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02x02 - A New Reality

Posted: 09/23/23 16:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Booth at the End...

Are you the man that
can make things happen?

I don't wanna die.

- What do I have to do?
- You'll have to make five people cry.

I just want my dad home.

I want my current marriage to Heather
wiped out, like it never even happened.

- How many more do I have to go?
- Five.

Then I keep my
grandchildren safe?

Find a woman without family
and friends and t*rture her.

Long time no see.

So we make a deal, right?

You give me a task,
i will do it,

then I get to live forever.

Well, there are other condition.
Like I said, you have to tell me why...

It's not that big a deal, look, I got a
crappy life, I want to build a better one..

People build lives every day
without having to live forever.

Well, I don't have any training,
so I'm gonna need time.

- To get it right?
- Yeah.

Well, if you want to live forever,
I suggest you start talking.

Let's start there.

Why invulnerable?

I don't know, I mean...

everyone's to decay.

It's all we are doing anyway, right?

Or growing.

But decaying.

We're just meat, really,
when you think about it.

If you think about it that way.

- Just meat and bone?
- How do you know that's all you are?


Pay attention.


Something else.

My dad used to write me,
when he was serving.

Where is he now?

Dillon, the deal.

He's dead.

- When was the last time you've seen him?
- A year before he died.

Before that was another tour...

- That was the last time you saw him alive.
- Yeah

When was the last time you saw him?

They were gonna put him in the ground.

I wasn't gonna get to see him again.

Closed casket.

So, I went to the funeral home,
I broke in,

there was a sort of flag on it

I couldn't open the coffin,
it was bolted,

because there wasn't much left.

He was a Humvee guy.

So I went downstairs, to the basement.

So I found this wrench,
and this pliers...

then I just went back upstairs,
to my dad's coffin.

Opened the bolts.


What do I gotta do to live forever?

Be invulnerable.

You must mark three people.

What does that even mean?

You'll find out.

You will have to...

find someone who is missing

and return that person
to his or her home.

- Like who?
- Like, anyone you want.

- How about Connor's dad?
- No.

Is he missing?

He's been gone for weeks,
I saw him by accident.

- No, no one's looking for him.
- You are.

He's not really missing,
though, is he?

- No.
- No.

So, where do we find
someone who's missing?

I mean, how do we even know that
they're missing, if we don't know them?

That would be up to you.

This is stupid.

If you don't wanna do it,
you don't have to.

We're supposed to just wander around,
looking for someone no one else can see?

We'll go on-line
there must be places.


And if we do this,

my dad will come home?

And quit drinking?

And he'll be happy?


I say we go for a criminal.

I think a runaway.

Can't we just ask one of our friends
to run away, and then we'll go find them?

How stupid are you?

- Oh yeah, but you're a brainiac.
- Boys.


Find someone.

But no, you can't find someone

that you told to run away.

And... You have to come back
and tell me how it's going

That's part of the deal.

When you where here last,
you had a call.

You said...

you had to go pickup your son.

- He had a fever.
- You never mentioned you had a son.

I didn't know it mattered.

Strange detail to not have mentioned.
A son.

- He's not mine.
- He's not?

My sister...

her husband...

Their son survived.

He has anger issues.
He loses his temper at school and

Sometimes they need me to come calm him.

The keep thinking I know
how to calm him down.

I don't know how to calm him down.

So, getting back.
How many men have you approached?

Just the one, so far.

I have to work.

The only time i have,
is lunch and

there's a movie theater, there's this
movie theater's just down the street.

And the man you approached?

I put my hand on his hand.

And he pulls his away.

He looked at me, trying to see my face

in the light from the movie screen.

He would ask:

"Do I know you?"

And I just... I put my hand on his leg.

Okay, I just...

I just, wanted to do it,
to get it over with.

So I slid my hand...

up his thigh.

And his whole body tensed up,

and he got up,

walked away,
looked back once,

and then -

up the aisle and gone.

Then I sat in the
theater alone.

Oh God, that was my first attempt.

Let's hope the next
fifteen go better.

So you wake up one day, and there's
this person sitting next to you.

You don't know why she's in your bed.

You don't know why you wanna
sit down and have a meal with her.

You don't know why you'd
waste another day with her.

When you could be out, finding
the person you should've been with.

I just want out.

No, you don't just want out.

People get out every day.

You wanna remove reality
and replace it with something else.

I want a happy marriage.
Is there something wrong with that?

You want to...

have spent two decades
with a new wife.

You don't want to have a happy marriage.
You want to have had a happy marriage.


Tell me what went wrong with Heather.

- We weren't meant for each other.
- What does that mean?

We just fell out of love.

- When did that happen?
- She never loved me.

How do you fall out of
something that never was?

I don't know...

- All right, I don't, I don't know why...
- Why do you...

want to have been married to Katie, but
not actually have lived the years with her?

Because, if I don't live it,
I don't have a chance to screw it up.

I wanna have had a happy marriage.

I just think it'd be too much
of a risk to actually live it.

- Something might go wrong.
- Something might go wrong.

So what do I have to do?

To get that happy marriage.

- Is that what you want, Henry?
- Yes, that's what I want.

You will have to become
a servant to a higher power.

- What?
- You need to become a true believer.


Of one kind or another.

No, No, I don't do that.

That's the task.

No, God is a fool's crutch.
I stand on my own two feet.

The what are you doing here?

Well... I tried to do
what you asked me to do.

How'd it go?

It isn't easy,
trying to make someone cry

is not the kind of thing,
is not something I would do.

- Who would?
- I know.

So, I thought...

I'd make a little child cry.


It'll be easier... I thought.

And he'd get over it faster.

How did that go?

Well, I didn't want it to
be a child that I know...

so I went to a zoo, actually.

Well, there where children.
With balloons, of course.

Of course.

And I think...

I just have to grab one,
and run really fast,

if I don't want to get arrested

for stealing dome child's balloon.

So I see a boy.

He's trying to look
some lions, or something.

I rush over to him,

and I grab at the string
holding the balloon.

I yank at it.

And I don't see it's
tied around his wrist.

It looks like he's holding
it tight, and I yank again.

But he kicks me in the shin.

Now the boy's shouting to his parents.

I just let go of the string,
and I run, I just run.

In and out of the crowd,

And I smacked into a little girl

holding an ice cream cone.

I see the ice cream cone going "splat!"

over the pavement.

She looks like she's about to cry.

And I say:"No, no, no, don't cry".

But you wanted to make someone cry.

I know,
but i forgot, she looked so sad.

I see the ice cream man nearby,

I run over to him,

and I buy the ice cream
and bring it to her.

And she smiles.

You might not be cut out for this.

And security officers arrive
and escort me out from the zoo.

That didn't go well.

- Nice haul, as they say.
- Yeah, I guess, em...

Listen, em...

The building, the building, em, that I'm
trying to stop.

The construction permit
has been stalled.

The construction's delayed.

Good, that's good news, yeah?

- That's what you wanted, haven't you?
- Yeah, well, I'm just

That... Am I slowing it down,
is that because of all these thefts,

and the tasks
that I'm slowing it down?

Yeah, Paul.

When people do the deeds,
things start to happen

Things they want.

Toward their goal.

So it's not stopped?

Might be, might not be.

Some things happen all on their own.

If you accomplish all the tasks
you've been assigned,

that building will never be built.

Wait, then

If the construction is stopped,


these people might just pick up,

go all on their own?

They might.

The task you're doing,

guarantee it.

So, this haul...
Tell me about it.

Wait, wait.

What if I want more?

More of what?

Let's say I don't...

just want to stop

them from building that place.

Let's say I...

I want to stop all of them.

All of what?

Their faith, their...

Their whole thing.
Their entire religion.

- Their entire religion?
- Wipe it out.

I mean...

I stop them from building this one place,
what does that really get me, hm?

I can't be just thinking
about my grandkids.

It's time to stop all of it.

All... All of it?


Their books.

Their buildings, their history.

Their symbols, their faith.

Their god!



You want to eradicate their faith?


That's a...

It's a good word.

All of it.


So all of the believers gone.

It's conceivable.

What happened to me?

Hello, Melody.

What happened to me?


When I was dead.

I don't think that's possible, is it?

You went into the home of a m*rder*r.

You reported his activities to the police.

When they wouldn't take action,
you dragged him out on your own.

In the struggle you were
knocked unconscious...

Police arrested the man.

Really it was you, to tell you the truth.

Then you woke up in the hospital.

A mistake have had been made.

Your family, the world - everybody
thought you were dead.

- You weren't
- Do you know who she was?

- Who's that?
- The girl who died in my place.

- No one died in your place.
- I was buried.

- You remember this?
- I can feel it.

No, you can't.

My father won't look at me.
What did he do?

- What did he do for you?
- He didn't do anything for me.

Sarah McMillan, 17.

She went to the hospital
for a routine operation.

And died.

With my name on her clipboard.

And I was found alive in the morgue.


Mistakes happen.

She wasn't supposed to be dead yet.

And how do you know that?

- I wanna make a deal.
- No, you don't.

- You can't say no.
- I'm not saying no.

I'm asking you to go home.

My father won't talk to me.

And think... really think.

Given what you just said,

if you really want to make another deal?

I found a woman.

I'm pretty sure.

A few miles from my work.

It's a run down area.

In a doorway, sleeping bag,
blanket, backpack.

- You're certain she meets the requirements?
- I've watched her for several days.

What do you see, when you look at her?


So you think now you can proceed?


I thought I could.

Before she was an actual person.
But now...

I don't know what I was thinking.

That I could do that to someone.

So you're giving up?

No friends, no family...

It almost makes me feel
like it wouldn't be real.

No one would know.

Just this thing between the two of us.

And she'd have no one to tell.

But I would know.

What's her name?
Your daughter's name.

I thought you wrote
everything in that book?

You never told me.

- Yes I did.
- No, you didn't.

You showed me x-rays,

CAT scans,
told me where the problem is.

All I know is her damage.

I wanted to ask.

Could I choose something else?

Something else to want.

You could.

And I would get a different
thing to do, if I did that?

That's correct.

I want...

I want to accept
my daughter as she is.

Could we do that?

Can we make that my want?

Instead of fixing her?

Just loving her?

That would be up to you.

What would the task be for that?

To abandon your family for three
weeks without a word of warning.

So.. I wouldn't have to hurt anyone?

So that's a yes?


Please, yes
that's what I want.

If that's all I have to do,

I'll do it.


Why do I feel that I
recognize you from someplace?

Well sure, the other diner.


Before that.

I don't think so.

I think so.

Did you come alone?

Do you see anyone else?

Did you tell anyone about me?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Do they know I'm here?

Did you tell them?

I'm just here to talk.

If you found me...

- Why hiding at all?
- I don't know why...

I know who you are.

I didn't see it before.

I should've.

What is it you're looking for?

How hard was it to get that?

Are you asking for them?

Or for yourself?

You're changing.

If you insist.

I wanna know what that change is.

That's why you're here.


I could tell you things.


But you'll have to do something for me.

All right.

I want you to make a deal for me.

You want me to use the book?


On you?
