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01x03 - A Family Affair

Posted: 09/19/23 04:16
by bunniefuu
[crickets chirping]

Okay, they're inside.

- How many hostiles?
- At least four.

- I can see nine.

- I said "at least four".

- [Zac]

Five, six
- It's nine.

Hang on, hang on six, seven
- Hang on, who are they?
- Eight, nine
- Guys, can we get on with this?
- Okay, what's the plan? We won't make it in through the front door.

- We won't have to.

- What? Let's make them come to us.

Time to smoke out the hive.


- [Maddie]

Our car
- [Todd]

Yeah, okay.

Now it's time to make us come to them.

[theme music playing]


[police siren wailing]

Okay, coffees are here.

Who had the skunny latte?
- The what?
- The latte.

With skum milk.

- "Scum"?
- Trum.

And the flit white? Ooh, it's a little hot.

Just take a sip.

Yeah, that's fine, thanks, Sophie.

Just leave them there.

Okay, why don't I just leave them there?
- [chief]


- [Sophie]

Too easy.

- Chief, she can't even order coffee.

- [chief]

She's new.

- She's been here six months.

- You've gotta get rid of her.

Well it's awkward.

She's got a sick mother back in Christchurch, needs a lifesaving operation.

- [Veronica]


- Yeah, that's it.

- Not lifesaving.

- Have you seen her mother? Anyway, we've got more pressing matters to worry about.

- [Maddie]

What's up, Chief?
- What do you know about Na Chang?
- That noodle bar around the corner?
- [chief]


- Korean hip
-hop artist?
- [chief]


- The sound a cash register makes?
- No, that's ka

Na Chang is a lawless southeast Asian narco
- wracked by civil unrest and v*olence.

- Correct, Madeline.

She always waits 'til we've eliminated the options.

It's currently under the control of an organisation called the Dark Sun.

- Well, well, well.

- [chief]

You've heard of them, Todd? Let's just say we've had our disagreements.

Listen to me very carefully, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once.

I did not order rice crackers.

- So kindly remove them from the bill.

- That was the "Golden Sun.

" Oh.

Well, don't let me get all the way through a flashback.


Did you end up paying for the prawn crackers?
- Nope.

- The Dark Sun is a militant rebel group
- led by this man, Colonel Tran.

- Hm.

Tran's a revolutionary, committed to eradicating all Western influences.


Yet he's wearing a denim jacket and a baseball cap.


And is that an iPhone? His organisation has recently kidnapped one of our citizens.

They're demanding a substantial sum of money.

- [Maddie]

How much, Chief?
- 500,000 kyat.

What? You're kidding! 500,000 kyat? That's insane! Does anyone know what that is in our currency?
- No, not really.

- Is it a lot?
- Don't worry.

I've got an app.

- It's a quarter of a million dollars.

- That's insane!
- We've been asked to assist
- with the rescue mission.

- Are you crazy, Chief? Travel to a lawless hellhole to save some idiot who's got himself captured? Why would anyone do that? Because that idiot is Maddie's father.


Yeah, question remains.

- [Veronica]

Still not convinced.

- Daddy? Apparently, he was working there as part of a UN humanitarian project.

- [Maddie]


- Somehow got separated from his team.


How recent is this photo? From the clothes, I'd say late 19th century.

Daddy always was a flamboyant dresser.

We believe it was taken a couple of months back.

Then how do we know he's still alive?
- Have they sent a severed finger?
- They sent a video.

- [Zac]

Of a severed finger?
- Take a look at this.

[static crackling]

Oh, my God "My name is Dr Lachlan Riggs.

I've been captured by men labelled by the West as narco
-t*rrorists, but who are, in fact, freedom fighters.

I'm being held by the handsome and charismatic Colonel Tran.

" [Tran]

Cut to me now.


Close up.

Okay, cut back now.

"He is patriot," uh That should be "a patriot".


Keep reading.

"He demands following" Uh, "the following".


I no care about definite article.

Read! You read.

"$250,000 cash" See, that should be "in cash".

- [Tran]

Yep, yep, okay, okay.

- "An end to foreign interference in the lawful business activities of his people, and improved coverage of the Asian Champions Soccer League.

If these demands are not met within 48 hours, they execute me.

" Yeah, uh, "will execute me".

Future tense.

I do now if you don't stop with grammar!
- "Do it now", "the grammar".

- How was that? [man]

One more for audio.

Okay, okay.

Do it now, do it now.

They will execute you.

Will execute Wow.

So what're we gonna do? If it was up to me, I'd carpet
-b*mb the entire country.

Let's call that option B.

Can we go through foreign affairs? Back channels? That could take weeks.

By then, he could well be dead.

- [Todd]

Problem solved.

- Todd! Well, there's a process, Maddie.

He's queue
-jumping at the moment.

The only hope for us is to mount a rescue operation.

Us? Surely it's a job for the army.

Special Forces.

We need a group used to operating outside the law.

- Motorcycle gangs?
- Union heavyweights?
- Off
-duty bouncers?
- [chief]

No can do.

If we want to see your father alive, it's up to us.

- And if we don't want to see
- Todd!
- Well, I'm just canvassing the options.

- This is a black

Should anything go wrong, we will be forced to deny any knowledge of you or the mission.

- Can we still claim travel expenses?
- We'll need receipts.

- Sounds fair.

- We're gonna bring your father home.

- Dead or alive.

- No!
- Alive.

- Alive.

- Yeah, with all his fingers.

- Thank you.

[Todd groans]


- Not afraid of needles?
- [Veronica]


- Fine.

- All good.

- Oh, I was just taking a power

- All right, let's get on with it.

- Ow!
- Sorry.

I normally do autopsies.

Let's see what we've got.

Typhoid, cholera, malaria, and Oh, can you read that?
- "Animal use only.

- And next bit?
- Best by 1996.

- I think it's yellow fever.

- What's left, Dr Shari?
- Waking Todd up? [Todd]

I'm awake, yep.

No, I'm fine.

- Hep A, immunoglobulin.

- [Maddie]

- Hep B, immunoglobulin.

- [Maddie]

And? Hep C A
-Are you just wanting me to say "immunoglobulin?"
- [Maddie]


- So, Doc, ready to go?
- No, no.

Not so fast.

- Huh? Agent Sommerville, you've got a few injuries.

Ten years in the special forces will do that.


Is that a b*llet fragment? Russian 9mm.

We were busting a sleeper cell.


But what about these old fractured ribs? Guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

- [Zac]

Zumba class.

- That instructor was clueless.

Come on, Doc.

Just sign the paper.

- We've got a mission to complete.

- But it's against medical regulations.

Well, perhaps we could bend the rules?
- Ooh, well, I guess
- Ow! Ooh, no, that's my bad arm.

Rotator cuff.

Try the other one.

[bone cracking]


Yep, I remember that Zumba class.

Tell me, are all these tests necessary? If your team is going to be jumping from 35,000 feet, then we need to test their cognitive abilities at altitude.

- Of course.

- How are you feeling?
- Good.

- Blood pressure and heart rate is steady.

Cognitive baseline.

What's five times five? Um Sorry?
- What altitude is he at now?
- Ground level.

I think that helmet might be a little tight.

- Try another one.

- What year is it?
- This year.

- Try warmer, colder.

He's good at that.

- What is the capital of France?
- [Zac]


- No.

- [Zac]

- Warmer.

- I think we're done.

- Singapore! Hawaii?
- Here we go.


Okay, final briefing.

Kwong, what've you got? The section of jungle you're heading for is here.

It's described as an inaccessible, muddy, malarial swampland.


Geez, Trip Advisor can be tough.


Based on recent thermal and satellite imaging, we've detected a flurry of activity around this old military bunker.

Looks like it could be our target destination.

Okay, team, it's time to load the bird.

We need to be chocks away and wheels up by 2200.

- I got "team".

- Is he still at altitude?
- So we've got the go
-ahead, Chief?
- Yes.

But I need you to give me your badges,
- wallets, and anything with an ID.

- [Maddie]

What for? From the moment your plane leaves the ground [Todd]


Zac! You can keep your pants on.

- They've got my name on them.

- It's fine.

From the moment your plane leaves the ground, you are civilians.

- We understand, Chief.

- Once there, you're on your own.

- No support, supplies or friendlies.

- [Todd]

Yep, got it.

Should you be injured or captured, there will be no rescue attempt.

- [Todd]

- And, in the unlikely event you make it back alive, you could be charged with espionage.

- Yep, yep.

Now, are we rushing into this?
- Todd! It's my father! I'm just saying we should take a vote.

- I'm going.

- Okay, there's one for yes.

- Maybe there's a no.

- Come on, let's go.

We'll vote on the move, 'cause I'm probably a no.

- Pants, Zac.

- Oh, yeah.

- [chief]

Two minutes to the drop zone.

- Okay, looks like this is it.

Guys, if any of you want to back out
- Oh, I thought you'd never ask.

- [Veronica]

Todd! I'm joking, joking.

Well, let's at least finish the vote.

Todd, I mean it.

You don't have to come.

Whoa, Maddie.

Remember what I said the day you joined this unit?
- Don't
- Park in my spot? Yep, well I said that, but I said other things.

- I said don't
- Use my mug?
- No.

- Or herbal tea bags? Yeah, I said "Don't ever forget.

One in, all in.

- [Zac]

Oh, yeah, I forgot that.

- We do this together.

[whistle blows]

Let's go!
- I've got a main malfunction!
- Pull your reserve! I've got a reserve malfunction!
- Pull my finger.

- Zac, not the time.

- It's not working.

- Did you actually pack a parachute? Uh [thinking]

Yeah, I think I've got everything.

Hmm, feels like I've missed something
- Um
- Yeah, not the time for a flashback.

I'm coming to get you!
- We're off course!
- Brace yourself, everyone.

[both screaming]

- How does that feel?
- [sighs]


- And that?
- [sighs]

Even better.

- How about that?
- Ow, my head.

- Are you all right, Todd?
- What? Where are we? I think, technically, we're in a living room.

Or the barn.

Kind of an open plan arrangement.

[speaking in mock native language]

My father say, "How did you get here?" We came in big bird.

Fall from sky.

[speaking in mock native language]

He say, "Was it the 130J Hercules?"
- Yes.

- Yeah, the Hercules.

Good plane.

Err, what's he doing? [speaking in mock native language]

- I think he wants us to drink.

- Yeah, not really that thirsty.

[speaking in mock native language]

He say, "You must make atonement to gods for violating our sacred lands.

" We understand and will happily participate in any ceremony you deem necessary.

Yes, unless it involves tooth filing or circumcision.

[speaking in mock native language]

You must also pay for damage to our roof.

- [Maddie]

How much?
- 30,000 kyat.

That's Hang on, I've got an app.

- Please, drink.

- [Todd]


Uh, ladies first.

- [woman]

To your health.

- You speak very good English.


I learn from watching your TV soap operas.

- What is your name?
- Charlene.

- And your father?
- Dr Karl.

- He is your village elder?
- Clan teacher and spiritual leader.

He also does our web design [camera shutter clicks]

for his blog.

Can he not post that for a couple of days? [speaking in mock native language]

- [Maddie]

Thank you.

- So, you are here to save us?
- Save you from what?
- [Charlene]

From Colonel Tran.

Why do you need to be saved from Colonel Tran? He is evil man.

He makes us work for nothing, harvesting the poppy.

- [Veronica]

Oh, he grows flowers.

- Opium.

We are forced to toil in his field.

Old people, children, the sick and blind.

- He sounds like a tyrant.

- Eh, he's giving disabled people a job.

Listen, Charlene.

We can help you defeat Colonel Tran, but we need your help.

- [Charlene]

Who are you?
- We can't tell you that.

- I know his name is Zac.

- [Maddie]

- It's written on his pants.

- [Todd]

- I'll take them off.

- [all]

No, thanks.

- What can I do?
- [Maddie]

- We're currently here in Na
- [Charlene]

Summer Bay?
- Right.

And we need to get here
- Ramsay Street.

- But this is not possible.

- [Maddie]

Why? This is cursed land.

All who enter will suffer great loss.

- Sounds like a casino.

- But we must reach this compound.

- Can you help us, Charlene?
- All right.

I will help.

Take this.

It will protect you from evil spirits.

Yeah, we were kind of hoping for a jeep.

- I can do that, too!
- Thank you, Charlene.

- Ow! Can you watch the potholes?
- This country's one big pothole! You could at least stay on the track.

- I'm trying!
- How much further? Well, we've passed Erinswood.

At least another 20k.

Can't we take a shortcut through the jungle? No way.

This entire country's littered with landmines.

She's right.

Their chief exports are rice and Paralympians.

- Zac, what can you see?
- There's a road.

- [Veronica]

- Bends around to the left up ahead.

- There's a village.

- [Veronica]


- With a blacksmith and a dragon.

- Are you playing Minecraft?
- Hey, I got five diamonds!
- [Todd]

Jesus What was your dad doing here in the first place?
- Daddy works for the NSPCV.

- The what? "Naive Scientists for Peace in Volatile Countries.

" He was here doing a study of primitive cultures.


And he couldn't have done that at a rugby match? [voice breaking]

I just hope we find him in time Don't worry, Maddie.

Don't worry.

We won't give up.

- What're you stopping for?
- I give up.

We're lost!
- We're not lost.

Try the sat

- No way.

- Why not?
- You remember what happened the last time? [military march playing]

[automated voice]

You have reached your destination.

You know what? It'll be quicker from here on foot.

- I thought we agreed to pack light.

- Yeah.

- You brought an inflatable travel pillow.

- It's part of the medical kit.

- Is that moisturiser?
- Your skin still dries out in the tropics.


Come on, let's get moving.


According to the map, this is an old smuggler's route.

But how do we even know that the map's accurate? You know, VJ, my father used to have a saying.

- Always
- Shh.

What? Do you hear something? No, we're sick of hearing you banging on about your father.

- It's the rebels.

- Or the booze

- [Maddie]

They've got Daddy.

- Not so fast, Maddie.


We don't give these guys anything until we've got a positive ID on your father.


A finger? [man speaking in mock native language]

Tell them we have the ransom money.

[conversing in mock native language]


He says, "No g*ns.

" [speaking in mock native language]

He says, "Bring money.

" Bring "the money.

" [speaking in mock native language]

He says, "Don't correct grammar.

" Again, it's "my grammar".

It's a possessive.

[speaking mock native language]

- I didn't quite catch it.

- He said it three times.

- "How's your day been so far?"
- I don't think it's small talk.

All I caught was something about "and then you die".

- [Todd]

So we're in danger.

- No, just you.

- Phew, thank God.

- Tell them we want to see hostage.

- "See the hostage".

- I'm trying to blend in.

Good thinking.

[conversing in mock native language]

What's going on?
- Maybe they want to haggle?
- We're not ordering a suit.

Could we order a suit? [speaking mock native language]


He wants the money.

That's $250,000 US.

[speaking in mock native language]

He wants to know what that is in kyat.

- I'll get the app.

- Okay, now hand over the prisoner.

- Daddy!
- Maddie, I don't think that's your father.

- How can you tell?
- He's wearing a dress.

- Uh
-uh, it could still be Yeah.

- And ballet flats?
- He just dropped a handbag.

- That's him.

We've been duped! [g*ns cocking]

[all gasp]


Okay, satellite passing over now.

- [chief]

Oh, I'm worried.

- And we have a lock on the location.

- What are those numbers?
- Live odds of the mission succeeding.

- You wanna place a bet?
- No, I just want my team back safely.

- Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine.

- Is that Todd's mug?
- Um, it might be
- And his ergonomic chair?
- You really think he's got a chance?
- Yeah, put it back.


You think you can escape? You make big mistake.

- "A big mistake".

- Enough!
- Definite articles.

Not that hard.

- Now you pay price.

"The price, the price".

[cell door buzzing]



Ah, so we [door stalls]


I was going to Okay, I can squeeze through.

Yeah, I thought I had this fixed.

Okay, yep.

Thank you.

Okay, yep.

That's good.

So, Commander, we meet again.

Do we? Might have to jog my memory.

- The prawn cr*cker? Dispute of a bill?
- [Todd]

That was you? So how'd you end up here, commanding a rebel unit? Yeah, the restaurant business too tough.

Urban Spoon, two star? No way! But enough preasantries.

- Enough what?
- Er, present trees? Pleasant trees?
- Must be a local custom.

- I see you brought some friend.

Yeah, I got a lot of friends, plural.

And right now, they're moving in on this location.


You amuse me.

I think you come here alone.

- How did he know?
- He didn't
- He does now.

- Oh.


So, what are you doing here? Yeah, look, uh, Colonel, there's a perfectly rational explanation.

In fact, you're gonna laugh when you hear it.

Right, uh, Maddie? Um, we're tourists.

We got separated from our guide.


No laugh? Okay.

Why would tourists be armed with semi
-a*t*matic w*apon?
- Do you think he's onto us?
- He is now.

All right.

No, we're not tourists.

We're, uh doctors.

[Zac laughing]

He's supposed to laugh.


Oh, he's not.

Better keep going, Todd.

Yeah, you know, the, uh, what're they called? The international doctors
- Uh, Doctors Without
- Nurses?
- No, Doctors Without
- [Zac]

- [Tran]


- That's it.

Doctor Without Border.



Todd, he's laughing.

You think you are so brave.

Let's find out just how brave you really are.

[ethnic music playing]


Ah, no! Please, please, stop it! You have had enough punishment? [electricity crackling]

No, the music.

Stop the music! [electricity surging]

[Todd groaning]

Does anyone know the safe word? Tell me, who are you working for? [spits]

[electricity surges]


What about you? [hawks and spits]

- Not on me.

- Sorry, Todd.

You will answer my question.

[Todd screams]


- Guard?
- Yes, Colonel?
- I need batteries.

- Okay.

- This is outrageous.

- [Tran]

Really? And your government does not t*rture people? Yes, but we have the decency to do it offshore.

- And under a misleading label.

- You will tell me everything you know.

Why your government meddles in the affairs of Uh, sorry, Colonel.

Double or triple
-A? Oh, for God's sake.

Get the extension cord.

Listen, Tran, you won't get anything out of us.

Perhaps not, but there are other options.

- Ugh.

- No, leave them alone.

They know nothing.

You should see them at trivia nights.


Colonel? Very well.

Let's hear from you.

[electricity surges]

[Todd screams]

Who are you working for? [electricity surges]

[Todd screams]

What are you doing in my country?
- Go ahead, keep trying.

- What?
- You won't break Todd.

- Well, hang on.


Turn it up all you like.

Well, let's not push the guy.


[electricity powering down]

What the? I think it's the safety switch.

Spent all that money on my renovations, and then we
- Get it fixed.

Fix it.

- Okay.

- I will break you.

- Do your worst.

- Heard enough from you.

- He can take anything you've got.

Can you zap her? [Tran]

Yeah, no, no, yep.

No, no.

We went through this.

Then you say, "The rebel demand $1 million, a shipment of a*t*matic w*apon, including AK
-47" Sorry, I'm going to need those cue cards again.

Oh, for God's sake.

[snapping fingers]

Now are we ready?
- [man]

And recording.

- [Tran]

Okay, go.

"My name is Special Agent Todd Sommerville.

I have a message to West" That should be "the West".

[electricity surges]


All right, all right, okay.

"My colleagues and I have been taken prisoner by Colonel Tran,
- who plans on"
- Stop, stop, stop.

What is wrong with your eye? Oh, it's just a I have a nervous tic.


Okay, so nothing suspicious.

Okay, you keep reading message.

"The message".


[electricity surges]

Oh, I'm worried.

Things have gone quiet.

Too quiet.

[device vibrating]

Is that Todd's Fitbit? No.

Hang on.

Something's just come through.


"My name is Special Agent Todd Sommerville.

I have a message to West" The West.

[electricity surges]

Ow! Okay, "West".

Whatever you want.

"My colleagues and I have been taken prisoner by Colonel Tran,
- who demands the following"
- [chief]

What's wrong with his eye? [Kwong]

He's sending us a message.

- That or he needs new contact lenses.

- Let me turn the sound down.

It's Morse code.

He's saying, "Captured, send help.

- What's he saying now?
- Just something about his coffee mug.

- I warned you! Take it off.

- And a Fitbit.

-ho, excuse me, sir.

I've got the director on the line.

Oh, this is not the time for meddling bureaucrats.

Tell him I'm in a meeting.


Too easy.

Hello? He said, "This is not the time for" No, no, don't tell him What? Oh, and he's pretending to be in a meeting.

[chief sighs]

Oh, okay, bye.

- We need to get a chopper in there, now!
- I'll see what I can do.

- Is that Todd's laptop?
- You really think he's gonna get back? [straining]

Just can't get these off.

This is all my fault.

I should never have asked you guys to come.

- Hey, I wouldn't blame yourself.

- I would.

- Todd!
- Oh, sure I mean, we all make mistakes.

Remember when you bought that used Alfa? Not quite what Or that pole
-dancer who turned out to be a man? Let's just focus on Maddie's mistakes, shall we?
- How are we gonna get out of here?
- Okay, we need a plan.

What're those steel bars made from?
- That'd be steel, Todd.

- Good.

And what cuts through steel?
- A steel

- Now we're getting somewhere! So all we've gotta do is find or make a steel
-cutter, and we're home free.

- Yes.

- You two quite finished? If only there was something we could pick these locks with.


Hey, VJ, let's just find the steel
-cutter first.

- No, Todd.

VJ's onto something
- Am I?
- Your necklace!
- We could trade it for a steel
- We can use the wire to pick the locks.

- And go buy the steel
- Come on.

- Yes! [hissing]

- Colonel?
- Ah.

Any news?
- It's definitely triple
-A battery.

- About the ransom demand? Oh, no, sir.

And the deadline has passed.

- In that case, you know what to do.

- As you wish, sir.

Uh, just so I am
- k*ll them! k*ll them.


- Oh, yeah, of course.


It is the law of the jungle.

The weak must be destroyed by the [rat squeaking]


No, no.

Rat no eat snake! You break law of jungle! [music]

[insects buzzing]

- Daddy!
- Madeline! I knew you'd come for me.

- Are you all right?
- Nothing a decent cup of tea won't fix.

- We need surgical supplies.

- Or at least, some insect repellent.

- Daddy, we're going to get you out of here.

- No, darling.

It's too dangerous.

- Daddy.

- I'm injured.

I'll just slow you down.

- He's got a point.

- Todd can carry you.

Hello, rotator cuff
- Zac?
- Got it.

[head thuds]

- Ow!
- Sorry, Dr Riggs.

Okay, we've got to find a way out of this place.

- Damn it all.

- Cut the power.

- Could be that safety switch.

- Ow!
- Sorry, Dr Riggs.

- What're we gonna do?
- I found a candle.

- Good thinking, Zac.

Okay, let's stick together.

Come on.

- Zac?
- [Zac]

Yeah? Can I have a look at that candle?
- Throw it!
- Chuck it! Get rid of it!
- [Dr Riggs]

- Sorry, Dr Riggs.

Come on, let's get out of here.

[rapid g*nf*re]

- We can't hold them much longer.

- We've got to get out of here.

Come on.

[g*nf*re continues]

Not so fast.

Ow! Ow! Ah! Oh!
- Are you using blanks?
- Damn it.

I've run out of b*ll*ts.

- Then throw something at him.

- I could throw your dad.

- [Maddie]

- All right, let me.

Ah! [Tran groaning]

Is he is he dead? [groaning continues]

- I think so.

- It's like k*lling a cockroach.


Oh, for God's sakes.


[ambulance siren wailing]


- How are you feeling, Daddy?
- Much better, my dear.

Thanks to you and your colleagues.

Just doing our job, sir Is that my mug?
- May I ask you one thing?
- Of course.

- Can you get off my arm?
- Sure.


Are you still in much pain, Daddy? Well, the doctors tell me I sustained quite serious injuries.

Well, three months in a prison hellhole No, it was more from being carried by him.

Good news, though.

Colonel Tran is dead.

- He's actually listed as critical.

- What? Well, he's dying.


Just been moved out of intensive care.

Well, the point is, we've busted his narco
-t*rror1st cell wide open.

- So very brave of you all.

- All in a day's work.

- Okay, time for your 11 o'clock shot.

- Ugh!
- You okay, Todd?
- Yep.


Yeah, yeah.

Takin' just a quick nap.

[Dr Shari]
