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01x02 - Countdown to Death

Posted: 09/19/23 04:15
by bunniefuu

[powering down]

- Oh, damn.

I was charging my phone.

- [Maddie]

What? [in Russian]

What is happening? It would appear we have lost power.

Okay, we've got two hostiles.

- Three.

- Where's the third?
- Next to the truck.

- Where's the truck?
- Are you wearing your contacts?
- I'm fine.

But if you're going to use a sn*per r*fle
- Listen, Zac What? Oh.

- Todd.


Target is in sight.


You know what they say, "Smoking kills.

- [Veronica]

- [Todd]

700 feet.

- [Veronica]

- 12 knots, north, north

- I'm set.

- [Todd]

Fire at will.

[r*fle fires]

Good work, VJ.

- Okay, let's get out of here.

- [Veronica]

I think I missed.

- What?
- Hard to tell.

- Zac?
- He's still smoking.

- Yeah, I think you missed.

- [Maddie]

Have another shot.

[r*fle fires]


- He's doubled over.

- Good.

Let's go.

- Doing up his shoe

- [sighs]

One more.


[machine g*n firing]

I think they know we're here.

- It's Kalchov.

He's getting away!
- [Todd]

Not on our watch.

- Really got to do some target practice.

- Aim for the tyres!
- [Veronica]

- On the car! What car? [tyres screeching]

[automated voice]

You have reached your destination.

[theme music playing]


What the hell were you thinking?
- Your orders were to stay under the radar!
- And we did.

Eliminate Alexander Kalchov
- without anyone finding out.

- And no one has.

- That's because you didn't eliminate him.

- [Todd]

Good news then.

But your failed attempt is on the front page!
- Of a newspaper.

- Who reads them these days?
- I mean, social media, I'd be worried.

- Me too.

I mean, a negative hashtag
- Look out!
- Yeah.

- Besides, Chief, we had no choice.

- It was a split
-second call.

- We had to take action.

- It's our motto!
- "Act without thinking.

- "Act without fear.

- Is it?
- I thought it was "Act without a warrant.

" Leave me to deal with the suits.

We've got more pressing matters.

- What's up, Chief?
- You know Deputy Director Bradley?
- Creepy guy with the sunglasses?
- Looks like some sort of serial k*ller?
- Good morning to you all.

- [Todd]

That's him.

- The director has requested our help.

- Thank you, Chief.

But first, I think we need to go to Sec Level Seven.

- You know what this means?
- We're not allowed to tweet? [alarm blaring]

- [chief]

We are now in Sec Level Seven.

- Or some sort of quiz show.

What I'm about to tell you is top secret.

Strictly classified.

- For your ears
- I'll just be one moment.

- [chief]

How the hell did you get in here?
- You leave the door open.

- Perhaps if you could come back later?
- Yeah.

Sure thing, Boss.

What do you know about the phrase "empty quiver"?
- Is it a Neil Young album?
- [Bradley]


- Some sort of rum
-based cocktail?
- [Bradley]


A quiver that's empty of stuff? It's a military term referring to the loss or theft of nuclear weapons.

- Very good, Maddie.

- Well, hang on, we narrowed it down.

For the past six months, we've been monitoring a group of foreign workers at the National Nuclear Research Facility.

We believe one of them may have been involved in a break
-in last night at the nuclear plant.


Good God! Amongst the items stolen was this lead
-lined canister.

You don't need me to tell you what's contained inside.

- Uh Lead?
- [Bradley]


- A quiver?
- [Bradley]


- Enriched uranium

- Exactly! Well, again, we narrowed it down.

We're doing the heavy lifting! Enough U
-235 to build a dirty b*mb! So one of our active members just turned radioactive!
- What?
- Huh?
- Oh, it doesn't matter.

[indistinct arguing]

Move on! I got the inflection wrong.

Should've been, "Radio
- Still don't get it.

- So, where is this person now, Director? Our agents were ready to move in, when things went amiss.

- [Maddie]

A miss?
- We lost track of the suspect,
- and the nuclear material.

- So your little sting operation went wrong and now you want us to clean up the mess? Maddie, it's not our job to criticise others! It's to act without thinking! Uh, fear.

Well, what you said before.

The director has requested our help.

Come on, guys.

Looks like we've got a quiver to deliver.

- Hmm?
- What? Pardon me? I don't Oh, come on, that's a clear rhyme! "Quiver, deliver!" In the meantime, I think we need to raise the national threat assessment level.

- What is it now, Chief?
- [chief]


- So, medium rare?
- [chief]


- Watch and act?
- I think that's bushfires.

- Ah, black?
- Ski runs.

- Sheep graziers alert?
- I suggest we go to magenta.

[all gasping]


Magenta? I'll need to change my top.

- I'll need new pants.

- You're finished now? [music]


Who is it? [in mock Russian]

The sower of freedom on the rocky soil of persecution.

[man in English]

Yeah, I think you want next door.

[in mock Russian]

Damn! [woman]

Who is it? The sower of freedom on the rocky soil of persecution.

Enter, Viktor.

- [in English]

You come alone?
- Of course.

You have the merchandise?
- Mmm.

I trust you know dangers?
- Of course.

What if someone was to find out I give it to you?
- That will not happen.

- How can you be sure? Simple! [g*n cocking]

- [Todd]

Okay, Kwong, what've you got?
- Just spoke to the nuclear plant.

Got a list of all their post
-grad students with access to the lab.

- Good.

Let's take a look.

- [Kwong]

Stefan Lindquist.

Doing a Masters, graduated top of his class, head of the Safety Council.

- Looks like a clean

- They're the ones you've got to watch.


Marie Laperouse.

-grad research assistant,
- been here three years.

- [Veronica]

Any record? Just a fine for parking in a clearway,
- a couple months back.

- One to keep an eye on.

- Parking fine?
- [Todd]

It's a gateway crime.

- Towable offence.

- [Todd]

- [Zac]


- Mohammed El Mohammed Mohammed.

-doctorate in hazardous biochemistry, transferred here from Syria after his parents were both k*lled in a drone attack.

- No one?
- [all]


- Keep going.

- Okay.

Li Qui Yu.

Another post

Alton Ergamond.

Here on a research fellowship.

- So, that's our list?
- Ugh! Could be any one of them.

Hang on.

There is one more.

- [Todd]

Oh, this'll be it!
- [Maddie]

- Karolyna Petrova.

- Oh, where have I heard that name before?
- [Todd]

- Miss Universe? Here on an international scholarship.

Originally from Russia.

Any links with radicalised organisations? Extremist groups?
- [Todd]

Student theatre?
- None showing.

- Bank accounts?
- [Kwong]

Two credit cards, both maxed out.

So she needed money.

- Gives us motive.

- You got an address? Her uni record had none recorded, but I managed to crack her Wi
-Fi ISP settings and link the account to a non
- Just an address.

- Yeah, a little pushed for time.

- Right.

- I mean, well done with the ISP.

[overlapping chatter]

You don't need to patronise me.

Just texted the address to your phones.

[mobile phones beeping]

Can I borrow a charger? [music]

Federal agents! Open up!
- Clear!
- Clear! Clear! [object shatters]


Might need to clear that up.

Looks like no one's home.

[door opening]

- Can I help you?
- Hands up! [groans]




So you and Karolyna share this house? Da.

How long have you known each other? We grew up together.

Back home.

- In Russia?
- [Anya]


- Which is in Russia.

- No, it is independent republic.

- You wear those fur hats?
- Da.

- Vodka? Say "Da"?
- Da.

- Da.

- Sounds like Russia.

And you say she didn't come home last night? I have not seen her since yesterday afternoon.

Did you notice anything unusual about her then?
- Did she seem worried, agitated?
- [Zac]

- Is Karolyna in some sort of trouble?
- We believe she might've been caught up in something quite serious.

Impossible! Karolyna would never join up with t*rror1st group.

She believed in nuclear energy for peaceful purpose.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must put on some clothes.

- [Todd]

Really? I mean, you could
- [Zac]

You don't have to.

I guess you should.

All right, Anya, here's my card.

If you hear from Karolyna, or think of anything else, give us a call.

- [Todd]

And here's my card.

- If I think of something else? Or if you just feel like a drink.

Info's probably better done through Maddie.

Of course.


[in mock Russian]

Viktor, there are people snooping.


Quiet, Anya! The phone may be bugged.

But we are speaking Russian.


No! So, what do you think?
- She's hiding something.

- Huh? What makes you say that?
- Oh, I don't know, just a hunch.

- Maybe I should give her a call.

- Are you planning to ask her out?
- [Todd]


I could ask her for more information over a drink.

- That's a date, Todd.

- Not if we talk about nuclear materials.

- It's work related.

- Exactly.

[mobile chiming]

Oh, good news!
- Karolyna's been found!
- Great.

- Found dead.

- I didn't scroll down that far.

Yeah, I guess that's why there's no smiley face.


Okie dokie.


What've we got here? b*llet wound, single shot.

- Talk about an early checkout.

- Looks like a professional hit.

- Room service ain't what it used to be.

- No sign of forced entry.

- Do not disturb.

- Oh, enough!
- I only had one more.

- So, our victim knew her k*ller.

Cards and cash are still in her wallet.


Rules out robbery as a motive.

Unusual head wound.

Looks like a high
-calibre b*llet.

And at close range.


Hey, Kwong.

Just sent you a photo of the victim's head wound.

- Didn't get it.

- Really?
- Then who'd I send it to?
- Jesus!
- [Maddie]

Mmm, unusual casing.

- [Todd]

Kirovski, 9mm armour piercing.

Pakistani special ops standard issue.


Last time I saw one of those, I was in Kandahar
- [officer]

What the hell is this, soldier?
- A b*llet, sir.

And what the hell is it doing in my mashed potato? Oh, sorry about that, sir.

Oh, a Kirovski.

Todd, I never knew you were in Afghanistan.

- Yeah, I don't like to talk about it.

- You published a book.

- That was unauthorised.

- [Zac]

But you wrote it.

It was post
-traumatic stress, Zac.

I didn't know what I was doing! Let's see if the owner knows anything.

Yep, we've got a vacancy.

Very classy room.

And is that for the full hour, or the twenty
-minute special? [line beeps]

- That was a corporate booking!
- We need some information.

I told the other cops, she checks in, no ID, pays in cash, what more can I give you? We'll need to see your surveillance footage.

- You got a warrant?
- This is my warrant Oh, shit.

- I think you left it at the house.

- Lend me your g*n.

- This is my warrant.

- [Veronica]

My warrant! Her warrant, our warrant You know what I mean.

That's the car park, corridor
- Hang on, hold it there.

- Yeah, hold it there.

- What've you spotted?
- Uh, you go first.

- [Maddie]

That's Karolyna.

- [Todd]

Karolyna, yeah!
- But who's lover boy?
- Kwong, run facial recognition.

- [Todd]

Yeah, every picture tells a story.

- [Kwong]

Viktor Basayev.

On every t*rror1st watch list in Southeast Asia.

Authorities have dubbed him Dr Destruction.

- He specialises in b*mb making.

- [Veronica]

And women's health.

So what was Karolyna doing meeting with a known
- t*rror1st in a seedy motel?
- Maybe she had something he wanted.

Like 16 kilos of highly radioactive isotopes?
- Let's make a deal.

- Then why k*ll her? Because she knew too much.

Covering his tracks.

- Hang on, I've just remembered something.

- Of course!
- What?
- [stutters]

Er, you go first.

Think back to when we visited their house.


Hmm You remember what Anya said when we told her about Karolyna?
- No, I'm still sort of stuck at the towel.

- Me, too.

She said Karolyna would never join up
- with a t*rror1st group.

- So? We hadn't said anything about a t*rror1st group.

So you think our little Russian miss
- [Veronica]

- She says "Da.

" Might know more than she's letting on.

- One way to find out.

- Yeah!
- You go first.

- Let's bring her in.

Yeah! [chief]

He does realise this is a one
-way mirror? I don't think so.

Er Oh, Jesus.

- Test.


- [Kwong]

I copy.

Voice stress test analysis set to go.

- What is your full name?
- Anya Lily Petrovsky.

- [Kwong]


- How old are you?
- Twenty

- [Kwong]


- What country are you from?
- Chechnya.


Baseline established.

Where were you last night?
- At home.

- [Kwong]


Have you heard of a man called Viktor Basayev?
- Nyet.

- Lie.

Let me handle this.

I know a thing or two about women.

- [Kwong]


- No, not me.

I'm just saying I've had a lot of experience with females.

- [Kwong]


- Can we just focus on the suspect? What are you not telling us, Anya?
- I don't know.

I swear it!
- Then how about I make it simple? Your frat
-house friend thought she'd pay off her student loan by pedalling nukes, but the deal went sour.

She's ended up with a head full of lead, while you and b*mb
-boy are sitting pretty.

Did you understand what he said?
- Nyet.

- [Kwong]


- Well she's Chechen.

- I didn't get it either.

- Are you serious? Zac, you understood?
- Of course, Todd.

- [Kwong]


- Can we turn that thing off?
- Where is Viktor?
- I don't know, I swear it.

Listen, Anya Can I call you Anya?
- Da.

- All right, da.

Viktor Basayev is one of the most evil and dangerous men in the world.

What's more he's currently in possession of enough radioactive material to contaminate half this city.

You've got to help us find him.

- We start waterboarding.

- [Maddie]


- Sleep deprivation?
- [Maddie]


- Nipple clamps?
- Zac, we don't do that any more.

- [Kwong]


- Otherwise, thousands of innocent people could die.

- Trust me, you're not gonna break her.

- All right.

- Oh.

- I will tell you what I know.


I met Viktor last year.

He was so smart and passionate about world.


Oldest story in the book.

Then, one night, he came back to my place.

One thing led to another thing and, well I don't think you need details.

- Oh, just an outline.

A photo?
- CCTV footage? Were you wearing the towel?
- Go on, Anya.

- He promised us all better life.

- I have been complete fool.

- It's okay, Anya.

I know what it's like to be taken in by a man.

You meet someone handsome, strong, who makes you feel alive
- Is this the graphic designer?
- [Veronica]


- It's generic.

- Married, two kids.

What a creep!
- Is that over?
- [Maddie]

- And I've moved on.

- [Kwong]


The point is, Anya, we all make mistakes.

- Da.

- So, Viktor wanted you to get the uranium? My friend Karolyna had access to laboratory.

She did it as favour to me.

And now, she's [sobs]

- [Zac]


- [Maddie]

Zac! Oh, I mean "deceased.

" A head full of lead.

- It's too late
- [Zac]

Bang! to help Karolyna.

But you can still help us, and stop thousands of innocent people dying.

- Where do we find Viktor?
- I don't know.

The only way he would contact us was through his website.

- He has a website?
- Under pseudonym.

- Kwong?
- [Kwong]



So, now we've just got to find one thing.

- What a pseudonym means.

- Let's google it.


This is Viktor's website.

He heads up a group called "Dyeti D'yavola.

- Dyeti D'yavola, Children of the Devil.

- They're an extreme
- ultra
-nationalist Chechen faction.

- [Maddie]

What are their demands? Bit of a grab bag.

They want full independence, political prisoners released from Russian jails, and the right to host Eurovision.

Can we be sure this guy's planning to build a b*mb? What else would someone be doing with 16 kilos of weaponised uranium?
- 16 kilos Medical research?
- Todd A really fancy science project?
- Let's assume it's a b*mb.

- Gotcha.

Kwong, what's the damage projection? Dirty b*mb detonated downtown? [alarm blaring]

We're talking widespread radiation poisoning.

- And if it's a science project?
- We've got to stop this crazy guy!
- Do we try negotiating?
- How? We have no way of contacting him.

Besides, the only thing these extremists understand is a .

45 calibre Oh, shit.

I think you left it in the interview room, Todd.

- Hey, there.

- Huh.

How'd you know I was here? You texted, "Come and meet me at the beach.

" Oh, that was actually for Anya.

- You okay?
- What? Ah, yeah, sure.

Just looking at that city.

Thousands of people going about their lives with no idea some lunatic's about to destroy it all.

- Todd, we'll find him.

- But what if we don't?
- Well, we can't crack every case.

- But it's our job to keep people safe! It's why I became a special agent.

Like my father.

- I thought your father was a plumber.

- [Zac]

But a special one.

- How'd you know I was here?
- You texted me.

- It was a group text.

- Oh, for God's sake.

- What was I saying?
- Your father.

Yeah, my father, yeah.

He was a great man.

- You know what he once told me?
- Was this before he died? Well, it could hardly have been after he died.

Well, he may have left a message.

- Maybe written it down on a piece of
- [Maddie]

Todd, what did he say? He said, "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.

- That's beautiful!
- [Todd]

- Yeah, just got your text.

- I think that was actually Solzhenitsyn.

- No, that was my father.

- But Solzhenitsyn wrote it I believe I know the difference between my father and some Russki, who I think we've learned, are not exactly a group to be trusted! [mobile ringing]

Kwong! Okay, travelling.

We just received this.

Caller to a talkback radio station.

[radio jockey]

Okay, let's take some calls.

Line one, Kevin.


Judgement day has arrived.

Kevin? With a Russian accent? Tonight, people will experience the fear of not knowing who will die or when.

[radio jockey]

Oh, thanks Kevin.

Okay, that's our call bonus for the hour.

- So he's gone public.

- Hang on, what's the call bonus?
- But why?
- Classic t*rror1st M.


Instil fear.

So, we know this lunatic's planning something for tonight, but what's his target? Maddie, we need you to get inside this guy's head.

Thanks, Chief.

For these guys, it's often symbolic.

Town halls, stock exchange, police headquarters.

- [chief]


- [Veronica]

Is that our car getting towed?
- [Todd]

Oh, shit.

- What's that? I think they're setting up for the international peace rally.

- [Maddie]

The what?
- A big rally in the city square, in support of world peace.

A lot of dignitaries will be there, VIPs,
- there's a performance from Guy Sebastian.

- Chief, you've got to stop it!
- I think he's got a new album out
- [Maddie]

The rally! That's his target.

We've got to cancel it.

What? We can't cancel the rally.

It's a major event for this city.

The political fallout would be terrible! You want political fallout? Or nuclear
- Besides
- [Todd]


- [Maddie]

We got it, Todd.

- Well, no one responded.

If we cancel now, Viktor will know we're onto him.

- There's only one way to handle this.

- Exactly! [stutters]

- You first.

- Find that b*mb.

Oh, yeah.

Looks like we're heading downtown.

Let's go!
- Godspeed.

- [Todd]


Oh, our car's been towed.

- Can we borrow yours, Chief?
- Again? Okay, let's get ready.

Everyone take one of these.

Radiation sensors.

- What're you doing?
- You said, "Get ready.

" In order to maximise fallout, radiation dispersal devices are typically placed somewhere high.

- [sighs]

Of course.

- Hmm.

It's in the streetlight.

- No.

- That tree? The car park! Let's go! I've got eyes on.

Multiple feeds.

Level 7, northern end.

-looking car.

- That's it!
- Careful.

The car could be booby

Remember this guy's
- a criminal mastermind.

- Yet incapable of reverse parking.

Yeah, I think it's more general intelligence.

- He didn't even lock the boot.

- They tend to be absent

It's our nuke, and it's armed.


Looks like the detonator's wired to a mobile phone.

My God! So one phone call and [mobile ringing]

Hello? [chuckles]

Brian? Oh, uh Thanks, darling, for returning my call, I didn't expect No, that's that's really kind.

- Is this the graphic designer? Oh.

- Yeah.

Look, darling, It's kind of a bad time right now.

Could I possibly get back to you? Sure.


Kwong, I'm sending you a photo of the device.

- Can we defuse it?
- I don't know.

How much time have we got?
- [Veronica]

Two hours.

- [Maddie]

Two minutes.

- Two hours and two minutes?
- No, just two [sighs]

Would you please get your reading glasses? No way, they're ugly.

Kwong, did you get that photo of the b*mb I sent? Uh, not exactly [Todd]

Let's see what we got.

Never before have so many people gathered in the one place in the name of peace, in the name of harmony.

Kwong, you'll have to talk us through disabling this thing.

Tell me what you can see.

How many wires from the power cell to the det plug?
- [Todd]

Just the two.

- Okay, separate them.

- [Todd]


- Don't bridge the gap with your pliers as you do.

You don't want to short

- Right.

- Now cut the fuse wire.

- Which one?
- The red one
- Yep.

- should not be touched.

Oh, you're kidding me.



The timer, it's a decoy!
- Then how is the b*mb going to be set off?
- I don't know! Guys, it's Viktor, he's heading your way!
- Why would Viktor be here?
- Of course, it's obvious.

Yes! You first.

He's planning to detonate the b*mb manually.

- Oh, not on my watch.

- Good night, my sweet angels.



What? No! [g*nshots]

- Todd, how's it going?
- I can't figure out the wiring.

I'm gonna have to get this thing out of here! Todd, there's no time.

Kwong, can you pinpoint and remote
-access the cell phone grid we're in? I need you to jam all frequencies.

- What if Brian calls back?
- He won't.

All right, satellite feed disabled.

How long can you keep jamming the signal? [Kwong]

Few minutes, max.

Then the satellite moves position.

Todd, get out of there, and that's an order.

Sorry, Chief, you're breaking up.

- Am I?
- [Todd]

No, not really.

I'm being heroic.

- Oh.

- Bit more pushback.


Hurry up.

VJ! You okay?
- Yeah.

- You wearing a bulletproof vest?
- Spanx.

- Good thinking.


Kwong, listen to me.

I need you to find an area of town I can drive this thing to.

Somewhere safe.

Talk to me, Kwong!
- Onto it.

- Somewhere without people.

- [Kwong]

Uh, I've got an arts festival?
- [Todd]


- [Kwong]

- Keep looking.

- All right.

Head north.

- Heading north.

- And don't try and stop me, Chief.

- [chief]

I'm not.

Oh, okay.

- [Viktor]

Come on.

- Viktor, if you detonate this b*mb, thousands of innocent people will die.


Thousands of innocent people are already dying all the time in my country.

But this is what this rally is about, securing peace.

What peace can there be when the boots of the infidels tread upon foreign soil? But those boots are bringing the fruits of democracy to that soil.

No, no, nyet, they are trampling upon the fruits, and grinding them into the soil.

But from the trampled fruits comes the juice of liberty, which, if you brush the soil off, could be transformed Uh, could we start sh**ting again?
- Fair enough.

- Yeah, let's do that.


Todd, I can't hold it much longer.

Signal's coming back online.

- Twenty seconds till full coverage.

- [chief]

Todd, save yourself,
- just get out of the car.

- No, I'm not quite there yet! Ten, nine, eight
- I'll need cover.

- You bet.

What happened to my cover?
- Oh, me?
- [Viktor]

Well, well, well Go ahead, sh**t.

See if I care.

There was a level of bluff there that you may have missed.

[g*n clicking]

It's all over, Viktor.

[mobile beeping]


Do not be so sure.

- [Kwong]

We just lost tracking!
- Todd Why do we always show the expl*si*n from three angles? Todd? This is Cool Runner.


Mission acco [tyres screeching, hit]

Todd, are you all right? Authorities are hailing as heroes the undercover agents who today thwarted a dirty b*mb attack on the city.

The agents, whose identities remain a closely guarded secret, managed to remove the device before it could k*ll thousands of innocent people.

We are proud that we've managed to keep the city safe.

Oh, it must gall you that others take credit for your achievements.

Chief, all we care about is that the mission was a success.

The peace rally went off without a hitch.

Anya's made a full confession and agreed to testify.

And we've arranged for Karolyna's body
- to be sent home to China.

- [Maddie]


- Oh, shit.

- And thank God.

That's the last we'll be hearing of Viktor Basayev.

[sirens wailing]

Ah, the sweet smell of freedom.


Ugh, what is that? [Asian man]

Sure thing, Boss.