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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 09/20/23 06:20
by bunniefuu
An adrenaline pen.

Who knows what this is?
- A needle.

- They might sting, but needles are good for you.

Poppy made us have needles.

You said everybody had to have their needles.

What happened? Poppy thought she was helping by giving kids needles.

It was a misunderstanding.

- Of what?
- Possibly something I said.

Pilkington Mergers and Acquisitions? He wants to buy our pub.

Keep it, e're not selling.

That was a really low thing you did.

You used it to get information out of me.

You're a traitor.

Lucy called, She said you found our son.

What was she like, my birth mum? Bel? Smart, successful, terrifying.

Do you regret it giving him up? It's just, it'd be nice to know that I'm not the only one who sometimes wishes that we kept him.

I just wanted to see that he turned out okay.

- What's this?
- I had the cheque traced.

What if I don't want to find him? It's not just about you.

I know where Ned is.

Wanna go find him? Are you all right, Dad? You seem a little edgy.

No edge.

I'm good.

Be back in five hours.

An hour and a half each way.

A couple of hours talking to Ned.

If I was Belle, I'd want a few more than a couple of hours.

She hasn't seen Ned since she gave birth to him.

All right.

Three hours max.

- You bought a sports car? No.

I just rented it.

Maybe I should buy it.

Come on, Curly.

Back by five.

Drive safely, Mum.


(TYRES SQUEAL) Whose idea was this? It was mine.

(FUNKY MUSIC PLAYS) (SIGHS) Why didn't you go before we left? I didn't need to go before we left.

Come on.

I'm on a schedule.

Hey, do they still sell apples off the backs of trucks along here? I don't know.

How about I drive? No, you can't.

Your name is not on the contract.

Hop in.

You know, if you didn't drink so much water, you wouldn't have to wee so much.

Yeah? But I've got the liver of a 20

Put the headlights on.

Why? Don't you trust the sun? It's a long
-distance drive.

It's for safety.

Oh, guess what I found? (SUMMER LOVE BY SHERBET PLAYS) Remember, you used to sing this to me? (GROANS) No.

RADIO: Summer love is like no other love Ooh, yeah Summer love is like no other love
- Did Lewis get away with her?
- Oh, yeah.

Look, Belle and Lewis just need to deal with their past.

You know, all that guilt and regret that's built up over the years it's like a big boil, and they need to lance it.

Come on, kids.

We're running late.

- What's the matter?
- My shoes are too small.

You've only had them for a month.

Come on, give us a look.

There's heaps of room in there.

- He wants new runners, cool ones.

- They're on sale.

Take a look.

Oh, you got the brochure.

How convenient.

They're how much? They're cheaper if you buy two pairs.


I'm sure.

Come on.

Since when do you need the budget of a small island nation to buy school shoes? A lot of small island nations are broke, mate.

Yeah, because all the kids want runners made by designers.

Hey, boys, back to business.

Quiz Night.

Kane, I'll clear the lines and tap the kegs, if you pick up the prizes.

- Has Lewis written the questions?
- Covered.

I'll write them.

They're not all about sport, are they? It's a sports quiz.

Dickhead alert.

All on board for Lily's party this afternoon? Yeah, yeah.

Stella's really excited.

Hey, you do party entertainment, yeah? Super K.

Er, yeah.

Is there any chance that you'd be available this afternoon? It's just that my clown dropped out.

- We've got stuff to do at the pub.

- Oh, it'll only be for an hour.

- Well
- No.

We're a man down, so So, this pub of yours is a four
-man democracy as long as everyone does what you say? That's interesting business.

And we're minding it.

You wanna mind yours? Never made captain in your playing days, did ya?
- You're paying cash, right? Er, yeah.

Yeah, we are.

I need the money, OK? Mark's got a second business.

Lewis can piss off without notice, and I try to take one gig.

- It's not any gig, though, is it?
- You don't like Will.

I get that.

I just don't trust him.

- He conned us out of two grand, mate.

- You don't know that.

He already used you once to get information about this place, so he can buy it.

Well, then, I won't talk about the pub.

No conversations about the pub.

- Hey, how big is the party?
- Most of the class are going.

Well, how come Poppy didn't get invited? The boys say anything about Poppy not getting invited to things?
- Nup.

- Were they invited? Yeah.

They're looking forward to it.

Isn't that right, Super K? Hey, what's the big deal? Will can make as many offers as he likes.

We just gotta say no.

Yeah, well, have you ever heard the expression, 'divide and conquer'? Have you ever heard of Kane's Pies? That's my first business I had to give up to help run this place.

Does it hurt that you never got the captaincy?
- Oh, that's really funny.

- No.

I'm joking.

- You all right, mate?
- I don't think so.

I can't believe you've sprained it again.

I can.

Well, it's only gonna get better if you keep the knee immobile, and starting next week, you're doing the strengthening exercises.

I've been doing the exercises.

Yeah, once a month doesn't count, and stop being paranoid.


Just because you had no friends at school doesn't mean she'll be unpopular too.

- I had friends at school.

- (CHUCKLES) I just didn't s*ab them with adrenaline pens.

Do you think that's why she wasn't invited to the party? Well, it did cross my mind.

What are you doing? I gotta do the BAS statement for the pub.

Pass me the receipts.

Oh, and the waste paper bin too.

Anything else before I leave? It's an invite to Will's daughter's party.

Why wouldn't she tell us? You sure it's the right address? Yeah.

Giddy Up Enterprises.

6 East Bourne Crescent.

This is it.


It doesn't look much like a business.


This is just where the business is registered.

His actual business happens all over the place.

Yeah, well, nobody's home.

Well, we could ask some neighbours if they'd seen him.

- Belle, where are you going?
- I need to pee.

What, again? You can't pee in the yard.

Yeah? Thanks for that.

Hello? Hello? Is anyone home? Is this how you want to be introduced to Ned? "Hi, I'm your mother.

Can I use your loo?" Why not? Ooh.

Door's open.

- You can't go in, Belle.

- You're the one in a hurry.

- Belle.

- Ned? Hello? Belle, there'll be a loo at the pub in town.

Well, there's one just here.

- Hey!
- (DOG BARKS) Hey! Hey! Come back here! Hey, Belle! Get out here now! What the hell is going on?
- We let the dog out.

It's gone!
- What do you mean 'we'?
- I didn't even know there was a dog.

- Come on! Oh, oh, what are you gonna do? I'm gonna drive around till we find it.

Give me the keys.

No, you're not driving.

I told you that before.

You're not allowed.

You drive.

Just go that way.

Stop yelling at me.

Why does everything have to be so bloody complicated with you? What are you talking about? You're the one that lost the dog.

(TYRES SQUEAL) Phoebe said she'd call.

She never calls.

She just rang.

That was a text, and when I do speak to her, she's really happy.

Isn't that a good thing? I'd feel better if she sounded a bit lonely.

One month out on the road with that rock star dude.

It's a love story waiting to happen.

Doesn't what's
-face have a girlfriend? So what? Phoebe's beautiful.

It's like Mr Crabb hanging out with the first Mrs Crabb.

- You must be a bit jealous.

- How's it going?
- Yeah, good.

What's the name of the account the bank gave you? You know, where the cheque was deposited.

Er, Giddy Up Enterprises.


Can you check that address for me? I'm at work, Lewis.

Oh, right.


- Yeah.

Listen, are you lost?
- No, no.

I just wanna make sure I got the right place.

- GEMMA: Have you only just got there?
- No.

Well, kind of.

Nobody's seen this bloody dog.

What dog? That girl there is a drug addict.

She's looking for a free fix.

She says she's got pain in her stomach.

She's bunging it on.

Give her two paracetamol, and send her home.

- Now what's going on?
- I'm just (CAR HORN HONKS) I'm gonna be a bit later than I thought getting back.


Yeah, I gotta go.



- You broke into a stranger's house.

- BELLE: Ned's not a stranger.

- He's our son.

- I don't think it's his house.


How fast were you going? Shut up, Lewis.

At least you know you're alive.

Oh, sorry, Officer, if I was going a bit fast.

You know, these triple carbie's accelerator linkage can get a little bit twitchy.

Did you enter a house in East Bourne Crescent a half
-hour ago? Oh, erm maybe.

- He's practically still a puppy.

- LEWIS: Yeah.

He's an excitable little fella, isn't he? You waltzed into my house and let my dog out.

- I have an incompetent bladder.

- What? We've been looking for the dog.

And we will keep on looking all day, if that's what's required.


I mean, well, we have to call it quits, at some point.

Who are you, people? We're looking for Ned Hogarth.

We're his parents.

I knew Ned's parents.

You're not them.

We're his birth parents.

Yeah, see, I gave him this cheque for $10,000 Ned gave me that money.

You're not getting it.

No, I don't I don't want the money.

- Is this Ned's house?
- It's my house.

You want us to pursue this and press charges? (SIGHS) No.

I'm sorry.

Are you Ned's partner or?
- Sometimes.

- We'd really like to talk to Ned.

I have no idea where he is.

He went back to the city.

Do you know when he'll be back? Sooner or later, I guess.

Well, erm, when you do see Ned, could you please give him that? If you wanna come with us, we're gonna go Just go away.

(POIGNANT MUSIC PLAYS) So, why don't we put them down on this side, and then it looks nice and even? Isn't that lovely? No, no, no.

Wait till everyone gets here.

You can open them all up together, yeah? Why don't you help the girls put up the streamers? Wow.

Look at you.

This is strictly business, yeah? When a man turns up wearing his underpants on the outside of his clothes, what else could it be? We're not talking about the pub.

This afternoon, no conversations about the pub, OK? Your call.

What do you want to talk about?
- The weather?
- Too personal.

- How about kissing?
- Definitely not.


You're really narrowing down the field.

Did you bring a list? Let's talk about Lily.

What kind of games does she like? Whatever makes her the centre of attention.

I can manage that.

Hey are you sure that you don't want to talk about kissing, cos I got a feeling, just quietly, that you might be an expert in the subject.

I better go get set up.

Hey, Kane.

What's the pub's monthly turnover? I'm kidding.

I'm kidding.

I'm kidding.




Erm, sweetie, I found Lily's party invitation at home.

Why didn't you tell us you're invited? I forgot.

I was wondering if she'd have to spend the night.

So sorry.

Mark sprained his knee, and That is a beautiful necklace.

I'm pleased I caught you.

I need a statutory declaration from you about last week, explaining how the children were left unsupervised, because you insisted on having a discussion with me in class time.

Of course.

I'm so sorry this is dragging on.

Me too.

Did you know that there is a sports quiz on at the pub tonight?
- No, I didn't.

- Oh, you should come.

- There's still tickets for sale.

- What a shame, I lost my purse.

Well, er, we can always go to Lily's party now.

I think it's just starting.

I feel sick.

(COUGHS) Poppy loves parties.

She wouldn't forget if she was invited to one.

- She doesn't have a temperature.

- I'm thirsty.

(COUGHS) That's a nasty cough, darling.

It's a pity.

It's gonna be a fun party.

Super K is gonna be there.

Super K is lame.

Don't be rude about your uncle.

And since when do you use the word 'lame'?
- Whatevs.

- Or 'whatevs'? All of your friends are gonna be there.

They're not my friends! Is anyone being mean to you at school? Yes.

Well, what are they doing, sweetheart? What are they saying? Maybe you should hang out with Stella I'm not going! You can't make me!
- Hey.

- Hi.

Does Lily like Lego?
- Yeah, yeah.

I think she does.

- Good.


She'll love this.

Poppy picked it out herself, cos Poppy really likes Lily, and all the kids in her class, actually.

- Yeah, it's the Great Pyramid of Giza.

- Oh, wow.

Thank you.

And we even got some dead Egyptian slaves you can just pop inside.

Oh, great.

Well, thank you.

And, hey, it's a shame that Poppy's not feeling well.


She'll bounce back.

Hey, Will, is everything OK about last week with the whole adrenaline pen? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Don't worry about it.

Yeah, it's fine.

- And thank you for the present.

- Are you sure? Yeah.

- MAN: Hey.

- OK.

- Poppy made it, after all.

- No.

She's at home, sick, sort of.


So, why are you here? I'm delivering the present.


Hey, erm, the boys reckon Poppy's not speaking to them anymore because she's got new friends.

What new friends? KANE: OK, kids.

Time for a break.

Everyone, go to the table.

Grab a drink.

Grab something to eat.

- I'm heading back to the pub.

- Oh, cool.

Hey, I'll see you tonight.

You coming? With you hosting, why wouldn't I be there? Weighing up Justin is like sh**ting fish in a barrel.


Justin another subject off the list.

He was never on it.

All right, kids, break's over.

Time to go get some bad guys.

- You can't defeat me!
- (KIDS LAUGH) I have other friends with superpowers that will come and rescue us.

You're not counting on me, are you? My only superpowers are wiggling my ears.


Now you all have to go and hide.

When I break out of these binds, the first two of you we find will have the same thing done to them! Now go! (KIDS LAUGH) Is this a standard game or were you saving it just for me?
- Standard.

- I'm crushed.

- How long do we sit here for?
- A couple of minutes.

Have you always known that you're? A superhero? Or did you jump the fence after Stella was born? Stella is my ex's niece.

It's pretty complicated.

But, yeah, I've always known.

So, how did Lily come along? Lily was an arrangement with a very good friend of mine, whose biological clock was ticking, and then after Lily was born, she got lucky, met the man of her dreams, so lucky her.

- So, you share custody?
- Yeah, yeah.

It's a really good arrangement.

Hey, I hate to break it to you, but we just had a conversation.

OK! Here, I come! Ready or not! All right.

I wrote that letter, hoping it would never be needed.

That I'd just be able to tell Ned everything.

You think he's gonna see it now? Now that we've lost that dog? Probably not.

What did it say? Just that I never stopped thinking about him.

Did you? (SIGHS) Let's just admit it, Lewis.

The whole idea of putting all our thoughts of Ned in a box, and pretending he wasn't there was crazy.

Every now and again, I'd see someone in the street I'd wonder if it was him, but You had plenty of other distractions.

Hey, hey, that's the dog!
- Where?
- There!
- Hey! Hey!
- Run, Lewis!
- Don't let him cross the road!
- (STAMMERS) (CAR HORN HONKS) (SCREECHING) Tell us about these new friends you've got.

They're cool.

- Do we know any of them?
- Don't think so.

Well, as you get older, you will make new friends.

That's good.

It's what life's all about.

Yeah, that doesn't mean your other friends are not your friends anymore.

- Yeah.

You just get a wider circle.

- It's like a jar that never fills up.

A jar of best friends? Well, not everyone could be your best friend.

And best friends change.

But you don't wanna change them too much.

- No.

You don't wanna be fickle.

- Yeah.

Commitment's important.

A friend in need is a friend, indeed.

Where are we now? If you would like to invite one of your new friends over for a play, that is fine.

- Can Sylvie come over?
- Sure.

- Yes.

- Yay! I'll tell her.

OK, well, If you just give me her parent's phone number, I'll I'll give them a call.

- What are you doing, sweetie?
- Sylvie's on Facechat.

I downloaded the app.

(MOUTHS) We were gonna leave, but then we saw her dog again, and we sort of chased it into an oncoming car, and he broke his leg, so we're at the vet now.

Back up a bit.

Why is the dog your responsibility? Well, it ran out of the house when we got there.

- So, the door was open.

- Yeah.

GEMMA: Yeah.

So, how is that your fault, then?
- Lewis?
- Yeah, I'm here.

Why do I feel like I'm not getting the full story? Gemma, I don't think I'm gonna get back for the start of the quiz.

Well, how long will you be? Not too long.

I just got a couple of loose ends to tie up.

What loose ends? I'll call you when I'm leaving.

- See ya.

- What loose ends? You'll be all right.

Doctor's coming.

Acute appendicitis.

She needed more than paracetamol.

We are both very sorry.

You've been saying that a lot today.

This is Sam.

- Hey.

- Hey, Sam.

Tizz is your dog, isn't he? Don't you worry, cos the vet's looking after him.

When he comes out, he's gonna be as right as rain, OK? OK.

Is he Ned's? Yeah.

Mum, Tizz's ball! Quick, we forgot it! We'll get it later.

Let me speak to the vet, sweetie.

I could get Tizz's ball.

I know how to get inside.

Erm, it's a rubber ball, next to his food bowl in the backroom.


We have a grandson.

(POIGNANT MUSIC PLAYS) Looby lost her purse, so I bought her a new one.

What do you think? Is there a forgiveness for sale?
- It's gotta be worth a sh*t.

- Yes?
- Poppy here?
- Yes.

How can I help you?
- I'm Sylvie.

Hi, Sylvie! Nice to meet you.

Poppy's in her roo I know where it is.

(SOFTLY) Did you see that?
- (WHISPERS) I can't hear anything.

- What are they doing in there? (SOFTLY) Poppy is hanging out with pubescent girls.

Rude ones.

How did this happen without us noticing? Look, it didn't.

We've noticed.

The door's closed.

Are we happy about that?
- How cool is that?
- Cool.

- What are you watching?
- (ROCK MUSIC PLAYS) Poppy, I asked you a question.

- What are you watching?
- Just some randoms.

Doing what? Getting drunk, falling over and stuff.


Well, can you turn that off, please?
- Shut up.

It's mine.

- OK.

You can go right now.


(DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES) How long have you and Sylvie been friends? I'm friends with her g*ng.

She's in Year 5.

How did you become friends? She says I should inject Ms Looby with ink.

- What?
- Duh.

I didn't do it.

Are you saying that Sylvie and her friends think you're cool because of the incident with the adrenaline pen?
- Yep.

- Well, here's what I think.

You can't be friends with that girl anymore, understand? I'll play with her at school.

You can't stop me.


You know, when I was a little girl, I begged my parents for a dog, but they wouldn't give me one.

SAM: Why not? Because my father was allergic.

It would make him sneeze.

But then my grandmother bought a dog, so I could go to her place, and play with it, instead.

I don't have a grandma.


Well, you do have a very nice dog, and he's gonna be just fine, so that's something to be happy about, isn't it? Yeah.

- Thank you for paying the bill.

- Oh, it's the least we could do.

We're ready.

- Bye, Sam!
- See ya.

- He really is a gorgeous kid.

- Yeah, he is.

Must be tough on your own.

We manage.

Listen, if you ever need anything, please
- I don't want your charity.

- Oh, it wouldn't be.


I think what Belle means is it'd be nice to stay in touch.

I don't think so.

(CAR ENGINE STARTS) There goes our grandson.

Well, he's not really 'ours ours'.

Well, that's easy for you to say.

You've already got one.

I need to go for a walk.

(SOMBRE MUSIC PLAYS) What's happening?
- The girl with the appendix.

- Was she all right? Yeah, she's OK, but she complained about me sending her home with appendicitis.

Ryan, I'm so sorry.

I hope you told Gerry it was my idea.

- No, but
- I will tell him.

Don't worry.

I'm only a trainee, OK? I'm allowed to make those mistakes.

You don't have to take the blame.

I'll sort it out.


The patient's OK.

And I don't want you to tell him, because the other nurses, they look up to you.

They'll be really disappointed.

I don't know what's wrong with you today.

- Hey, Gemma.

- I'm not Gemma.

I'm Lewis, at least till he gets here.

- And when will that be?
- Well, your guess is as good as mine.

Didn't Dad say he'd be back by five? Yes, he did.

You took the afternoon off work.

I didn't expect to see you here.

Yeah, well, I wasn't gonna hang at home, thinking about nothing.

Er, give me a job.

That's what we want to hear, she a big team player.

Hey, that gig got me two pairs of shoes.

Just set up some tables.

That'd be great.


Did I miss something? Oh, he's just annoyed cos I took a Super K gig at Will's daughter's birthday.


Partying with the enemy.

It's ridiculous.

I shouldn't even need Justin's bloody forgiveness.

I don't understand what's the big deal.

You did the gig.

You've got the shoes.


Well, it's not like you and Will are gonna be best friends.

We might.

He kissed me.

I didn't know Will liked boys.

Oh, he does.

This one, in particular.


Well, good for you.

The thing is last time I was single, I was in my 20s.

There was no responsibility.

I could jump into bed with anyone, and no
-one got hurt.

Now I've got two kids and three business partners.

- So five kids.

- There were no rules back then.

Now I don't even know what the rules are.

I don't know what to do.

Well, just don't do anything, unless you want to.

Do you ever wonder how we'd have ended up, if we'd stayed together? We would've torn each other apart.


I will say this, though.

The day I found out I was pregnant with Ned, I was really happy.

So was I.

Neither of us thought we were gonna make it.

I don't blame you for giving up, Ned.

I blame us.

(CAR DOOR OPENS) (ENGINE SPLUTTERS) I do blame you for leaving on the lights.

Recapping the questions in this round, name three runners who'd won Olympic gold medals in the men's 100m.

Name three runners who won Olympic gold
- Good enough to eat.

- Why are you here? I promised Justin I'd be here.

I'm a man of my word.

My address.

What time do you finish? You're confident.

Isn't it time that you stopped letting a guy like Justin tell you who you can hang out with? This has nothing to do with Justin.

There's about a hundred reasons why you and I shouldn't be together.

Name three.

Well, firstly, I don't think I'm ready.

- I should go.

- No.

You stay.

I've got more reasons.

I should disappear.

My ex just got here.

We had a really messy break

I'll, erm I'll see you around, yeah? JUSTIN: Ashes series between Australia and England? You've got three minutes to review your answers, and bring 'em up, and put them in the box, thank you.

- You're not gonna make it, are you?
- We got a flat battery.


I've been trying to find somebody with jumper leads, but this place is a bloody ghost town.

And where are you gonna stay tonight? Well, I don't know.

There's one hotel in town that's booked out.


You know what? It's getting busy here, so I gotta go.

How'd that go? Belle, I gotta get back.

Maybe there's a bus we can catch.

I'm not leaving this car out here, in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sleeping in the car.

You can do what you want.

(TENSE MUSIC PLAYS) Oh! Was that yours? I'll buy you another one.


Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention, I think it's time we got this party started, so how about three drinks for the price of one?
- Whoo! sh*t.

No, no, no, no, no.

Guys, sorry, sorry.

The deal's off.

Yeah, it was never on, OK? Sorry.

What the hell do you think you're doing? We can't afford to give away free drinks.


Everyone's having fun.

All right, fun time's over, OK? Oh, muchas gracias, amigo.

He is no fun.

Well, I think we've all had enough fun for tonight.

- How about I drive you home?
- Oh, thank you.

I'm fine.

I'm gonna stay.

Excuse me.

Just let me through here, fellas.

What is with her? I wonder if Dad made it back.

You know what? And you listen to me.

There are no rules in relationships.

So, you just jump on Will when you get the chance.



Appreciate it.

At least one of us got some sleep last night.



(BICYCLE BELL RINGS) Poppy, breakfast now, please! Here we go.

Now promise you consult with me before taking on your sister as a role model, OK? Hey, do you want some toast? I was just making Poppy's bed.

This was under it.

Ms Looby's purse.

- The one she lost.

- How did it get there? Poppy is so sorry.

But now that we know who the bad influence is, we can, you know, get her back on track, not that it's the older girl's fault, at all.

We always try to teach Poppy personal responsibility, and she is very sorry, as am I and Mark.

We're all sorry.

This is yours, and I also bought you another one, in case you lose it again.

I can't accept that.

Of course.

Oh, and I also brought the stat dec for you, that little incident which we can all now put behind us.

We have spoken to Poppy about this being completely unacceptable, and it will be an ongoing discussion.

I'm suspending your daughter.

LEWIS: How many apples does one woman need? I like apples.

They're the best fruit.

Oh, you'll be eating nothing but apples for a week, and water.

You should try it sometime.

Does wonders for your complexion.

Just, erm, put them wherever.

I'll sort them out.

(SIGHS) That didn't turn out how I expected.

Not all bad, I suppose.


It wasn't all bad.


I'm sorry we didn't find our son.

But it's his loss.

He should be proud of you wherever he is.

- Wait.

My Belle, my chest.

- What?
- What?
- My chest! Oh, God.


(GROANS) All right, stay there.

Lewis, I'm getting someone.

- No.

Belle, Belle.

- Lewis.

- Just
- Let's get you in.

- Come on.

- Belle, you can't come in.

- What are you talking about?
- Just let me handle it.



Yep, that was the word she used.


Let's not panic.

We can fix this.


I'll see you at home.


Abi, I think I'm having a heart att*ck.

(WHISPERS BY PASSENGER PLAYS) ABI: We need some help here! SONG: I should know by now Well, I'll wait in line So I can wait some more
- Till I can't remember What I came here for
- But I can't leave now
- (MOBILE PHONE CONTINUES RINGING) Cos I've a light that shines And a love so pure But I don't know what to use them for I should know by now.