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01x03 - Run Silent, Run Deep

Posted: 09/19/23 17:11
by bunniefuu


[Melchiorri] Well done, Mr. Tazaki.

[Rybrant] Thanks to you,

we were able to acquire the first group
of valuable biological samples.

With these, we can conduct an analysis
of how the Kaiju are connected.

[Tazaki] The orylium on-board the ship,
was that found in the body of the Kaiju?

That matter is still under investigation.

Orylium, the biological samples of Kaiju,

and the children
who came into contact with them.

So then, everything goes
to the excavation site at Yonaguni island.

- Getting them there safely are mission?
- [Melchiorri] You're absolutely right.

- [ship bell ringing]
- [foghorn blaring]

[Emiko] With this high-speed ship,
we'll be there in two days.

[Tazaki] You know one thing
I've always hated? Boats.

But it's a luxury
compared to the Alaska trip last year.

Must be tough to work
for the Foundation's Science Unit.

[chuckles] Well, at least
it satisfies my endless curiosity.

I'll bet she had a cozy childhood.

[kids laughing]


Although that's not bad
if I'm being honest.

[Boco] Woah!

[Joe] It's so fast!

- [Brody] This is so cool!
- [laughter]

- [Emiko giggles] Having fun?
- Uh?

[Emiko] Don't get too excited
or you'll get seasick!

[sighs] I haven't sunbathed
in such a long time!


[playful music]

Oh, whoa.

Well, hello to you...

Doesn't she know
that UV rays damage your skin?

She's some biologist, huh?



[captain] Can't we go any faster?

- [man] This is our limit!
- [captain] Christ.

Where the hell's the navy?!


- [intense music playing]
- [passengers screaming]


- [glass shattering]
- [screaming continues]


[intense music continues]



[intense music continues]


[energy blast]

[intense music builds]

[creature grunts]

[theme music playing]


[playful music]



[Boco] Are you okay, Joe?

Did they say...


...two days on this ship? [grunts]

I should've just said no. [exhales]

[Junichi] Woah!
I am so excited to be here!

There are so many kinds of radomes!

That one on the deck of the research unit?
That's a Doppler Radar!

So, is Junichi always so excited by tech?

More or less.

Junichi was excited
before we even got on the ship.

[gasping excitedly]


On a ship?
And we're staying for two weeks?

We were going to do
the examination at this location, but...

But I don't know.

I mean, it is summer vacation.

Two weeks on the ocean?

- I'll go!
- What?

We get to experience a Eustace Foundation
state-of-the-art high-tech vessel!

You guys, this really is
the perfect chance of a lifetime!

Oh, and of course you'll go too, right?

I'm not sure I can.

My dad would say no.

Yeah, my mom would say no too.

I think I can manage that.

Douglas is only years old.

He can't be away for the whole two weeks.

This investigation
is necessary to establish

a defense against the Kaiju
as soon as possible,

and eventually,
to safeguard people around the world.


You might be right about that.

Two weeks?

No way. He has exams to prepare for.

Don't worry about that.

He'll be with highly-qualified tutors.

I graduated from Harvard,
and she graduated from Princeton.




That's how she is.

My mom has a soft spot
for famous universities.

My dad's the kind of guy who likes words
like "justice" or "responsibility".

And then there's my dad.

He doesn't really give a crap.

Parents are so weird. Don't you think so?


Emiko said she'd show us
all the super cool facilities on the ship!

Come on! Let's go!

[Junichi giggles]

Talk about being weird.

You said Junichi's always like that.

- [Emiko] This is the pilothouse.
- [Junichi] Ooh.

This is a big ship,
but it's got such a small crew!

[Emiko] The members of the crew

are also the researchers
from the Foundation's Science Unit.

You'd be better as a babysitter
than a researcher, Emiko.

[Emiko] That's Captain Dawson.

He's a bit old-fashioned.

- Nice to meet'ya.
- [Junichi] Whoa!

What is that console used for?
It's not the navigation control, is it?

Excited about it, hm?


[gentle music playing]

[Junichi] This is a CIWS, isn't it?

[Brody] It's a Phalanx!

- That's right.
- [gasps]

You sure are a general's son, Brody.

Is that what it's usually called, Brody?

I mean, that's what the US forces call it.

Oh, that's just great.

So this whole freakin' ship is dangerous.


[Brody] Are you okay there, dude?

I think I'm gonna hurl.

- Hey, we'd better--
- [Junichi] Wow! Look at this thing!

It's a m*ssile launcher!

These are really cool!

But what does your team need them all for?

- We have a good reason.
- Huh?

- [Emiko] Would you like to see what it is?
- Yeah! Of course!

[unnatural humming]

So all these weapons
are to protect this crystal?

This orylium is vital to our operation.

We use the properties of this rock to try
to detect traces of the Kaiju's presence.

[Junichi] So that means
this crystal, this orylium, is crucial

and the key to figuring out
the secrets of the Kaiju.

That's right.

This is the secret.


- [Boco] Joe...
- [Brody] Hey, are you okay?

[Joe groans]

And there's more for you to see here.

Our ship has another
really unique function, Junichi.

- Care to see?
- What?

Yeah, of course!

Hey! Knock it off, would ya?

- How long are you gonna nerd out for?
- Come on! This is such a rare chance!

- Read the air, dork. Joe's sick.
- Oh.

[Emiko gasps softly]

We're tired, and Joe needs to lay down.

Sorry, I'm gonna barf again.

Let's head back and rest up.


- Sorry...
- It'll be okay, don't worry.

I'll be fine.

- [retches]
- [Emiko] Oh.

I guess I dragged you around
a little too much.


I don't think it's your fault, Emiko.

- [device beeping]
- [Emiko gasps]

Hold on a second.

[Tazaki] Please come
to the communication room, now.

[Emiko] It has a flat body,
similar to the Elasmobranchii.

This is the one
the Science Unit named "Zigra."

Any theories?

Could be connected to the eggs
at the excavation base near Easter Island.

But the base collapsed and sank,
didn't it?

[Griffith] We suspect
an undiscovered egg may have hatched.

[breathes] Hold on a second.

I wasn't made aware of that.

If I had been informed, I wouldn't
have risked this long and dangerous trip--

- Hold on!
- What is it?

Don't you understand?

The other children
who encountered Gyaos were on that ship!


That's correct.
They were being moved to the US mainland.

Did they get eaten by Zigra?

It seems they were caught
in the ship's expl*si*n.

I'm sorry about this.


I wasn't made aware
about this transfer either!

- Who's in charge of that?
- New York Headquarters, I think.

I don't care!
You're missing the point here!

I should have been informed!

- Mr. Tazaki!
- For God's sake, what?

If children who've had a close encounter
with a Kaiju are getting att*cked,

then this ship will too!


Tell the captain full speed ahead.

We need to get there ASAP.

[newsreader] Following the sinking
of a cruise ship over the East Pacific,

sources are receiving information
that the US navy was engaged in a fight

with a gigantic creature.

- Not another Kaiju.
- The Navy is searching...

Let's think rationally.

It happened in the East Pacific,
, kilometers away.


Assuming its speed is knots,

it'll take more than two days to reach us.

Also, I can check our location.


Seems we're not far off
the coast of Kagoshima.

That thing can tell you all that?

We can check where we are at sea,

using the VLF waves
from Omega towers around the world.

Accounting for the speed of this ship...

Huh, wait a second.

I've got it now. We'll reach
Yonaguni Island tomorrow night!

We will?

Well that's awesome. We're safe.


We'll be okay then.

[Junichi] Wait hold on!
I've just realized something!

Gyaos came from New Guinea,
Jiger was in Indonesia,

and Gamera was in Japan.

And this time,
the Kaiju was in the East Pacific!

So maybe we should look
in the sea around this area!

- Look at this.
- [all] Oh...

[Junichi] The spots are all around
the outline of this landform.

Do you get it now?

It means they're probably related
to some ancient civilization.

Wait, isn't this...

- ...from a Monthly Mu...
- ...article?


Don't screw around
with us right now, dork!

Huh? But I'm not screwing around now.


Guys, over here.

What's Junichi talking about?

This is crazy.
Are we gonna keep listening?

I mean,
Junichi's always been on the weird side.

That's just how Junichi is.

Always full of crazy fantasies.

- [gasps]
- [Brody] Oh...

Okay, then.

I'll keep that in mind from now on, guys.


[Tazaki] It looks like
they've heard the news about the Kaiju.

I just hope they won't panic
and try to get off the ship.


I'm worried about that too.


Ah, the one with glasses.

Very curious kid.

- No point worrying--
- I was just like that, you know?

Always asking questions,
constantly bothering adults.

I didn't even mind not having any friends.

[Tazaki sighs]

Uh-huh. I can relate to that.

You too?

Sort of.

I actually wasn't
all that curious as a child.

But now lately...

The carcass of the Kaiju we're analyzing...

Why can't we stop it from rotting?

You noticed that, Mr. Tazaki?

You're right about that, you know?

Curiosity just gets you into trouble.

You start to notice things
that you'd prefer not to notice.

[Emiko exhales]

[snoring softly]



[snoring continues]

[delicate music playing]

- [sighs softly]
- [footsteps approaching]


Is it about your friends?

[Junichi] I don't actually
know Brody very well yet.

Then again, Boco and Joe, we...

Come to think of it, Emiko,

I guess I didn't know those two
that well either.

When did you first meet?

Back in the third grade.

We heard news that a jumbo jet
had encountered a UFO.

I told everyone
something amazing would happen,

but no one believed me.

[delicate music continues]

[Junichi] But then, Boco and Joe came.

[Boco] Hi!

Heard you're gonna see a UFO.

[Joe] That sounds so cool!
You must be smart.

[Boco] Any chance we can tag along?



[playful music]

[Junichi] But the UFO
didn't show up for most of the night.

[Boco] Aww.

[Joe grunts]

[Junichi] And just when we were about
to give up and go home, it appeared.

[all] Whoa!

- Wow!
- Woah!

[Junichi] Amazing!

[Joe] Whoa!

[Junichi] We learned later that day,
they launched a space shuttle.

So we decided
maybe that was what we saw, but...

I wasn't really convinced.

I just kept believing it was a UFO.

Then again, who knows?
Maybe I was wrong about the whole thing.

[Emiko] Huh.

Maybe I was also wrong for thinking

that they're my friends.

But they stuck around, didn't they?
That must mean something.

Um, I guess so.

In that case,
they must be really good friends.


That's a good way to look at it.

I actually do feel better.

[giggles softly]

You're very lucky. You have friends
who are always there for you.

Oh, don't you have any friends, Emiko?

No worries.

- I can just be your friend if that's okay.
- Huh?

We'll be friends from now on.

[giggles softly]

- Thanks, Junichi.
- [exhales]

- [loud splash]
- [both scream]

- [alarm blaring]
- The emergency alarm!


[alarm blaring]


Are you kids okay?

[gasps] What's going on?

- [scream]
- [rumbling]

- [blasting]
- [thunk]


I can't believe it! It's too soon!

Hurry up! Get inside, everyone!

- [beeping]
- [panting]

The object is approaching us underwater
at the speed of a m*ssile.

Not another g*dd*mn Kaiju!

Do you think it's Zigra?

- What?
- What?

- The one that att*cked the cruise ship?
- Zigra's speed has increased!

Now it's over knots!

It'll reach this ship
in about ten minutes!

[ominous music playing]

[energy blast]

[Luwig] It's a kinetic energy m*ssile!
It'll hit in five seconds!

- Then avoid it!
- [grunts]

Hold on now!

[all] Whoa!

[all screaming]

[energy blast]

[tense music playing]

[Luwig] Attack avoided!

It's getting more accurate.

It's even closer to us.

- [sonar beeps]
- Zigra has increased speed!

[Dawson] Emiko!

Time to transfer them, right?

First we'll try to shake it off.

Hey! What do you mean transfer?

We have no choice.

Damn it! There must be a way!

That's it! Contact the US forces
and ask for a rescue!

- Shut him up, Emiko.
- [Tazaki] We should do that!

Calm down, Mr. Tazaki!

Even if we contact the US forces,
they can't do anything to help us!


Okay! Launch all the counter-missiles!


[suspenseful music playing]

- [gasp]
- [Dario] Missiles have submerged!


[loud boom]


Missiles hit!

Start EM propulsion!



[Erkki] Current speed is ... ... ...

Maximum power. It's stable.

So cool.

We're flyin'!

What the hell is this ship?

Wait, I get it!

Electromagnetic propulsion?

It is.

Thank the Foundation's Science Unit.
They're very reliable!


We'll go as far as we can at full speed.

Zigra hasn't moved
from where the missiles hit it.

That's good!
We'll start transferring them right now.

Huh? Do we have to?

It's a precaution.

If we shake it off, we can retreat
to the coast of Kyushu for the time being.

That's definitely just a "precaution"?

- [Dawson] That's right.
- Eh... uh...

Well, all right, then.

[weak growl]


[energy blast]

[Luwig] Zigra's moving again!

- It's gaining speed!
- Damn it!

It's still accelerating!

It's over now!


You're kidding me.

That can't be!

I'm sure of it, Dawson.

It's fully wrapped itself up in bubbles.

They're helping it
minimize the water resistance.

Then unfortunately,
we'll have to use option B.

What? D--

Don't gimme this bullshit!

You said that was just a precaution! No!

No freakin' way!

I hate being confined! No way!

I can't breathe in... small spaces.

Mr. Tazaki!

I'll use the helicopter!

You can't take off with the boat
going this fast. Calm down!

That's enough! Everyone! Follow me!

- [Emiko] We can't just roll!
- [Brody] Hold on!

[Tazaki] Hurry up if you don't wanna die!

- [Emiko] Wait, Mr. Tazaki!
- He won't be able to fly a helicopter.

Worry about orylium and the samples first.


[all] Aah!

We'll escape on that!

[Boco] Escape? To where?

[Tazaki] God knows! Some land nearby!

Wait a second,
can you even fly that thing?

[Tazaki] I can fly a Cessna!

- A Cessna's not the same as a copter!
- They're more or less the same!

Sir, this is dangerous!

Shouldn't we listen
to the captain and Emiko--!


I'm in charge of this operation!

It's them who should listen to me!

[pants] Get down!


- [energy blast]
- [boom]


[tense music playing]

[Luwig] Major damage!

[Erkki] EM propulsion stopped!

Zigra is approaching!
Contact in two minutes!

Argh! Speed up the transfer!

I really hate this boat.

You're not jokin'!

Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have come!

What's that?!


[relentless music playing]



[energy blast]

- [loud splash]
- [roar]

- Gamera!
- [growling]

[all scream]


- God...
- This way! Quickly!

- Where are we supposed to go now?
- No time, come on!


Mr. Tazaki!

g*dd*mn it!



[roars in pain]



Get inside!

[Boco] Six of us in one room?

Oh, God. Why is this happening?

Get in!

[suspenseful music playing]


[energy blasts]

[suspenseful music playing]

- [blast]
- [roars]

[bell dings]

[all] Aah!

Start the engine. Fill the main t*nk!

And the orylium?

Taken care of.

The samples are safe too.

Temperature of the Serket's getting high!
It's gonna explode!

Depart immediately! Hurry!

Shaft closed. Detaching holding brackets.


[all shouting]


What about the Kaiju?

Distance ,. Getting further away.

Gain as much distance as possible,
while we can.

Course --! Full speed ahead!



[suspenseful music playing]




[high-pitched roar]

[electricity crackling]

- [blast]
- [roars]

[suspenseful music continues]


[electricity crackling]

[shock wave booming]


What the hell happened there?

[grunts] A massive shock wave!

It was generated by Gamera.

Receiving a radio signal.

Radio signal?

They're more than a , kilometers away!

Sir! Gamera is sinking!


[Luwig] Zigra is approaching us!

Oh, no.


[grunts] Go full speed!
Leave it in the dust, Dawson!

Stop the engine.

Prepare the rear torpedoes!

[gasps] What the heck?
Why are you stopping!


This beast moves at knots underwater!

Oh, please!

I can't breathe in here.

[engine powering down]

[distant growling]


Fire at a distance of .

Yes, Captain!

You can't hold it off with that.

Mr. Tazaki! Please!


Zigra incoming! Distance... !



I never should have trusted them.

Those stuck-up snobs.

[distant growling]

[Luwig] It's passed above us.

It's going away!

[kids exhale]

[energy blast]

- [boom]
- [all] Ugh!

Zigra sent out a mass b*mb!
But the target is... unclear.

Is it sh**ting blindly?

No, I don't think so.

It might be using echolocation
like a dolphin.

But why use it now?

I've got it!

- Captain!
- Huh?

This might give us a chance.

[Emiko gasps]

That shock that made
the instruments malfunction.

What if one of Gamera's att*cks
made Zigra lose its sense of orientation?

[Dawson] Huh.

What are you saying?

What if we make Zigra go on land?

Then Gamera would have
a greater advantage!


But, Zigra is chasing
after all of us, right?

So why not become a decoy?

Are you delusional, kid?

Zigra would just
gobble all you up immediately.

Not if we disorient him again
after we lead him to land!

- That's insane!
- Please, sir.

The radio signal Gamera transmitted,
were you able to record it?

Yes, of course.

Can you replay it? Can you use this
submarine to disorient Zigra again?


We can't output that amount of power.

But if we can lure Zigra onto land
near a radio tower, then we can do it!

We can replicate the signal!

Where would we find a radio tower
with no civilians nearby?

Are you gonna land that Kaiju
in an urban area?

The damage would be too great!

[gasps] I've got it, Captain!

The Omega Tower!

It's close! It's in Tsushima, right?


Yeah, you're right.

We can't afford a single mistake,
or it'll spot us!

But sir!

And we can't afford to indulge
a child's fantasy!


Whatever you say, sir.

I'm very sorry.

[Joe scoffs]

[Boco] Mm?

[both sigh]

[gentle music playing]

Well, I'd hate to admit it,

but whenever Junichi starts talking crazy,
it always comes true.

Mm-hm. Just like when the UFO came.

B-but that, that light...
was the space shuttle--

No, it was a UFO. Right?

Yeah. Definitely.

It was a UFO, alright.

It was!

You agree with Junichi's plan too,
right, Brody?

Huh? Um, uh... I guess!

Well yeah, maybe it'll work!

Yeah. Let's go.

Seriously? Do you hear yourselves?

I think, for now,

this might be the best plan we've got
to combat Zigra, Captain Dawson.


One problem: how can we procure
the necessary equipment?

We just can't.

Tazaki can handle that.

This is exactly why he's here.

[Tazaki sighs]

I heard the entire plan.

[sighs deeply]

Guess there's only one thing to do.

I'll contact the US forces
through the Foundation.

Oh, dear God.

- Raise the VLF wave antenna pod.
- Roger.

- [Tazaki] Wait, hold on a second.
- [all] Mm?

Actually, relying on those stuck up snobs
seems like a terrible idea.

How is the emergency deployment going?

I've informed all of the relevant parties.

However, it's just...

[Higashifushimi] Spit it out.

Well, our source of information
for this affair.

Do you mean agent James Tazaki?

He's an agent of the Foundation.

- How come he is--?
- Do you need all the details?

No, sir. Forgive my impudence.

[introspective music playing]

Commander Sasaki.

Enatsu. How is it going, Major?

Emergency deployment completed.

I hear that the First Airborne Brigade
is cooperating with the Western Regiment,

for an emergency transfer
of some equipment.

The Western Regiment.

They must be transferring
to either Kyushu or Okinawa.

Somewhere around the sea, anyway.

[distant growling]

[Dawson] Where is Zigra?

It seems to be following us, Captain,
but it's erratic.

Then it probably hasn't recovered
its sense of orientation.

What the hell
could it possibly be detecting?

EM waves? Or maybe sound?

Possibly a smell?

A smell?

Fish have a sense of smell
more sensitive than humans.

For all we know, Zigra's sense of smell
could be even stronger.

- Does it smell these children?
- [Emiko] Eh...

That damn Kaiju.

- It really is targeting us.
- Mm.

It's hunting us.

Procuring equipment, evacuating people.

Securing electricity.

The Self-Defense Force
must be in action by now.

Oh, that's very helpful.

And, are you kids ready?

[Luwig] It’s done.

We're looping the radio signal
from Gamera.

Connect to the transmitter
of the Omega station,

and then output at high power.
That should work.

Thank you so much, sir.

What? You're not going?

Our highest priority is to protect
the orylium at any cost, Mr. Tazaki.

You're gonna let a child go on their own?

- I'm coming too!
- Me too.

Well, I guess I'm going too.


[Tazaki] What the hell
are you kids gonna contribute?

Moral support?

You got problem with that?

Yeah, why not?

Excuse me.
I think moral support is important too!


Count me in. Will you join us?

What the hell.

I have been dying to get out of here!


[eerie music playing]

- [sonar beeps]
- Zigra is approaching at full speed!

[all gasp]

Current location?

Near Tsushima, Aso Bay!

Blow main t*nk now! Rapid surfacing!

[thrilling music playing]

We'll run aground! Hold on tight!

[all gasping]





[thrilling music continues]

[music fades]




Fresh air! It feels amazing!





Where's the Omega Tower?

There! Isn't that it?

[tense music playing]

What's going on? Nobody's here yet!

Not even a transport.

- Wait, what's wrong?
- Mr. Tazaki?

Are they too busy evacuating?

- [device beeping]
- Huh?

[Dawson] Zigra is approaching.
Will land in several minutes!

Understood. We'll hurry.

What do we do?

I'm thinking about it.

Why don't we just run?


Good idea! Yeah, look, it's not that far!


Let's run. Come on, Junichi!




Such a simple solution!



Better than being on a ship.

[all panting]

[Boco] Hey! Wait, you two!


- [panting]
- I'm sorry.

I'll try harder, guys.




Come on!

- [Joe] Get on my back!
- [Brody] No! Get on my back!

Thank you so much!

[Tazaki] Hey!

Hurry up! Zigra's coming!






Get a move on!


- Gimme a hand!
- Huh?

To form a horse.

Ah? Yeah!


Get on, Junichi!

[Joe chuckles]

Yeah! All right!

[frenzied music playing]


- Come on!
- Um, yeah.



[frenzied music continues]



Zigra can't move well on land.

Just as I thought! This'll work!



[both] Here we go!


[panting] Oh man. What are they made of?

[thrilling music playing]



[Joe] Here we are!

We did it!

Junichi! Quick!

Leave it to me!

[thrilling music continues]

I'll help with the connection!

Get the power ready, Mr. Tazaki!

[Tazaki groans]

I've been... out of breath...
the entire night.



I'll go and check the breakers!

I'll go check the transmitter!

[device beeping]

[electrician] Can't we transmit power yet?
Hurry up! We're ordered to evacuate!

- [Boco] Junichi!
- How is it?

In a second.





This is it!

Mr. Tazaki?

- Are you ready?
- Transmit now!

[electricity crackling]






Its sense of orientation
seems to be numbed.

It really worked!

You did it.

- Oh, whoa!
- You're awesome, Junichi!

- You really did it, Junichi!
- That Kaiju's fumbling all over the place.


- [Brody] Woo!
- Guys, come on. Stop it. Please.

It's so cool! So cool!

[high-pitched ringing]







[all] Eh?

You've gotta be kidding!
Why's it comin' back?

What the hell's going on?




[menacing music playing]



[high-pitched roar]




[thunderous music playing]

[electricity crackling]






[thunderous music continues]



[music fades]


[Emiko] Thank you, Junichi.
We owe this to you.

[Junichi] No, not at all.

[gentle music playing]

- Although...
- Hmm?

Why did you believe me,
that my plan would work?


Because we're friends now.
Wouldn't you say?


[Brody] Come on.

Look at Junichi over there,
hogging all of Emiko's attention.

That's normal, isn't it?

Girls talk, don't they?

Seems pretty typical to me.

But that doesn't mean--


Wait a sec. Say that again?

What? Seems pretty typical?

Before that!

You said, "girls talk"?


Yeah, and?

What? Hold on!

Wait. Did I hear that right?

You mean...?

Junichi's a girl--?

That's right.

You didn't know?


Don't make fun of me!
Why didn't you nerds say anything?

Well I guess... I didn't think we needed to.

We're friends, yeah?


Yeah. Mm, yeah.

Yeah. You're right.

I just need to, um, process that.

- [Joe chuckles]
- Wha...?

Really, though?


[gentle music continues]



I still can't believe it!

[Griffith] Despite the chaos,

you managed to prevent any casualties.
Well done.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm honored.

Honestly, I gotta say,

- I'd rather avoid ships for a wh--
- [ship horn blaring]


We really appreciate your competence.

We're looking forward to seeing more
of your excellent work in the future.

We're still going to Yonaguni?

After all that?

[closing theme music playing]