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03x18 - 03x19 - iPsycho

Posted: 06/07/10 07:41
by bunniefuu
Little mayyyyyo...

Some mustarrrrrd...

Some turkey breastess, Slice of tomato, A little iceberg

Off the port bow.

Back off, jerk.

Carly, where's the fly-swatter?

I threw it away.


'cause it's not nice

To k*ll things.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I'm gonna k*ll you so hard.

What are you doing?


Just readin' the bible.

This pharaoh guy's

Really givin' moses a hard time.

You wanna rest there

For a minute, mister fly?

Okay, that's cool.

That's a comfy countertop, isn't it?

Don't mind me.

I'm not gonna k*ll you

With an umbrella or anything.

It's just that today's

Weather forecast

Calls for death.

Ah, dang it!

You made me break

The countertop.

What happened?

What was that noise?

I don't know.

I was reading this bible.

This is a mexican cookbook.

We can still learn from it.

How'd the counter get broken?

Some lady came and...

Flies like to die.

Hello. Can I in?

Okay, thanks.


Hey, what's up?

Guess what's in this box?





Corn dogs.



No, it's not food.

Then who cares?

What's in the box?

Oh, just some photos.

Of donuts?




It's just a funny pose.

It's a natural pose.

Of course, it is.

I do this all the time.

Don't you, carls?


I find it both natural

And not-stupid looking.

Say girls, how do your chins feel?

Mine's warm.

Mine's firm.

All right, enough.

Why do you have

A billion pictures of yourself?

Just a thousand...

And they're for me to autograph

At webicon.

Your mom's gonna let you

Come with me and sam?

My mom

Doesn't control me anymore.

Did she say you have to sit

By the emergency exit

On the train?


And text message her

Five times a day?




You know, I read that this year's webicon

Is gonna be twice

As big as last year's.

Another reason

I don't wanna go.

Oh, come on!

Everyone who's anyone

On the web is gonna be there.

Yeah but most of 'em

Are nerds and losers

And stubrags.

It's like

A benson family reunion.

You know, I'd be more offended

If I knew what a stubrag was.

She stuck her tongue in my ear!

Yeah, lucky you.

Aw, man!

I thought I k*lled you!


He's a fly.

Why shouldn't I try to...

It's on your...

I know.

Got him.

You didn't get him.

Oh no? Well look at...


<i>in 5, 4, 3, 2...</i>

Whatcha doin'?

Checking the icarly email.

Anything good?

Yeah, here's a fun one.

"hey, guys.

"i love watching icarly, "but my mom says sam

Is a bad role model."

Smart mom.

I know, right?

Hey, toss me my red thumb drive.


What are you doin'?

Pre-packing for webicon.

Don't you guys love

How travel-size bottles

Make you feel like a wiant?

Grrrr! Shampoo!

Grrrr! Mouthwash! Grrrrr!

Yeah, add that to the list.

Of what?

Reasons why you don't have

A lot of friends.

Oh, here's a v-mail

From a fan.

Play it.

How do I put it up

On the monitor?



Hello, icarly.

I mean, I doubt

You're really watching this

'cause you guys probably

Get a ga'jillion emails a day.

But if you are seeing this...

Icarly is my life.

I see a girlfriend

For freddie.

My name is nora dershlit.


It's not funny.


This friday is my 16th birthday.

And I heard that icarly's

Gonna be at webicon

This weekend, which is only 15 minutes

From my house, so I was wondering if you guys

Would come to my

Sweet 16 birthday party.

Will you delete this?

Don't be mean. Watch.

Last year when I turned 15, I had a party

But nobody showed up.

Anyways, I was thinking

If the icarly g*ng

Comes to my party, maybe other kids would come

Since you guys are all cool

And popular.

This is so sad.

Should we go?



I don't wanna go

To nora dershlit's

Lame birthday party.

That girl has a sad life.

So does freddie.

We can't fix the world.

It could be

A really fun party.

There's gonna be games...


And karaoke...


And a clown...

And a big

Chocolate fountain.

I say we go.

Aren't there professionals

That fix countertops?

Uh, excuse me, I'm a sculptor.

I think I can fix

A little broken countertop.

Ow, owie!

Just call a dude.

I am a dude.

A real dude.


Hey. Sam's mom here yet?

Nah, they're late

'cause she was bleaching

Her mustache.

Sam's gonna text me

When they drive up.

Are you sure

You don't wanna come to webicon

With us?

You know, I so would, but I so don't want to.

Hey look.

I typed up a complete itinerary

For our whole trip.

You're so your mother.

Don't be vicious. Okay.

The train gets into olympia

At 7:07.

We take a cab to nora's house, arriving there by 7:26, party 'till 7:45, then cab it back to the hotel

Getting there by 8:05, then we check in to our...

When do we go

To the bathroom?

That is up to your bladder.

Do girls have bladders?

No, we store pee in our feet.

Don't joke about urine!


Sam's here.

To webicon! All right.


What up, little weirdo?

Not much. Carly here?

Nah, she just left

With freddie and sam

For webicon.

You can catch 'em

If you hurry down...


I don't need to catch 'em.

I just wanted

To return this sleeping bag.

I don't need it anymore.

You should probably wash that.

Don't you need that for camp?


I just found out

I'm too old for camp.

Too old?

Yeah, once you turn 15, they won't let you go anymore.

Well, I know how you feel.

I remember when they said

I wasn't allowed to go

To camp anymore.

'cause you were too old?


So, if you can't go to camp, what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

Sit home. Take a bath.

Watch reruns

Of different strokes.


How would you like to go to camp

Right here in this apartment?

Whatchoo talkin'

'bout spencer?

I'm gonna call your mom

And tell her you can come

To camp spencer, right here

For the next few days.

What do you say to that?

I say dy-no-mite!

You watch a lot

Of classic tv.

What do you mean?


Looks like a rockin'

Sweet 16 party.

Can you improve

Your attitude?

Maybe...With some kind

Of medication

My mom can't afford.

No way! Icarly!

Happy birthday.


Feliz navidad.

I can't believe you guys

Really came.

I'm nora.

Hi. I'm carly, and this is...


I know who you guys are!

Enter! Enter!


You can put

Your bags there.

Here, okay.

Oh,all right.



So, where's everybody else?

I don't know.

I told everyone at my school

And local youth group

That I invited the icarly kids, but I guess they didn't think

You'd really come.

Well, maybe some of them

Will show up soon.

I don't know.


So, I see the clown's here.

Yay, a clown.

He's 87 years old

And his name is cramps.

Hey cramps, what's up?

Cramps. 'sup?

Oh, and here.

I'll put on some music.

Here's a tasty tape.


Oh... No...

Dance me.

Come in!

Hello fellow camper!

Oh hey, gib.

Where's your mom?

She dropped me off.

She didn't want to come up

And see me?


Okay. Whoa, nice lanyard.


I made it at camp last year.

Shut up!

True chiz!


So what's our first

Camp activity?

I was gonna plan

Some stuff, but then I got stuck working

On this countertop all day

And it's still not fixed.

No problem.

Let's fix

The countertop together, then start camp.

Who's awesome?


Poor clown.

We got a guy that 1099'd.

Careful going out.

Is cramps gonna be okay?


Uh, probably not.

Oh man.

Well, happy birthday.

Thank you.

Gee, nora.

I'm really sorry

Your clown had an aneurysm.

I'm sorry he had an aneurysm

While I was dancing with him.

This is the saddest thing

I've ever seen.

Poor nora.

What a horrible birthday.

Can we go?

Well, this one said

We were only gonna be here

20 minutes

And it's been an hour.

I wanna go to our hotel, order room service, and get ready

For webicon tomorrow.

It's her birthday

And she's sobbing

Into her fireplace.

Her clown had an aneurysm.

We can't just leave her here

All alone.

I wonder

Where her parents are.

Yo nora, where's your mom and dad?

They took a vacation

To stanker, wyoming.


You're their only kid, and it's your 16th birthday...

And they picked this week

To take a trip to stanker?

Well, they got a good deal

On the plane fare.

Usually round-trip tickets

To stanker are 300 bucks.

But they got a super-saver deal

For only 290.

They had to snatch

That opportunity.

If you just heard

A loud crack, that was my heart breaking.

Nora, we're really sorry

That this birthday

Isn't goin' so great.

It's okay.

I've had worse birthdays.

Dude, your parents abandoned you, nobody showed up to your party, and then your clown burped

And had an aneurysm.

No offense, but how could you

Have had a worse birthday?

Alright, I know what we can do.

Go to our hotel

And pretend this never happened?


Nora, you said you told

Every kid you know

We were coming here, but they didn't believe

We'd show up, right?

Okay, so let's do

A little icarly.


How are people gonna know

We're on?

We tweet.

No way!

You guys are gonna do

Icarly live from my house?



And then people will see

We really are here

And maybe they'll come.

Oh they will!

I just know they will!

This is so exciting!

I swear I could just...

I could just...

Oh, that's bile.

I think I'm gonna boot.


I don't mean to be rude, but I've been sittin' here

For two hours doing nothing.

I know. I'm sorry.

You said this would be

Like camp.

How long it's gonna take you

To fix that countertop?

It's done.

It is?

I just applied the lacquer.

Now, I test it by setting

This bottle right here

On the previously broken corner.

Nice work.


Time for camp?


I was thinkin' we could start


Maybe you should have waited

Longer for it to dry.


In 5, 4, 3, 2...

Oh, la la.

Oui, oui.

Okay, we know

This isn't our regular night.

We're irregular.

But don't freak out...

This is still icarly!

Now if you live in olympia...

And go to school at...

Ponderosa high school.

Ponderosa high school...

Then you may know

This chick!

Hello, peers.

I told you guys

Icarly might come.

And that's nora.

And it's her 16th birthday!

Wooo! 16!

Now, if nora invited you

To this wing-ding...

And you wanna meet

Sam, freddie, and me...

Then get your butts

Over here to nora's house.

You can meet my chicken, maurice.

So come on down

To nora's house, people.

Better hurry.

You already missed the clown.

You really gotta take

The whole countertop off?

Yeah, I told you...

I need to set it on its side

So I can epoxy the corner

Back on

And secure it with clamps

'till the epoxy dries.

And then we get to do

Camp stuff?

I promise.

Now c'mon and help me

Lift the counter off.

On "lift."

1, 2, 3, lift.

We did it!


Hi. Hello. Welcome.

Enter. Enter.

Shhhhh, icarly's happening.

And now...

Hey. Cleetus.

You wanna sip a'this here

Rut beer?


Well, hello there, young farm girl.

You're a cowboy.

Why, yes'm.

I surely am that.

How much did your

Sports car cost?

Uh, pardon me?

This sports car.

Was he expensive?

Oh, now missy...

Surely you must have taken

A handful of idjit pills, for this here ain't nary

A sports car.

Him's a chicken.

Does he have leather seats?

Uh, no ma'am.

He's made of feathers.

Does he come

With gps navigation?

What the...?!

Now listen here, she-dummy!

This here's the old west.

Ain't no gps nava-m'gation done

Been invented yet!

That's my chicken.

I love that new car smell.

I will thank you kindly

Not to sniff my chicken.

Come on, gib.

Just a few more feet.

Man, it's so heavy.

That's 'cause

It's made of granite.

Solid rock.

Heavy stuff.

Why couldn't we just fix

The old countertop?


Anyway, granite countertops

Are better.

They're real classy.

We never installed

Granite countertops at my camp.

I told you, as soon as we get this fixed, it's camp time.

Yeah, you tell me

A lot of things.

Okay, now, let's gently

Set this countertop

On top of the cabinet.

All right.

Watch your fingers.

Lift it, lift it.

Little more my way, careful.

Okay, back it up, back up.

Right in there, slide it.


That's a nice piece.


Now all I gotta do

Is take this drill and...

Don't cry, don't cry, come on.

I just wanna go to camp, man.

Hey guys, having fun.



I swear, nora, this may be the best party

Of the year.


Yeah. Thanks for inviting us.

No... Thank you for coming.

Excuse me.

You guys.

Oh, my gosh.

This is the best night

Of my life.

I bet.

That's really nice.

I'm so excited.

I could...

I could just...

Calm down, it's okay.

No need to vomit.

I'm okay.

I started to vomit

But then I swallowed it.

Hey, nora, you gotta come see this.

Oh, my gosh.

No one's ever asked me

To come see anything before.


Go see it.

I will. I'm gonna go see it.

C'mon. 1, 2, 3, 4, lift.

All right, to the left.

No, no, no, my left.


The other way.

You said left so i...

We hit the column.

I can fix that.

But it cracked the ceiling.

I know.

With a little spackle

I can just patch...

Yeah. This is just like camp.


See you at school.

Oh, it is so cool

That you got icarly

To come to your party.

Aren't they wonderful?


Hey, next weekend

A bunch of us girls

Are gonna get mani-pedis, you wanna come?

Oh yes.

I'd love to get both a mani

And a pedi with girls.




You rock, nora.

No, we all rock together.

Yeah, okay.

Yeah. Bye.



Thank you. Thank you.

Thanks for coming.

See you, guys. Bye-bye.

Thanks for coming.


Best night ever!

Thank you!


You're welcome.

But we're leaving now.

Oh, must you go?

Uh, yeah, we really need

To get to our hotel.

Uh, where's our luggage?

Oh, I put all your bags

Down in the basement

So no one would grope them.

Follow me.

All right.

Who gropes luggage?

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step.

This is a yatsabishi 256-track

Audio mixing board.

Cool, why don't you use it

To beam yourself to jupiter?

Is that necessary?

I could'a said uranus.

Why do you have this?

Oh, my dad's

In the jingle business.

Like, you know that fat cake

Commercial where they sing...

♪ I don't need nothin' ♪

♪ but a fat cake ♪

I love that jingle.

Your dad wrote that?


Recorded it right in there.

Go take a look.


I wanna see.



Whoa, cool.

Nice sound booth.


I'm sorry, carly, I couldn't hear you.

Again, please?

I said why'd you close

The door?

Because I can't let you leave.


What do you mean, you can't let us leave?

I mean that tonight

Was the first time in my life

I was ever popular.

You're angels

That were sent to me

To change my life.

I can't let my angels fly away.

Nora, we have to go.

Mmm-no, I can't let

That happen.

Okay, I'm calling spencer.

Looking for these?

Sam, stop.


You've been doing that

For hours.

It's not gonna break.

I gotta get outta here, man.

I feel like I'm back

In juvie.

Good morning, angels.

I trust you all slept well.


We did not sleep well.

Why not?

'cause I had a nightmare

That a psycho monster

Locked me in a cage

And wouldn't let me leave!

Well, that monster

Won't bother you anymore.

You're safely trapped

In my sound booth.

How could she not get

My metaphor?

You better let us outta here

Or I'll smash my way out!

Oh, silly sam.

You can't smash it.

That's maxi-glass.


It's a transparent

Polycarbonate thermoplastic

That's highly resistant to...


You were boring me.

Will you just please

Let us outta here?

Oh no.

Why not?

Because with you

As my friends, I'm finally popular.

I can't go back

To being a lonely nub, with only a chicken to talk to.

Y'know nora, if we don't show up

At webicon this morning, people are gonna know

Something's wrong.

Yeah, and they're gonna come

Lookin' for us.


I contacted webicon

This morning, said I was carly, and canceled your appearance.





When our families

Don't hear from us, they're gonna call the cops.

Yeah, the cops.

That's right.

Which is why I used

Your cell phone

To text message your families

And tell them

Everything's going just fine.

You did not.

Did too.

Here, I'll read you

Their responses.

Spencer texted back, "coolio. Have fun."

Freddie, your mother

Texted back, "remember to apply

Your ointment."

And sam's mother texted, "i finally popped that thing

On my back."

Wow, she's been squeezin'

That thing since christmas.


Hey, gibby, wake up!

Rise and shine, lil' camper!



So, you wanna hear the schedule

For camp spencer today?

Sure, read it.


We're gonna play some kickball, make some lanyards, do some archery, rewire a light fixture, cook some wieners...

You said

Rewire a light fixture.

Yeah. See I need to...

You promised we were done

With the home improvements.

We just have to fix

The stuff we already started.

See, when we knocked

The granite countertop

Into this column, we shorted out this switch

To the light over the island.


But I wanna do camp stuff.

We slept in a tent

Last night.

That's not a tent.

That's a bunch of garbage

And duct tape.

You slept like a bunny.

'cause I was exhausted

From helpin' you

With all your fix-it projects!

Look, we can

Stand around here arguing

About who usfd who

As a day laborer, or we can fix this stuff

And then start

Doing camp activities.

Okay...As long as you promise

That we'll...

I'll be in the garbage tent.

So, which photo of myself

Do you guys think I should use

On my splashface page?

Side-smile, or ponytail?

I dunno, nora.

The one on the left's cute, but the one on the right

Really captures

Your inner insanity.

You really think

This one makes me look cute?

Dude, if I don't get

Some food in the next hour, I'm gonna eat freddie.

Get her some food, nora.


I'll get you guys some food, if I can get a little something

From freddie.


A kiss.

No chance.


When she opens the door, we can beat her down

And get outta here.

Um, that room is filled

With microphones, and I don't want

To be beaten down.

So, I'll just kiss freddie

Through the glass.

Not happening.

Then no food for the icarlys.

Just put your lips

On the glass.

Are you serious?

I'm hungry.

Me too, but I'm not gonna just put

My lips up...

Come on.

Oh, no, sam. Oh, come on.

Pucker up.

Come and get it, nora.

Oh I will. I will get it.

No, no, no, no, no.

C'mon. Slide 'em around.

This is so romantic.

All the way.


I'm gettin' it.

Mom, what are you guys

Doin' here?

Your little brother

Misses you.

Oh, you do?

How's camp spencer?

I dunno.

Better than sittin' home, I guess.

Well, can guppy

Stay with you guys, just for tonight?


He really wants to play

With you.


Yay. You be sweet

And do everything

Your brother says, okay?

Yes, you can take off

Your shirt.

Whip it off, kid.

Bye, boys.

You don't wanna say

Hey to spencer?


Okay, gup.

Go wait over there.

I gotta hit the loo.

Gibby, I found

The measuring tape.

Who was at the door?

And what did they do to you?

Pretty decent chinese food, right?



It's all right.

I didn't order anything

With chicken

Out of respect for maurice.

It's pork!

This is so grand.

Just four pals and a chicken...


It's like that.

You've been gnawing

On that duck bone

For 10 minutes.

You're a duck bone.

We've got to get outta here.

But how?

Hey nora...

Yeah, what's up, carls?

Can I please have

Some hot mustard

For my egg roll?

Well, sure.

That's the kinda thing

Friends do for each other

So I'd be happy to.


Let us outta here!

Let us out! Let us out!

Ah! Ah! Release me!

Let us out.

Let us out.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

I gave you the hot mustard!

Nice try.

Yeah yeah.

Say guys!

I have some cool stuff

I want to show you all.

Wait here, okay?

Not that you have any choice.


What are you doing?

Pickin' this lock.

With a duck bone?

Yeah, I was chewin' on it

To make the end sharp.

Although I did enjoy the marrow.

I don't think you can pick

A lock with a duck bone.

I've picked locks with less.

We're out!


Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Well, that was a fine


I come down here all excited

To show you guys

My richard nixon mask

And my medieval hatchet, and I catch you

Trying to run away.

Oh, I can't stay mad

At you guys.

Sing with me.

♪ one hundred cartons of milk ♪

♪ on the wall ♪

♪ one hundred cartons of milk ♪

♪ you take one down ♪

♪ open the spout ♪

♪ drinkity-drink ♪

♪ till the milk runs out ♪

Sing it.

Here, I'll turn up my volume.

♪ ninety-nine cartons of milk ♪

♪ on the wall ♪

♪ ninety-nine cartons of milk ♪

♪ you take one down ♪

♪ open the spout ♪

♪ drinkity-drink ♪

♪ till the milk runs out ♪

Why did nora leave

The stupid microphone on?

Hey, friends!

Who missed me?

You left the mic on

With the volume up.

Your chicken blew

Our ear drums out!

Sorry, I was upstairs

Microwaving this food pocket.

You know my dad

Wrote their jingle.

Oh, I just burned the snot

Outta my mouth!

I forgot, you're supposed

To let a food pocket

Sit for two minutes

Before you eat it.


Y'know our friend gibby?


I've seen you guys

Humiliate him

On icarly many a'time.

Right, well, uh, see, tomorrow's his birthday, and we promised we'd send him

A special birthday video

From webicon.

We did?

Yes we did.

So, would it be okay

If we made a video

And sent it to him?

All right.

You can make a video

But no tricks.

I'll be watching

Your every move.

No tricks.

Where's your camera?


Freddie left his camera


Could you get it for us?

Okay. Back in a blintz.

Ah! Still hot! Man!

Jim gaffigan was right!

My palate is blistering.

Gibby's birthday

Was five months ago.

I know. I have a plan.

That's it, maurice!

When I get outta here

It's you, me, and a bottle of barbecue sauce!

Hey spencer.


Where'd he go?

Oh, a note.

"gibby and guppy."

Shirt down.

"went to buy supplies

"to fix kitchen.

"if you want breakfast, "there's food pockets

"in the freezer.

"after you microwave them, "be sure to wait two minutes

"before eating.

I cannot stress that enough."

Okay, gup...

You get the food pockets

Out of the freezer, I'm gonna check my email.

Hey! Happy birthday message

From carly, sam, and freddie!


Wait, it's not my birthday.

Happy birthday gibby!

Sorry we can't be with you

On your special day.

But at least you got

To spend the 4th of july

With us.

Yeah, we're always together

Every 4th of july.

Every fourth.


Every fourth.


And now, here's our birthday message

To you...

Which starts now.

Have the greatest birthday.

Go crazy.

Kiss your pretty girl.

Sorry, we're still trapped

At webicon.

Forgive us.

Have fun.

And please make sure

You save some cake for us.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!

You know

It's not my birthday.

There's somethin' suspicious

Goin' on.

Every fourth.


Every fourth.


Every fourth. Word.

Every fourth. Word.

Okay, sam, your turn.

Give me a noun.



Now freddie, you supply an adjective.


Oh, good one.

And carly, a verb.


Well, you've already used

Choke three times, but okay.

Oh, mad libs are endless fun.

Oh man.

Gup, check out what it says

If I play every fourth word.









"the crazy girl trapped us, please save us."

We gotta catch a train

To olympia!

Happy birthday.


Okay, just stay back

And let me do the talkin'.

Happy birthday!

Dude, you know

It's not my birthday.

They just sent me that message

To let me know that...

May I help you?

Yeah. My name is gibby.

Oh yes.

I recognize you

From your appearances

On icarly.


The show's a lotta fun.

Anyway, I was wonderin'.

Do you have carly, sam, and freddie trapped here?

No. Good day.


Are you sure they're not here?


There's no one in my basement.

I didn't say anything

About your basement.

No one sees the wizard.

Okay. No problem.

I'll just...Go away.

Get outta my house!

Where are my friends?!

Happy birthday!

Why is nora screaming?

Where are my friends?!

Is that gibby?!

Gibby! Gibby!

Gibby! Gibby! Gibby!

Gibby! Gibby!

Go gibby!

Gibby! Gibby! Gibby!

It is gibby!

Get her, gib!

Kick her butt, gibby!


Gibby, come on gibby.

Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Punchy freak!

Kick her butt, gibby.

Help me, maurice!!

Come on.

Gibby, come on, please.

Get up. Get up, gibby.

Get up, get up, get up.

Get up. Gibby. Come on. Gibby.

Come on, gibby.

Take her down...

That's right. Do it.

Do what she did to you.

Take her down.

You can take her.

Come on. You can do it.

Come on. Yeah. Yeah.

Gibby, come on. Get up.

You can do it. You can do it.

It's guppy.

Why is gibby's little

Brother here?

I dunno!

Guppy... Guppy, come here...

Bring those over here.

Guppy, come here, come here, come here...

On the hole right there.

Come on.

Great job, buddy.


Gibby get up!

It's fine, it's fine.

How'd you get out?!

Come here.

Let me go!

This is not how friends behave!

Oh... Getting... Sleepy...


Good to see ya, gib.

Happy birthday!

Thanks buddy.

Oh, gibby.

You did it.

I can't believe

You were able to...

The champion is gibby.

Now this feels like camp.


Hey, you really did

A nice job

Fixing the countertop.

Easy, sarcastic.

I've already booked a dude

To come fix everything.


So this nora girl, what she look like?


Why's she sleeping

On the floor?

She's unconscious.

You did the vulcan

Squeezy thing?

What's that on her stomach?

A chicken.

Maybe we shouldn't have

Called the cops on nora.

She kidnapped us.

But she just wanted friends.

She bought us chinese food.

She'll have plenty

Of friends in prison.

Yeah, but those aren't

Quality friends.

Good idea.

You guys wanna sing a camp song?


Yeah, why not?


Oh, I got one!

♪ one hundred cartons of milk ♪
♪ on the wall ♪
♪ one hundred cartons ♪
♪ of milk ♪
♪ you take one down ♪
♪ open the spout ♪
♪ drinkity-drink ♪