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01x02 - Tremor

Posted: 09/23/23 17:16
by bunniefuu

- Mornin'.
- Hey, Reverend.

God bless you.
So glad you can join us.

How are you?

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Thank you.
- God bless you.

Good to see you.


- Hola.
- Buenos días.


- Sweetheart?
- Shit.


Thought you were headed across town?

When was the last charity drive?

It's beyond that, Felix.

The bank's giving us 20 days.

You know things don't have to be this way.

- I should've heard this comin'.
- It would just be a loan.

We'd pay him back.

How many more times
can we have this conversation?

How many more letters
do you think we're gonna get

before they start knockin'
on our door, Felix?

I mean, be practical, for goodness' sake.

This is it. We are out of options.

I told you last time, I won't do that.

- Why not?
- Because your father would just

enjoy it too much.


Where have you been?

Nowhere, just walkin'.

You got grass in your hair. What is that?

Oh, I... fell down.

- Did you have another episode?
- I'm okay, I'm gonna lie down.

Wait a minute.

Turn out your pockets.


It's a clusterfuck out there.

What's the latest?

It's all over the news.

Clearly, they haven't found him yet.

There's an APB on the police wire
matching his description, no names.

What about Shin Bet?

They've gone silent,
not talking to anyone.

That's helpful.

I'd say they're cleaning house.

Yeah, well, whoever the mole is,
they're not gonna be hiding him from us.

I'm gonna need a safe room.
Who's available?

Rozen and his crew.
They're setting it up now.

- It's Eva.
- What have you found out?

Our friends over here
have apparently gone quiet.

A call from you would help.

I can't promise anything.

Can't hurt.

Give me 30 minutes.

Thank you.

I'm very well. Thank you for asking.

I'm sorry, Qamar.
I'm glad you're doing well.

And dare I ask the same?

We are trying to get to the bottom
of things. Trust me.

We did trust you, Zev.
Till you screwed up.

This guy single-handedly
put Israel in the shit.

He gave your neighbors a new reason
to hate you, and you lost him.

Wherever he turns up next,
he's gonna be a lightning rod.

We can't afford for this to spill over
into something bigger.

- So we're doing this together.
- Together, but we're in charge.

However you want to see it.


You could have warned me it was her.

Cover your balls.

We both know why I'm here,
so let's not waste any time.

How long has he been missing,
and who was the last to see him?

Activist van
at location, confirm license number.

1, 5, 5,

6, 5,

2, 0.

That's them.

Hands up! Don't move!

Where is he? Where is he?

Don't sh**t us!

We don't know what you mean...
we're just taking food to them

To who?

To the refugees.

- What?
- You need to come in.

I'm on an operation.

Then end it and come in. It's urgent.

Come on. We're going back.

You entered the facility
at 3:05 a.m., correct?

If you say so.

And what were you doing there?

I had returned to continue
my interrogation of the detainee.

The detainee escaped
between 3:07 and 3:19 a.m.

Just when you happened to be visiting.

I was the one who discovered him missing.
I was the one who raised the alarm.

Were you aware that
the security cameras in cellblock D

were switched off for 12 minutes
while the prisoner escaped?

How would I know that?

Just answer the question.

Of course not.

You weren't aware of any tampering
of footage that day?

It's important you tell the truth.

What's this assh*le said?

Officer Ben-Reuven claims you erased

the recording
of the detainee's interrogation.

What the f*ck is this?

Answer the question, Avi.

Yes, I erased the tape
of my interrogation.


He said nothing relevant. Simple as that.

Might I remind you that lying
in a debriefing is an offense?

Are we done?

Thank you, Agent Dahan.

So, it's just
a coincidence that the evidence

of your interrogation with the detainee

and evidence of his escape
were both erased?

Who is this?


Why am I answering to a f*cking American?

We're cleaning up
the mess you made.

It would serve you better to cooperate.

You brought me in for this?

You know, I was actually
doing my job trying to find answers.

Are you refusing to answer my question?

I'm sorry, I didn't hear a question.
Just an accusation.

I want a full report on my desk
this afternoon. You're dismissed.

I told you, I ask the questions.

What was that in there?

Something you have no idea about.


Have you found a place to live yet?

You need to sort yourself out, Avi.

The days without
aid continue to mount for the refugees.

There is still no sign
of capitulation from Israel.

The protests continue today

outside Israeli embassies
across Europe and the US

in support of the refugees...

Those poor f*ckers.

We're watching people starve.

He just led them here to die.

Like the Pied Piper.

Maybe that's the title of the piece.
"The Piper of Damascus."

What does that make them, the rats?

The children, you dope.

The hell is that?


they're coming.

Show me your face.

Show me your ID.

What's in there?

Show me.

They are searching for him.

They are searching for him.

He has escaped!

He has escaped!

He has escaped!

He has escaped!

He has escaped!

He has escaped!

We're goin' to Reimer's ranch later.

And do what?

Get high?

Yeah, probably.

You can start now.

- Come on. It makes you horny.
- Don't.

Had a dream last night
that somebody blew this place up.

Nothin' left standin'.

Everything was gone.

Everybody dead.

Felt real.

It was so strange.

Kinda beautiful.

I was relieved.

That's f*cked up.

Eric, you ever think about leavin' here?

And go where?

Anywhere's gotta be better
than this sh*thole.

Better a sh*thole you know.

That's my pumpkin.

Hey, where you goin'?

Goodbye, Eric.

Help you there, Reverend?

Oh, thanks, Dennis. I've got it.

I'm not being paranoid.
Listen to me, Alon... I'm being set up.

I don't know why.

The Americans are involved now...

They're fingering me!
They're fingering me!

I'll call you later.

♪ Sleep, sleep ♪

♪ My little girl ♪

♪ Sleep, sleep ♪

How's my girl?



Does Mika know you're taking Ellie?

She's my daughter.


Is this your favorite doll?


Little Red Riding Hood?

Because she has
a little red riding hood!

So she is Little Red Riding Hood!



Daddy's a pig.

That's what Mamma says.

That's what Mamma says?



Can you wait in the carr?

I don't want to be alone.

Just stay here...

I'm going to get you an ice cream.



It's him.

For centuries,

these steps have been stained
with the blood of brother for brother.

And none of it pleased God.

How could it?

This soil we stand on
is supposed to represent unity.

It can no longer divide men.

That day has passed.

History has ended.

The scriptures say that on judgment day,

a set of scales
will be hung from these arches,

to weigh all souls.

What if I told you that day is here?

A day where there is no more
bargaining with God

"when no soul will suffice
for another soul."

Just you and your God...

and your deeds.

All of them.

Who of you has done
what God has truly asked?

Who of you could step forward...

and weigh his soul?

Step forward...

and it will begin.

Step forward...

and it will begin.

Get down! Get down!

Out of the way!

Everybody get down!

Don't move!

Stand back!

That's him!

Hands up!

I said hands up!

Hold fire!

Who fired?

You've shot a boy.

Get off our land!

Pigs! Murderers!

Get off our land, it's not yours!

Murderers! You've k*lled a child!

I can't believe it!

He's alive!


It's a miracle!

Stand back!

Get back!

Where is he?

Where did he go?

You're alive! It's a miracle!!

- Tell them!
- I'm alive! I'm alive!

I'm alive!

It's a miracle!

- I'm alive!
- It's a miracle!

Q, I just sent you a present.

Yeah. Is he our man?

That's what I need you to find out.

You're gonna have to dig deep.
This guy thinks he's untouchable.

On it.

We have breaking news.

There has been a sh**ting at Temple Mount.
Details are still coming in.

People are being told
to stay away from the area...

several sh*ts have been fired
at Temple Mount...

Turn that up, please.

Early reports say the g*nf*re
was from Israeli police

in pursuit of a suspect...

- I need to go there.
- What?

Take me to Temple Mount.

I can't, they're saying to stay away.

I'll pay you.

Madam, it's not the money.
The roads will be blocked.

Then take me to the roadblocks.

At 2:00 p.m. this afternoon,
Israeli police opened fire

on a crowd of Muslim tourists here,
at the most sacred of sacred sites,

Temple Mount.

Access to the site has now been closed
to public and press by the authorities.

Details are still not clear
as to what transpired.

There are conflicting reports
about the injuries.

Some say a boy was shot.

One thing that is clear is the figure
at the center of this furor,

the Islamic activist
people are calling al-Masih.

Israeli authorities have confirmed
that he escaped custody late last night.

However, it is unclear if he was
recaptured at the siege of the steps.

The president of the Palestinian National
Authority has announced an intifada.

This is the first intifada
since the year 2000,

after president Ariel Sharon walked
on the steps of this very same holy site,

an act seen by Palestinians
as a provocation.

This idiot is trying to start another w*r.

This soil we stand on
is supposed to represent unity.

It can no longer divide men.

That day has passed.

History has ended.

These words cannot be tolerated.

But he's brought energy
to the cause, Imam.

Israel is under great pressure
because of him.

He gives a voice to our struggle...

He misquotes Muhammad.

This man is a heretic, not a prophet.

But he appeared in Damascus
in a yellow robe...

as the scriptures said.

Any man can wear a yellow robe.

If he has escaped...

why hasn't he come back to us?

If he really is Isa returned,

then he has greater things to worry about.

- He has left us.
- He wouldn't do that.

We must be faithful
and not act out of foolish despair.

He turned away Daesh,

and He will provide for us again...

Why are you following me?

Let's have a drink.

- Club soda?
- Thank you.


It's bad luck.

To toast with no alcohol is bad luck.

So why did they tell you to tail me?

I'm not here under orders.

So you're here to intimidate me.

- What are you doing in Israel?
- My job.

Oh. Your job. And your job is
to interrogate me during a debriefing?

My job is to get this situation
under control.

You guys messed up,

and now this city's about to hemorrhage.

It's not your city.

See, that's one of the problems
with you f*cking Americans,

- you want your finger in every pie.
- You come to us when you need us.

We don't need you.


No. Looks like you've got it all
under control.

This might be your city...

but when Israel tips, we all tip.

When this region blows,
we all feel it.

And that makes it our problem.

Thank you very much
for this lesson in geopolitics.

What's on that file that you erased?

That's none of your f*cking business.

Now, we know you didn't come
to have a drink with me.

So why don't you level?

I'd be careful if I were you.

- You don't know who I am.
- I don't care who you are.

I have a job to do.

Then I'll make you regret it.

You're charming.

Yes, so people tell me.

Whatever it is you're hiding...

I'll find it.

Is there a reason you don't drink?

We all have something to hide,

haven't we?

What? What is it?

Want to tell me why you left our daughter
in the car today?

It was for two minutes.

She said you had a g*n.

The f*ck's wrong with you?
How did you get so f*cked up?

Rewind it again.

Slow it down.

There he is, and there he goes.

That's all we've got.

This isn't enough.

We've done this 20 times.

- He... he just disappears.
- No. No one just disappears.

Let's see.

He must know
where the cameras are.

We don't even see a g*n go off.

How do we know one was really fired?

Where's that kid?

If this is all a charade,
they're in on it. We need to find them.

- The city's cut off the power.
- Yeah.

An old trick to subdue the masses.


- What?
- Uh... nothing.

I'll handle it later.

What are you doing here?

What are you doing?

Looking for the people that live here.

It's the middle of the night.
Don't you have any decency?

You cut off our electricity!
You send in soldiers!

We're not Israelis!

We're reporters.

Is this where the little boy
from al-Aqsa lives?

- He's gone.
- When did he leave?

- Today. He's not coming back.
- Where did they go?

Why have you come
in the middle of the night?


We don't want any trouble.
We just want to talk.

They are finished talking.

That's why they left.

What do you mean?


The boy has been touched by God.

You understand?
He is blessed from God.

Today this street was filled
with people who wanted to touch him.

They are safer where they are.

Who took them?

Listen. Uh...

You shouldn't be here.
It's not safe for people like you, okay?

Who took them?

Just... just go.

As the Muslim world continues
to protest Israel's refusal of passage

for the 2,000 Syrian Palestinian
asylum seekers

caught on its northern border,

there is mounting pressure
on Prime Minister Nitsani

to play a more active role
in the crisis.

Adding to that pressure today
was the sh**ting incident at Temple Mount,

which has led to rioting in Jerusalem.

And now, there seems to be more confusion
over what occurred at the holy site

as footage has emerged
from that very incident,

footage some are calling
evidence of a miracle.

The video clearly shows
the escaped Syrian lead...

What is the main hindrance today
in America to believing?

Really believing, with deep commitment.

Belief in the reality of sin,

in the death and resurrection.

Hi, Daddy.

Why haven't I heard of him?

He does the kind of stuff
you're not supposed to hear about.

Remember the Hebron Nine?

That was him.

He gets a long leash
'cause he gets results.

It still doesn't make sense
why he'd release his own prisoner.

Holy shit.

Facial Recognition - JORDAN DATABASE

Where is that?


Facial Recognition - JORDAN DATABASE

We've lost him.


Come closer.


Are you hungry?


Do you want some bread?

We have more...

much more.

Thank you.

We're going to get you all out.



Tell the elders!

