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02x03 - It's Not Supposed to Be Easy

Posted: 09/23/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on the Booth at the End...

- You must mark three people.
- What does that even mean?

- How many man have you approached?
- Just the one so far.

Find someone who is missing and return
that person to his or her home.

You might be not cut out for this.

You will have to become
a servant to a higher power.

And what if I want more?

- Their entire religion?
- Wipe it out.

- I wanna make a deal.
- No, you don't.

I want to accept
my daughter as she is.

- You want me to use the book on you?
- Yes.


Things aren't going so well.

We found plenty of people,
but they could be anywhere.

A lot of kids go missing.

- Did you know that?
- I've heard tell, yeah.

Once you look into it, it's usually
their parents, their mom, their dad,

after a divorce, just kidnapping them.

A lot of the time the parents are...
they're hiding.

What that's like, Connor?

Knowing that some parents will go to
such lengths to be with their child.

My dad would be here, if he could.

My mom kicked him out.

So he put up a fight?

Are our mums allowed to help us?

- No.
- No.

Just asking.

We'll start looking for
people who are alone.

We figure somebody may
be looking for them.

That makes sense.

Why did my dad leave?

Why didn't he put up a fight?

I don't know.

That's what interests me
about what it is you want.


Why'd you want a man in your home that won't
do what he needs to do in order to get back?

I got into a fight last night,
and I broke the dude's nose.

I want to know if that was a mark?

As I marked him, you know,

that's one, right?


What do you mean, no?
I broke his nose.

Apparently, it's not worth noting.

OK, so what is?

Come on, you're the one that told
me that I had to go do the thing.

I read the thing.

And now, I'm asking you.
What do you think the words mean?

It means some sort of wound.

Or tear, or something. I mean...

If you're gonna mark someone,

you're mutilating, right?

I don't know, I'm asking you.

You're asking me to do something,
when you don't even know what it means?

I'm asking what you mean by it.



People use words all the time.

Doesn't mean they
agree on their meaning.

It doesn't mean they thought through
what they mean when they use them.


When I say:

"Mark three people."

What do these words mean to you?

Means I hurt three people.

I mean, that way it lasts, right?

That way it'll...

be with them until they're dead.

That man last night. His nose.
You think that should've counted?

Yeah, I do. I mean...

I rocked him, man.
His nose was all... bent.

And it'll last until his death.

If he doesn't get plastic surgery
or something, yeah.

And yet...

It seems it didn't fulfill
the requirements of the task.

OK, than what the hell?

What the hell, you tell me.

If that wasn't a mark...

What would be?

You said I couldn't leave
any trace of having vanished.

Can't tell my husband,
just no trail, right?

No credit cards...
Just "poof"...

That's correct.

Thought maybe I can cash out.

That should float me
for three weeks, easily.

Of course they're gonna try and find me.

My husband's gonna panic.

He's gonna think...

- Things.
- Such as?

That I abandoned him.

That I abandoned her.

He might assume any number of things.
Why this?

A woman in my situation...

Some women... might leave.

Just walk out the door.

Leave their damaged daughter
behind and never return.

A woman might.

I wouldn't.

Of course.

- But he might think.
- Of course.

If I do this, if I do what you ask,

disappear for three weeks
and come back...

I'll accept her, right?


I'd have to come up with a story.

A reason, some kind
of a story for why I left.

For whom, Cheryl?
For your family or... yourself?

I'm not a bad person.

That's not really the question.

Do you know what it's like?

To be tethered to someone.

Care for them every day.

As if they get better because you care.

She never will.

No one can ever fully know
the experience of another.

Do you have anything bad in your life?

Or are you just above it all?

Free from pain.


I don't think I believe that.

You're not here to compete miseries,
Cheryl. I'd never win.

You have a heart.

I want you to know this...

this thing...


unconditional love.

It's a beautiful thing.

But it's a terrible burden.

What do you have?

Not that.

So, what do I have to do?

To do this thing.

To cleanse the world of these
people and their beliefs.

You will have to commit...

a slaughter.

A public act of slaughter.

In broad daylight.

Twenty-two dead.

With others bearing witness.

What does that mean?

An outrage of sorts, I suppose.

You have to be seen doing it.

The daylight part, I don't know.
It's not really my...

The details are up to you.

That's strange.

It is, indeed.

k*ll 22 people in broad daylight.

With witnesses.

What happens if I start
to k*ll these people

and someone stops me?

You wouldn't get what you want.

Could it be them?

- The people you wanna remove?
- Uhuh.

Public act.

Broad daylight...

So it could be like...
When they're inside...

worshiping or something?

I wouldn't call that in broad daylight,


- But it could be them.
- Your choice, Jack.

Your victims, your methods...

What matters is 22,
broad daylight.

For all the world to see.


Have you approached another man?

My fifth.

In a bar, at lunch.

I smiled at him.

In the reflection of a mirror.

Sat down next to him, and started talking.

Sounds like you're getting better.

I am.

He was pleased.


What was it like for you?

Washing your hands.

Washing your hands?

Something you do,

but not because you want to,

but because you're supposed to.

Have you asked yourself what it'd look like
in the future, when you have what you want?

To be loved.

It might be something you
wanna start thinking about.

This God thing isn't working out.

Really, already?

Simple logic.

You can't serve God,
if there is no God.

Am I wrong?

I can see your logic.

Look, I've been praying.

Nothing's happened.
Give me something else.

Just... Serve a higher power.

Become a true believer.

What if I can't believe in God?

No higher power?

Look, if I believed in God,

that'd mean I have gone crazy,
put a b*llet in my head.

- Why crazy?
- Who knows what I'd do?

If I was God's,

and God asked me to do a crazy thing

the I would do it, because I'd be God's.

What's the crazy thing
would God ask you to do?

I don't know, give up
my possessions, build an ark.

Stay in my marriage.

Just hypothetically, if God said
to do that, stay in your marriage.

Might it not be worth listening?


So, you're avoiding God for fear of
being told things you don't wanna hear.

Who the hell wants God to tell
them things they don't wanna hear?

I've got a pretty good idea
why you're not finding God.


Hello, Maria.
Did you make someone cry?

I wanted to talk to you about that.

All right.

Do I have to actually make someone cry?


Could I do something else?

Like making someone happy?

I am very good at that.

- I bet I can make you smile.
- I bet you can.

But that doesn't matter.

How can that not matter?

I'm not here to be happy.

What's the point of being
here, if you're not happy?

Don't you ever get tired of it,
chasing happiness?

What else is there, seriously?

What else is there for us?


You don't ever feel sad?

I do, but I don't delve in it.

It's a part of life too.

You're not a very nice man.

I'm not talking about what's nice
or not nice. I'm talking about what is!

What is, is!

My mother is losing her life
to craziness and despair.

- Don't judge me too hard for trying...
- I'm not judging you.

I'm just telling you the rules
of the agreement that we made.

- Well, I don't like the rules.
- Then don't play the game.

How do we start?


What do you want?

I used to want to know their morality.

Now I...

I just want to...

I just want to understand
what motivates them.

What about it?

I want to feel it.

What happens to you, if you do?

I don't know.

I don't think you should do this.

You don't have to help me.

I know what you're doing.

You do?

No, you don't.

Do you?

Open it.

You'll see.

You'll have to find someone to help.

One of them?

No... No.

I don't get involved.

But that's the task.

I wanna make a deal.


This is wrong!

I'm not supposed to be here.

Forget the deal with my father.

Just... Things go back to the
way they're supposed to be.

You don't know how
they're supposed to be.

She's alive, I'm dead.

Open the book.

Open the book!

What does it want me to do?

You must make something...

something worth living for.

If I do this,
I might change my mind.

That's always a risk.

The question is,
how much do you want...

what you want?

So how do you make
sure they won' find you?

If I go to a motel,
no matter how far

a picture of me on the TV,
or whatever, is gonna

tip off the desk clerk
or maid, or something.

The further away I go,
the more people I see.

And they'll recognize me, ID me later.

I just need to keep the
disappearance as small as possible.

- As few people as possible.
- And how do you go about doing that?

Don't take my car,
just leave it in the garage.

That'll throw them off at first.

And then?

They will think something
terrible happened.

It will help, you'll throw
them off, distract them.

God, they're gonna just worry more.

That's not your concern...

OK, wait, so...

Where to, then?
You walk out your front door, then what?

The building where the
homeless lady lives.

Not many people live in that area.

- On the inside?
- I've seen it from the outside.


You don't think it'll work?

Did I indicate that?

You're writing things down.

That's what I do, I write things down.

- Well, stop, it's making me nervous.
- Don't be nervous.

How are you gonna get food?

Without a car you...

go to a store nearby?

I don't know.

I could help.


I could bring you things.
You leave your home.

Seen by as few people as possible.

And I could bring you things you need
for... whatever to the building.

- Why would you do that?
- Why wouldn't I?

You didn't really seem
the type to wanna help.

Would you like me to?


Look, I'm thinking about

this idea of marking.

I was thinking if...

If smashing the guy's nose in
isn't enough, what would be?


So where has your thinking led you?

Like, a screwdriver.

That would leave...

A screwdriver would make a...

you know, on someone's arm,
if you did it hard enough.

Harsh enough.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Look, imagine you're
walking down the street.

And there's like a glimpse of motion
out of the corner of your eye.

You don't see what it is, exactly.

But before that little glint
becomes a screwdriver...

It's just "bam", in your arm.

There's blood coming out
of the tear, whatever.

It's that moment where...

It's the moment where you
go from startled to pain.

So it's about the degree of pain.

No, it's not the blood, it's the surprise.

You were just walking down the street.

This happened, because
I was walking down the street.

I should never walk down the street again.

It's that thought...

That's the mark.

You've been marked like this, huh?


So this is your progress.

Finding out what a mark is.

So you can stay as you are forever.

Can I ask you something?


My nephew's anger issues?

They seem to be fading.

Yeah, he started to treat me better.

That's good.

I don't know, maybe it's
just a temporary thing.


He's just so nice.

When I pick him up from school,
he lifts his arms so high.

And he's: "Auntie Theresa", he's...

He's so happy.

And I'm liking it.

But I wanted to ask you...

He's loving me...

I mean, at least that's what I'm getting.

It's what you wanted, isn't it?

To be loved.


So what I wanted to know is...

Is it because of what I'm doing?
The deal?

It's often the way it works.

Start to do the task, the thing
you desire begins to manifest.

I was just, uh...

Thinking of, you know...

a man, when I...
when I said I wanted love.

Well, that could happen too.

But you asked to be loved.

"I just want to be loved."

"Is that asking for so much?"


A man is...

I tried to tell you, you recall,

when we made the deal?
To be more specific.

But you were upset.


I just...

I should... I should go.

I have to go pick him up from school.

You know, if I stop...

If I stop now...

Will my nephew's...

- love fade an his anger come back?
- It's possible, I don't know.

But it might.

His love for me might

be the thing that's calming
him down now.

That might be.

