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01x09 - God Is Greater

Posted: 09/23/23 17:22
by bunniefuu
This week...

my son became a man.

When am I a man?



Please recite the blessing.

You can't catch me, Aviram...

Hey, get away from the street!

I'm too fast for you!

You're not a man, you're a turtle...

Aviram, no!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

That's enough!

- We're just playing, Mamma!
- That's how it starts.


Come back here!


Come back here now!

Enjoying your holiday?

Found me.

Of course we did.

You're in deep shit, Avi.

I'm used to it.

You missed your hearing.

Is that why you're calling,
to tell me I'm out of a job?

I already knew that.

I'm calling you because I'm a good boss.


I'm offering you a way back in.


You're in America. It's convenient.


It's a way to get your life back.


I'm listening.

The Palestinian people
have suffered for too long.

I call on everyone,
everywhere in the world...

I call on everyone...

who recognizes Israel...

who recognizes Israel...

to also recognize
the State of Palestine...

to also recognize

the State of Palestine...

Why can't someone else do this?

If there was someone else,
I would not have asked you.

But I can't remember these words.

When I begin speaking, they disappear.

They will come.

You know them here...

now you have to know them here.

This is where faith comes from.

You must believe you can speak the words.

They will come when you need them.

God will provide.

Remember, my son, this not for you
or for me but for our people.

What you say is important
and will be heard by many.

Have faith...

who recognizes Israel...

O you who have believed,

what is the matter with you

that, when you are told to go forth
in the cause of God,

you adhere heavily to the earth?

Are you satisfied
with the life of this world

rather than the Hereafter?


Oh... What happened? Dad, are you okay?

- Yeah.
- You didn't say you were hurt.

- Are you hurt?
- No, no, no. I'm fine.

Why's he in a wheelchair?
Why are you in a chair?

- He's fine.
- No, they insisted on the wheels.

- Hey, how are you, sweetheart?
- I... I'm... I'm good.

- Can you walk?
- Yeah, of course I can walk.

I'm just supposed to help him
find his daughter.

- I'm assuming that's you?
- That's me. Yeah.

Okay. Well, he was a little confused.

So I thought you should know that.

I think the flight
might have been a little hard on him.

Well, I... I did, I got a bit upset.

He was caught up in...
in the flooding in Florida.

Oh, I'm fine.

By the time they got to him,
he was dehydrated.

It wouldn't be easy on anybody.
But you're fine now, though, right?

- Oh, yeah, sure.
- Okay, Zelman, end of the line for you.

- No more free rides.
- All right.

You ready to go?

- You hungry?
- No.

Thank you.

You should eat.

- I could call room service.
- I said I'm not hungry.

We're gonna have to talk about this
at some point.

Sticking your head in the sand
isn't the solution.

There is no solution. That's the problem.

That's why we have to talk about it.

You can't keep giving me
the silent treatment forever.

We have to find a way through this.

As a family.

As a family. That's rich.

I understand
you're probably feeling left out.

It's not a feeling. It's a fact.
I was left out.

And you had the hide to accuse me
of not telling you things?

And now, I find this out?

If that's not hypocrisy, what is?

I wonder what else you don't tell me.

What do you really think of me, Anna?

Are you my partner?

Am I the husband you wanted,
or am I just a disappointment?

Clearly, I'm not someone you turn to.

That's not true, Felix.

I love you.

I just couldn't tell you.

I didn't know how.

I knew it would break your heart.

- And it was what Rebecca needed.
- I'm her father!

I know what she needs.

You don't have a right
to make that decision without me.

- You would have said no.
- Of course I would have said no.

We have beliefs!

And they don't include abortions
for young girls.

Or don't you believe that?

What do you believe, Anna?

Do you even believe in God?

I don't believe Rebecca
stuck in Dilley, Texas

as a teen mom for the rest of her life
was an option.

And I wasn't gonna let that
happen to her.

That explains a lot.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'm taking control. That's what it means.


- Daddy!
- Oh, I missed you so much!

- Aah!
- I missed you too, Daddy.

Look at you.


Max! Oh, I missed you so much!

She seems so much better, doesn't she?

How've you been?

That's what happens
when you go off chemo, Staci.

Hey, Dad.


What are you doing?

- I'm packing.
- Wh...

- Why are you packing?
- Um...

- I've got a plane to catch.
- What?

I got a plane to catch.
I don't want to be late.

You've already caught the plane, Dad.
You're here.

Already caught the plane?


We just got here.

Uh... was that today?

Yes, today.

You should be unpacking.

Remember, you're gonna stay with me
for a while?

This is gonna be your room.

I'll help you settle in,
and then I'm gonna get to work.

Uh... Oh! Ah! Yeah! Yeah.

Of course. I'm gonna be
staying here with you for a while.

There was that flood back home.

Uh, I must...

be tireder than I thought I was.

And certainly not the traveler
that I used to be.

You gonna be okay?

Oh, yeah, sure. I'm fine, honey.


- Good afternoon.
- Hi.

- Will that be all?
- Thank you.

- Would you like to charge it to your bill?
- I'll pay cash.

Have to admit, Felix,
I'm surprised to see you.


Have a seat.

I've thought a lot about what you said.

About harnessing all that attention,
giving it a focus.

You're not leaving it up to God anymore?

This can still all be
a part of God's plan.

He looks for us to enact his will, right?

Oh, you think you know God's will?

Look, Ed, you wanted in,
now I'm giving you an in.

It's as simple as that.

You will triple your viewership, at least.

Are you telling me you don't want
your message to reach more people?

You can reach out past this country.

You can reach the world, Ed.
The Messiah on your own TV show.

But if he's not who you say he is...

Well, that's a matter of faith, Ed,

but no one's gonna blame you
for wanting to believe.

Is this his idea or yours?

It's mine.

And he's agreed?




Comms sector.

- Yeah, I need a trace.
- What source?

Phone number, please.


Over the past 36 hours,
the Russians have mobilized

an estimated 12,000 troops
into the Red Zone.

They can hit targets
inside Latvia right now.

It's a blatant provocation, sir.
If we don't move, they'll feel emboldened.

Well... you call it a provocation,

but we increased our fleet
in the Baltic first, didn't we?

On your orders, sir.

You drew the line.

You can't back away from that.
It makes you look weak.

This demands a response.

We can't afford another Syria.


Mr. President?

Keeping fit?

This way, uh... I can walk,
and they know where I am.


Who are you?

That's the big question, isn't it?

Payam Golshiri.

Thirty-six, Iranian, you spent
seven months in a psychiatric hospital

diagnosed with delusional disorder.

A "messiah complex,"
that's what the doctors called it.

I don't know if that's ironic or just sad.

Maybe you're a charlatan like your uncle,
or maybe you believe what you're saying.

Whichever way you cut it,
you're being dishonest,

either with yourself or everyone else.

The only other option is
you're being taken advantage of,

and if someone is running you,
Payam, I will find out.

"Running" me?

Of all the universities in the US,

you chose Williams,
a tiny college in Massachusetts.

An unusual choice,
unless you know about Oscar Wallace.

Oscar has a rare mind.

So you do know him.

As you say, it was a small campus.

To know his mind is to know him well.

We shared a lot.

Have you remained in touch with him?

He's a friend.

Willfully communicating with
a known t*rror1st is a federal offense.

Are you going to arrest me?

Eventually. You can count on that.

- You are so strong in your convictions.
- Yes, I am.

I see you.

And I'm coming to get you.

Hey, you're that TV lady.

The news lady from TV. I recognize you.

Christine Keneally.

Mm... Mm.



Uh... you're the preacher's wife, right?

You know me?

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

- You're not.
- Can we talk?

I've been praying.

For answers.


there's a lot I still don't understand.

I realized one thing.

I've always assumed that because
I come from humble beginnings,

I must be a humble man.


I've learned that my lesson
is in humility.

I'm God's servant.

And therefore, I'm your servant.

And, um...

I want to serve you the best way I can.

And how is that?

I realize that I'm in a, uh...

unique position.

I can arrange for you to be
on my father-in-law's television show.

It'll be a safe forum for you to speak
to millions of people at one time.

The media can't twist your words.

It's just you, speaking to people
in their homes.

A message straight from you,
directly to an audience of millions.

It's what God wants. I know it.
Let me do this for you, please.



But I want Rebecca to be there.

Of course.

I have to be honest with you.
I don't get it. I really don't.

Get what?

You and your husband calling him Jesus.

We don't call him Jesus.

- What do you call him?
- Don't ask me.

Why not? Why shouldn't I ask you?

You know...


Off the record?


Everything changed when he came.


What do you mean?

My husband won't talk to me.

My daughter is turning into somebody
I don't recognize.

They believe they're chosen.

They're falling all over themselves

for this stranger from a strange land.

Nothin' good has come from any of this
since he showed up.


You want to know
who I think he really is?

I do.

I don't know who he is.

Or what he wants.


I do know one thing for certain.

What's that?

He's not the f*cking messiah.

"'Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Tumnus.

'I'm very pleased to meet you,
Mr. Tumnus, ' said Lucy."

"Mr. Tumnus" is a funny name.

It sure is.

"'And may I ask, O Lucy, daughter of Eve, '

said Mr. Tumnus,
'how have you come to Narnia?'

'Narnia? What's that?' said Lucy.

'Well, this is the land of Narnia, '
said the faun.

'Where we are now,
all that lies between the lamppost

and the great castle of Cair Paravel
on the Eastern Sea.'”

Did she fall asleep?

Out like a light.

She sure loves that book.

You've read it to her
a thousand times already.

It's good to be back home.

You know?

We really missed you.

Saying that
doesn't make everything better, Staci.

No, I... I know it doesn't.

But it's true.

You took our daughter
without even telling me.

In what universe do you think that's okay?

I'm sorry, Jonah.

If I'd have told you,
you would've stopped us.

I couldn't watch her suffer
through chemo again.

- I couldn't do it.
- We spoke about this.

- We decided that she would do another...
- I couldn't do it again. Not this time.

I had to! If there was... a chance,

even the tiniest chance
that he could help her, I had to take it.

You have to understand,
I did this because I love her.

I love you, Staci,
and I can forgive you for a lot,

but I can't for this.

Not for risking her life.

What are you saying?

I'm filing for divorce.

I can't trust you with her anymore.

Jonah, please.

I want sole custody of Raeah.



The Messiah.

Sunday evening, one night only.

Chicago's Mayor Pinkerton
has tripled police security

as rioting spread as far north as the...


How about pasta?

...police reinforcements
as outbreaks continue...

- Chicago is...
- Dad.

...many cities this week.

Does your work have anything to do
with this Messiah man that's on TV?

Yeah, it does, but...
don't worry about it.

I've been having funny feelings lately.

- Yeah?
- Funny in a good way.

But I can't say
that I've ever had them before.

It's like...

I'm connected to things.

I look at the moon...

and I don't see the moon anymore.

I feel it.

Things are happening, Eva.

What things?

Did I tell you about the fish?

Uh... what fish?

The fish before the flood.

It's all connected.

Like this man.



- He's not the messiah, Dad.
- Listen.

I've never been really religious,
you know,

or felt close to God,

but I have been watching the sunrise,

and sometimes, it just...

uh... it...

fills me.

What is it, honey?

You're just not usually like this.

Am I upsetting you?

Sort of.


Your mom, she believed.

Now, I never did,

but she believed.

She had six miscarriages,
but she never gave up

because she knew that you were out there.

She wanted you.

She had hope.

And she believed
that she was meant to have a child.

And she knew that you were out there
waiting for us to find you.

You were God's gift.

Okay, Dad.

- That's what she used to say.
- I don't wanna talk about this.

You brought your mom and me
such... ah, happiness.

Stop talking about Mom, now, please.

Well, not a day goes by
that I don't miss her.

I said I don't want to talk about Mom.

She had hope. I'm just...
I'm just saying. And so did you.

I lost the baby, Dad.

There's no more chances.


I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Dad, don't.

Just, please.


I'm your father, Eva.

- I'm... here for you.
- Dad, stop. Don't talk about Mom...

like you loved her.

We don't get to rewrite history, Dad.

Some things
you just can't go back and change.

Right? So there's no hope.
Don't talk to me about hope.

And whether you meant to or not,
you brought me up to be just like you.

Pragmatic and selfish.
And you weren't there for Mom.

And I wasn't there for Ben.

So don't talk to me about hope,

or babies, or Mom,
or the g*dd*mn messiah.

She's drunk.

Yeah, seems so.

She's, uh...
havin' a hard time with all this.

I was gonna try and get her undressed
but decided to let her sleep.

That's probably best.

Good night.

He's gonna go on Grandpa's show.


The Savior.

He wants you there... to be with him.


How old's your daughter?


Where's your husband?

He's dead.

- Was he like us?
- No.

He was nothing like us.

We were an unlikely match,
and not an easy one.

No one...

could've said how it would end up.

There's no guarantee
of a happily ever after.

It just ended the way it did.

My wife cheated on me.

Look at us.

You're right,
we're as f*cked up as each other.

This was a mistake.



Tell Ellie I'm coming home.

O you who have believed

what is the matter with you

that, when you are told to go forth
in the cause of God,

you adhere heavily to the earth?

Are you satisfied
with the life of this world

rather than the Hereafter?

Do you have doubt, Samer?

I believe with all my heart.

I'm proud of you.

You are a true disciple of God.



Who is this?

Oscar Wallace?

This is Officer Eva Geller
of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Hello, Officer Geller,
nice to make your acquaintance.

Now, if I could be so bold...
how did you find this number?

A friend of yours gave it to me.

Payam Golshiri.

You've been trading calls with him,

and I'd like to know
what those calls are about.

They were of a personal nature.

Just a little chitchat?

If you knew Payam, you would know
he doesn't go in for chitchat.

No, we always...

always talk about the deepest of things.

The nature of self...

the purpose of a life...

- Huh.
- Mm-hm.

Huh. I'm more interested in hearing
about the plan you're hatching with him.

Oh. I see.

I see now.

You stumbled upon me. You don't know shit.

I was expecting
a very different conversation.

So let me straighten you out.

Officer Geller,
there is no plan between us.

I have the phone records.

I'll say it again. You don't know shit.

I know you're a t*rror1st, and somehow
you've got Golshiri under your spell.

Here. I'm going to help you because
you were clever enough to find me.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Believe me when I say this.

Between him and me...

I'm not the dangerous one.

And that's the beautiful thing.

I've been...

so happy...

to serve his cause.

What cause?

Just read my book.


"For Payam Golshiri."


Come in.

You wanted to see me, sir.

I need a Pentagon study
on the consequences

of a full United States military
withdrawal from Eastern Europe.

A... full withdrawal, sir?

That's right.

How long will that take?

That's hard to say for sure, sir.

- Do your best.
- I will, sir.

Oh, and James?

Yes, sir?

My eyes only.

- I understand, sir.
- Thank you.

We've had it backwards.

He's an avatar for Golshiri.

Wallace's book is Golshiri's thesis.

They're his words.
Wallace is his disciple.

And he's been communicating
with Wallace. I have his phone records.

You took unauthorized action
to make contact with a known t*rror1st.

I wasn't sure it was going to be him.

So you took action on something
you weren't sure about?

Isn't this what Collier asked for?
Actionable intelligence?

Then you put it in your report
and you submit it.

What, so we can hand it over to the FBI?
What action's going to be taken?

We're not a law enforcement agency, Eva.
That's not our concern.

I need you to contact your team in Israel.

There's been a lot of chatter.

Now, let this go.

Despite the fact that the press
is not invited to the event,

his appearance tonight at televangelist
Edmund Deguilles's megachurch in Virginia

is drawing unprecedented numbers
to the venue,

as the faithful come to witness
the first televised statement

by the man many are now calling
the Messiah.

♪ When Christ shall come ♪

♪ With shouts of acclamation ♪

♪ And take me home ♪

♪ What joy shall fill my heart! ♪

♪ Then I shall bow ♪

♪ In humble adoration ♪

♪ And there proclaim ♪

♪ My God, how great Thou art ♪

- Where is Anna?
- ♪ Then sings my soul ♪

- She couldn't make it.
- ♪ My Savior God, to Thee ♪

- It's gonna be a great service.
- ♪ How great Thou art ♪

♪ How great Thou art ♪

♪ Then sings my soul ♪

♪ My Savior God, to Thee ♪

- ♪ How great Thou art ♪
- You burn so brightly.

♪ How great Thou art ♪

You'll need that.

- God is good!
- All the time!

- All the time!
- God is good!

Oh, yeah.

Folks, I'd like to take this moment
to welcome you, one and all,

to "God is Greater."

God is greater!

In an impressive show of solidarity...

a crowd of many hundreds
is gathering at...

the Ramallah Grand Mosque
this morning to hear...

Palestinian activist Jibril Hassan
speak publicly...

for the first time.

The event has drawn the attention

of many political groups in Palestine...

Excuse me. many wonder...

where the young activist's
political leanings lie.

Pardon me. Excuse me.

The Palestinian people
have suffered for too long.

Ignore them.

Be at peace.

Try again.

We've been watching the news.
We've seen him in the papers.

And tonight, he is here with us!

We're gonna hear from him in person
right here on this stage.

It's electric in here tonight!


Can you all feel it?

Can you all feel it?


Will you bow with me in prayer?

Lord, we know there's a plan.

And each day, you give us a gift
to walk upon this great earth.

An opportunity to execute that plan,

to share your Word
and renew our faith in you.

We know all things are possible
through you.

Guide us, and be with us, Lord.

In God's name, we pray.



Tonight is a special night.

- Whoo!
- We're here to witness!

You've been waiting a long time.

Some might say
you've been waiting all your life.


How lucky we are.

To be here, to hear his message.

In his words, in his time.

In person.

Please welcome...

the man...

you have all come to see!

Oh, Felix.

Where is he?

But he's on right now.

- Where the heck is he?
- I don't know, he's gone!

Everything is going to be all right.

They need you.

They believe in you.


I'm not ready.

And now you will walk with God.

Your name will live on.

I can't remember my words...

al-Masih is...

al-Masih is the...

I came across the desert with al-Masih...

we suffered many hardships.

If you are with him, you'll be delivered.

If you're not,
you'll be taken by tornadoes.

By floods.

And swept into the great wasteland.

But what I learned from him...

was that we are all one people.

Heed his message.

Embrace his warning,
for he is the messenger.

The vessel for truth.

Sharing the Word of his great Father.

...all men and women...

from everywhere.

I want to share a message
of peace and unity...

If you look for truth...

you may find comfort.

If you look for comfort...


The eye of...



The eye of the storm.

God is greater...
