11x14 - From Ancient Grudge

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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11x14 - From Ancient Grudge

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'Number One (Call Me)' by The Tremeloes

♪ I picture the rain on windows

♪ And I think of home

♪ I wonder if you remember...

I'll be arriving at the destination in five minutes.

♪ Places I dream about

♪ I will be getting out

♪ Then I can follow the sun

♪ You will be with me

♪ I know you will give me

♪ A hand to get everything done...

- Perfect. - I hope so.

♪ Call me number one

♪ Call me number one... ♪

See what a trusting lot they are?

- Yes? - Yes.

- Hee-hee. Yes. - Oh, well done.

Sergeant Bradley, eh? PHONE RINGS

- Come on, Phil. Say well done. - What's that?

Ashfordly police.

Good news, sarge. Mike's passed his sergeant's exams.

Oh, good. Back this afternoon.

That was at your father's, was it? Sergeant, there's been a burglary.

Can't stop now. I've got a meeting at HQ.

- HQ? - What's that about, then?

I'm sorry about that, sir.

We'll get someone up there. The address?

Because Mr Wilkes left me in charge of his only cottage.

Yes, sir?

Fill her up for us, please, mate.

I've got it all under control. I'll be back as soon as I can.

BERNIE: I hope so.

Wilkes is dead fussy.

Going fishing, sir?

Yeah. I'm staying across the road.

- Very nice. - Quiet, is it?

As the grave.

That's the way I like it.

What's up with him?

He says he's thinking.

All right, you two. That's enough.

I've taken a decision. I'm asking her out today.


- Well, who? - Jenny, of course.

Well, tell me about it in the car.


He's got a hope.

There you go.

Got any other fishermen staying here?

Not at the moment, no.

Who'll keep me company in the evenings, then?

- Will you be taking supper? - Oh, yes, please.

Your bag's in your room, sir. There's your key.

Thanks. I'm going to pop out. See if they're biting.

No, Oscar. For once, definitely no.

I do not fancy him.

I never said a word.


He's a ruddy gardener.

It was there when I came to see Father last week and now it isn't.

Can you describe the missing item?

Item? Item?

It's a Ming vase, for heaven's sake.

Ming. Would that be...

M-I-N-G, sir?

Yes. And if we knew when it was taken, it might help.

Can you remember the last time you saw it?

Saw what?

The Ming vase you brought back from China, Father.

The one that was here.

China? What about China?

- It's hopeless. - I was in China, you know.

For years.

- Any idea of the value, sir? - It was last valued at around...

£ , .

£ , ?

By Golly, this calls for a celebration.

Go and get some glasses. Bring the officers some whisky.

We're not celebrating, Father. It's been stolen.

Who by?

There's some clean sheets, in case you need them.


My name's David.

I'm er... looking after the place while Mr Wilkes is away.

Dave here's looking after the place.

Well, actually, it's David.

Hi. Dave. What do you mean, looking after the place?

Well, taking your bins out and doing bits of gardening.

No. Definitely not.


We don't want anyone coming round.

Hey, Bri...

You see, David, we came here for a bit of peace.

So you coming round might spoil our holiday.


Oh... Oh, right, so er... so you don't want me, then?

- No. - It's just Mr Wilkes said...

Mr Wilkes won't know, will he? Not if we don't say anything.

- Oh, right. - Bye, then.

Er... what about the er...

She's about to go on her rounds, so you'll catch her.


MUSIC: 'Jennifer Eccles' by The Hollies



♪ I love Jennifer Eccles

♪ I know that she loves me ♪

OK. Colonel Potter's got a bit of a memory problem.

Come on. It's got to be more than that.

In case you're thinking it, he's not senile.

I know who's behind this, his son Eric.

I can't believe...

It is. He's on at me all the time to put the poor old man in a home.

It's so he can get his hands on the house.

Thanks very much. No. Most helpful.

- Hello, sarge. You've been a while. - Anything happened?

The break-in at Colonel Potter's.

A Ming vase was taken and Potter Junior's going mad.


Pickering said a g*ng's been operating in their area recently.

- Good. Follow that up. - Oh, er... what did HQ want, sarge?

- Nothing. - Nothing?

That's what I said, Ventress.

MUSIC: 'Jennifer Eccles' by The Hollies

So, did Phil manage to pop the question?

- It wasn't the right time, he said. - He'll never do it.

Watch out.


♪ Started me thinking

♪ Had she done the same? ♪

Sergeant Merton's mysterious past. Why did he leave the CID and...

- Evening. - Ah, Mr East.

Can I introduce you to Alf Ventress?

He's a fellow fisherman. - Can I get you a drink?


- So we've found nothing? - No.

That fits in with what Alf found out about the robberies in Pickering.

Look at them. Three nice lads,

and they just stand there talking shop.

- Go over. - No way. I'm not that keen.

- Took me an hour to bring 'em in. - Really?

What do you do when you're not fishing, Alf?

Well, I'm a police officer.

Anyway. The times that I...

Now, that chap over there's a local bobby?

Yes. I'm based in Ashfordly. Now, these two fish...

And those two chaps with him. They're policemen also, aren't they?


And I'd hazard a guess that the landlord's an ex-cop too.

However did you know that?

They've got 'Policeman' stamped on their forehead.

I was just telling Alf here that I knew you used to be in the force.

It's written all over you. - Oh, aye? Would you like a drink?

No. I'll turn in. Busy day on the river tomorrow. Nice meeting you.

Gina, you know where I am if you want to tuck me up.


- He was only joking. - ALF: Strange chap.

First fisherman I've met didn't want to talk fish.

I told you he was a weirdo.

Same again, Gina, please.

- Jennie? - Oh, hello, Phil.

Didn't see you there. Can I get you anything?

Erm... no. Er...

I just came for a mat.

Got it.

MUSIC: 'Me And My Life' by the Tremeloes

♪ Wouldn't I like to have my own mind

♪ Living on my own might work out just fine

♪ Oh, me and my life

♪ Me and my life

♪ Oh, me and my life

♪ Oh, me and my life... ♪

Take that, will you?

GEORGE: The pub's owned by an ex-cop.

There's a tart from Liverpool behind the bar.

The place is full of boring local plod who wouldn't suspect a thing.

Never mind, George. All in the line of duty.

Have you spoken to Command?

This morning. Everything's on schedule.

Here we are, sir.

You slept well, I trust?

Like a baby.

Well, you certainly turned in early enough.

Out like a light, straight away.

It's the country air, what it does to you.

POTTER: What are you going to do about it?

MIKE: We're doing all we can, sir.

We think there's a g*ng operating in the area.

Well, hurry up and arrest them.

We will. But these things take time, sir.

If we don't get the Ming back in the next few days,

it'll be out of the country.

Who's your senior? - Sergeant Merton.


Missing Ming?

What else?

BERNIE: You're not still worrying about that cottage, are you?

Mr Wilkes wants the garden doing.

Look, they've asked you not to go up there,

so you don't have to. It's as simple as that.

What's all this?

A couple of holidaymakers at Wilkes's cottage

told David they don't need him.

They're nice people. One of them gave me a pound.

- Aye. To keep away. - MIKE: Well, that's a new one.

He was up there, too, David says. The chap staying at the pub.

I saw him there last night. He's not as nice as they are.


I can't tell you what he said. Especially about Gina.

He called her a T-A... R-T. - Oh, dear.

He said the pub is full of policemen who won't suspect a thing.

Suspect a thing about what?

Oh, I don't know. I didn't hear that bit.

You do want to ask her out, I take it?

Of course I do.

The words won't come out.

I just know she's going to say no.

- Make it a foursome. - A foursome?

What, you and Mrs Ventress?

No. You and Mike, Jenny and Trish.

I wish to speak to Sergeant Merton.


- Hello, there. - Hello.

I hope we're not in any trouble.

Of course not. Everything all right?

Everything's absolutely fine.

I just like to check, being the village bobby.

That's kind. We're having a lovely time, aren't we, Brian?


It's quite a remote spot up here. Do you know the area at all?


Don't know the area, don't know a soul in it. That's the beauty of it.

- So you won't have had visitors? - No.

And we don't want any, either. And why do you ask?

Well, if you do, erm... warn them about the track.

The last people lost their suspension.

Well, have a lovely holiday. - Cheers.

- Thanks. - Bye-bye.

I don't like it.

He's harmless. Just a local copper doing his rounds.

Well, I wish he wouldn't.

Yeah, there he is. George East.

London address. Fishing holiday. Leaves tomorrow.

When did David say he saw him at the cottage?

Last night, around : .

So why would he tell me this morning that he'd gone straight to bed?

It's a family heirloom, Sergeant.

Speed is of the essence.

Rest assured, Mr Potter, I have my best men on the job.

He hadn't even got it insured.

He told me he had, but now I find he'd forgotten.

We'll keep you posted.

Not a happy chappie.

No. Any more detail on those Pickering robberies?

Well, sarge, the mode of op was certainly similar.

Only top-class stuff was taken. With the dates, it could fit.

If only we knew when it went missing.

- Can I have a word, Sergeant? - Yes.

The holiday cottage may have some bearing on the case.

My office, then.

Nicholson, see Colonel Potter and try to jog his memory.

Jog his memory? What memory? Hasn't got one.

Come on, Bradley. There's a chap staying at the pub,

who David thought he saw visiting

some other people in Wilkes's cottage.

And you think they're part of the Pickering antiques g*ng?

I'm not saying that, Sergeant.

But why did they lie about knowing each other?

I'd like to interview them.

- No. - Sorry?

Definitely not.

But Sergeant, why would East say...

Bradley. Leave it.

That's an order.

If you want to make progress, check the local antique shops.


TOM: Colonel Potter, can I have your attention for a minute?

Ah. There it is. My China photos.

I think there's a picture of the Ming vase in there.

Actually, Colonel Potter, all I need to know is...

I say, young man, that's a nasty cough.

Let me get you a drink. - No, really. It's fine.

Now, hold on.

- No, honestly, it's... - I insist.


What the devil do you think you're up to?

I'm sorry. It was your father. I...

Get out.

And you can tell Sergeant Merton from me,

that if that's what he calls putting his best man on the case,

I'm a Dutchman. Out!

I say, old boy, that wasn't very civil.

Civil, Father?

Civil? I don't think it very civil,

the way you've been so careless with my inheritance.

All I wanted to do was question them.

Yeah. Mike...

Why was Merton being so pig-headed?

If there is a g*ng in the area, surely we've got to follow it up?

We are.

We're going to Northallerton to look around antique shops.

Now, look, Mike, I've a favour to ask.

Oh, yeah?

Well, you know I want to ask Jenny out?

You do?


Alf reckons if we all go together, she's more likely to say yes,

so er... will you make up a foursome?

Who with?

With Trish, of course.

Me and Jenny, you and Trish.

- Trish? - Yes. You like Trish, don't you?

- Well, yeah, but... - Thanks. You're a pal.

What are you doing?

Going to Aidensfield. Northallerton...

can wait.

So you want me to conduct a private investigation?

I can't rely on Merton, now I've seen his best man.

Well, about my terms and conditions.

I just want to know when you can start.

To have any hope of finding it, straight away.


And bearing in mind the way I work, I might need an accomplice.

Here's my card.

Thank you.

PHIL: Jenny...

Mike and I were wondering

if you and Trish might like to come for a meal with us one night.

Which night?

- Tonight? - Tonight?

- Oh, yeah. - Great.

Oh, only Mike hasn't actually asked Trish yet.

Don't worry, I'll do that. : at the pub?



- We've got a date. - Oh, yeah?

With Mike and Phil. Tonight.

What, a foursome?

Jenny, I don't know. - Oh, go on. Live a little.

All right.

Men. Honestly, such cowards.

Right, Gina, I'm off. You know what you've got to do.

Yeah, yeah. Chat up George East and find out what he's up to.

It's not a game, it's a serious job and Potter is paying.

Yeah, but why me? I don't even like the man.

It doesn't matter. It'll make it easier.

Just think of Mata Hari.


: tonight then. A table for four.

Thank you very much.


Ten antiques shops and not a single thing.

I knew this was hopeless.

- I've booked. - All right.

- The Webster's Hotel. - The Websters? But...

I know, the whole hog. Everything.

- Phil... You're mad. - I know.



- Who the hell is it? - Calm down, Bri. Some stupid hiker.

What if he looked through the window and saw that lot?

He's not going to, is he? He's walking away.

This whole thing feels wrong to me.

For God's sake, Brian, you're beginning to get on my nerves.

BRIAN: But why do people keep calling?

Because that's what people do in the country. They're bored stiff.

All right.

Both of you, that's enough. Everything's fine.

Clear this stuff away before someone else comes nosing round.

I'm telling you they've got expl*sives.

And I'm telling you this is a police matter.

So please just let us deal with it.

I can't.

I'm acting for the Potter family as a private detective.

I see.


I need you to keep out.

As an ex-cop,

I'm sure you understand.

Oh, I see.

All right, then.

I'll keep out. For the time being.

But I'm warning you, Colonel Potter has a safe there full of jewellery,

belonging to his late wife.

He has to be protected.



All right?

Yesterday I went to HQ and received certain instructions.

We've all been placed on special duties tomorrow evening.

Tomorrow evening? I'm...

Yes, Ventress. Whether it is our shift or not.

The job is to guard Aidensfield station,

which will be closed to the public, and to clear roads for a motorcade.


- Who is it, Sarge? - That I can't say.

It's the queen. I bet it's the queen.

- MERTON: That's enough. - Or the Beatles.

Nicholson. You'll get a full briefing tomorrow.

Till then, there's to be no mention of this to anyone. Top secret.

Off you go, then.

Sarge, what time's all this happening?

Only, Mrs Ventress's sister is coming at six.

In the greater scheme of things,

Mrs Ventress's sister is neither here nor there.

- Erm... - Yes?

I er... need to speak to you.

Neither here nor there? Mrs Ventress's sister?

Wouldn't say that if he met her.

It's about that cottage again, Sergeant.

Oscar's been up there and...

And seen what he thought were expl*sives. Yes, he told me.

But we still leave the place strictly alone.

But something's going on up there

and there's a g*ng organising burglaries in the area.

I agree. But it's not me giving the orders.

They come from London. From the very highest level.

- Oh. So er... what's it all about? - They haven't told me.

But I assume our visitors have something to do with it,

which is why we've been told to stay away.

The VIP at Aidensfield station.

Yeah. Whoever that might be.

So, George, tell me a bit about yourself.

What do you do in London?

- You wouldn't be interested. - I'm sure I would.

And I'm sure you wouldn't.

Tell me about Aidensfield.

There's nothing to tell.

There must be. All these villages are the same.

They look sleepy, but you scratch the surface,

and there's an awful lot going on.

I wish I knew about them.

Oh, come on. Pub full of police? You must hear lots of juicy gossip.


Well, someone recently had a Ming vase stolen.

Is that so?

I'm getting nowhere with him.

I ask him questions, he just fires them straight back again.

Do I have to go on with this? - Yeah. It's very important.

He might talk more if you get him out of the pub.

Ask him if he wants a breath of fresh air.

Go on.

The others are a bit late.

We er... definitely said : , didn't we?

Oh, sorry, did you want a drink?

Actually, I was wondering, do we need to wait for them?

What, go on ahead?

- Or... go to a film instead? - What?

Come on. Who wants to sit in a restaurant?

There's a French film on. I love foreign films, don't you?

Er... yeah.

Yeah. OK.

This is very nice.

So what's going on?

Yesterday, you couldn't bear to have me anywhere near you.

- Today, you can't stay away. Why? - I don't know what you mean.

Oh, I think you do. What's Oscar Blaketon up to?


What's with the ridiculous disguise?

- Disguise? - The hiker.

I don't know. Eric Potter hired him to find out who took the Ming vase.

And he thinks it's me?



No sign of them.

He definitely said Webster's,

and Oscar said they'd left the pub.

And you're sure the table's booked?

Mm. I just checked.

I'm starving.


So am I.

Shall we?


Right. Thanks.

That's it. He gives me the creeps.

I'm having nothing more to do with him.

- Right. Where is he now, then? - He's gone out in his car.

I see. I'll see if he's having a meeting

with his chums at the cottage.

I don't care what Merton says.

I'm being paid to protect Colonel Potter.



- GEORGE: Are you mad? - BRIAN: Give me the car keys.

Shut up, both of you, and listen.

If anyone phones Command, it'll be me.

We're not changing the plan, and that's final.

If you want to play chicken, Brian, get out.


I was... just thinking how lovely this is.

Being lumbered with each other all evening?


Well, we'll just have to make the best of it.

But why? Why would he have a g*n?

Because his chums have got them, that's why.

No. Nothing.

And you didn't find anything out on your walk?



Well what?

Well, I think he knows it was you in the hiking gear, Oscar.

- Really? So what did you say? - Nothing. I didn't say anything.

I just don't like him. Something's not right.

No. Right. I'm off to Colonel Potter's.

I thought you said they've got g*ns.

Gina, I'm an ex-copper.

I know when to be careful. - And what about me here?

It's the Colonel who's in danger, with a house full of valuables.

Not you.

So, you passed your sergeant's exams.


So what now? Do you think you'll move on?

I'd have to wait for a post to come up.

And I'm very happy where I am for the moment.

What about you?

Not sure. Like you, I'm pretty settled for now.

Thank you very much. That was lovely.

Thank you, sir.

Is there something going on in the hall, a special do?

Tomorrow, sir. The place will be shut for three days.

A private party?

No one knows. Something political, that's the rumour.

With VIPs.

JENNY: It was great, wasn't it?

Well, yeah.

By the end, I hardly needed the subtitles,

I really got into the French. - Yeah.

Look, do you fancy some chips? I'm starving.

Oh, me too. Come on.

Are you going to stay the night?

Well, it's only a precaution, sir.

But the Ming's gone.

You've got other valuables here,

and the thieves could come back any time.

What thieves?

MUSIC: 'Will You Love Me Tomorrow' by Dusty Springfield

Oi, that's mine.

I love chips.

Me too.

- Oh, hold on. - Sorry.

♪ Tonight the light of love is in your eyes

♪ But will you love me tomorrow? ♪



It's me.


Very nervous. Especially Brian.

Worries me too.

No, no, no. There's no problems.

It's definitely going ahead tomorrow night.


You thieving scoundrel.

MUSIC: 'Love Is All Around' by The Troggs

♪ You know I love you, I always will

♪ My mind's made up by the way that I feel...

You're welcome to come in for a coffee.

Yeah, I'd erm... I'd really love that.

But I'd erm... better not. I've got an early start.


What about another time?

It's all right. I'll see you, Mike.

♪ It's everywhere I go

♪ So if you really love me

♪ Come on and let it show

♪ Come on and let it show... ♪

- Where were you last night? - Went to a French film.

A French film? You?


Well, for starters, you were meant to be with me and Trish.

Er, yeah. Er... sorry about that.

If it's any consolation, I had a really good time.

Last time I do you a favour.


Oh, Gina. What a night.

What happened? Any sign of the Ming thief?

No. I had the best night's sleep

I've had in ages, thanks to the Colonel.


Oh, it's nothing. Did er... East turn up again?

- Yeah. - And?

He made a phone call just before midnight.

Something about something definitely going to happen tonight.

So it wasn't last night. It was tonight.

Whatever it is.

Sergeant, last night I had a meal up at Webster's,

and the waitress said something about a political conference.

Shut the door.

I was just wondering whether or not it had anything to do with our VIP.

I've just had a briefing from HQ. You're right.

Top-level political talks.

And the VIP on the train... is the Prime Minister.

I see.

And you were right to be suspicious about the cottage folk.

Possibly members of an extremist group and a big security threat.

- So what do we do? - Nothing.

We leave it to Special Branch, who are in the area.

So whatever is or isn't going on...

We just guard the station, exactly as we've been told to.

You just couldn't stay away, could you?

Come on.

What have you got there, Alf?

My tea.

I'm not standing here all night without something inside me.

- I've got my autograph book. - Still hoping for the Beatles?

You never know.

Right, lads. Train is due in at : hours.

- That's ten o'clock, sarge. - Eight o'clock.

Thank you. The station is closed to the public now.

Ventress, Bellamy and Nicholson stay.

Bradley and I will check on the roadblocks.

Who are we guarding, sarge? The suspense is k*lling me.

Mickey Mouse, Nicholson.

Mickey Mouse.

There you go. Ta.

Can you manage if I go to the Colonel's?

- Have you seen David? - I haven't, Bernie.

He's meant to be helping me.

Well, have you checked the house?

He was off to empty the Wilkes's bins.

Wilkes's place?

BRIAN: Out! Out!

Get in.


Shut up.

Is that everything? I've just got to check round.

You follow on foot. Brian and I will get there and hide the cars.

Commander's already on his way.

What about the police?

How many times do I have to tell you?

It's all been taken care of.

The police are at the station keeping Joe public out.

They won't be anywhere near us. So shut up.

MIKE: Where are we going?

Last-minute change of plan.

I've got a new order to guard this road.

Why's that?

Extra security. Keep the public away,

in case things get nasty as the train approaches.

What about the Prime Minister?

He's coming by road. The train is a decoy.


Mike, I've told you everything I know.


One more squeak from you and you're dead.

- Are you ready? - Yeah.

This better not be a wild goose chase, Oscar.

- I really don't see why David... - Shh!

HE WHISPERS Hang on, Bernie.

There's East.

This is all to do with the Ming theft, Bernie.


Let's go and see if David's in the cottage.

Well, he's not upstairs.

Oscar... - Huh?

MUSIC: 'Dear Mr Fantasy' by Traffic

♪ Play us a tune

♪ Something to make us all happy...

Come on.

♪ Do anything

♪ Take us out of this gloom

♪ Sing a song, play guitar

♪ Make it snappy

♪ You are the one

♪ Who can make us all laugh...


Leave it, Mike. This isn't our call.

It's probably Special Branch.

♪ If it was a straight mind you had

♪ We wouldn't have known you all these years... ♪

What are they doing?

What's all this got to do with a Ming vase?

Yeah. Where's East, I wonder.

GEORGE: Don't move. And don't say a word.

And that's an order.

Where's the commander?

He's over there on the bridge.


It's ready.


Why has it stopped?

HE WHISPERS What the devil?

Someone's tipped them off. It's a trap. I'm going, anyway.



Put the g*n down.

Put it down now. You're under arrest.

Special Branch. Drop the g*n.


Hands on your head.

Drop the g*n! Drop the g*n!

Drop the g*n! Drop it now!

You double-crossing...

Get down! Face down! Do it now.



Hands behind your back!

♪ Sing a song

♪ Play guitar

♪ Make it snappy

♪ You are the one

♪ Who can make us all laugh

♪ But doing it

♪ You break out in tears... ♪



GEORGE: Blaketon.

How are you, sir?

I'm sorry, sir. I really am very sorry.

I hope you find your Ming thieves.

Thank you, sir.

What did he say?

Top secret.

- You know, I can't believe it. - Sorry?

I've been a complete idiot.

East was nothing to do with the Ming theft.

He's a Special Branch office. - Well, you weren't to know, Oscar.

He had us all fooled. That was his job.

- Are you all right? - Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.


- Get me out! - David.

Get me out.

Come on. Come on. Are you all right?



Thanks, Mr Scripps.

What a night, eh?


Ah, yes. Good morning, Colonel.

Blaketon, old chap. How's the head?

Oh, it's all right. I'll live.

Are you going somewhere?

Going on a world cruise.

From the proceeds of the Ming vase.

I sold it. About a week ago.

In York. Got a damn good price for it.

Tell that son of mine he won't be getting his inheritance after all.

I managed to spend it.

And I wouldn't want him wasting more time.

Tell him it's all for the best.

It'll make a man of him. HE CHUCKLES

So it was nothing to do with Ming vases after all?

And you wouldn't tell me what it was about?

I don't know any more than you do. A bunch of wanted fanatics

and a Special Branch trap to catch them.

And Gina says nothing exciting ever happens here.

Yeah, I know.

Any news on George East?

Yeah. I phoned the hospital this morning. He's out of danger.


I enjoyed the other night.

So what now?

Erm... you're fine. It's just a strain and bruising.

It just needs rest. - No. What I meant was...

I was wondering if you still had time for that coffee.

Mike, I've got a waiting room full of patients.

Yeah. Yeah, right. Well, I'd er...

better go, then.


I do close the surgery at five.
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