in breach of department guidelines.

Seeing someone in their home can provide unexpected information about their psyche.



Mrs Shergold is in complete agreement with me over this matter.

The protocols are in place to protect you as well as the clients.

We simply cannot tolerate any further indiscipline.

Consider this an official warning. You'll be receiving a letter.

- You'll be receiving a letter.
- What?


I'm sorry, I'm not following.

I'm sorry, I'm not following.

- Are you taking this seriously?
- Are you taking this seriously?

I don't understand.

Then let me explain.

I've just done a good thing.

A very good thing.

And thanks to me, Liz Tyler can sleep safe tonight.

You people should be congratulating me,

not bleating on about petty rules and regulations.

Where was he hiding, do you think...

..when he first att*cked her?

In here?

Or from here?

She's at the top of the stairs.

He comes out fast, overpowers her.

So he lifts her...

..carries her, struggling, into the bedroom.

He gets her onto the bed, pins her down.

Then he ties her to the bed frame.

The ligature marks suggest maybe here and there.

You know, it's possible he was in here with her and had her tied up

and there were patrol cops at the front door.

- I didn't know that.
- Yeah, the answering machine was over there.

It was set to play messages as they came in.

She might even have heard the call.

This is PC Danni Ferrington.

- I'm calling from outside your place.

If you are there, it is the police at the door.

I was hoping to speak with you to follow up on the incident that occurred on Friday.

- Please ring the number I gave...
- Why these women?

Why professional women? What's he punishing them for?

What will you tell your daughters...

in the future...

about how to stay safe?

Pretty much what I tell them now.

"Don't talk to strange men."

Strange men?

Any man.



You going home?

- Yes.
- Do you want a lift?

I'm OK walking.

Haven't you heard? There's a strangler on the prowl.

Are you gonna protect me?

What's it like?

You know, being face to face with someone who's k*lled over and over?

- You're thinking of Moon?
- Mm.

I directed the interviews, I didn't speak to him personally.

How do you interview someone like that?

With Moon, it was easy. He wanted to talk.

Most of the time, he seemed deranged.

During his trial, he had to be removed from the court for singing.

He was an idiot.

We had CCTV footage of him arriving at his block of flats with a nice new suitcase,

clearly empty,

and then leaving an hour later dragging it along the ground.

- Moving a body?
- What was left of it.

The prime cuts were in the freezer.

When I was a DC,

I spent years as a lead interviewer.

And the techniques are pretty standard.

You try and establish a rapport.

- With a cannibal?
- With anybody.

You start with what you know, you present the facts that you have at your disposal.

And you take it from there.

I've been thinking a lot lately...

about a friend of mine.

Really, why?

When she was a student, she was briefly with a guy who...

..almost strangled her to death one night.

In bed.

Where was this?

In Belfast.


About eight or nine years ago.

Did she report it to the police?

No, she didn't.

She's married now and has children.

I know she's never told her husband.

What's her name?

? You walked me home in the dark

? Streets wet from rain near the park

? We said goodbye at my door

? And I knew then that life could be so much more

? Rain brought me back to your door

? You held me down on the floor

? I saw the pain in your eyes

? And I knew then that love would be my demise

? And I know

? Yes, I know
- It's just right.

? From the tips of my fingers to the ring on my toe

? I know

? Yes, I know

? That the love in my heart will grow

? If you are mine

? If you are mine

? If you are mine

I meant to show you.

Another of Livvy's drawings.

Where did she get this paper?


I'm just wondering where she got the paper.

There's a baby at work.

She's really poorly.

Her mother...

..she's only 18 herself.

But she's really devoted, a really good mother.

It's really got to me.

I can tell.

Come back to bed.

I guess she hears me talking about babies' mothers.

I get upset and then I get short with them.

And then there's all the stuff in the papers at the moment.

She doesn't read the papers.

It's on the telly, on the radio.

Her teacher says it's just a stage.

She doesn't just draw what she sees, she draws what she knows.

She knows a pregnant lady has a baby in her tummy.

That's all.

Armed police, open up!

- Police!

Oi! Oi! What are you f*cking doing?

- Jimmy!
- James Tyler...

I'm arresting you for as*ault and actual bodily harm on your wife, Liz Tyler.

You do not have to say anything

but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned

something that you may later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Understand?

Get f*cking off me!

Get in there!

That's it, lads, well done.

- It could be a lot worse.
- How?

He hasn't got hold of the fact that they went back again on Sunday night.

Ferrington has effectively been taken off Uniform duties.

Stone has been assigned to another team.

Because it's out there at last, I can move on.

If you'd like to explain that to the Policing Executive.

Why is it your responsibility? Leave that to Uniform to deal with.

- I need to take this.


McCurdy, ma'am.

It seems the k*ller of Sarah Kay...

Morgan, I hoped I'd run into you.

Sorry, sir, I have to go. There's been a development.

Take my car. Keep me up to speed.

I haven't long, I'm afraid, Jim.

This won't take long, Morgan.

I'm banking on your support today.

The investigation into the m*rder of those three young women, Alice included,

the m*rder of Michael Lockwood and James Olson,

the apparent su1c1de of Rob Breedlove,

has stretched us very thin - to breaking point, in fact.

I'm not sure I can give you that support, Jim.

I was speaking to the Chief Constable today...

The investigation into the m*rder of James Olson has thrown up uncomfortable details.

Uncomfortable, I think, for both of us.


Like one of my officers being present in a hotel suite with your son

and two of your German business colleagues on the night Olson was k*lled.

A hotel suite where prostitutes were present,

where serious Class A dr*gs were being consumed,

and where a serious as*ault took place.

We'll continue to ventilate her and provide pain relief.

But I think the time has come to let nature take its course.

We will withdraw intensive care this morning.

- How long will it take?
- A matter of hours.

Will you stay with me?

Yes, of course.

It came with this morning's post, addressed to me.

I opened it and Marion has touched it too.

That's it.

Mary, would you read that out loud for me? Would that be all right?

Of course.

"Dear Mr Kay,

I saw your other daughter, Marion, named in the newspaper...

..and was able to obtain her address without difficulty.

I also saw that you had to identify your daughter's body,

and I'm sorry you had to do that.

Please understand, I would never have k*lled her if I'd known she was pregnant.

Babies are innocent.

And I've always felt very protective of children.

Part of me says, 'What's one less person on this earth?'

Part of me hopes I do not have to meet you face to face

in this world or the next to explain.

I took her driver's licence from her blue wallet.

Now I'm giving it back.

You won't see the cat again.

Cats are evil creatures.

One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star."

Who are you?

It's from Thus Spake Zara...


- Yes.
- Nietzsche.

Have you got the context?

"I say unto you, one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming.

He that is no longer able to despise himself.

Behold, I show you the last man.

'What is love, what is creation, what is longing, what is a star?'

Thus asks the last man and blinks."

We have your fingerprints on record, Marion.

We're going to need yours too, sir.

Of course.

We'll take a look at these fingerprints, paper analysis, ink analysis.

We'll check for indentations.

This could be very significant for us.

He talks about meeting me in this world or the next.


I believe he has had faith at some point in his life.

I'd like to make an appeal.

A public appeal.

I'd like to ask him to stop what he's doing,

stop these terrible crimes,

give himself up, repent

and ask for God's forgiveness.

Hey, Joan, it's me. How are the kids?

Ah, they're grand.

- Has Paul left for work yet?
- Ten, 15 minutes ago.

Is there any way you can stay tonight?

All night?

Baby girl Mitchell's off the life support and I want to see it through with her mother.

Oh, God.

I really can't, Sally.

It's OK.

I'm sorry, I have to leave by nine at the latest.


Are you sure it's him and not a hoax?

I think it's him.

Expressing remorse?

Yes, remorse, just not about the m*rder itself, as Ian Kay would like to think.

Then what?

He spent the most time with Sarah Kay.

He posed her carefully, painted her nails, did her hair.

Everything perfect.

Probably took photographs,

beautiful photographs.

Then he heard the news that she was pregnant.

I believe him when he says that he wouldn't have k*lled a pregnant woman.

That has a ring of truth.

So remorse that his perfect k*ll had been tainted...



What about this Ian Kay appeal?

I think it'd give the k*ller pleasure,

an opportunity to gloat.

But it could be invaluable to us.

It could open up a line of communication between us.

I've never been up here.

I twisted Ferrington's arm. She told me where you were.

It's a good place to clear the head.

I just wanted to say thank you.

For your help.

- I didn't do anything.
- Yes... did.

I froze.

I've never done that before.

I should have seen it coming.

A man...eaten up with guilt... fear for his life...

..about to lose his job...

his reputation, his freedom...

I should have had someone else in the room with me.

We all make mistakes.

I don't want to stop holding her.

You don't have to.

When you're ready, we can wash and dress her.

Take some photos, if you like.


- There's someone to see you, ma'am.
- Who?

Rose Stagg, a friend of Professor Reed Smith.

I spent years interviewing the victims of r*pe.

I don't think anyone ever felt worse after talking to me about their experiences.

I was in my last year of medical studies at the university.

I already had a boyfriend when I met a guy in one of the student union bars.

And he was a student too?

I think so.


Maybe Queen's or Stranmillis.

And how old was he, would you say?

22, 23.

We spent a couple of nights together.

What sort of sex did you have?

The sort that went on all night.



But tender too.

But then a strange thing happened.

We'd both been drinking.

Maybe too much.

We were in bed together.

I woke to find his hands around my throat.

Was he raping you?


At first I couldn't work out what was happening.

The look in his eyes was really cold.

I started fighting him but I couldn't get his hands away from my throat.

Take your time.

- Stick the kettle on, I'm bursting.
- Want some music on?

The pain was acute.

I felt as though my lungs would burst...

my head.

I was in total panic.

I've never felt such strength in someone before or since.

How did you get away from him?

I didn't.

Suddenly I could breathe again.

I was gasping for breath and his hands weren't around my neck any more.

I felt like I'd returned from the dead.

He sort of...sat up...

and came to.

Was he aroused?

Did he have an erection?


He up from the bed and stumbled away.

What happened then?

I felt sick.

I was sick.

I lay down on the bed.

I just laid there.

I think I went to sleep.

What the...

I had bruises all over my neck and...

marks from my fingernails where I'd tried to get his hands away from my throat.

I was hoarse for days.

I couldn't swallow.

Did you meet with him again?

Just once.

Did he apologise?


He did.

Did he offer any kind of explanation for his behaviour?

He said he wanted to know what it was like.. make love to someone who was unconscious.

Make love?


What you doing?

- Here, you!


- Hello?
- Be careful.

And you haven't seen him since?


- Even glimpsed him about town?
- No.

And you know of him as Peter? Anything else?

I know it seems crazy.

Being in bed with a guy when you don't know anything about him,

just his first name.

I learnt my lesson.

You're wanted, ma'am.

It's urgent.