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01x06 - Married to m*rder

Posted: 09/19/23 04:18
by bunniefuu

[breathing heavily]


Hello, darling.

Yeah, just finished my workout now.


Okay, see you soon.

[car door opening and closing]

Oh, what a morning! First, they cancelled equipilates, and then my trainer calls in sick.

So I'm forced to work out all by myself! Honestly, I don't know why I go back to that place every week.

I think we'll skip the shopping this morning, George.

Let's just head home.

I can feel a migraine coming on.

George? Hang on.

You're not George.

[gas hissing]


[theme music playing]


- Thanks for coming in on a weekend.

- No problem, Chief.

- Got here as fast as I could.

- Are you wearing bike shorts?
- [Todd]

Yep, helps with wind resistance.

- You don't own a bike.

- It's a general principle.

- What's up, Chief? Must be serious.

I'm afraid it is.

We've just received news of a suspected kidnapping.


Eh, doesn't sound that serious.

- [chief]

Beverly Reed.

- [Todd]

It couldn't wait till Monday? [chief]

Socialite wife of David Reed.


The billionaire mining magnate? The Reeds are close personal friends of the premier, which is why I said I'd put my best team on it.

Sounds more like a job for Missing Persons.

- [chief]

They don't work weekends.

- Oh, of course.

Okay, Chief, we'll need the case file, along with the background briefings, and any extra info you have.

- Thanks, Todd.

- [Todd]

Leave it on my desk.

We'll look at it first thing Monday.

By Monday morning, Mrs Reed could well be dead!
- I'll start early.

- What exactly do we know, Chief? Beverly Reed was last seen a few hours ago leaving this gymnasium.

- [Veronica]

Hold it there.

- [Maddie]

VJ, what've you got? [Veronica]

She's wearing the same bike pants as Todd.

- [Todd]

Yeah, they're unisex.

- [chief]

A few minutes later,
- she was picked up by this car.

- [Zac]

Hold it there.

- [Maddie]

Zac, what've you got?
- [Zac]

Is that a legal tint? [Maddie]

Have we spoken to the limo company? [chief]

Apparently, it wasn't one of theirs.

Mrs Reed's regular driver turned up five minutes later, by which time, she was gone.

- Any ransom demand?
- Not as yet.

Given the sensitivities of this case, you'll understand that discretion is of the utmost importance.

[knock at door]

- [Maddie]

Of course.

- Uh, excuse me, Chief? I've got a journalist here, wanting to know something about a kidnapping?
- [chief]

What! How?
- Did you just tweet?
- Is that a problem?
- [chief]

Get rid of them.

Yeah, the last thing we need is some scruffy old hack
- looking for a scoop.

- Uh, is this a bad time? [music]

- No, no, come on in.

- Hey, I'm Christie, and I was just hoping to ask a few questions.

- Perfect timing.

- What? Well, we've just been given a big case.

- She can write about the way I handle it.

- You handle it?
- Well, you guys, too, as part of my team.

- Your team? See, this is perfect.

- [Maddie]

No, it's not!
- [Todd]

I think it is.

The conflict, the human drama I want to catch it all.

Chief, what happened to discretion?
- We haven't said what the case is.

- [chief]

Possible illegal tint.

- The kidnap of socialite Beverly Reed.

- How did you know about that?
- She tweeted.

- All right, Jesus!
- That's off the record, Christie.

- Chief? Well, I know the director is keen for some positive publicity.

- [Todd]

There you go.


- You know what I was thinking?
- I love it!
- You haven't heard it.

It would be awesome if I could be embedded with you.

- [laughs]

I was thinking the same thing.

- She said "embedded.

- Oh, well, we can do that, too.

- Guys, we better get moving.

- [both]

Let's go.

- Yeah, uh, I normally go first.

Actually, I'll give it another one.

Let's go! Now that's why I chose to become a cop.

Was there a specific trigger? Well, let me think
- [Maddie]

Open your eyes.

- I'm trying to think.

You know, I guess it's the sort of career, Christie,
- that chooses you.

- And keep both hands on the wheel.

- This is all great.

- Is it? Yeah.

- Well, I guess, Todd
- Hmm.

- um, what I'm hoping to figure out
- Yep? is, um, how do you guys, like, do it? You know, like, coping with the danger?
- I reckon the key is to
- Sorry, Zac, she's asking me.

Oh, sorry, Todd.

Oh, no, no, no.

I'm, like, interested in all of you.

No, let's start with me.

Give the article a focus.

Um, so, how do I cope with the danger? Hmm [chuckles]

- It's about putting the case first.

- [Veronica]

Looks like we're here.

- I'll just go 'round the block.

- Todd! All right, I'll summarise.

- This is so exciting.

- It's not exciting.

- Oh.

- It's serious police work.

- Can I quote you on that?
- No.

Have you signed that personal safety waiver? Is that the form Todd gave me? It just asked for my phone number.

- Yeah, I'll get that form off you.

- Okay.

Let's go over the ground rules again, Christie.

You do what we tell you, and keep out of our way.

We cannot afford for any member of this team to be distracted by
- Todd!
- How's that, Christie? You want one of me looking down the barrel? You're supposed to be an undercover agent!
- Can you pixelate my face?
- [Christie]


Yeah, but you'll still be able to see my pecs? [sprinklers spraying]


So, this is the Reeds' house? Yeah, looks like the mining business sure pays.

- Oh, my God, check this place out.

- Those sprinklers.

Don't they realise we're in a drought?
- I'm sure it's recycled water.

- [Zac]

I don't think so.

And all those cars.

Diesel engines,
- the environmental cost
- Is she always like this? Eh, you get used to it.

Come on.

Todd, the deal was she stays in the car.

But she might wanna see me working a case.

- It's not a profile piece on you.

- Could be.

- It's not.

- Well let's not rule it out, Christie.

Let's just let the story unfold.

You're new to this.


I know this isn't easy for you, Mr Reed.

But do you mind if we ask you a few questions?
- Of course.

- Is that floor Fijian oak? Mahogany.

It's a little harder to source, but as rainforest timber goes, it's my favourite.


When did you last speak to your wife? Oh, this morning.

She rang me from the gymnasium, said she'd be home in half an hour, but she never arrived.

I should've picked her up.

I blame myself!
- Probably fair.

- How often did your wife go to the gym? Oh, every week.

Beverly always took great pride in her looks.

- She used to be a model.

- [Todd]

So, before this was taken? [David]

No, that's one of her modelling.

- [Todd]

- [David]

- [Veronica]

- [Zac]

- She's very beautiful, Mr Reed.

- Thank you.

So, whoever is behind this may well have known
- she'd be at the gym this morning.

- I guess so.

I just can't believe this is happening.

My wife, abducted.


We don't know that for sure, sir.

- She may have been m*rder*d.

- Zac!
- Just canvassing the options.

- Mr Reed, just a few more questions.

- [David]

Er, of course.

- The table, is it redwood?
- Todd!
- I'm renovating.

- [David]

New Guinea Oak.

- I knew it! Tell me, Mr Reed, has your wife been acting unusually lately?
- Unusual? How do you mean?
- Has she appeared worried? Nervous?
- Has she refused dessert?
- Have there been any strange phone calls?
- Unexplained absences?
- Look, Officer, why don't you just come
- out and ask what you really want to know.

- Okay, are those cupboards jarrah?
- Is everything all right in your marriage?
- Why, yes, of course.

I mean, the last few years have not been easy on Beverly.

I travel a lot, and it's a big house, must get lonely.

She's put on the odd pound or two.

- Still, what can one do?
- [Zac]

Have an affair? Is it possible your wife was targeted because of your job?
- How do you mean?
- Well, let me put it another way.

Is it possible your wife was targeted because of your job?
- That's the same way.

- Different inflection.

Went up.

- You would have a few enemies.

- Look, Officer, I run mining operations in unstable regions all over the world.

There's often resentment from those who fail to see the enormous value of what we contribute to their country.


- Maddie.

- No, let me speak.

You mean the decimated rainforests, polluted rivers, barren fields Mr Reed, have you recently felt threatened?
- Why, yes.

By her.

- [Todd]


But in terms of specific threats.


- There is one group.

The Green Force.

- [Maddie]

Fuerza Verde.

- Ah, you've heard of them.

- They're environmental activists.

- [David]

More like eco

- What's the difference? I'm guessing only one's got tax deductibility status.


I'm not worried by those crackpots.

If you're not worried, how do you explain this?
- [Todd]

Wow, that's walnut.

- [Veronica]

No, this!
- [Todd]


- You keep a handgun in the house? It's not a g*n, Officer.

It's a lighter.

- [David]

- [Zac]

Cool! So you think the Green Wedge could be behind my wife's kidnapping? At this stage, we can't rule anything out.

- Eco
-terrorism, personal vendetta
- Alien abduction?
- I think we can rule that out.

- Yeah.

Tell me this.

How come there hasn't been any ransom demand? I figure it's coming, sir.

That's why we've set up a tracer on your phone, for when the kidnappers call.

I understand.

- Want a light?
- Why, thank you.


[all screaming]

Sorry, wrong lighter.

Oh, here.

This one.

[g*nsh*t, all gasp]

It's fine.

I've been trying to give up.

[telephone ringing]

[ringing continues]


Stay calm.

- Hello?
- [man]

Mr Reed? Yes? Ah, who is this? [man]

That is information you do not need to know.

Where's my wife? What've you done with her? What?
- Keep him on the line.

- Oh.


- [man]

Is there anyone else there?
- Uh, nope.

- No.

- Shh.


Do not attempt anything foolish, and do not go to the police.

Otherwise, you know what will happen.

[line cuts off]

- Oh, good Lord.

So, what now?
- We try and trace that call.

But you heard what he said about not involving the police.

I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize my Beverly.

Trust me, Mr Reed, we know what we're doing.

We're gonna catch these guys.

- [man]

Uh, I'm still here.

- What? Zac!
- You said, "Keep him on the line.

- [Todd groaning]

Yeah, but [sirens wailing]


Do exactly as we say, and then, we will be in touch.


- Kwong, can we get the number?
- It's from a pre
-paid disposable.

- So it can't be traced?
- Could take some time.

But at the end of the day, I can trace anything.

Yeah, you're still looking for your old reading glasses.

Problem is, even if we crack the SIM, chances are the ID will be fake.

- Guys, remember what he said at the end?
- Yeah.


" No.

He said, "We will be in touch.

- That's a clue.

Don't you get it?
- [all]

- The clue is "we"
- Oh, we did it.


Whoever it is, they're not working alone.

- Well done.

- Yeah, listen, Christie.

This is highly technical stuff.

- If you're gonna sit in
- You were the one who invited her! What, I thought she'd be interested in seeing me work a case.

- "You"?
- Well, us! You know what, just put me as lead investigator.

- Okay, can we get back to this?
- Yeah, concentrate.

So, there's likely to be more than one kidnapper.

- For sure.

- We also know that 75%
- of all kidnappings are carried out by
- The person who did it.

- By a person the victim already knew.

- [Zac]

Oh, that person.

- I think it's 80%.

- Really? I've run background checks on Mr and Mrs Reed's staff.

Wow, this is so high

We're equipped with the very latest in digital forensic hardware.

- Is that a Playstation?
- She doesn't get out much.

- Here we go.


- [Todd]


- [Kwong]



- [Todd]




The disgruntled pool cleaner
- they were recently forced to sack.

- [Todd]

Hang on.

- [Maddie]

- [Todd]

Give us another look at that maid.

- [Maddie]

No, the pool cleaner!
- [Todd]

I asked first.

- [Maddie]

Who's he?
- [Kwong]

Don't have a name.

According to Mr Reed, he only worked for them for a short while.


Yeah, I think we can rule him out.

Let's go back to the maid.

Could the kidnapping have something to do with Mr Reed's work?
- [Veronica]

How do you mean?
- Well, open
-cut mines create enormous environmental damage.

- Er, I'm sure Mr Reed follows the rules.

- Maybe not.

Listen to this.

The Reed mining group has been responsible for destroying millions of hectares of pristine wilderness.

- Some left
-wing blog site.

- That's the company prospectus.

- Oh.

- Hang on.

Who's that? [Kwong]

Pablo Esquavez.


Don't you realise where we've seen him before?
- [all]

- [Zac]

Not really.

- Seriously?
- The pool cleaner?
- Thank you.

- Yeah, I think she should wait outside.

- Kwong?
- Running facial profile.


Thank you.

[computer beeping]


You're right.

It is Pablo Esquavez.

Head of something called Fuerza Verde.

- Red Fire.

- [Zac]

Blue Chip.

- The Green Force.

- [all]

- What do we know him?
- [Kwong]

He's an environmental activist.

- [Todd]

He's an eco
- [Veronica]

What's the difference?
- [Zac]

Different bandanas?
- Fuerza Verde target Western companies accused of damaging natural resources.

And this Esquavez guy was working for the Reeds?
- Just for a few weeks.

- Long enough.

Long enough for what? To familiarize himself with Mrs Reed's schedule.

Okay, Christie.

Definitely outside.

Back to the maid.

Kwong, any idea where we can find this guy? Well, the Fuerza Verde have a local headquarters just north of the city.

- Come on.

- [both]

Let's go.


See, you did that in front of Christie! Take the next exit.

[tyres squealing]


- [Veronica]

Wanna indicate?
- Wow!
- Where did you learn to drive like that?
- Ah, comes naturally, I guess.

I've always had razor
-sharp reflexes.

- [Christie]

Oh really?
- Uh, yep.


Todd, watch out! [crash]

- Wow.

Everyone okay?
- What happened? [Zac]

Todd was talking about his razor
-sharp reflexes.

[Christie sighs]

- Okay, let's do this quick.

- Wow, this is so cool.

- Why has she got a g*n?
- I'm just giving her a feel for the job.

- [Maddie]

- Christie, maybe try
- and not point it at people?
- But isn't that the point? Yeah, not us.

Other people.

- Clear!
- Clear!
- Clear!
- Clear.

Yeah, we've really gotta work on that.

- Looks like no one's here.

- [all]


- What about him?
- [all]

Oh I'm telling you, I don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, pal.

We know you're a member of that crazy group.

Hey, there's nothing crazy about Fuerza Verde.

- We're simply standing up for the planet.

- [Maddie]

I know.

Do you realise a square mile of rainforest is destroyed every day!
- Not my problem.

- It's everyone's problem.

There's a pile of garbage 30
-miles wide floating in the ocean.

- Yeah, it's called Tonga.

- No.

- Hey, we're not after you.

- I wanna take him down.

No, Todd.

We just need your help.

- Is this good cop/bad cop?
- Yeah, thanks, Christie.

Can we just hold off on the comments for a sec?
- We need to find this guy.

- You mean Pablo?
- You know him?
- Oh, he used to be a member of the group.

But then he started acting all weird.

Talking about direct action, v*olence banning sugar from meetings!
- [Todd]


- That's not how we work.

- Where is he?
- I don't know.

I swear, I don't know.


To be honest, I don't remember that much about him.

- My wife dealt with all the staff.

- [Maddie]

We just need some information.

- [Todd]

Yeah, let's start with your maid.

- About the pool cleaner.

We'll come back to the maid.

[mobile beeping]

- What is it?
- It's a message.

It says it's from Beverly but it's not her e
-mail address.

Wait, there's a web link.

Appears to be some sort of video file.

- This could be the ransom demand.

- Yes.

Just waiting for it to load.

- Are you on dial
- Yep.

Almost there.
- You don't have ad
- Afraid not.

You can skip it in four seconds.

- Can I just see the end?
- Zac.

David, darling, it's me.

I've been kidnapped.

These men are holding me.

They're refusing to let me go, or give me food.


Not true! We gave you food, you ate it all! I'm so hungry.


They demand
- [Todd]

What's happening?
- [Maddie]

I think it's buffering.

Haven't considered broadband?
- Can we go back to the car ad?
- Here we go.

They demand $8,000,000.

Unless this ransom money is paid, they will send me home.

- [man]

- Oh, sorry.

Unless this ransom money is paid, they will send me home in pieces.

- [man]

Okay, cut.

- I think I've got one more in me.


So what do we do now? We don't want you to do anything, Mr Reed.

Except sit tight and wait for the next message.

And the ransom? We still don't know how he wants it delivered.

The good news is we know your wife's alive and well.

In fact, I'd say she's put on weight.

- Todd!
- Well, it's a good thing! Mr Reed, we're going to find your Beverly,
- and bring her back where she belongs.

- [Zac]

The gym.

- Home.

- Her home gym.

[Beverly on video]

Unless this ransom money is paid, they will send me home in pieces.

Kwong, can you trace where the e
-mail came from? It's been sent from a server with a 30
-point encryption key that resets every few minutes.

- Meaning?
- In order to crack the identity, I'd have to work through over 400 billion possible combinations of password numbers in under two minutes.

- You need a pen?
- It's uncrackable.

- It's all right, Kwong.

Don't feel bad.

- I don't.

- Well, you should.

You've let us down.

- Todd!
- Well, I tried to be nice.

- How's it looking, team?
- We found Mrs Reed.

- Oh, well done! Where is she?
- In a chair.

In a room somewhere.

- [chief]


May have slightly oversold that.

Well, this case just became even more urgent.

What is it, Chief? Turns out, Mr Reed's company is about to sign a deal to build a massive copper mine in the Amazon jungle.

[all groaning]

Why are we sounding like this? If anything were to happen to compromise that deal Such as the kidnap of his wife.

Hmm, it could well have international implications.

Naturally, what I've just told you is not to leave this room.

Can I mention it in my article? Oh, Christie.

Are we doing group photos? [mobile rings]

- Yeah, done them, Chief.

- What? But, I wasn't actually in them.

That was Mr Reed.

He's just received another call from the kidnappers.

- What do they want?
- Corn chips, lasagne,
- and a tub of choc ripple.

- And the ransom? They've given him until 6:00 p.


to come up with the money.

Okay, we haven't got much time.

- We've got four hours.

- Oh, yeah, fair point.

But guys, we still don't know who the kidnappers are, where they're holding Mrs Reed, or how the ransom's to be delivered.

- Uh stand?
- Yes! We've only got four hours.

- Three hours and 59 minutes.

- Guys, take a look at this shot again.

There's got to be some sort of clue.



I've got it! Kwong, back wall, just above the light switch.

Can you zoom in? [computer beeps]

That's it.

Little more.

[beeping continues]

- There.

- [Veronica]

A fly?
- Exactly.

- How's that helpful? All we've gotta do now is identify the species of fly.

Then work out the area that it's typically found in.

It's a fly.

You find them everywhere.

- Antarctica?
- No.

Right, so we're narrowing down the search area.

- Good work, Todd.

- Guys, I've spotted something.

- Another fly?
- Check out that mirror.

- There's a reflection in it.

- [Todd]

Of a fly? [Maddie]

Kwong? [computer beeps]

- [Zac]

"Letom Cificap.

- [Todd]

"Letom Cificap"? It's gotta be some sort of code.

Or a foreign language.

- Russian, Serbian!
- It's mirrored.

Of course.

The mirrors people.

- Who are they?
- It's mirrored writing.

- Reverse the letters and you get
- [Veronica]

: Hang on.

- [all]

- Pacific Motel.

Beginner's luck, I guess.

That's where the kidnappers are holding Mrs Reed.

- Let's
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.



Seriously? She was asking me about my childhood influences.

It's 5,000 words.

It's a very deep profile.


Sure, they checked in last night.

- Seemed like a nice couple.

- Nothing unusual?
- No.

- [Todd]

And the guy? Oh, real gentleman.

Helped his wife out of the boot and all.

- [Maddie]

And her?
- Uh, didn't say much.

Could've been the gaffer tape over her mouth.

- What room?
- Uh 27.

- You'll need a key.

- Don't think so.


Zac? [device beeping]

All right.


Christie, watch and learn.

[watch ticking]

99, 98, 97, 96
- You kidding me?
- Yeah, I wouldn't mention this bit.

I'll count to myself.

[counting under breath]

- Shall I get that key?
- Out of the way.


Huh, easier than I thought.

- [groans]

We're too late.

- But they were here.

- Look.

The same chair, ropes
- Any sign of that fly? Guys, it's a phone.

Ah, kidnappers must've dropped it on the way out.

Or maybe they ditched it.

Didn't want anyone tracking them.

These guys are good.

Been one step ahead of us the whole time.

- Yeah? Well not for much longer.

- [Zac]

And one [boom]

[all screaming]

[Todd groaning]

I feel so helpless.

It's like we're sitting here doing nothing.

We are sitting here doing nothing.

We're having afternoon tea.

Need to keep our minds alert.

Anyone want another muffin? Must be something we've missed.

Some clue, a lead, another fly.

- How do you guys do it?
- Do what? Stay so focused.


Not the first time I'm asked that.

I guess I've had a bit of practise.

[tennis ball bouncing]

[crowd cheering]


Linesman, was the ball in or out? Hmm, what? Are you talking to me? Oh, the ball was definitely ass [stuttering]

Uh, out in no, you.

Uh, your call.

- Kwong, any luck with that phone?
- Just running call logs now.

Looks like three calls were made this afternoon to
- Mr Reed's private number?
- What?
- The kidnappers rang Reed?
- You don't think he could be
- involved in his own wife's disappearance?
- No.

This is ransom.

They're calling him with instructions.

We need to speak to him.

Let's get over there.

Too late.

David Reed left his house 20 minutes ago.

Twenty What? How long have you known that?
- I was finishing my muffin.

- He's going to meet the kidnappers.

Alone? We've gotta find him!
- Kwong, can you put a trace on his phone?
- It's switched off.

But there's a GPS transponder on his car.

- Just patching into it now.

- [Todd]

Good work.

- What? He's heading to the docks.

- Correct.

- And what's that dot?
- [Kwong]

Um, it's your car.

- [Todd]

Our car?
- Todd, did you put the handbrake on?
- Oh, shit.

Come on.

- Let's move.

Your turn, I guess.



Uh, hello? Is anyone there? Hello! [g*n cocking]

Good afternoon, Mr Reed.


Ah, Pablo Esquavez.

- You know who I am?
- Yes, you're our pool cleaner.

And also the head of Fuerza Verde, responsible for the deaths of 78 innocent mineworkers.

I'm glad to see you read your security briefings.

And as for those innocent workers, they were destroying the planet! Where's my wife? [gasps]

- Beverly!
- Not so fast.

- [David]

What've you been feeding her?
- [Beverly muffled]


- Looks like the place.

- Yeah.

Kwong, can you pull up the schematics of this building?
- [Kwong on radio]

Onto it.

- Okay, how're we gonna do this? I think we need an exit strategy.

- [Maddie]

We're not even in there yet.

- Okay, an entrance strategy.

- Point is, we need a strategy.

- Ah, we could go 'round the back.

Listen, Christie [chuckles]

I've been doing this for a long time.

Covert ops and counter
-t*rror1st insertion.

We don't need advice.

- Ah, sure.

- Okay, let's uh, where are they?
- I think they went 'round the back.

- Oh, for God's sake
- Let's go.

- Let's go.

[groans and whipsers]

Better be a good article.


I have the money.

$8,000,000 as requested.

- [Pablo]

We don't want your money.

- What? Then what do you want? We want an end to the r*pe and destruction of this planet.

And the only way to achieve that, my friend is by putting an end to you! [David gasps]

[Beverly groans]


Keep her quiet! [David]

I think you're standing on her foot.

- Oh.

- Oh, sorry.

So, where were we? Okay, nearly [Fitbit vibrating]

- What the
- My Fitbit.

- You're kidding me?
- 10,000 steps.

- [Zac]

You've worked off that muffin.

- [gasps]

Look! [g*nsh*t]


Ah, can't get 'em.


- [Maddie]

Todd, what're you doing?
- She's wounded.

In the arm.

I don't think she needs mouth

- [Todd]

Can't be too careful.

- I'm fine.

See, she's delirious.

Better get her shirt off.

- It's Pablo.

He's getting away.

- Yep.

Just give me a minute.

- [Maddie]

- All right, all right.

Looks like it's game over, Pablo.

The game is not over.

In fact, the game has not even begun.

Then what's this? Some sort of pre
-match? Now the game is over, my friend.

What? [grunts]

Oh, I don't know how to thank you all.

- Just doing our job, Chief.

- Doing your job saved the life of a woman.

- How is Mrs Reed?
- Doing well.

She's begun taking fluids.

- [Veronica]

And dessert.

- Is chocolate mousse a fluid? But still listed as critical? No, she's now listed as, uh pre

- [Veronica]

Oh, that's nice.

- [Todd]

Ah, good to hear.

Excuse me, Chief? This just arrived.

- [Zac]

It's our article!
- [Todd]

Ah! "The citizens of this city can all sleep a little safer, knowing that an elite team of hand
-picked police operatives is keeping them safe.

" Oh, really, Chief.

I don't wanna hear it.

- [chief]

Oh, okay.

- Just a bit more.

Does it mention me?
- "Brave, resourceful
- Uh, yeah.

- and highly trained
- [Todd]

Spot on.

the team is led from the front by a brilliant woman.

- What?
- It doesn't mention me by name?
- Who says it's you?
- Well, VJ.

It's obviously me.

[overlapping chatter]


[overlapping chatter continues]

Team, let's shh.

