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01X12 - Cat's New Boyfriend

Posted: 10/11/10 19:10
by bunniefuu
Ah. - Ah.

Dany. - Hey.

You go to school here?

Yeah, you know I left Sherwood.

Right, but I just didn't know where I mean, isn't this school for like really talented kids

Eh, I did not mean.

No, no, keep talking. You are doing great.

Sorry. - It's, it's cool.

So when did you get into performing?

Oh, see, my sister's tongue got all big and swollen and Here I am.

So who's that?

Eh, this is Dave.

Hey. - What's up.

Why you talking to Tori?

He goes to my old school.



He was my boyfriend. - Girlfriend.

So why you dumped her?

Jade. - Can I guess? Cause I got a lot of guesses.

I am actually.. - You don't have to Tori broke up with me. - Oh.

And how did you celebrate?

Do you ever take a day off?

So, what you doing here?

Yeah, what are you doing here?

Well, I've kind of been dating this girl that you know, goes to And I as supposed to meet her...

Daniel - Babe.

This is the guy I've been telling you about. My boyfriend.


Daniel, these are my friend. Beck, Jade, and that's Tori.

Yeah, we've met.

Really? You know Daniel?

Oh, she knows Daniel. here I am, once again feeling lost but now and then I breath it in to let it go.

And you don't know where you are now.

What it would come to if only somebody would hear.

When you figure out how You're lost in the moment you disappear You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action.

You're never gonna fade, you'll be the main attraction.

Not a fantasy Just remember me, when it turns out right.

Cause you know that if you live in your imagination.

Tomorrow you'll be everybody's fascination.

In my victory, just remember me.

When I make it shine.

So, So.


How come everyone's being all weird?

I'll tell her. - No, you won't.

Cat. um, I used to go to sherwood with danny, before I came to school here.

Oh, so you guys were friends?

Yeah, they were good friends.

I, I am confused.

Danny and I used to date. - Uhh.

Hey, why don't we walk over to some other location?

Ok, wait, so you and Tori were like...

Girlfriend. - Boyfriend.


Please don't feel weird about this. - You really shouldn't.

I mean, we broke up a year ago.

Yeah, it's, it's been a year.

It's only been eleven months.

What difference does it make? - Forget it.

The point is, I'm totally cool with you guys dating.

And I'm totally cool that you two are friends.

Well, okay then. It's all happy.


I'm bored now.

I apologize for...


So how did you guys meet?

Hey, do you guys want to go...


I Ok...

Feel it.

Like a cloud. - It's like butter Yeah, I know.

Doesn't my foot feel sweet?

Totally. - Like a baby's butt, right?

Oh, bye.

Later guys.

Uh, why were they all feeling your foot?

I could explain it, but I'll just let the foot do the talking. Feel it.

What? - Feel my foot.

Feel the girl's foot, man.

Ok, but I don't see the whole big deal about...

Oh, smooth foot.

I know.


Man, that is some creamy foot.

How'd you get your foot to feel like that?

Fish. - Fish?

Tiny, little fish.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


You ready? - No! I don't understand this at all.

Ok, these are pooka fish from puerto iguazu, and they love the taste of dead human skin.

Man, get me outta this house.

How'd you get these?

I know a guy.

Who deals in foot fish? - Yes. now, when you put your feet in the t*nk, the fish will nibble off all the dead foot skin and calluses, leaving your feet insanely soft and supple.

Soft and supple.

Fifty bucks.

Seems expensive. - You want gross, crunchy feet? Cuz girls don't dig that.

Feels good right? - Yeah. It's like a million tiny kisses, on my feet! hey, can you pass the salt?

Why should I?

'Cuz my french fries aren't salty enough?

Sorry to put you to that trouble Guess who?

Eh, hehe.

Is it Beck?


I'm sitting right next to you.

Oh, yeah. hey, beck.

She's feeling my face.

Uh, no. no, it's me.


What are you doing here?

I had a half day. Thought I'd come visit you for lunch.

Well, this is so nice. Daniel gets to have lunch with his new girlfriend and his used girlfriend.

You know, you can try to make this awkward, but it's not gonna work, because unlike you, everyone at this table is mature.

And by the way, I dumped him, so hah!

Soooo, did you invite daniel to the kick-back?

Oh, my god, I forgot. - Kickback?

Once every semester, the school lets us have a saturday night party right here in the parking lot.

Live music, cheese fountain. - Cheese fountain?


Will you come? - Yeah, totally.

Tori, will you be at the kickback?

Yes, Jade. I will be.

Ooh! guess what I made? - Ah, what'd you make?


Wow. Sorry. Danny doesn't like brownies.

Everyone likes brownies.

Open. - Uh, yeah Wow.

These are really good.


He said cat's brownie is really good.

I made you brownies twice and you told me you didn't like brownies.

Yeah, but cat's are...


Different how? What do you mean, different? - Tori.

How was it.

I gotta go.

These are really good.

It's like a baby's butt.

I know.

You guys ever felt a foot that soft? - Never.

That is a quality foot.

All right. See you guys later. Have a good class.

Uh, how come all those people were rubbing on your foot?

See for yourself.

Uhh? - Feel it.

Come on.

Andre, come on. dang, man, that's smooth.


Yeah. How'd you get it so soft?

You wanna know? - Yeah.

You wanna know?


Andre? - Yeah!!

Y'all are serious?

Oh yeah.

Do it. - Do it.

Do it.

Yeah, boy.

Awesome, right?

Yeah. It's like my feet are getting million times kisses.

All right. Yeah, get 'em little fishy.

Chew them up. Whoo! All right.
Hey, sikowitz.


How are you enjoying your first hollywood arts kick-back?

It's really fun.

Would you like a sausage?

Uh, sure. okay.


Here's a nice fat one.

I'll just impale it with this stick.

Here you go. - Thanks.

What kind of sausage is this?


Just sausage.

You know.

Yeah, but what kind of meat does it made of?

Daniel ever spin you like that?

You wanna get slapped with a sausage?



Nice foot, dude.

Yeah, I know.

Doesn't my foot feel sweet?

Like a baby's butt, right?

Jade, Jade. You gotta come feel andre's foot.

Why would I wanna feel All right.

Dang, dude.

That's some soft footage.

That's what I said.

I mean really, let's be serious here.

That's a nice foot. - Right? I know.

Hey, Tori.

Hey, pretty thang. - Oh hush, Rex.

Uh, have you tried the hot cheese fountain?


They have a hot cheese fountain.


What the hairballs?

You got cheese in our hair!


Why did you do that?

I, I, I don't know. I, I just...

You see.

This is what happens when you mix teenagers and hot cheese.

I warned you.


Yo Tori.

We saw you run in here.

What's with all that stuff?

Sinjin and his friends are doing some play about a camping trip gone wrong.

Gone wrong? - They end up eating each other, I don't know Tori.


Yo Tori.



Come out to play.

Leave me alone.

What up with the hot cheese attack on cat?

And her boyfriend, Daniel.

I don't know.

I mean, I'm so not the jealous type. I've never ever done anything like that before.

But seeing my ex-boyfriend making out with cat, I guess I just--

I just lost it for a second and the next thing I knew, my hand was on the cheese-valve.


I have to go apologize to them.

You wanna go feel Andre's foot some more?



Hi. - Where's Cat?

Oh, she's still trying to get cheese out of her ear.


All right, listen.

I have no idea why I did that.

Were you jealous?

No. - 'Cuz it doesn't make sense for you to be jealous. You broke up with me.

I know.

It makes zero sense.

Guess it's just a dumb girl thing.

Like... wearing a skirt over jeans? - Yeah, what's up with that?

I mean, are you maybe still into me?


Not at all. And I love cat. She's like the sweetest thing ever and...

...I'm psyched you guys are going out.

I guess it's , it's just...


Cat. - Oh my god. Cat!

Hey, do either of you guys know what kind of meat sikowitz uses in this sausuage?

I asked him and he just started laughing like...


You sure this is safe?

We all did it.

Does it hurt? - Nope.


C'mon, if you want your feet to feel all baby soft.


I have left her 5 Voicemails and sent her 12 text messages.

Why won't cat talk to me?

'Cuz you squirted hot cheese in her ear.

And played smushy-face with her boyfriend.

Those things upset some girls.

You wanna try the pooka fish?

Ya got rice and soy sauce?

No. - Then no. okay, guys. do it.

Do it.

Doooo iiiit.


It feels good, right?

Yeah, it feels... - It's kind of like...

Like a million tiny fish kisses Yeeaaahhhh.


I just wanna talk to you!

No! No! Get away from me! No!

Whoa, stop it! no!

Got you. - Let go.

No! We have to go talk! - I don't wanna talk to you!

Cat! - I don't wanna get up!

C'mon cat! - Help, I need a teacher.

Please, teacher...

Hello, girls. Can you believe I scored tickets to hall and oates?

All right.

Here we go. - Oh, god. Tori.

This way. Almost there.

Will you stop this from happening?

Oh, it's okay. She enjoys this.

Let me out! - Cat.

This is kidnapping.

Or cat-napping.

Open the door.

I'm sorry.

And I'm not just saying I'm sorry, I'm really, really, seriously sorry.

You sprayed cheese on me and then kissed my boyfriend.


Yeah I did.

Why would you be mean to me?

I don't know.

Maybe I did still have a few tiny little feelings left for danny and maybe that's why I went a little crazy seeing you two being all mushy together.

You coulda just talked to me about it.

I know.

What I did was terrible and awful and immature and you have every right to be furious with me.

I swear, cat, if I were you, I'd just punch me right in the face Ow.



You just punch me in the face.

You said to.

I know, but that's just something people say...Oww!

Does it hurt?

A lot!

I think my nose may be broken.

Well, now I feel all bad.

Don't. I deserved it!

Feel better?

I think so.

I'm sorry.

Will you take me to a hospital now?


Thank you.

Was it broken?

Don't think so. Just bruised.

How this happened? On what?


Like a rock.


We should get you x-rayed.

Take a seat over there. - Thank you.


Oh my god! - What?

Wow, you all look awful.

What happened?

Ask your sister.


It seems they all have myroleticulitis, an infectious attack on the central nervous system that can be very dangerous Unless treated immediately.

How'd they get it?

I have no idea. It's very rare in America.

Have any of you recently gone swimming in the zingu river near puerto iguazu?


What? - Tell him.

Ok, I bought some illegal pooka fish from a guy in a van.

Pooka fish?

For feet smoothening?


Do you know how dangerous that is?

The saliva of the pooka fish is riddled with toxins and bacteria.

But feel our feet.

Yes, I realize that they can nibble away all of the Wow, they are very soft.

Nurses, feel these kids' feet.


Oh. ow, wow. that's nice. - That's like a baby's bottom.