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01x02 - Under Current

Posted: 09/19/23 17:11
by bunniefuu


[machinery whirring]

[computer beeping]

This data...

Is something wrong?

[Emiko] There's a very slight pulse here.

[Tazaki] Huh?
Was there a problem with the transport?

- [Emiko] Could it just be interference?
- [researcher ] Yes.

- It's certainly a possibility.
- [phone ringing]

[researcher ] Yes? [gasps]

- Mr. Tazaki!
- What?

We've received word that flying creatures
are attacking near Shinjuku!

- [Emiko gasps]
- What?

How is this possible?

[researcher ] Those "objects"
from the Philippines?

How did they get past the radar network?

What now?

We follow protocol.
Save as many lives as we can.

Prioritize the protection of the children.

[Emiko exhales]

Will these be okay?

It'll have to wait for now.
We have an emergency to deal with.

You're right.

- [Tazaki] The helicopter.
- [researcher ] Right away.

Inform General Osborn
we're on our way to the site.

Yes, sir.

[tense music builds]


[music stops]

[theme music playing]


[newscaster] The situation
at the affected areas is still precarious,

as many buildings
are in danger of collapsing.

The police, fire department,
and the military,

are accelerating
their rescue and recovery efforts.

As for the creatures that were witnessed,

a joint scientific team
led by the United Nations

and the US military stationed in Japan,

is conducting a thorough investigation
into their origins and whereabouts.

We are creating a task force
to deal with the situation.

- With the cooperation...
- [Boco's mom] Is our new place safe?

[man] ...we'll endeavor as soon as possible...

- [gasps] I'm gonna be late!
- ...citizens...



You better not be asleep!

This is why you shouldn't be
staying out so late!

[Boco] I'm up already!

Make sure you finish your workbook today.

And call me if that guy Tazaki
tries to contact you again.

Hey, are you listening?




This is so cool!
Way better than a walkie-talkie!

This technology is fascinating.

The power source maintained itself
without any external input.

Cutting-edge military hardware!

Or, maybe it's used for astronauts
stationed on the moon!

Moon? We can call the moon?!

You guys don't get how dangerous this is.

But even after I move away,
we can still talk whenever!

Yeah, but they just seem like a bad--

How could such a small device

enable bidirectional
and satellite communication,

and have batteries that last so long?

It's totally sci-fi!

Wait, is this your heartbeat, Junichi?

Yeah, it's my pulse!

Also my blood pressure,
and geographical location.

Hmm! Amazing!

With a medical system
using this technology, elderly--

Christ, that's enough!

We almost ate shit last night!

Or did you forget?

Yeah, you were pretty scared.

- Eh?!
- I know that voice!

Your name is...

You're Brody, correct?

Well yeah, that's what
all you civilians tend to call me.

- My real name is Douglas Ken Osborn--
- Dude, shut up!

Keep it to yourself!

[soft chuckle]
Hey, no need to get aggressive.

We were in that copter together, remember?

It's not like I had a choice,
and that weird old dude told us to.

Yeah well, regardless,
me, you, all of us were there.

And we heard what they told us.

There's no goin' back,
so it's up to us to help save the world.

Help save the world...




[breathing heavily]

[tense music playing]

- [bang]
- [Brody whimpers]

You will tell me everything right now.

I-- didn't cause any trouble--

I'm not interested in your excuses.

I... eh... I'm sorry, Dad.

No apologies, answer me.
Why you did you leave town?

Why did you miss
your football practice, Douglas?


We finished early and Julian said,
"Let's go shopping". And so--


What a load of crap!


Sorry I'm a bit late.

I was pulled into a briefing
with the Chief Cabinet Secretary.

[bright music playing]

- [Junichi gasps]
- [Boco] Wow!

Oh! Look at that!


[Junichi] Ooh.

- This is...
- [Boco] Wow!


This is an extremely impressive
secret base!

Let's just confirm who everyone is.
Hiroki Wada.

Uh... yes!

- [Tazaki] Satoru Matsuda.
- Here.

- [Tazaki] Jun Ichihara.
- That's me.

- [Tazaki] Douglas Ken Osborn.
- Here.

So that makes you
the son of General Osborn.

Yes, that is correct, sir.

And everyone's
personal details are correct?

Yes, sir, everything is correct.

Why do you have to answer?

I'm sorry, sir,
he's still agitated from everything--

Don't touch me!

Nice to meet all of you.

I'm James Tazaki,
and I'm an agent of Eustace Foundation.

E... E... Eusta wha--?

- You haven't heard of it?
- Shut up, man!

It's a global organization
developing energy resources.

They invest a significant amount of money
into the development of the moon.

You sure know a lot.

Are you Ichihara?

Call me Junichi, please.

My name's Emiko Melchiorri.

I'm a scientist for the foundation.
A pleasure.

Now, we are currently investigating
and taking defensive action

against the gigantic creatures
you've encountered, The Kaiju.

- Huh?
- Kaiju...?

We've been calling them Kaiju
since the discovery.

Around ten years ago,
The Foundation was searching for resources

in the layer of the earth
beneath the seabed,

and discovered a mysterious cavern.

Deep within the cavern,
we found this massive corpse.

[children gasp]


- This specimen is estimated to be...
- [Joe] You kidding?

...a , years old.

It was frozen completely solid,
and was almost perfectly preserved.

From what we deduce
to be its digestive organs,

we found something concerning.

All of our research confirms
this creature was dangerous to humans.


We found remnants of a human body,
that this creature caught and ate.


We suspect that there are other,
similar kinds of Kaiju.

So the foundation has been commissioned
by the United Nations

to form a top secret team to investigate.

I've never heard of... any of this stuff.

They did say it was top secret.

[Joe grunts]

We've already confirmed
the existence of similar caverns

across the entire world.

We started excavating them,
but unfortunately it takes years

to dig one of these kinds of holes.

And now...


...this Gyaos appeared.


But why did the Kaiju come to our town?

Kaiju prey on humans.

What's more, we know that they tend
to have an appetite for children.

- [Brody swallows]
- Children...

So you've requested to hear about
what we saw regarding Gyaos?

There's more to it than that.

It's the giant turtle Kaiju.

We don't know where it came from,

or why it was fighting
with the other Kaiju Gyaos.

But it might not have been a coincidence

that the four of you were caught
in the middle of their fight.

We are concerned

that the four of you were sought after
and hunted by both of the Kaiju,

which means...

They may have been fighting over
who gets to eat you.


Sorry for the lengthy debrief.

How did you first come in contact
with the giant turtle?

Sir, does this turtle
happen to have a name yet?



How about
"Jun-Joe-Boco Reptilis Gigantus"?

I think a much better name
would be the Douglas Archelon because--

Don't name it after yourself!


I don't care what it's called.

We can name it later.


[all] Eh?



That sounds great!

I'll suggest the name to HQ!

Could we keep questioning you?

Uh... yeah!


[Tazaki] Thank you for your cooperation.
You've given us valuable information.

I'm just proud to do my duty.

I'm sure my friends feel the same.

Wow, what an upstanding citizen.

Nobody would ever guess he's robbing
local kids for their pocket money.

The car will be here shortly
to take you all home.

But first, a little gift.

It should help keep you safe.

[all] Uh?

This is, uh...?

- [all gasp]
- [Junichi] A communicator.

We are giving these to all children
who encountered Gyaos and survived.

Our aim is to conduct
scientific research on Kaiju,

and protect the children.

- Woah!
- [Joe gasps]

- This is... No way!
- Cool!

Are you kidding me?

Unfortunately, I'm concerned
that if another Kaiju appears,

they will try and target all of you again.

If you feel any abnormality
in your body or mind,

or something Kaiju-related happens,

please use the devices
to contact us immediately.

We'll all be counting on you four.

Your voices will help us save the world.


[Boco] Our voices
will help save the world!

He said so! What should we do?
This is getting real big!

Chill out, Boco.

We have a responsibility to help them.

You're right.
I'll get us started on a fitness plan.

Who said you were the boss, American?

'Cause I can bench a clean .

Means I'm strong enough to be useful.

Wait, what?

You want to be able
to protect humanity from Kaiju, right?


We're kids, remember?

There must be something we can do.

Maybe becoming vigilantes?


You patrol the town,
and report in if you see anything unusual.

It would help out a lot.

Cool! I'm in!

Hey, Boco!

It's true. If we do something helpful,
we might get an even cooler device!

Are you crazy? We almost got eaten alive!

Well, that's okay. The Foundation said
they were gonna protect us.

[sighs] Boco.

What about your entrance exams?


Yeah, I know.

And you've got to practice on your bike.

[lazily] Mm...

- [Brody] You know what?
- Huh?

I've got some top secret intel
that nobody knows about.

What?! What is it? Tell me!

Shut up, you idiot!

- Your father's a general. Isn't he, Brody?
- Junichi!

What is it? What's the secret?

I can't tell you any more right now,
but when the time comes, can you help me?

Aw man,
I don't want to have to wait to find out.

The top military secret
held by the general's son.

That's fantastic!

We can't trust this jerk!

Come on, Boco. Junichi!

- Let's go ride our bikes!
- Ready to help!

Great! Thank you.


I can help too. At last,
my intelligence will finally be useful!

Cut it out, you two!

Yo, Brody.

When are you gonna
give us back our money, huh?


Uh-- Ooh, that money!

Of course I'll give it back.

Can we set up a payment plan?

[energy crackling]

[tense music playing]

[researchers breathing heavily]

[researcher ]
Can you see any signs of survivors?

[researcher ] No.

[exhales] Not even a body.

[sighs] What do we do?

Guess we should contact the agent,
wait for further orders.

We didn't activate the emergency blast.

- They're gonna blame us!
- It all happened so fast!

- We should just make a run for it.
- We can't leave it like this. [grunts]



[tense music continues]

[researcher ] It looks like...
they're all gone.

- [researcher ] The sewer? God, no.
- [researcher ] Can't be.

No way they've grown that fast.

- We should go to-- [grunts]
- [swish]

- [cocks g*n]
- [screams]

- [g*nf*re]
- [screams]



[loud clang]

[chilling music playing]


[creatures hissing]

[Brody] Hey!

Is anybody up yet?



- [grunts]
- [Brody] Hey, someone answer me, over!

Hey, it's an emergency!

- Hello?
- This guy...

What do you want?

I'm having an emergency too.
Can't find my glasses...

What? What's going on?

The top secret intel
I was talking about before.

We don't wanna know!
And how do you know this stuff?

You're just a kid!

Boco? Junichi?

I wanna know! I wanna know!

I'm curious,
what level of security we talkin'?

Is the CIA involved now?

I'll tell you the details
when we get there.

So, we're all in on this mission, right?


Why me?

I'm going out today! I'll study tomorrow--

[intriguing music playing]


It's not a monster, it's a Kaiju.

[Osborn] Tell me how this happened. Now.

We were assured
you had taken every precaution.

[Tazaki] We did.

The eggs showed no change
in over a year of testing,

and then hatched in a few hours,
and broke an electromagnetic shield.

- It's completely beyond our expectations--
- Enough excuses!

We have confirmation
that the targets are in the sewers, right?

[both scoff]

- Have you at least started the lockdown?
- It's underway.

Since you two showed up,
nothing but problems.

Can't tell if you're unlucky
or incompetent.

Our research facilities
have been here for three years.

And we've paid a considerable amount
for your military's expertise in security.

How do you expect us to protect you
if you don't contact us?

"Maintaining contact channels."
Isn't that part of your job?

We can go back and forth all day.

It's not gonna solve any of our problems.

Well then, I would suggest
we focus on the issue at hand.

At the very least,

I think you should be able
to help me with that, General.

And you can help me
by telling me how to k*ll these things.

[Joe] Are you kidding me?

We're gonna listen to this idiot
just 'cuz he threw on some shoulder pads?

I was going to wear the helmet,
but that would've impeded my vision.

If this was a horror movie--

He would totally die first.

How do you know
that this is actually the place?

'Cause I heard my dad
on the phone this morning.

[Osborn] The Specimens?

How big?

The size of a puppy?


No, not the damn sewers.

Put the town on lockdown!

- [gasps]
- And organize search parties!

I'd never seen
that look on his face before.

He actually looked scared.

- [gasping]
- Wait wait wait, there's no way, right?

This is so stupid!

What if we do find a Kaiju?
I'm not a fan of being eaten alive!

If they eat us, we'll never eat again!

That's very convoluted.

- Are you eating or being eaten?
- [Joe] What?

Wait, so how are we even
going to catch these things?

- [Brody] Don't worry.
- Mm?

He said these things
were only the size of a puppy.

Ha! Look who's talking!

I remember you being scared of that Gyaos.

Yeah, right. I was just fakin' it.


Hm. Let's go.

Trust me.

If we run into any Kaiju,
then I'll just swing away!

Question, would you say
you're better at football or baseball?

[Brody] Well, I'm on the football team.

[Junichi] I'm not gonna trust your swing.

[Joe] Hey! H-hey, w-w-wait for me!

[helicopter blades whirring]

[announcer] Attention, citizens.

We have been informed
that the corpse of the gigantic creature,

which we are in the process of removing,

is giving off a poisonous gas.

There is no need to be alarmed.

All citizens, please follow the police
and the US military forces,

to a safe location.

[suspenseful music playing]

[hatch clanks]


Commander Sasaki.

Status report.

An emergency evacuation has been ordered

in the town where
the gigantic bird and turtle fought.

Oh, the same town?

[Enatsu] Yes, sir.

Reason for evacuation?

The creature is being removed,
but there's a problem.

They say it's giving off a poisonous gas.

We're on standby.

As a precaution against the gas.

Seems that way, Commander.

[Sasaki] I see.

We issued a warning a while ago.

We left out specific information
to avoid panic.

The emergency navy brigade
has been deployed

and I've requested reinforcements.

Looking at the zoning map,
we should enter from these four points.

Once we secure
all the sewer system's entries and exits,

we should be able to drive them out
into our forces' ambush.

There's no way
that we've got enough soldiers for this.

It's all we can do.
We'll be at the ambush point.

[Osborn grunts]

[soldiers clamoring]

[Tazaki] How'd it turn into all this?
All we needed to do was transfer samples.

[Emiko] Um, Mr. Tazaki.

you'll have to do the driving.

I'm not quite used
to the roads in Japan yet.

Listen, I don't know if this is working.


Mr. Tazaki,
I can't get a signal from those kids.

[gasps] What did you just say?

[Brody] His hair.

It just keeps flopping around!

[Brody, Junichi and Boco laugh]

[Brody] You know what I mean?

Yeah, it kinda looks like wavy seaweed.

Good one, Boco. Wavy seaweed style.



It's not that funny.

Uh... which way?

Give me a moment.

[Junichi] Oh?

That's peculiar...

It's probably this way.

Why's that?

Because that's the way his hair waves!

- [Brody] Whoo!
- [Junichi and Boco laughing]

[Joe] Such a freakin' dumbass...

[ominous music playing]

[bones cracking]

[low growl]

[bones scatter]

[suspenseful music playing]

Yeah, four kids.

One of them wears glasses.

Let me know whenever you find them.

Still haven't found them?

Not yet.

[Emiko exhales, worried]

Ugh. You know,

this is why I don't work with kids.

Everything always gets complicated.

The ones that escaped
are the size of a puppy, right?

[Junichi] Perhaps they meant a cow?

So what? It's just a really big hole!

Let's go!

Why are we even doin' this?

- [man] Report the situation.
- [operator] Roger.

Keep searching from Point C- to C-.

[man] Continue to monitor the situation.

What's going on now?

Have they found anything out there yet?

Yes, sir.

Third Squad reported they've found
severed pieces from some specimens.

There are pieces?
What do you mean "pieces"?

Some targets were torn apart
and scattered during the attack.

They're concentrating their search efforts
around that area.

- General Osborn!
- Talk to me.

A flying entity appeared
over the sea in Suruga Bay.

Altitude meters and rapidly ascending.


Contact HQ for interception.

Right now!

[suspenseful music builds]


I'll handle it.

[Emiko] Mm?

It seems like things
just got a whole lot worse.

It can't be!

Yeah, that turtle.



[thunderous music playing]







[thunderous music continues]

[electricity crackling]

[loud blast]

[man] The flying entity over Suruga Bay
has disappeared from the radar!

Was it shot down, sir?

We fired more than SM missiles at it.

No way is it coming back from that.

[breathing heavily]

I'm feeling a little exhausted.

All this hiking.

It feels kinda... spooky down here.

And its smells kinda weird too.

Yeah, it does.

Hey, listen, guys.

I've had enough, let's go already!

[Junichi] Hm, I agree.

I'm starting to get hungry now.

[breathing heavily]

You're right, me too.

Hey you guys, we can't quit yet.

It'd be a waste to leave
without finding something, right?

- [Boco grunts]
- Ow!

Ah, ow! Watch where you're going, huh?


- Look.
- [gasps]

[both gasp]

[tense music builds]

[Boco, echoing] What is this place?

Your first priority
is to capture the escaped specimens.

Then let the US Air force
secure the skies. Understood?

Yes. We're following procedure,
but we've got an unusual situation,

so I just wanted
to verify priorities with you.

Our priority should be saving lives,
of course.

[Griffith] The safety
of the children comes first.

Of course. That's what we're focusing on.

I'll contact you when we're wrapped up.

So cool!

I wonder if this cavern's
always been here.

Or if something made it?

[Joe] Who cares what dug this hole?

It definitely wasn't a puppy, though.

Maybe something more like a whale?

Are you sayin' a whale can dig a hole?

Stop the chatter and keep moving.

Look, there's definitely
something down there.

Stop tellin' us what to do!

Hey, you need to relax, man!

Stop and think for a second.

Puppies don't turn into whales.

That means there's nothing
to be worried about.

You're wrong!

We might die!

Please, let's get outta here.


Maybe we should.

I think... a break would be smart at least.

We could maybe come back here after lunch.

Good. Let's go.

[grunts] Cowards.

We came all this way, and got this far.

You wanna leave
right when we find something!

[Joe] Ha!

Keep looking by yourself then.

See ya, Brody.

[soldier , over device]
...cleared Point C, heading out for C.

The main sewer wall has been destroyed.

[soldier ] Yes, it could have
possibly been by the specimens.

[soldier ] Can't you send
two more Squads down here?

[soldier ] Roger.

That's the US forces. They're close.

- Let's contact them.
- Yeah!

Let's do this! Calibrate it
to the same frequency, Junichi.



We'll secure the area until they arrive.

So you mean that we'll help US troops out?

- Cool!
- Boco.

- We should check...
- Boco.

...further down this whole to see--

- That's enough!
- Oh.

Just stop.

We are leaving now!

But I don't wanna.

You're acting like a child!

I was just trying to help.

He's doing his duty to help his town
and having a good time with his friends.

What's your problem?


You're always bossing Boco around.
Are you his dad or something?

Quit it!

Stop pretending to be his friend!


What's wrong?

You wanna go?!

You're all talk, y'know?

Just a scared little kid
trying to act tough!

- Eh?
- [Boco gasps]

You don't care about us,
or our town at all!

You just wanna be a good boy for daddy.


Shut up, jerk wad!

[Boco gasps]


- You wanna fight?
- Shut up!

Or I'll smash your stupid face in!

- [Boco gasps]
- [rumbling]

[Brody seething]

- [Brody grunts]
- [Junichi] Look.

[eerie music playing]

[Junichi] Oh...


[low growling]


[all gasp]

[eerie music rising]


Keep quiet.

[whispering] Kaiju found! Kaiju found!

Someone... respond...

- [soldier] What did you say?
- [all gasp]


- [rumbling]
- [soldier] Which Squad? Respond!

Which Squad? Answer me!



[all scream]



[soldier] Specimen found
at location Point C!

Currently engaging!

Specimen has massively increased in size!

Send a*tillery reinforcement immediately!

- [panting]
- [growling]

[all panting]

[frenzied music playing]


[music stops]


- [Joe] What the hell is going on?
- Hey!

Why are you here? What did you do?

[Brody We... eh, are...





- [thud]
- [growling]


[debris thumping]


[ominous music playing]

- [thud]
- [growling]

What should we do, sir?

Let's take it down!



This way! Quick!

[frenzied music playing]

[engine starts]


[g*nf*re continues]

[operator ] Squads at Point C
have been annihilated.

The troops at the ambush point are now
engaged in combat with the specimen.

How many targets?

We need more precise information!

There is one target general.

They're reporting it to be approximately
to meters in length, sir.

Wha... How'd it get that big?

With the equipment we have,
maintaining position might be difficult.

How many citizens are evacuated?

[operator] An estimated %.

The remaining %
will be completed within the hour.

Send all the search parties.

Re-deploy % of the troops
guiding the evacuation to ambush point.

Deploy every remaining troop at the base.

We fight the Kaiju
until everyone is out of there!

The base will be completely defenseless!

So what!?

Aerial support?

ETA ten minutes.

The moment the evacuation is complete,
we'll launch a full-scale attack.


Get me to the ambush point.

I'll radio orders from there.

[expl*sives going off]


[aggressive music playing]

[Boco] Wh... where are we going?

An underground shelter in the base.

Wh-- What the hell is that lizard-thing?

We call it Jiger.

We'd discovered it
even before Gyaos appeared.

In Indonesia,
we found a cavern filled with eggs.

Over the last year,
we had begun investigating but--

- [thud]
- [gasps]

[glass shattering]


That hurts.

[ominous music playing]




[Boco] This way! Quick!







I can't.

My leg is screwed up.

Come on, Joe!


[Jiger roaring]

[Junichi] It's coming!

[Brody] Move.

Come on!



- [Brody grunts]
- [Joe] It hurts!

Stop complaining, would you?

[Jiger growls]



[frenzied music playing]


[operator ] General Osborn! The troops
at the ambush point are in extreme danger!

Station all incoming troops along the road
and catch it in a crossfire!

Drive it off the evac route!

Roger that, General.

[operator ] Oh!

What the...?

The flying entity! It's appeared again!





[m*ssile whizzing]


[all screaming]



[thunderous music playing]





[creatures screaming]


- [crowd screaming]
- [soldier] This way! Hurry!


[Gamera roars]


[roars in pain]



[loud thud]

- [rumbling]
- [all gasp]

[Tazaki] HQ!

- Tazaki here.
- [operator] Yeah?

Requesting transport. We've got injured!

[operator] Evacuees come first.
Can't afford to spare a car. Sorry, sir!




Ah, hell!


[ominous music plays]

[crowd screaming]






This way!

Quick! Hurry up!

And the reinforcements?

They've been wiped out, General.

We can't do this!

Flank the target from behind
and light it up, at a close range.

We hold it until we have aerial support!

[soldier] Sir, but...

[Osborn] Protect the citizens!
That's our mission.


[Osborn] Don't abandon them.

General Osborn...

No, Dad...

- [growling]
- [g*nf*re]

[powerful music playing]

Be brave! Give that thing hell!



- [gasps]
- [roars]

[Jiger screaming]






[frenzied music playing]



No! [grunts]

Don't attack Gamera!

- What do you mean?
- Attack the lizard!

Get the lizard instead!

It's the lizard that eats people!

Y-yeah! It's the lizard that's dangerous!

How do you know this?

Explain yourselves!

W... well...

Brody, your dad's
General of the US forces.

Tell him, Brody!

I can't. I can't just say--

You said we're all in this together!

You have to help us, Brody, please!

But, I can't.

Anything that I'd say...

I don't think...

Leave it, Boco.

But, Joe...!

I was right about you.

- You are a coward!
- [seething]

- How dare you?
- What now?

Hurt your feelings?

Well suck it up, and stand up to your dad!



I'll show ya! Move!


Hey, Dad! Are you there?

Dad? Over?


I'm here with the Foundation Agent.

[Osborn] What are you doing?
This is for military personnel only.

[Brody] Sir. you need
to attack the lizard, not the turtle!


[Brody] Only the lizard eats people!

[Osborn] Mm.

You have to protect people.

Don't you?


Criticizing your father...

I am in command and I command my forces!


[hopeful music playing]


I've always just wanted your approval.

And I've tried, I really have, Dad.

That's enough. What is all this?

I've always shown you respect,
and followed orders. Right, sir?


My friends and I are desperate.

We don't abandon our own,

no matter what, right?


So just for this one time,

will you just please try and listen?!





[Gamera screams in pain]

[dramatic music playing]

- [slash]
- [roars]

[loud thud]







My God.

I've never been paid enough
to deal with this shit.



[thunderous music playing]

[all gasp]



[thunderous music continues]


[electricity crackling]






[music fades]

- [soldier ] Your car is here.
- [soldier ] Keep moving.

[soldier ] Slowly.

- [soldier ] Further ahead.
- [soldier ] Need assistance?


[Brody gasps]

Dad. Sir!

Thank you!

That Kaiju didn't stand a ch--

- [slap]
- [all] Oh!

Have fun playing soldier?

I taught you not to be
so irresponsible with your life!

- [gasps]
- [Osborn] I have work to do.

Now get yourself home.

One of my men will escort you.

[Junichi gasps]


Hey, Brody!

What now?

You are such a huge wuss!

- You gotta punch him back!
- [groans]

[Joe chuckles]

Yeah, sure.

But I don't really wanna die just yet.

[Joe and Brody laugh]

[Brody] Ugh, that hurt, by the way.

[Boco] That day
was really tough for all of us.

And I got nagged to death at home.

But after all that,
we got another weird friend.

And It seemed like
things were pretty good.

[gentle music playing]

[Boco] The strange thing is,

I felt like as long as we had each other,

I could take on any adventure.

This ship is so cool!

[Brody] Yeah, but the US Navy destroyers
make it look so small.

I thought your dad was in the Air Force.

Don't worry about it.

Will this ship make me seasick?

It's all good, Joe.
I got the medicine you need.

I never knew you had a weak stomach, Joe.

You know what's the best cure
for seasickness?

- What's that?
- Look, do this...


[fakes retching]

Get everything out all at once!

What a load of bullshit.


[gentle music rising]

[music fades]


[underwater boom]


[closing theme music playing]