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American Outlaws (2023)

Posted: 09/17/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
[wind blowing]

[police sirens blaring

in the distance]

[old Western-style

music playing]

[Grace] I want to

tell you a story.

A true story, but truth is

always based on opinion,

and who's to say any of us

are telling the truth?

When people ask me, "Lee-Grace,

what are you

and your brothers like?"

I smile.

I mean, how do you say,

"Campfires and American trucks

and the smell of wet grass"?

We are WD-40, cast-iron gates,

and thermal underwear.

We're broken windows,

shell casings,

and swinging screen doors.

Ryan's my twin.

Dylan's my opposite.

But on the right day...

we're all the same.

[siren noise amplifies]

What I can say about us

Doughertys is this.

We would do anything

for each other.

And I mean anything.

[Dylan] All right.

So, here's the plan.

Lee-Grace, you go in first.

Bang, bang, bang.

You get their attention.

-You get 'em scared.

-[Grace] Uh-huh.

Ryan, you're to the left.

I'm to the right.

Goal is get them on the ground

in the center of the room.

All right? From that point on,

you watch the clock.

Hey, make it just

like movies, huh?

-[g*n cocks]


[Grace] Everybody, get down

on the m*therf*cking ground

or there's gonna be some

serious dying going on!

[film reel clicking]

[g*n gas lighter clicks]

[old Western-style

music playing]


[dog barking]

Hell yeah I'm American-made

A bit trashy

And a little insane

I want it all

And I want it my way


Hell yeah I'm American-made

A bit trashy

And a little insane

I want it all

And I want it my way

[tires screech]



[horn blaring]



I understand you got

a thing for little girls.

No, sir. That was a


It was a while ago.

I believed she was 17.

-[bones crunching]

-You got your ID card, boy?

No... [grunts]

No! No, sir! No, sir!

-Where the f*ck's your ID card?

-I can't get no ID

without two proper pieces of

mail to show 'em where I live.

Well, how come you can't provide

two proper pieces of mail?

'Cause there ain't no

mailing address out here!

There ain't no mail service

neither. Please!

Look, please, sir, I got

a kid coming, please.

Without that ID,

you're in direct violation

of your parole.


Here is the cold, hard facts.

You have till Monday morning

to fix your shit,

or you're going to prison.

See you Monday.

Come on, Flori.

[door creaks opens]

[door closes]

-[breathing heavily]

-[car starts]

[ominous music playing]

[birds chirping]

[dog barking]

[glasses clinking]

I got a plan.

We go.

What are you talking about, man?

We go.

[scoffs] You gotta be

f*cking kidding.

Do I look like

I'm f*cking kidding?

Look, we can't just go, man.

I can't just go. Amber's due

in less than a month.

Not to mention

I got this shit here to contend

with. Do you see this?

Yeah, and how much good

you gonna do that boy

locked up 15 years

washing prisoner's

shit-stained underwear

for 20 cents an hour?

Hey, man, you said it yourself.

That parole officer's

got a hard-on for you.

There's no other choice.

[muttering indistinctly]

Look, we get far away from here.

Outta the country.

Somewhere in...

Central, maybe South America.

Send for Amber and the baby

as soon as things are safe.

[Grace] I sure as shit

can't leave, you know?

I've got responsibilities,

I've got a job.

What? [chuckles softly]

Giving $15 hand jobs

on free pizza night

at the strip club?

Lee-Grace, you're coming

all the way if I have to

drag you kicking and screaming.

Oh, and as of right now,

you're off the hard stuff,

all of it.

I don't know what

you're talking about.

You think I'm stupid?

f*ck off!

You know what, Dylan?

What you're asking is f*cked.

-Is it?

-[Grace] Yeah.

What do we got here?

What's left for us?

There's nothing else,

never has been.

And what if we get caught?

You think they're

gonna give two shits

about finding some

punk 21-year-old

and his siblings all the way

in Costa-f*cking-Rica?

Look, all we gotta do is

get across that border,

and we're home free.

[Grace] Hey.

What do you think, peanut?

I mean, shit, you're the one

with the girl and the baby.

[pensive music playing]

What do you think?

This is the right thing for us?


If Dylan thinks this is best,

I don't blink an eye, I'm in.

[cap pops]

-Always together. Come on.

-[bottles clink]

[Ryan] Always together.

Right, bro?

[Dylan] That's right, bro.

Always together. Come on.

[Ryan] Gracie, come on.

Come on.

[Ryan] Gracie.

-[cap pops]


[bottles clink]

I f*cking love you guys.

You know that, right?

-[Ryan] Yeah, man.

-Always together.

[ominous music playing]

[reporter] And

the Great Recession

knocked the stuffing

out of the middle class.

8 out of 10 Americans believe

the economy's in poor shape.

...shrinking number of people

do really well,

while a growing number

barely get by.

One in five children

in America live in poverty.

That's incredible for the

wealthiest country in the world.

When you've been in this

situation for a long time,

you feel beaten down.

I'm tired of being

sick and tired

of being sick and tired.

[ominous music continues


[crows cawing]

He looks up to you, you know?

Yeah, I know.

Well, you think this is

doing right by him?

His life?

Without us,

he ain't got no life.

-[Amber] Promise me.

-[Ryan] Huh?

-Promise you what?

-That you're not gonna

get yourself k*lled out there.

Shit, girl.

You worry too much.

It's the only way.

Just promise, please.

For me and for the baby.

All right. Promise.

All right.

See you soon, Eric-William.

Daddy ain't gonna

let you down, I promise.

[Dylan] You ready, Ryan?

I gotta go.

I gotta get out of here.

-All right?


Come here.

-I'll see you soon. All right?

-[Amber] Yeah.

-All right?

-[Amber] Yeah.

All right.

[Dylan] You okay?

Yeah, I'm good, bro.

I'm driving.

[old Western-style

music playing]

[car starts]

And do me a favor,

little brother.

What do you see out there?

-What do you mean?

-Out there.

What's waiting for you and Amber

and that little boy?

'Cause I'll tell you what I see.


I'll go anywhere

you tell me to, Dylan.

I'll do anything.

I know, Ryan.

[intense music plays]

[upbeat electric guitar

music playing]

[Dylan] Who would have thought

one little scissor snip

could change the course

of our human events?

-What does that mean?

-It means

we are now officially harboring

a convicted felon.

No turning back.

Where do you think we'll end?

[Dylan] Oh, Mexico, eventually.

But who knows, you know?

Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica.

Hey, why don't we go

to the mountains?

I've always wanted to see

the mountains. You know,

-like Colorado or something?

-'Cause the mountains

ain't south.

We gotta get south,

out of the country.

All we gotta do is

get across that border.

Hey, man, you really think

this is gonna work?

I do. 'Cause it has to.

Way I figure, we'll get settled,

build one of them makeshift

wood huts on the beach,

rent surfboards to tourists

for dough.

Hey, you'll be

watching sunsets with Amber

-and the baby in no time.

-Oh, f*ck yeah.

I love the sound of that, bro.

It's like one of them shitty

family road trips

-that we never took.


Listen, you asked

what this means.

It means there's no more

bullshit from our old lives.

Fresh start.

Okay? Past is past.

We can be whoever

we wanna be now.

Nah, sounds too good to be true.

Well, it ain't. It's our

God-given inalienable right.

And just 'cause

it wasn't given to us,

ain't nothing wrong with doing

a little taking now.

Damn straight.

-Oh! Cellphones.


-Hand 'em over.

-That's my phone... Yo, man!

-No, f*ck that. No! No!

-You can't take it.

-You can't, Christ!

-f*cking assh*le.

Come on. There's a saying.

"Burn the old grass.

New will grow."

-Now, here are the rules.


-[Dylan] Rules.

-[chuckling] Okay.

Well, you just said

we're revolutionists,

and revolutionists don't

play by the rules.



[Dylan] Don't be a smartass.

Rule number one,

always stick near the car.

You got to get food, grab a

smoke, take a shit, whatever,

you gotta tell me,

no ifs, ands, or buts.

Rule number two.

What I say, day or night, goes.

It can't be questioned.

Well, this is getting better

by the second.

There's always got to be

one person steering the ship,

and if shit hits the fan,

you gotta do exactly as I say.

Without question.

Full commitment.

-All right.

-Speaking of which...

-Shit, man. What's that for?


What? You think we'll need that?

Well, if we do, I'd rather be

answering that question

with it than without it.


-And this is for you, Ryan.


-Don't f*ckin' speed!

-[all chuckling]

We don't need no unnecessary

attention, got it?

-Well, duh, Dylan.

-I'm dead serious, bro.

You say you got it, you keep

that left foot of yours in check

or I'll shove it

up your ass myself.

Hey, look, chill out.

You got nothing to worry about.


[dispatch speaking indistinctly]

[siren blaring]

[dispatch speaking indistinctly]

[Dylan] Damn it!

What did I just tell you?

Slow the f*ck down!

-[Ryan] Hang on, guys.

-[tires screech]

[engine revving]

I can't believe it! We're

not even out of the state

and we're already

going down in flames.

We ain't going down nothing.

Ryan's got this.

You got this.

Just keep calm. Let's go!

-[engine revving]

-[tires screeching]

[Grace yelps]

The way I figure,

we got 20 seconds

before the rest of

the police force is on us.

You gotta give us some distance.

We're doing fine.

I got my foot through the

f*cking floor, man.

What now?


All right, screw this.

-Shit's gotta stop.

-What are we, k*lling cops now?

-Are we k*lling cops, Dylan?

-We ain't k*lling nobody.

-[Ryan] Holy shit.

-[Grace] What the f*ck?

Just slowing them down.

-[siren blaring]


Whoa! Hey, f*ck! Damn it, Ryan!

You keep this bitch steady!

[officer] sh*ts were

fired from, ah...


[tires screech]

[officer on radio]

We got a flat tire.

[Dylan] Mm-hmm.

Ain't nothing to stop us

damn Doughertys.

We move f*cking mountains

if we have to.

Man, I would have loved to see

that cop's face

when the b*llet

whizzed past his ear.

[Ryan] Yeah, man,

but that shit was close.

Couple of inches over,

and we would've been

marked for

the electric chair. Right?


f*ck me!



We're just sh**ting

a hornet's nest.

What do you mean?

We got away, no one got hurt.

Must be fooling ourselves

if we think

they're gonna paint it

that way for us.

Oh, shit.


Shit! Shit! Shit! Dylan's right.

We're in Florida. They're gonna

have us strung up by our balls

saying we're attempted


Just stop it, Ryan.

Okay? We're in this together.

If something happens

to one of us,

it happens to all of us.

Right, Dylan?


Hey, pull over.


Hey, hey, hey. Just pull over.

[breathing heavily] f*ck.

[ominous music playing]

[Grace] What are you doing?

[Dylan] Hey, pop the trunk.


Somewhere along the way...

humanity just...

got stuck at the wrong groove

of the record player.

Spinning round and round.

And while you can't change

the motion on the table,

you sure shit

can change the song.

W... What's this?

Brought this in case

we needed to sell 'em,

but now it seems we're punching

a different ticket.

You see, our whole lives,

we've been the little guy.

Getting stepped on,

stepped over.

I mean, who are we fooling?

What do we got between us

to get us where we need to go?


Huh, how much, Ryan?

Ah, I'm probably six, maybe 700.

There you go, and on that,

we'd be lucky

to make the Amarillo,

let alone Mexico.

So, what are you suggesting?

I'm suggesting

we finally take something...

we never had.

Oh, yeah? And what's that?


-[g*n cocks]

The massive FBI search

underway this morning

for three siblings

police believe

shot at a police car in Florida.


A police officer was attempting

to stop this white four-door

sedan for speeding

when he was led

on a high-speed chase.

Investigators say

the Doughertys opened fire.


-[cop] Holy shit!

Maybe use the word "ambush."

But they were trying

to hurt this officer,

if not k*ll him.

[reporter] At this point,

the three Doughertys'

whereabouts are unknown.

Police are reportedly

following tips

from as far away as Tennessee.

Elaine Quijano,

CBS News, New York.

[Dylan] It's

cops-and-robbers shit.

Like, when we was kids.

[Ryan] I don't know, bro.

You really think it will work?

[Grace] Yeah.

How do you know three minutes?

[Dylan] It's like every movie.

We go in balls-out.

Act like we know

what we are doing,


and the rest will fall

right in line.

Look, three minutes

and we're g*dd*mn home free.

[ominous music playing]

[suspenseful music playing]


Good pie today.

Joanne, you tell Connie,

she's outdone herself.

Oh, you boys want

Joanne here to get your tea.

Can we get started?

We're pressed for time

and we have to get on the road.

I told y'all what I know.

Boy ain't nothing special.

He's just another number.

Yeah, well, we believe that

this kid and his siblings

attempted to m*rder

a police officer.

Well, that seems

jurisdictional to me.

[Agent Donovan] Meaning?

Meaning we can just

cut through the bullshit.

Now, why would federal agents

be sitting here

with little old Flo and I

not enjoying

a damn good pizza pie?

We ran sheets on Ryan's sister

and older brother.

And the sister has a record

as long as my arm, but...

But it's

the older brother, Dylan.

The guy that he lays

asphalt with

says that he's got

a thing for g*ns.

And that he has a lot of 'em.

So, we just... you know,

we wanna lock this down.

You know, before things

get out of hand.

Yeah, yeah. Look.

I've been in this business

a long time,

heard every story from every

scum f*ck in this world.

The girls are whoring sluts

and the males,

degenerate thieves and rapists.

My job,

and only job, is to keep tabs.

Make sure they're staying

where they're supposed to.

How's that working out for you?

You got a point

you getting at, Agent?

'Cause right now,

I see we're all putting

our dicks on the table,

but nobody's f*cking.

Elegantly put.

Why did Ryan run?

Don't know.

You got to ask him.

His girlfriend, Amber Suriano,

said you threatened

to violate his parole,

and presented him

with a no-end situation.

-And he was desperate.

-No shit.

Man, we're all desperate.

I see these idiot kids

go through the system every day

one after the other.

Nothing ever changes.

Nothing in life

ever really changes.

What you see is what you get.


Except this pie, of course.

Some days, it just happen

to be better than nothing.

[sighs] Appreciate your time.

We'll be in touch.

[Willy] Hope you

find 'em, Agents.

You know.

Before things get out of hand.

[foreboding music playing]

Maybe it's environment,

upbringing, society.

-I don't know.

-No, no, no.

It's this generation.

They're just different.

You know, it used to be

that we were busting

drug dealers from Mexico

or biker gangs from Canada,

t*rrorists from places

I can't even pronounce.

Then one morning

we woke up and, ah...

problem wasn't

out there anymore.

It's right here.

Right in our own

g*dd*mn backyard.

They're hardened criminals.

-They're kids.


But lately, kids have been

walking into schools

and movie theaters

and blowing away other kids.

-What's your point?

-My point, Agent,

is I don't care

what kind of upbringing

they had or didn't have,

or what kind of psychological

justification bullshit

you want to throw out there.

I want this halted at all costs

before it escalates.

You got that?

Sounds like the option of

dead or alive is off the table.

At all costs!

[tape whirring, clicking]

[tense music playing]

-[Dylan] All right.

-All right.

-And one, two, three.

-[Ryan] Let's go!

[g*n cocks]




[Grace] Everybody get down

on the m*therf*cking ground

or there's gonna be some

serious dying going on.

[Dylan] Let's go!

In the center of the room!

Center of the room! Let's go!

Come on, let's go!

[Grace] Get down, bitch,

or else I'll blow your head

clear back to the f*cking wall.

-Let's go! Faster! Move!

-[Grace] Move! Go! Move!

[Dylan] You heard her,


Get down on the f*cking floor!

[Grace] Faster. On the ground.


three minutes.

[Dylan] Now!

Listen the f*ck up.

-[g*n cocks]

-I'm about to tell y'all

everything you need to know

to stay alive.

-[Grace] Get up!

-Oh, Jesus.

Excuse me, miss. Miss.

Why don't you sit in this

chair right here?

You'll be much more comfortable.

Oh, no.

Have a seat. You're welcome.

If you pay attention,

do as you're told,

ain't nobody gonna get hurt.



Now, who knows the words

to the m*therf*cking song

"Jingle Bells"?

Come on! Who knows the words

of the song "Jingle Bells"?

Couple of hands here,

couple of hands there.

-[Grace] Two minutes!

-[Dylan] Great.

See, I'm Santa Claus.

And this here,

this is my Santa sack.

This young lady right here,

she's one of my elves.

Her job is to fill my Santa sack

with all the money she can

in the next 45 seconds...

[Ryan] Let's go. we can get on our


[Ryan] All the way to the back.

All the way.

[Dylan] Understand?

Come on, let's go. Start.

And she's not gonna put

one of those exploding ink

devices in there,

'cause that will make

Santa angry.

And nobody is gonna like Santa

when he's angry.

Hey! Let's go.

Lastly, all of y'all,

y'all are the Wise Men.

-You know why?

-[Ryan] Load it up.


Get the money, come on.

[Dylan] 'Cause y'all are

smart enough to know that

this bank, all banks,

is insured by the good old,

government-run FDIC.

Which means we ain't

really taking nothing

from nobody, right?

Right? Great.

Now, "Jingle Bells."

[singing] Dashing

through the snow

-On a one-horse open sleigh

-[Grace] 60 seconds, hurry up!

-Keep going, keep singing

-Let's go, guys. Come on.

Stay on the f*cking ground

Now, I want y'all to get

through two more verses

before you even

think about getting up.

'Cause, once again,

you're Wise Men.

Wise Men know

what the f*ck's up.

Here you go. Something

for your trouble.

-[Grace] Time!

-Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go!

Merry Christmas, m*therf*ckers.


[casings clattering]

[people sobbing, murmuring]

[tense music playing]

[engine starts]

[tires screech]

[police sirens blaring]

-There go the cops.

-[Dylan] All right, all right.

Nice and smooth

like nothing's wrong.

Should we go faster?



All right. All right.

-They following us?

-[Grace] No, honey.

No cops anywhere.


-[all exclaiming]

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!


[all exclaiming]

Okay. How much...

How much did we get, Dylan?


-[Ryan] Oh, damn!

f*ck, we should celebrate.


-f*ck yeah.

We just popped our cherries.

Doughertys are in

big leagues now.

We can't celebrate,

we just robbed a damn bank.

-Gotta lay low.

-Come on.

Ain't that why we wore masks?

No one f*cking knows us here.

-What do you think, peanut?

-I'm down for something.


-Come on, Dylan.

Aren't you the one that

said, "Now we can be

whoever we wanna be"?

Did kinda say that, bro.

-[Grace] You did.

-All right.

Then, who exactly, Grace?

Who are we now?

We're rich.


[phone vibrating]

The accused just hit

a bank in Valdosta.

Whoa, whoa! All right.

Listen up. Listen up.

First of all, we ain't rich.

Only reason why we're here is

'cause we've been thinking smart

and getting a new car is smart.

[Grace chuckles]

Don't be a stick in the mud.

I mean, listen, Dylan,

you've been going on and on

about the system's slanted

in everyone else's

favor but ours.

This is our due and the

world's giving us a break

and you're not gonna take it?

That's bullshit.

Yeah, I think she's right, bro.

We earned this.

I think you earned this.

What did we earn, exactly? Huh?


-An upgrade.

All right. But listen,

nothing too fancy.

Just be quick, all right?

Go on, be quick.

Let's go.

Oh, shit! No.


Look at this.

German piece of shit

going for 7,000.

Here we go. American-made.

f*ck yeah.

[chuckling] It's a*t*matic. Yo!

Yo, it's got a car seat.

[Dylan] Oh, yeah.

V8, four-wheel drive, I like it.

A cup holder.

Groceries in the back.

We can do this.

[distant knocks]

-[young Grace] Father.

-[man] Lee-Grace.

Put the baby in and... close.

Hey, can I get a salesman

over here?

[Bobby] Mm, wow.

Don't you think something

a little hot would fit better?

Excuse me?

Well, I mean, my philosophy is

the car should match the person.


Is that right?


Now, this one.

Definitely makes

a statement, right?

Bobby Junior.

My daddy, Bobby Senior,

he owns the place.

Take a seat.

2008, low-mileage V8.

There's a lot going on

under this hood

if you know what I mean.

-Is that right?

-[Bobby] Yeah.

It's definitely right.

Well, Bobby Junior...

I like it.

But normally I go for something

that would get me

in a little more trouble.

You know where a girl

can find some around here?


Can I please have a salesman?

[both moaning]

All right...

-[Grace] You going to college?

-[Bobby] Huh?

-I said, you going to college?

-[Bobby] Oh.

[Bobby] Yeah,

something like that.

-Yeah? What are you studying?

-[Bobby] Huh?

-I said, what are you studying?

-[Bobby] Um, business.

-[Bobby] I guess.

-[Grace] Oh, college boy.

The only college boys I know

are from work.


-Bunch of assholes.

[Bobby] Turn around.

[both moaning]

It feels like we won the lottery

or something, bro.

Feels damn good is what it does.

-[both panting]

-[Grace] Yeah.

Now, I'd like to find

a real nice guy...

or like a wholesome

small-town guy or something.

-You know what I mean?



-[Grace] He'd go to work

and I'd stay at home

with the kids

and, I don't know...

f*cking wash-up or something.

You know, normal shit.

-And you?

-[moaning, panting]

Does that interest you?

What do you mean? [moans]

You know, it's just, like,

finding the real thing

and insulating yourself and...

finding what really matters

and just being.

You know? Would you like that?

What? I don't understand.


Well, how do you

not understand, sugar?

What do you think

I'm talking about?

f*ck, I don't know.

But all this talk

is making my d*ck go limp,

-so can we just--

-[both grunting]

-You ain't no different.


What-- what did I say?

God damn it!

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

f*ckin' bleeding heart. I should

just cut the f*ckin' thing out.

Always confuses

the hell out of me.

Are you're f*cking crazy

or something?

Yeah, I'm f*cking crazy,

so jerk your own little d*ck off

-and step the f*ck back.

-Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's not the deal.

We had a deal.

-And I'm not finished yet. So--


[both grunting]

I ain't finished yet. f*ck you.

Hey, you know the good news is

that, you know, the HR5

has the speed you've

been looking for.

And it has the backseat space

for that little one

you got there.

Son. I'm, I'm having

a son, man. So...

-Okay, okay.

-We need space for a car seat.

You know, like a good,

sturdy car seat, yeah.

-[Bobby] Stay down, bitch!

-[both grunting]

Stay the f*ck down.

And I told you to get

the f*ck back!


[Bobby] Jesus! Ah!


[Bobby groaning]

All we need to do then is just

let you look over the paperwork

and sign right here

on the dotted line,

and we'd be in business.


How do you think you're going

to be paying for this?


-Cash money.

That's what I'm talking about.

[knocks on glass]

Oh, shit!

Hey, slow down!

Hey, slow down!

Wait. Where are you going?

-Anywhere but here.


What about the new car?

[Dylan] What the hell

is going on, Lee-Grace?

God damn it, Lee-Grace.

What the hell is going on?

-What did you do?

-I didn't do nothing.

[Dylan] Oh, we should have

never gone in there

jeopardizing this whole thing.

What the hell happened?

What did you do?

I said I didn't do nothing.

[Dylan] You okay?

[sniffling] g*dd*mn right

I'm okay, Dylan.

I'm always okay.

Can we go?

Can we please just go?

[pensive music playing]

-[man speaking indistinctly]

-[kids chuckling]

-[cat meowing]

-[distant banging]

-[distant knocks]

-[young Grace whimpering]

[man] Lee-Grace, when you're

done, meet you in there.

[shrill, muffled whimpering]

[ominous music playing]

[snatches of music and news,

radio switching channels]

[switches radio off]


-I don't hear nothing about us.

-Then we're good, right?

We ain't good

till we cross that border.

All right, let's giddy

the f*ck up. Which way?

Keep going through the south.

Daddy always said,

"All a man needs

to get to where he wants

to go is a good atlas."

This here will take us

straight to the promised land.

Back roads only, state highways.

-No interstates.

-Well, how's that?

[Dylan] Only reason why cops

hang out in the interstates

is they're like giant

ATM machines.

Ain't no money

on the back roads.

No money, no thieving cops.

That all right with you, LG?

Sure. Right as rain.

Hey, turn up ahead,

we got a shortcut.

Settle in, family.

We're about to see

the real America,

as our forefathers

intended it to be.

[Grace] See, Dylan,

what did I say?

It's like a real-life

family vacation.

[victim] I'll tell you this.

They all had a wild look

in their eyes.

Psychopathic K*llers for sure.

I thought you said

you couldn't see their eyes.

Because of their masks.

Well, if I could have

seen their eyes,

they would have been wild.

I'm sure of it.

[customer] Well, I found them

quite pleasant.

I mean,

one of the young men

offered me a chair.

Reminded me of my grandson.

[Donovan] We believe

the siblings may be heading west

in an attempt

to leave the country.

And we'll be utilizing

all federal and local resources

to prevent that from happening.

Make no mistake,

the Dougherty g*ng are armed

and dangerous.

And if you engage with them,

you will be going into battle.

I'll now turn things

over to Agent Morely

for any questions

you might have.

Welcome to the fire.

[reporters clamoring]

There's a massive

FBI manhunt underway

for three Pasco County siblings

on the run from the law.

Dylan, Lee-Grace,

and Ryan Dougherty are accused

of sh**ting at a police officer

in Zephyrhills,

and then robbing a bank

in Georgia.

[reporter] They wore masks

and used AK-47s

to fire into the ceiling,

but no one was hurt.

Just think that people are

really bold to come out

and do such a thing

in broad daylight.

[reporter] The Doughertys

are no strangers to trouble.

Lee has reportedly been arrested

five times on

hit-and-run charges.

Her brother, Dylan,

has been busted for dr*gs.

And tonight, detectives tell us

they have received

a number of tips

as to where the siblings

could be right now.

They put them,

some in North Georgia,

some in Tennessee,

around or in Chattanooga.

[tense music playing]

[crow cawing]


[Dylan] In and out,

no fuss. Got it?

[Ryan] Like a ghost.

[indistinct TV chatter]

Hey, man. Ah...

Forty on pump one, please.

Oh, cool.

You know,

my son would love this.

How much?

Although, probably

got to be pretty careful

with all the tiny pieces, right?

He's a baby. Well,

not... he's

not been born yet,

but he will be.

Like, really soon.


So much to learn, and...

think about, you know?

And then you gotta start

thinking about somebody else.

Putting them first.

A future.

[indistinct TV chatter


-[Dylan] All good?

-Good as gold.


What's up, crow?

All right.

Yo, I need another five.

-What for?

-I over-pumped by five bucks.

Thought it was pre-paid.

Oh, man.

That's what the sign says.

What do you want me to do?

Yeah, pay him. Pay him.

Just pay him.

Hey, man.

I don't know what happened,

but I owe another five.

There you go.

[reporter on TV]

...on the run from the law.

Dylan, Lee-Grace,

and Ryan Dougherty

are accused of sh**ting at

a police officer in Zephyrhills

and robbing a bank in Georgia.

Now, there are reports that

this armed and dangerous

family of fugitives

made it to Tennessee.

And tonight, we're getting

a first look at

the newly-released

dash-cam video

of the attempted sh**ting

of that police officer.

Chris Martinez joins us live

now at Pasco County

with more on this.

-Good evening.

-[Chris on TV] Good evening.

A Pasco Sheriff says

the video really gives

an up-close look

at just how dangerous

these siblings can be,

and after watching this video,

he says...

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

[Dylan] Whoa. Hey, whoa!

Go! We gotta go, we gotta go.

What the hell is going on, huh?

We're on f*cking CNN,

bro. We gotta go.

[Grace] CNN?

What are we, famous?

Where the f*ck

are the keys, Dylan?

In the ignition.

Here we go. Let's go!

Put it in drive and get us out.

[Grace] Go, Ryan! Go, go!

-[indistinct radio chatter]

-[Dylan] Keep it slow.

Only way we're getting out

of here, we just roll on

like nothing's wrong, all right?

Slow and calm.

Just slow and calm.

[Ryan] Right. Slow and calm.

[on radio] Dylan and Lee-Grace

Dougherty again fired

-their high-powered g*ns...

-f*ck. they robbed a bank

in Valdosta, Georgia.

Now, with that just-released

dash-cam video,

-the sheriff says that...

-[Ryan] Oh, shit.

[on radio] several times,

attempting to get a clear shot.

As the officers called...

[Ryan] Are we f*cked?

Yo, we're f*cked, right?

[officer] They were trying

to hurt this officer

if not k*ll him.

-[somber music playing]

-[radio continues indistinctly]

[Grace] You think

they'll turn us in?

[Dylan] No, these people

ain't gonna turn us in.

[radio] to where

the siblings are right now.

[Dylan] They're us.

[on radio] They put them,

some in North Georgia,

some in Tennessee,

around or in Chattanooga.

Coming up tonight at six,

we're gonna play for you

an interview we have

with the mother...

[Grace] Where the hell are we?

Feels like we are in

a different country.

[Dylan] Alabama, I think.

[somber music playing]

[dog barking]

And she basically

threw herself at me.

Ah, lured me in

all provocative-like.

What kind of girl just spreads

her legs open to some stranger?

f*cking slut.

My shit's probably gonna stop

burning any second now, man.


[Morely] Did she

mention anything?

Hmm? Happen to say

where she was going?

To hell for all I care.

Crazy bitch.

Man, she's a straight


I'll tell you that much.

She needs to be locked up.

If you find her,

I hope you sh**t her.

I hope you sh**t her

right in the f*cking face.

I mean, look at me.

Look what she did to my face.

[strained breath]

All right.

If you happen to think

of anything else,

you let us know.


I'm not looking for any trouble.

I'm going to school

at the end of the month.

I got a future to think about.

That's funny. 'Cause we

found a box full of dr*gs

that might dictate differently.


why don't you think

long and hard?

You know.

Make sure you've

shared everything.

And we'll make sure to let you

know about that future of yours.


You get well soon.

Prick kid, sitting in there.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the future of America.

You got kids?

No, man.

The missus and I

have been trying,

but it's been hard.

Yeah? Well, I got two boys.

Their whole lives are rap music

and online knockout videos,

and that's when

they're not sucking up

to their assh*le dentist stepdad

for the next Xbox game

that I can't afford to get 'em.

You know, I'd say that

they need to get

their priorities straight,


I'm beginning to think

there is no priority.

It's a new world, Agent.

All we can do is

keep trying to bring

some order to it.

Kind of like punching water.

You know what I mean?

[Morely chuckles softly]

-[Morely] We were cold.

-[Donovan] What do you mean?

[Morely] I mean,

that was our last lead.

We have a few

unconfirmed reports

of the vehicle out in Texas.

But as of right now,

we're still in the dark.

So we wait.

Why wait?

Oh, they'll get

tired of running,

make a mistake.

Eventually, we'll get 'em.

We always do.

It's like punching water, Agent.

Like punching water.


[Ryan] Is it me

or is everything starting

to look the same around here?

Well, if by "the same" you mean

"boring as shit," then yeah.

Where are we, anyway?

[Dylan] Texarkana.

Don't you think

that's a stupid name?

Like a lazy name?

It's like...

"Our town is on the border

of Arkansas and Texas

and we ain't creative enough

to come up with a name,

so we'll just call it

Texarkana." Dumb fucks.

You know, the boredom's getting

to your brain cells.

Dylan, what are you doing

down there?

[Dylan] Working on switching

these. [coughs]

We gotta do everything we can

to keep them off our tail.

-Who's "them"?

-The good guys.

I thought we were the good guys.

Jesus, Lee-Grace.

We're the ones wearing masks

and taking the bank's money,

or hadn't you noticed?

You know what, Ryan?

That's your story.

I've got a different view.

[Ryan] Oh, yeah? And how's that?

Well, we're like crusaders.

Steal from the rich

and give it to the poor.

[chuckling] What poor

are we giving to?

Well, we're poor.

You know, we're giving it

to ourselves.

We're standing for

something here.

Something big.

Who knows, they might even

write stories and songs

about us someday.

Girl, the only song

they're writing about you

is one of those sad, sad

twangy country songs

about a girl

who don't know shit.

[Dylan] Actually,

you're both right.

[clears throat] And wrong.

There's good guys

and there's bad guys,

just depends on who's telling

the story at that moment.

It's all about perspective.


-What are we, then?

Well, seeing as

our story ain't over,

that remains to be

figured out.


-You all right?

Yeah, I'm just, I'm...

just tired, is all.

Man, the only thing I got

is a dry-ass mouth

'cause we're out of water.

When are we gonna

get some more supplies?

-I'm starving.

-[Dylan] Can't.

You saw what happened

at the gas pump.

Look, money we got sets us up

for a little bit,

but we gotta be thinking


We gotta find an angle.

Someone unsuspected.

[coughs] Take what we need.

What, by force?

[Dylan] If need be.

Well, look alive, guys.

I don't know what this is.

-[Harold] Howdy.

-[Dylan] Ah... howdy.

-[Harold] Car trouble?

-Oh, no. Just a loose plate.

Afraid it was gonna come off.

Y'all from around here?

Nope. We're just, ah...


Just passing through.

[Grace] We're on

family vacation.

[couple] Oh.


-It's up to you.


Y'all look hungry to me.

Our place is just

right up the road.

Love to give you a good meal.

Some nice iced tea.

Would that suit you?

Ah... Yeah, that sounds great.

Doesn't it?

Yeah. Yes, please.

-Great. Just follow us on up.

-Yes, ma'am.

[tense music playing]

[Grace] Dylan, what is this?

What are we doing?

[Dylan] Opportunity

just knocked.


[tense music continues playing]

[Grace] So, it was the three

of us siblings, Mama and Daddy,

but Daddy died.

[Loretta] I am so sorry.

Yeah, I mean, they said

it was natural causes,

heart or something, but...

I think life just wore him down.

Yeah, and barely

the early side of 40.

Nothing natural about that.

God bless you and your family.

Oh, thank you.

God bless you too, ma'am.


You got neighbors nearby?

Nah, we like the space.

It's the way most people

prefer it around here.


A few head of cattle

over the hill there.

Just enough to keep

the lights on.

[all chuckling]

Harold's retired from the Navy.

His pension did

very well for us.

Oh, well, we're from Florida

road-tripping south.

I prefer the mountains

'cause I always wanted

to see Colorado,

but we gotta go south.

Ah... where was I? Oh, yeah.

When Daddy passed,

tore us apart,

emotionally and literally.

Wasn't many years later

Dylan here was sent away.


-"Sent away"?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah.

What was he, like, 14, 15?

Uh, 16. I was 11.

You were 16, I remember.

[Grace] It wasn't

his fault though.

He was acting out and Mama

thought it would be best

if he were raised by our aunt

up in Kentucky.

So, he left and things were

different from then on.

And then there was the bastard.

Excuse me.

Did you say the "bastard"?

[Dylan] LG!

[Grace] Yeah, he was just

this man in our lives.

And boy, let me tell you,

he was a bastard.

-I can't even begin--

-[Dylan] Lee-Grace, enough!

-[Ryan] Yo!

-Simmer down, Dylan.

We're just catching up

with these nice people.

-Calm the hell down.

-Yeah? Well, it ain't

none of their damn business.


-[Loretta] Ah...

-I'm sorry.

He just gets in these moods.

Ah... pie!

How about some pie?

I think everyone

would like that.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, that would be great.

She makes really good pie.

You're gonna enjoy it.

[Grace] Oh,

that would be so nice.

[on radio] We now interrupt

our current program

with some breaking news.

The three

central Florida siblings,

two brothers, 21 and 26,

and sister, 24,

are wanted for serious crimes

including sh**ting

at an officer,

as*ault, and bank robbery.

FBI special task force agent

Robert Donovan had this to say.

[Robert] Should anyone

encounter the Dougherty g*ng,

they're asked not to engage

and to contact

authorities immediately.

These are ruthless criminals

that should be considered

-armed and extremely dangerous.

-[plate breaks]

[Harold] Everything

all right in there, Loretta?

[Loretta] Ah... Yeah, um...

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Would you all excuse me

just a moment?


Look, I understand we gotta do

what we gotta do and all that,

but these people

seem really nice.

And they make

really good chicken, too.

You all right, bro?

Something ain't right.

What do you mean?

So, you... uh...

You gonna be staying long?


Why you ask? [coughs]

No particular reason,

it's just that...

most folks just

passing through here,

there's not much for 'em.


-Excuse me?

-Where's the pie? [coughs]

-You said you were getting pie!

-[Ryan] g*dd*mn it, Dylan!

Dylan, what the hell

are you doing?

What is it that you're

needing, young man?

I'm needing you both

to stand up,

walk towards

the back of the house.


-[Grace] Dylan.

What's your g*dd*mn problem?

-They like us.

-My problem?

You and your g*dd*mn


-They're onto us.

-[Grace] Onto us?

-[Grace] You're paranoid.

-Oh, am I? Really?

Or maybe you're just a little

too f*cked up to notice, huh!

-[Grace] f*cking dickhead!

-[Dylan] Your f*cking pills!

They ain't our friends

and this ain't our home!

We ain't got no home and no one

gives a shit about us but us.

Now, stand up, walk towards

the back of the house.


-No, Dylan!

-Don't hurt them.

-I said stand up!

Please, don't hurt them!

They treated us like family!

Ryan, you take your sister

out to the car

and you wait for me there.

-[Ryan] Dylan--

-Do it! Now!

-Out! Out!

-[crying] Oh, my God!

Out! I gotta say it again?!

Will you two kindly walk

towards the back of the house?




-[Grace sniffling]

-Hey, it's all right.

It's all going to be okay.

I'm scared, Ryan.

What are you scared of?

[sniffling] Of what

Dylan is capable of.

He's just making sure everything

is all right, that's all.

Nothing to worry about.


Not just with them.

With us.

[ragged breathing]

Over in that corner! Now!

What have you got?

Bunch of nothing.

f*ck it! This? Huh? What else?

What else have you got?

-This shit? Come on, now.

-That's it!

Old people always got cash

lying around.

[Harold] That's it! That's it!

We don't keep much here

at the house.

Oh, yeah? Let me guess, huh?

f*cking safety deposit box

at the bank.

Don't you know

banks get robbed?!

You can trust me on that one.

Hey, don't look at me.

Don't look at me!


I want you to know

something, son.

Want you to know that

we forgive you.

[breathing heavily]

[Dylan] f*ck!

[Dylan coughing]

[continues coughing]

f*ck! Let's go.

Jesus, Dylan, you all right?

[Grace] What happened?

[Grace] Dylan, what happened?

I said, let's go!

Tell me what you did.

I did what I always do.


I failed.

Now, come on, let's go!

g*dd*mn Costa Rica

ain't coming to us!


[melancholic music playing]

The road I travel

Has no end in sight

The ghosts I run from

Chase me through the night

I k*lled a few dreams

with my...

They seem obviously brazen,

but reckless as well.

Are you kinda hoping that

that recklessness

may lead to their capture?

That's what we hope, so we hope

they make some type of mistake,

and everybody's bound

to do that,

but as we want

the public to realize,

these are three

very dangerous people.

[melancholic music continues]

[Nocco] And the biggest thing

that we're afraid of right now

is they have three options.

One is that we hope

they turn themselves in.

That is what we hope ends this.

The second thing is,

they got a little bit of money,

but we know they're gonna need

some more money to survive.

We think that they may

go out there

and commit another felony.

The third thing is that

they may end this in a battle

with law enforcement.

No one knows how dark it is

Just before the dawn

[horn honks]

[reporter] The Doughertys'

mother agreed

to an exclusive interview.

[mother] Only Mom knows

what good people you are inside.

The only good thing,

possible thing to do,

is for you

to turn yourselves in.

[reporter] Whether that will

happen though remains unclear,

especially considering

a text message

that Ryan's sent recently

to his mother.

The text message ended quote,

"Everyone has to die sometime."

And the sun comes up

I'm down on my knees

Time goes faster and faster

As I beat my disease

If I could save my soul

I would say a prayer

Lord, I just keep running...


-[pounding on door]

-[man] Lee-Grace!



How long has he been like this?

Since San Angelo.

-[Dylan coughs]

-Is it a fever?

I don't know. There's something

wrong with him.

This ain't Dylan.

f*ck, man.

I mean, shouldn't we stop

to find a doctor or something?

Are you out of your mind?

The crazy fucker

would sh**t us if we did.

[news jingle plays]

[on radio] We have

reports indicating

the siblings recently crossed

Arkansas into Texas.

I'll now turn it over

to Texas Marshall Deacon Keifer

for more information.

[Deacon] As we believe

the g*ng are attempting

to leave the country,

we are concentrating

all our efforts on our borders.

The Dougherty g*ng

is wanting a fight,

they've come to the right state.

We'll be exercising

every resource at our disposal

to bring these criminals

to justice.


f*ck me.

Look, I'm telling you,

Lee-Grace, we keep heading

in this direction,

we're as good as goners.

Well, then, where do we go?

I think for starters,

we get the f*ck out of Texas.

You heard him,

we cross over there, we're done.

Then get us the hell out.

Well, where do we go?

[Grace] I know where.


You gonna take

the blame for this?


[pensive music playing]

[Harold] You're gonna have to

excuse us, young man.

Wife hasn't stopped shaking

since the whole thing went down.

I suppose we both haven't.

It's quite all right.

Just take your time, sir.



Offer him something to eat.

Offer him some pie.

What is it about pie lately?

Thank you, ma'am. But no

pie for us. We're fine.

Now, what would help

is if you can tell us

anything you might

have forgotten.


No matter how small

or insignificant,

it could be helpful, okay?

I believe that's all

we can think of.

All right. Okay.

I really appreciate

your folks' time.

I'm truly sorry,

what you've been through.

If you can think of anything,

just give us a call. Okay?

It'll be okay, ma'am.

-What do you think?

-It's obvious.


They're heading to Mexico.

If they so much

as try and sneeze

anywhere near the border,

we got 'em.

Excuse me, Agents?

The girl did say

something, but...

But what?

It wasn't south.


She said Colorado.

[Dylan] Colorado!

What the hell

are we doing in Colorado?

Well, man, you were all

fevered out and shit,

and things were going bad

in Texas, so we--

So you took us

hundreds of miles north?!

North? f*ck!

-We are so f*cked now!

-Calm down, Dylan.

Oh, why the hell should I,

huh? Tell me, why?

'Cause you might never

have seen all of this.


[Hootenanny music plays]

[eagle screeches]

This sure is beautiful, huh?


-It sure as shit is.

Let's go. Come on.

Let's go, bro.

-It's cold though.

-Yeah, come on!

[Dylan] I'm coming!

Just give me a second.

-I'm warning you.

-It's f*cking cold.

-Hey! There he is!

-[all exclaiming]

-[Ryan] Oh, here he comes.

-[water splashing]

[all laughing]

This is all ours,

ain't it, Dylan?

That it is, little brother.

That it is.

Can we stay

a little while longer?

Yeah, man. I mean,

who owns this shit anyway, huh?

Oh, it doesn't feel like it

should be owned though, does it?


Can we just stay here?

Just for a little while?

Seeing as nobody owns it,

I hereby declare this land

for nobody and everybody.



-[all cheering]


[all screaming]

Everybody and nobody!

[kids chuckling]

-Say why though?


[distorted buzzing]

[click, silence]

-[fire crackling]

-[distant owl hooting]

[Grace] It sure

is quiet out here.

Yeah, and it's cold.

Cold as a well digger's ass.

Got these to keep us warm.

But we're gonna need to get

some proper supplies tonight

if we're gonna stay here.

I saw a campground not far

from here on the way in.

We could buy some

stuff from somebody.

What's on your mind?

Thch Quang Duc.

Check your brother, Ryan,

I think he's just had a stroke.

[Dylan] He was a Buddhist monk.

He was a martyr

in the Vietnam conflict.

I saw it recently

on one of them, um,

history television shows.

He and his fellow monks,

they were protesting

the tyranny of the...

current government

under the world they lived in.

So, Duc volunteered

to self-immolate.



He burned himself,

set himself on fire.



He and a few hundred

of his fellow pacifists

marched right down

the streets of Saigon.

Found a busy corner,

old Duc reverently squatted,

doused himself with gasoline

in dead silence.

[imitates fire sizzling]

Poof, up he went in flames.

Why are you telling us

this, Dylan?

It's gonna give me

g*dd*mn nightmares.

'Cause when he and his brothers

had no other way

to get their voices heard,

they made

the ultimate statement.

His death made a difference.

Made a stand for something,

for what's right.


Well, it's pretty amazing

what people are capable of

when they're pushed far enough.

[Ryan imitates crow cawing]

What the hell are you doing?

-I'm practicing. [cawing]


[Grace] For what, the loony bin?

No. Not the loony bin.

I was just thinking about this

story that Daddy told me once.

About crows.

[indistinct video chatter]

[Ryan] He said that

in the beginning

when God created everything,

all the crows, they were

spread out everywhere.

They couldn't find each other.

So God gave them

this screeching call

so through all the darkness,

and the distance,

and the fuss...

they'd always know everything

was gonna be okay

'cause they weren't alone.

They had each other.

[kids laughing]

That's the most important thing.

So, I'm practicing in case

I ever lose you guys.


-[Dylan laughs]

-[Grace chuckles] You're crazy.

Those were the days.

Right, Dilly?

We were together.

All we cared about was messing

with bikes and girls.

Things were so simple back then.

Shit, I remember every

piece of stranger I ever got.

[Grace] Know what?

You're so gross.

There's nothing quite

like your first time.

You remember your first time,

don't you, Dilly?

Hell, yes, I do.

Marie Jo Thompson.

I was sure I was in love.


-What about you, Gracie?

You remember your first time?


-No, it's okay.

It is what it is

at this point, right?

Listen. I'm sorry, Gracie.

I wasn't thinking.

I'll tell you,

keeping all this shit in...

gets real f*cking tiresome

after a while.

For some strange reason,

I thought that man

was so handsome.

-Oh, Gracie.

-Yeah, f*ck off, Dylan.

This is my turn. All right?

Back when Daddy died and...

there was that other, you know?

I was little and I thought,

"Yeah, this one's a prince."

Only 'cause he was tall

with dark, curly hair.

It's funny 'cause I look back

at the pictures and...

he wasn't. [chuckles]

He was ugly, and...

[echo of banging]

...he was plain.

It's funny how we see

things when we're kids.

[young girl's pained whimpering]

Then, as an adult,

you're just smacked

with the reality

of what they really were.

-[glass breaks]

-He actually broke my heart.

-He wasn't...


Eventually, I got older

and he lost interest.

But when he actually

stopped, it...

hurt so bad.

He broke my heart.

My g*dd*mn... [scoffs] prince.

[somber music playing]

Where are you going?

Clearing my head.

Don't wait up.


[imitates cawing softly]

[twigs snapping]

[Dylan exhaling]


-[echo of loud knocking]

-[girl whimpering]



-[young Grace whimpers]

[man] Lee-Grace!


-Come on.


[man] Do it.

Don't! Please, stop it!

[Grace screaming]

Stop it! Stop it!

-[Grace screaming]

-Stop it!



Leave me alone!

[panting, crying]

Take that! Leave me alone!

[repeatedly clicking]

Any sign of him?


No, not yet.

Why aren't you sleeping?

I can't.

Keep dreaming about my boy.

I could see exactly

what he looked like.

He was like two or three

or something.

I can smell his smell.

I could even hear his voice.

Yeah, he's...

I felt at peace.

Oh, honey, that's a good dream.


I don't know.

What if I never get

to see any of it?

You know?

What if it's all just a dream,

and that's all

it's ever gonna be?

[Dylan panting]

[Dylan] Hello?


Anybody here?

I don't know, Gracie.

I'm starting to feel like we're

coming to the end of the road.

Before, I could see it.

I could.


all I see is darkness.

Ryan, I...

Oh, hey. You all right?

[Dylan] Yeah.

Found some stuff,

but I need some help.

Come on.

Looked earlier,

ain't seen a sign of no one.

Look for first-aid kits,

more blankets, food, tools.

Anything we can use.

Hey, we're gonna leave cash

for anything we take.

[man] What are you doing

with our things?

-[g*n cocks]

-[Grace] Ryan.

-It's just a family, relax.

-[Ryan] Hey, look, man.

We're just taking some things.

Gonna leave money.

Look, I got it here.

-It's right here.

-[kid] Daddy, the radio.

-It's the people the police...


Take what you want,

just don't hurt my family.

No, man. We weren't

gonna hurt you.

We just needed some things,

and we couldn't go to the store.

-We are gonna pay for it.

-[man] Take what you need.

We can act like

this never happened.

Tie 'em up.

[campers whimper]

-Wait, what?

-[Grace] Dylan.

g*dd*mn it, I said tie 'em up!

[Grace] They're just a family,

Dylan. What are you doing?

Yeah, well, family sucks

sometimes, don't it?

[Grace] No.

[cocks g*n]

Got a bad habit of getting

in my way, Lee-Grace.

What are you gonna do,

Dylan? Huh?

What are you gonna do?

Tear 'em apart

like we were torn apart, huh?

Destroy 'em

like we were destroyed?

Is that what this is all about?


-No, Dylan.

No, it's done. It's over.

Now, we're gonna

let these people go.

They don't deserve this.

Get out of here.

Get, g*dd*mn it! Move!

Go! Don't look back!

You realize

they'll tell the authorities.

We're as good as dead now.

Weren't we already?

All this, and then in the end,

just gave up.

[Grace] I know you think

you forced me to come, Dylan.

But I got a news flash for you,

I wanted this.

I wanted for us all

to be together.

And I didn't care where we got

or how we got there,

just as long

as we were together.

A family.

The family we always

could have been

if life just hadn't

kept dealing us

one f*cked up hand

after another after another.

And you know, maybe we were

too young to know any different.

But there was a point...

when everything was okay.

When it was safe and sane.

Don't you remember that?

Did it really happen,

'cause I...

I need to know...

because I mourn that.

I mourn what we had.

[father] Oh, my gosh,

look at you, buddy.

-You got so tall.

-I know.

[Grace] I mourn

the kids we were.

[indistinct chatter]

[crying] It wasn't supposed

to turn out this way, Dylan.

Was it?

Our lives...

It wasn't supposed

to be like this.


[tense music plays]

[continues crying]

There's still a chance.

There's still hope.

What the f*ck are you

talking about, Dylan?

Back off, Ryan.

This doesn't concern you.

It concerns me.

It concerns all of us.

No, it doesn't.

This is between me and Gracie.

Now back the f*ck off.

You ain't our daddy, Dylan.

Back the f*ck off, Ryan!

I ain't gonna ask you again.

You need to understand that!

You ain't our daddy!

You never were, man.

You know why?

He wouldn't have left us.

He didn't have a choice.

You did.

I'll teach you to talk

that shit to me.

[both grunting]

No, Dylan. Get off him.




[Ryan] Why did you

leave us, Dylan?


You promised.

It wasn't his fault, Ryan.

It wasn't his fault.

You-- we all know

why he was sent away.

Shit was f*cked up,

and Dylan knew it,

and that's why

they sent him away.

[Dylan] You're wrong, Lee-Grace.

[Grace] What?

I said, "You're wrong."

I wasn't sent away.

I left.

I was 16 by then,

I could do what I wanted.

I begged to leave.

I couldn't stand it no more.

I knew what was going on,

all of it,

to you, to Ryan.

I was too scared to do

anything about it,

so I left.

Turned my back on everyone

and everything about me.

My choice.

And I didn't even look back.


-It's the truth.

But I want you to know,

I died with that...

knowing you and Ryan

were left unsafe.


I saw how things turned out

and I just...

I just wanted to make it

safe again.

You know, like... [sobs]

...put it in a little box

and just wrap my arms around it,

run through the

g*dd*mn fire if I had to,

but make it safe,

no matter what.

All I can say, Dylan...

is that's the past

and you can't change that.

Oh, don't you understand, man?

I... I made a promise.

I broke that promise

the day I left.

Can you forgive me?


I wanna go home now.

I know things can't go back

to the way they were before.

Shit, who'd want 'em to?

But my boy is

coming any day now,

and I'm going to see that.

They can lock me away after,

but I'm gonna have that.

[Dylan cries]

[Ryan] You let go

of all of this,

and you give that to me.




[Dylan sniffles]

Family first, brother.

Family first.

[birds chirping]

[soft music playing]

[reporter] And there are

new possible sightings

of Lee-Grace, Dylan,

and Ryan tonight

near Colorado Springs.

Police say it's possible

they are driving that same car

they took off in at Zephyrhills,

but with a stolen license plate

out of Texas.

[officer] These people, Arthur,

they're extremely dangerous,

and they're street smart,

they know what they are doing.

If these three fugitives want

a battle with law enforcement,

we will win that battle.

[reporter] Well, Jameison, first

tonight we wanna tell you

that a family friend

has confirmed for us

that the girlfriend

of the youngest sibling, Ryan,

went into labor today,

ready to deliver his child.


[pensive music playing]

[melancholic music plays]

[Donovan] We got a positive ID

from that family

at the campsite.

We know the siblings

are in Colorado,

we know where they're headed,

so it's just a matter of time.

You seem pretty sure

of yourself.

Well, it's patterns

of predictability, Agent.

Defines us all.

I mean, these kids are hell-bent

on some kind of Bonnie and Clyde

and Clyde bullshit

they think it's gonna end up

in a Mexican fiesta.

Little do they know that

there is abject

pain and suffering

waiting for them

at every choke point

out of this country.

[dispatch] Attention, all units.

Silver Subaru Impreza

traveling east on Highway 24.

Commence with roadblock nine,

fifteen miles south

of Woodland Park.

[bird crying]

[tense music plays]

Everything okay?


-Everything okay?


Yeah, actually.

Everything is okay.

[dramatic music building]

I always find this the weirdest

part about what we do.

-What's that?

-The take-down.

One minute you're free,

open road ahead of you.

The next...


Game over, man.

How is that weird?

[indistinct police

radio chatter]

I don't know, man,

it's just weird.

Most times life's just

a big bag of suck

waiting around every corner.

I got a question for you, Agent.

Yeah? Fire away.

When did you get like this, man?

Get like what? Bitter?

Jaded? Soured by life?



Yeah, well...

The reality is, kid,

you come into this world alone

and you leave it alone.

The only surprise...

You eventually realize

that the middle part

is pretty f*cking alone too.

[g*n clicks]

So, Dylan, I was thinking,

you know,

as long as we keep up

a good pace,

still laying low, obviously,

we'll be back

in two or three days.

[Grace] If we consider

turning ourselves in,

then the authorities

will be able to see

that we came back

of our own volition and--

Guys, a crow!

A crow just flew over.

[Ryan] Look, if we go back

and face the music,

and you know, hold our hand up,

maybe they'll take that

into consideration.

-Maybe. Thinking that, you know.


-But there's always a chance.

-[Grace] It would help us out.

-[Dylan] Guys.

-[Ryan] I don't know...

I don't know.



I think we've been made.


-[Ryan] Shit.

-[siren blares]

[Grace] We should stop,

right? I mean...

[siren blares]

-Guys, I'm freaking out.

-[Ryan] And he's getting closer.

[Dylan] All right.

Pick up speed.

[Grace] Should we...

Should we stop?

Should we see? Like...

[Ryan] Holy f*ck, man.

There's more.

It's like the g*dd*mn

Horsemen of the Apocalypse!


-[Grace] What do we do?

We should stop, right?

And this...

f*ck. This is gonna end bad.

-Dylan. Dylan!

-If we stop, they...

they're probably gonna sh**t

first, ask questions later.

[Grace] But what happens

if we run, huh?

What happens then? f*ck!

I'm scared. I'm scared.

What do we do?

What choice do we have?

I don't know. I...

I really don't.

[sirens wailing]

Yeah, you do, man.

We change the song.

You know, it's like Dylan said

before, we change the song.

See, the truth is we ain't

never had a chance.

But we do have a choice.

To go out with our heads up

and our g*dd*mn boots on.

[Grace] Go out?

But we... w-what, die?

Only death when a man

can't live by his own terms.

Right, Dylan? You in?

-[Ryan] Gracie?

-No... I--

Okay, look, Gracie, I need you

to listen to me, okay?

You take a look

at all those people back there.

For the first time, it doesn't

have to end their way.

Now, I don't know what's waiting

for us at the end of all this,

but I do know

we'll be there together.

I know for the first time

in our g*dd*mn lives

they can't tear us apart.

You understand me?

[sirens keep wailing]


-All right. Now hang on.

[intense music plays]

[Grace] All right, then.

How is this gonna end?

How does it always end?

The good guys win.

I love you guys.

I love you guys.

[handcuffs rattle]

[Donovan] It's over, Doughertys!

[clouds rumbling]

[groaning softly]

Come on out! Hands in the air!

[Dylan] Hey.


[Donovan] This is

the last warning!

Come on out! Hands in the air,

or we will use deadly force!

-[Grace panting]

-[Dylan] You okay?


Let's secure the perimeter.

All right.

[Donovan] They've got weapons!

They're hot, they're hot!


-Hey! Hey!

-Over here! Over here!

-[Donovan] I've got the guy.


-[Donovan] I got the left side.

-No! Dylan!

-[Donovan] I'll push them right.

-No, no, no. Put the g*n down!

-[g*n cocks]

-[officer] sh**t her, sh**t her!

-f*ck! f*ck!

-[g*n stalls]

Get down, don't do it!

Don't do it!



[officer] We got a runner!

[Morely] Help her ass. Come on!

[officer] Put it down.

Hands behind your back!

Hold her for now!

It's over, Dylan.

You take a good look, son.

'Cause you ain't never gonna

see each other again.

[Grace] Dylan!

[officer] We got this side.

[Grace screams]

[officer] Water. Water.

Where's the loose gone?

-[distant knocks on door]

-[young Grace] Promise.

[Donovan] You see, Agent.

We enter alone

and we leave alone.

[panting, grunting]

[Morely] Freeze! Right there!

Drop your w*apon!

Drop it!

Don't move!

[Ryan mumbles softly]


[old Western-style

music playing]

[indistinct police

radio chatter]










[Grace] And there you have it,

ladies and gentlemen.

The whole true story

of the Dougherty g*ng.

See, no one had ever

existed for us

but each other.

And that morning,

we finally reached out

through all the darkness

and distance and fuss

and finally found our way.

And just like the crows

in that story,

we weren't alone

'cause we had each other.

And that there

was the most important thing.

The only thing.

The end.

[reporter] Zephyrhills police

are in the news again,

this time with

a reported escape plan.

The so-called Dougherty g*ng

was finally cornered

in Colorado last August

after a bank robbery

and another sh**t

with police.

And Colorado is where

they're locked up.

But as our Brendan McLoughlin

found out,

they're still trying

to break free, Brendan.

That's right, Jameson,

they just don't give up.

Huerfano County Jail officials

claim that they foiled

an escape attempt master-minded

by Dylan Dougherty,

the older brother.

An arrest affidavit indicates

Dylan Dougherty,

shown here on the left,

actually got out of his cell

through a plumbing access panel,

and passed a note

to his sister, Lee-Grace,

promising to break her out.

Deputies say they found

a homemade knife

and a letter in Dylan's cell.

The note allegedly detailed

plans to subdue the guards,

steal keys, and escape together.

Now, there is no mention of the

third sibling, Ryan Dougherty.

The three siblings face

attempted m*rder

and firearm charges

stemming from

an eight-day crime spree

that included sh**ting

at a Zephyrhills

police officer...

[pensive music playing]

Contrary to a lot

of people's belief,

I... I never intended to,

I never tried to,

I never wanted to hurt anybody.


It is true that I acted

out of desperation.


And I am sorry for

the choices that I made.

[judge] It's not something...

that the court takes

any pleasure in,

it's what I think is required.

And I hope you find

some, ah, value

in the rest of your life.

Well, the coo-coo

Is a pretty bird

She warbles as she flies

Oh, she never

Says nothing

Till the last day of July

Jack of Diamonds,

Jack of Diamonds

Oh, I've known you

I've known you of old

You robbed my pockets

You robbed my pockets

Of their silver

And their gold

Well, for working

I'm too lazy

And for begging

That's too low

Train robbing

That's too dangers

So to gambling I did go

Well, I gambled

Down in England

And I gambled down in Spain

And it never

Brought me nothing

But this feel-good

And this pain

Oh, the coo-coo

Is a pretty bird

She warbles as she flies

She never says nothing

Till the last day of July

Oh, till the last day

Of July

Oh, till the last day

Of July