09x24 - The Son-In-Law

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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09x24 - The Son-In-Law

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪





Anything interesting?

Yeah. We've just won the pools.

Really? How much?

Not enough to pay the coal bill.

You know, half our salary's gone on heating this box,

and I'm still cold.

Get yourself on the outside of this.

- Who's it from? - Mum and Dad.

They're coming to visit.


February th?

That's five days ago. They must already be here.

No problem. We'll get the other room made up.

No. They won't be staying here.

Why not? I've been looking forward to seeing my in-laws.

Well, that's just it.

What is?

Nothing. It's complicated.

Why? They do know they are in-laws?

Don't they?


- Where are you going, son? - Onwards and upwards.

We're going in the opposite direction,

so we can't help. - Hang about. I'm only joking.

I hope you don't do it for a living,

you'd starve. Get in.

Shove up, David.

Now you know what a sardine feels like

except they can usually lie down. Move ya leg!


Micky Shannon, boys. Pleased to meet you.

I'm David and he's Mr Greengrass.

David. Mr Greengrass.

Are you some sort of student, then?

No, I'm a soldier. I'm on my way home from the wars.

I'm going over to see me mother in Liverpool.

Thought I'd stop by, see a bit of countryside on the way.

There's plenty of that around here.

In fact, there's very little else.

What wars?

If he's like any of the squaddies I was with,

the only fighting he's done is trying to keep from doing any.


- Do they even know you're married? - Yes, of course.

So, who do they think I am?

Look, Mike, please, try and understand.

They're very conservative... PHONE RINGS

..and we did get married quickly.

There are a few things I haven't had the chance to explain.

Like the fact that their brilliant daughter

married way beneath her? - Oh, Mike, please.


Aidensfield Police.

Yes, Alf. No, I was just leaving.

No sign of the driver?

Okay. I know it. I'm on my way.



After me best mate died in me arms,

I knew I had to get out or go mad.

Now I'm here for a bit of rest and recuperation.

You'd know all about that, Mr G.

I reckon you went a few rounds with old Adolf yourself.

I was in the Catering Corps at Catterick.

Don't put yourself down.

"An army marches on its stomach" Well, that's what Monty said anyway.

If it weren't for you, Catering Corps,

there would be heil-Hitlering now in Catterick.

I was such a bad cook,

I k*lled more British soldiers than the Germans.


What do you do now, then?

A bit of buying and selling.

Buy low, sell high.

Is there any other way?

So, if I had something to sell, I suppose you'd be the man to see.

I might be. What is it? Summat you got abroad?

Could be. Where are we now, then?

Aidensfield. You'd better brace yourself for the excitement.

RAYMOND: What kept you, Bradley?

I came as soon as I was called.

The car would have come through there down into the river.

The driver must have fallen asleep

at the wheel, or been drunk, or both.

We'll search along the banks. I've radioed to York for divers.

How long before they get here?

They said a couple of hours.

That's too long. I'll take a look.

Phil, there's a rope in the back of the Panda.

If there is anyone in that car, Bradley, they won't be alive.

Either way, it's best to make sure.


Anybody home?

I'm sorry. We're closed. Opening time's :.

- Actually, I was looking for Gina. - Are you a friend of hers?

I don't know. I've not met her, yet.

Come back opening time, you can meet her then

- Ah. Gina? - Maybe.

He was right. You are lovely.

- Who was right? - David. I don't know

his second name. It certainly wasn't Einstein.

Micky... Micky Shannon.

I'm just looking for somewhere to rest my head for a few nights.

Well, it's an inn, not a dosshouse.

Is he always so polite to your customers?

Bed and breakfast is two quid a night,

Sounds great. Hope I'm not too late for breakfast.

No. You're not.

Can I ask what you do, Mr Shannon?

Please. Micky.

I study music, actually. I'm travelling around the country

at the moment, collecting old folk tunes.

Writing them down before they're lost forever.

That sounds great.

I think I've just found another one, too.

The Grumpy Innkeeper.


Is it cold, Mike?

No, it's lovely, Phil.


Are you okay, Bradley?

Did you get the number plate?

I'll take a look.




Aidensfield Pol... Aidensfield .

Mum! Where are you?

Oh, you're really close.

Your letter didn't arrive till this morning.

There was some awful mix-up with the post.

Trouble is, we're having some work done here in the spare room.

So, I've booked you into the Webster's Hotel,

which is really nice.

Let me give you directions. I can meet you there for lunch.

No, Ventress, every station downstream.

Unless you've heard of corpses swimming upstream.

RAYMOND: We'll get volunteers and search banks

up as far as Strensford.

Delta Alpha - out.


We have a clear case of accidental death.

The car lost control on the bend,

whoever was inside was swept away.

So, we do a search and we find the body or bodies.

It's a pretty gentle bend.

Not if you're under the influence, Bradley.

Alcohol turns the straightest road into a twisting labyrinth.

All the hubcaps on the car were missing.

They could have come off anywhere, couldn't they?

ALF ON RADIO: 'Control to Delta Alpha -.'

Delta Alpha -. Go ahead, Ventress.

I gave out the car's number plate, Sarge.

'Grimsby have just come back.'

The car was stolen last night off the ferry from Amsterdam.

'The owners are still in Grimsby. Name of Drew.'

It'll get back to them, tell them we have good news and bad news.

Come again, Sarge?

'The good news is, Ventress, we found their car.'

The bad news is, it's a bit wet.

Delta Alpha - out. Bellamy?

Take Bradley back, get him some dry clothes,

then rustle up volunteers for the search.

Is everything all right with him?

I don't know, Sarge.


There you go.

Oh, cheers.

So, can you play, too?

Yeah. I used to be in a band once, till it all fell apart.

It was the pressures of success.

Old women throwing their undies at us,

while we're walking down the street.

It can really get to you.

I'm only kidding.

The reason we split up is because the biggest venue we ever played

was in me dad's garage.


- I'm a bit of a singer myself. - Yeah?

Yeah. Maybe we could try something together.

Do a gig in the pub.


GINA: We've got a piano, but the only thing anyone can play

around here is Knees Up, Mother Brown.

- What do you want, Andy? - To talk to Gina.

I don't think so.

I really need to talk to you.



Gina... I'm really sorry.

Yeah. So you've said.

I'm in love with you, Gina.

Oh, grow up, Andy.

I'm not leaving.

Well, it's a free country.

How long's that bloke been here?

It's none of your business.

What does he want?

What does he want? He's a musician.

And he wants a place to stay.

Any more questions?

No? Then, buzz off!

He's not a musician.

- Are you crazy? - I bet he can't play a note.

- Do you know him? - No.

Micky, play something for me.

- Not now. I've just-- - I want you to do it now.

Ay, listen, I can pay for me breakfast.

I don't have to perform.

I'm sick of being lied to. If you can play, prove it.

PHIL: Are you okay, Mike?

MICHAEL: Yeah. I'm fine.

Is there something you want to tell me?

Yeah. Keep your eyes on the road.

♪ All that I've given away

♪ The day never goes too fast

♪ When you need it to pass

♪ In every corner of the night

♪ Loneliness sleeps

♪ And though I'll never hear the answers

♪ To the questions that I've asked

♪ I often wonder what our future would have been... ♪

What do you want, Greengrass?

The usual, if it's not too much trouble.

♪ But we'd rather pay the price

♪ From the heart... ♪

That piano sounds all right.

I didn't charge you enough, Oscar.

You're treading on very thin ice, Greengrass.

He's not a bad singist either.

♪ The more that I try to ♪ Try to forget... ♪

Excuse us, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?

We've had an accident down at Thetley Cut.

Car in the water.

We need some volunteers to search the banks. Anyone?

- I'll come. - Great.

Count me in, mate.

If everybody would like to line up, I'll take names.

Appreciate it.

Afternoon. We're trying to find out where Jackie Lambert lives.

She's Bradley now, Lionel.

We were going to go to the hotel, but we were so early,

we thought that we'd like to come-- - You'd like to surprise her.

You must be her mum and dad. - That's right.

Well, standing behind you is her husband.

Mr and Mrs Lambert. It's wonderful to meet you at last.

It is indeed.

Look, why don't we go and surprise Jackie?

Phil, I'll see you down at the river.

Come on. She'll be so excited.

Mum! Dad!

Hello, love.

- You've met Mike. - At the pub. A bit of luck.


So, this is where you live.

Yes. Why don't you both come in?

Thank you.

Of course, you're welcome to stay if you'd like.

I don't see why not. Edwina?

We don't want to be in the way. I think we should go to the hotel.

You wouldn't be in the way, Mum.


Mike seems a nice sort of chap.

He's lovely.

And, I mean, police. It's an important job.

What with...

crime... things like that.


What rank is he?

Mike's a constable. But he's taking his sergeant's exams soon.

I'd better be getting off.

Maybe we should all meet up for dinner.

Why don't you join us at the hotel for dinner, Mr Bradley?

Mike. Please.

Why don't you join us, Mike?

It would be a pleasure, Edwina.



What the hell are you doing here?

You invited me. You told me all about this place.

Nice pub, nice people, nice bird.

Sounded like an invite to me.

You were right about that bird. She is a cr*cker.

You keep away from her.

You had your chance and you blew it.

Where did you learn all this music stuff, anyway?

You're a drill man on the rigs.

There's a lot you don't know about me, Andy.

There wasn't a lot of call for it on the rigs. Hello, love.

Have you thought about what I said, Micky?

Doing the gig?

- Yeah... Why not? - And you won't let me down?

I wouldn't do that.

Right, everybody.

Claude's loaned us his truck. So, we could all get on board.

Let's get moving, eh? - I said rented, not lented.

Whatever. We'll sort it out later.

Come on. Let's get on board. Let's get moving.

Can I help you?

The name's Archie Drew. I believe you have our car.

Oh, yes. Stolen off the ferry.

You've been to Amsterdam?

We're artists.

Amsterdam is like a spiritual home to us.

I see.

I feel the same about Whitby. On a good day.

Look, Grimsby police have asked us

a lot of questions about this, already.

When can we have our car back?

I was coming to that, Mr Drew. Didn't Grimsby police explain it?

They said you had it.

Yes. I'm afraid the river had it first.

CLAUDE: What's the real truth, Micky?

Were you in the army or in a band?

Well, can't I have been in both?

I suppose so. So long as the army was the Salvation.


When are you going to tell me what it is you're selling?

I'll tell you now. Orchids.

Orchids? What? Flower-type orchids?

£ a stem these go for in London.

And I've got seeds for thousands.

Seeds? I thought orchids came from... like... bulbs.

Not these. This is the Bornean Tree Orchid.

Very, very special. All you need is a bit of light, warmth and TLC.

In a couple of months, we'll be reaping the profits.

£ a stem?

I've got seeds for thousands of 'em.

So, what's the idea?

I plant 'em and grow 'em and you sell 'em?

You're way ahead of me, Mr G.

That's about par for the course.

Mr Bradley!

Part of a car.

- Good work, David. - Is it important, then?

Well, every little counts. Let's keep moving.

Just one thing, Micky.

How do I know you're not going to sell them for more than a quid?

Well, if I can, I will.

And if I do, I'll be telling you about it.

Trust, Mr G. It's a beautiful thing.

And a rare one.


RAYMOND: Look on the bright side, sir, at least we found it.

The river normally much higher this time of year.

Where are the hubcaps?

Probably got knocked off.

I don't believe it.

It's all right, Archie.

What about the man who did this, Sergeant?

Will you find him?

If we don't, it won't be for want of trying.

Let me know what your movements are.

Well, we'll stay in the area for a couple of days.

Just in case you have any luck.

In that case, you wouldn't mind

letting me have a telephone number? - Of course.

- Right. We'll see you later, Mum. - I suppose so.

If you want an early night--

What's the point? I wouldn't sleep, anyhow.

- Mum, please! - You've never lied to me before.

Never. That's what's so upsetting.

- I didn't lie. - You didn't exactly tell the truth.

- Well, it all happened so quickly. - I can see that.

Marry in haste...

Right. We're all set.

I've booked us a table for tonight at eight. For four people.

That'll be lovely, Daddy.


See you tonight.



That's as far as we've got.

It's more than halfway, though. - And nothing to show for it?

Except two hubcaps.

And a bill from Greengrass for truck hire.

- Are you with us, Bradley? - Oh, yes...

If the driver had fallen asleep, he'd have hit this fence

at an angle, not straight on.

He could've woken up at the last moment, lost control?

There'd be skid marks on the road.

No. The car went straight in. Here. Look. Very neat.

It was a stolen car. It could've been dumped.

In which case, whoever stole it could still be in the area.

I hear Gina's Andy has turned up.

Meaning what?

Meaning, I don't know, Sarge.

You are supposed to be a policeman, Ventress,

not a gossip columnist.

Until you can back up speculation with investigation,

don't waste my time.

Talking of which,

I hear your in-laws have turned up.

What, you think they stole the car?

And m*rder*d the driver.


Hey, do you want me to get rid of him?

No. He's harmless.

- He wants to book a room. - Well, let him.

If he's going to drive us mad hanging around,

we might as well make some money out of it.


Something else

I'm not happy about. - What?

OSCAR: The company your friend Micky is keeping.

They're harmless, too.

Oh. So everyone's harmless now, are they?

Yeah. After what I've been through,

what could possibly hurt me, eh?

Yeah? What can I get you?

There you are. We're going to be late.

Well... we wouldn't want that now, would we?

Please don't make this more difficult than it is already.

It's not me who's making things difficult.

I'm not the one who lied to your parents.

I didn't lie to anyone.

I just hadn't got around to telling them.

You're not gonna wear that jacket, are you?

Yeah. Why not?

Well, it is The Webster's Hotel. Maybe a suit...

Do you think that's going to make a difference... with your mother?

Look, Mike, I know this is my fault and I'm sorry.

But please try and understand, she's had a big surprise

and she's trying to deal with it.

She's not a bad woman.



Perhaps you could hide it...

..where you hid my photo.

Perhaps you can put me in a drawer, too.

Wouldn't that be convenient?

Music night? Tomorrow?

Oh, aye. It's a hot ticket.

Book now or be forever disappointed.

I think you should bring your missus over.

Oh, no! The shock would k*ll her.

So, what's that called, then?

All I've Given You.

Who is this Micky Shannon?

- Two halves of shandy, please. - Not too much beer.

OSCAR: Two shandies. Not too much beer.

There you go. - Thank you.

It's nice, isn't it, Mike?

Very good.

So, Mike, tell me...

what's it like policing in Aidensfield?

Well, obviously,

There's not as much action as there is in London.

But... it has its scary moments.

Oh, yes?

Oh, yeah, I mean...

Take a couple of weeks ago, for instance,

we had a pretty serious incident of moving pigs without a permit.

- Mike! - Sorry.

And your prospects are good?

- For what? - Promotion.

Getting a decent house. Things like that.

Yes, of course. If things go as well as they have been,

I should be made a sergeant in about... well, three years.

And what about the house?

No, we're lucky there.

Even if I am made a sergeant, we get to stay, which is nice.

It's small...

..but I like it.

It's certainly small.


So, what about South Africa, then?

I gather it can be pretty tense there, sometimes.

Don't believe what you read in the papers, Mike.

All those left-wing journalists.

Ever since they locked up that firebrand Mandela,

things have been a lot better.

It's a great country, Mike.

Great weather, great people, great opportunities.

England just can't compare.


GASPS What are you doing?

ANDY: I want to talk.

And I don't. So, good night.

I'm leaving my wife, Gina.

I'm moving to the West Indies.

Ta-ra, then. Have a nice trip.

A friend wants me to set up a diving school.

I want you to come with me.

You could open up a bar or just lie in the sun all day.

It'd change your life, Gina... Just like that.

Look, if you want me to go, I'll go.

But if there's the slightest chance you'll change your mind, I'll stay.

As long as it takes.

What do you say?

Good night, Andy.

If you're staying here, go to bed. If you're not staying here, go away.






I know you're in here, so come on out.


I don't need all this, Craddock, I'm fine!

Do you remember anything about the attack, Mr Blaketon?

If I did, I would have told you. Have you set up road blocks?

- No. - Why not?

By your own account, you were coshed at : a.m.

It's now : a.m, putting your attacker within miles radius.

Which would mean blocking off half the roads in the country.

So, no, I haven't set roadblocks. - Sarge? You'd better come in.


- What do you mean Shannon's gone? - I mean he's not here.

But he was here last night?

I saw him go to his room, I didn't see him leave.

You say nothing's been taken?

The till had been opened, but we empty it every night

and lock the money in the safe.

- Where's Bradley? - In Shannon's room. Upstairs.

- Anything? - I didn't think so at first.

It looks like someone's been after something.


- Where's his stuff? - Gone.

When did this Shannon arrive?

The day the car was found.

Which makes him our chief suspect,

except that suspects don't normally tear

their own rooms apart.

Axle grease.

- Remember the hubcaps? - Yes.

Archie Drew was concerned about his hubcaps, as well.

Yeah, he'd hidden something in them.

So, what happens, is either in Amsterdam, or on the ferry,

this Micky Shannon finds the Drews and finds out that

they're carrying something. Something valuable.

Steals their car, whatever's in it, then dumps it.

It would have worked beautifully

if the river hadn't been a foot lower.

Why stop in Aidensfield?

Excuse me, Sarge. Andy here wants a word with you.

It's about Micky Shannon.



I expected you an hour ago.

I've been trying to find them seed trays.

Where do you want to go now?

- Onwards and upwards, Mr G. - Don't you ever go anywhere else?



You told him about Aidensfield?

I might have mentioned it.

Like there's a place ripe for ripping off?

No, nothing like that.

I'm not responsible for anything he's done.

He's a con man. Plain and simple.

Oh, yeah. And you'd know about that.

Yes, thank you, Bradley.

Do you think he's capable of v*olence?

I think he's capable of anything.

I know it's got nowt to do with me,

but Gina will be cut up about the concert, you not being there.

I don't feel too good about it, myself. Will you tell her I'm sorry?

Just tell her something came up.

I've got a feeling you were never in the army, at all, were you?

Oh, I was... for about a week.


The flaming lunatic!

What are they doing?

- Just keep driving! - Do you know who they are?





- Hello, Jackie. - Is Dad with you?

No. I came by taxi.

- Do you want to come in? - Is he here, your husband?

No, there was a break-in at the pub. He had to go.

- Where is it, Shannon? - It should be in there.

You tell me where it is or I'll sh**t your fat friend.

We're not that friendly.

Well, he won't mind if you do get shot, then. Go on, Marian.

Hang on. Hang on. It's in the cab.

Ten seconds. Get it.

- Excuse me, love. - Shut up!

No, I was just gonna say

if you're gonna use that,

it won't go 'cause you've got the safety catch on.

It should be down, instead of up.




- Micky! - Sorry, Mr G. I've got to go.

Micky! She shot me.

It's too hot round here. I've got to go.

I'm bleeding blood.


Come on, mate. I'll help you.



Mike is not really the issue.

He's a sweet man. I can see why you're attracted to him.

Oh, thanks very much.

I just know that you don't realise what being married to him

is going to mean. -Of course, I do, Mum.

You could be stuck in this village all your life.

In this awful house.

That's not going to happen.

How can you be sure? This place suits Mike.

He's good at his job. He finds his work satisfying.

And I find my work satisfying, too.

Yes, but for how long?

Two years? Five? I know you, Jackie.

This place will suffocate you.


That'll be your father.




I'm so glad you came, officer. Somebody's stolen our car.

You don't seem to be having much luck with cars, do you?

Look, it's not a joke, Constable. They used a g*n.

Who did?

There was a young one and an old, fat one.

We saw that there'd been an accident,

we stopped to help, and the next thing we knew...

Nice try, Mr Drew.



Go on, Lionel. Tell her what you've been doing.

Hope you don't think we're interfering, love.

EDWINA: Of course, we're interfering.

It's what parents do. Just tell her.

I phoned a friend in Cape Town.

He's a partner in a big law firm.

He says they're crying out for good commercial lawyers.

People with exactly your sort of background.

There's a job offer as good as on the table.

Dad, that really is interfering.

I know, love. But as I said last night, it's a great country.

A new country. You'd make a fortune. And if Mike wanted...

Why don't you make the phone call?

Just have a conversation.

Give her the number, Lionel.


Will somebody help?

It doesn't half hurt me.

- He's been shot. - Careful!

Somebody tried to steal his truck.

He's been brave, though.

Here you are, mate.

I hope I'm not nil by mouth. I haven't had me breakfast.


Mind me leg! Mind me leg!

I've got a bad leg, an' all.


CLAUDE: Oh, dear...





Archibald Lester Drew.

Involved in a bullion fraud,

which got him two years at Wandsworth.

Plus, a number of other charges that The Met couldn't get to stick.

What did he bringing back from Amsterdam in his hubcaps?

Whatever it was, we know who's got it, now.

But not where he is.

Ashfordly Police.

What? You're joking!

Is he all right?

Hold on a second. It's Greengrass.

He's been admitted to Ashfordly Hospital. g*nsh*t wounds.


Have you seen Mr Greengrass, Mr Bradley?

He's all right, David. He's had a bit of an accident.


- I'm a bit worried about Alfred. - Why? What's the matter with him?

I think I spilt some of those seeds on his breakfast.

MICHAEL: What seeds?

- From the orchids. - Orchids?

They're very rare.

Can I take a look at them?

Oh, no. Mr Greengrass...

He said I wasn't to show them to... They're in trays. Planted.

Come on, David. Show me.

Did Micky give you these?

Oh, yeah. He were in the army. In Borneo.

That's where he got the orchids.


I like Micky. He's a nice bloke.

Yeah. Not half.

Do you know what's wrong with Alfred, David?

He's stoned.

Who by?

He's over there.

Hello, lads.

Hello, Oscar. How's your head?

It was healing nicely, but now look who's here.

Somebody shot him. Obviously, they should have used a bigger g*n.

We think it's the same person who att*cked you.

We've come to get his statement.

Good luck. With the stories he's been telling,

truth flew out of the window about two hours ago.

Alf, do you want me to give you this statement?

If you don't hurry, I'll do to you what you do to me. I'll charge you!


See what I mean?

- You'll phone? - Of course.

Orchids, David?

They'll sell for £ a stem in London.

I bet they will.

They planted enough to feed an army.

- An army marches on its stomach. - Sorry?

That's what Monty said.

No, he didn't. Napoleon said it.

No, Monty did. Mr Greengrass was in the Catering Corps.

Listen, David. This is marijuana.

It's an illegal drug.

You and Mr Greengrass, and Mr Shannon,

when we find him, are in serious trouble.

Will we be stoned?

Mike? I've been waiting for you all day. I called you.

I'm sorry. It's been a bad day.

- Are you going out again? - Er... yeah.

There's something we need to talk about.

Can't it wait?

No, it can't. I've been offered a job in South Africa.

And you're thinking of taking it?

I don't know.

That's what I wanted to talk about.

Jackie... if you are so unhappy here with me...

..if your parents can make you so unhappy...

..well, then, you should take it.

Is that all you can say?

You won't even talk about it?

What else can I say?

It seems you've done all the talking already.

Look, I've got to go.



MICHAEL: Evening, Micky.

Michael Shannon, you're under arrest.

What for?

How about these, for starters?

Possessing seeds is not illegal.

But growing them is.

And I'm not growing them.

And then there's the Drews' car.

And what was in those hubcaps?

- The seeds were. - I don't think so.

Not quite the Drews' line of work, is it, cannabis.

Now, what's it going to be?

We can search you here or down at the station.

It makes no odds to us.


Diamonds from Amsterdam. To coin a phrase.


you're definitely under arrest now, come on.

You got a lot of people's hopes up, didn't you?

Gina's got a pub full of people waiting for you.

Yeah, I know, I'm sorry about that.

No, you're not.

You'd sell your own mother for a laugh.

No, I am. I'm sorry... about Gina.

Hey, listen. You wouldn't give

a condemned man one last wish, would you?


Listen, I'm really sorry, everyone, the concert's off.

- ALL: What? - No, it isn't.

Like I said... the concert's off.

It doesn't have to be, Gina.

Go away, Micky.

I think I'm going to be.

For about two years.

What about one last song, then?

MICKY: ♪ The telephone, it never rings

♪ When you want it to ring

♪ When it rings it's never the voice you needed to hear

♪ It's funny how the radio sings

♪ The words you meant to say

♪ And when you need a smile you only find a tear

♪ I'm in deep regret

♪ I'm trying to forget

♪ But hope will never sleep

♪ While we're apart

♪ All that I've given

♪ Given away

♪ Is all that I need here tonight

♪ The more that I try to

♪ Try to forget

♪ Is the more this empty heart seems to fight

♪ It fights for all that I've given away

♪ Ooh, all that I've given away

♪ The day it never goes too fast

♪ When you needed it to pass

♪ Every corner of the night loneliness sleeps

♪ And though I'll never hear the answers

♪ To the questions that I've had asked

♪ I often wonder what our future could have been

♪ What our future could have been

♪ This deep regret makes it harder to accept

♪ With love I paid the price from the heart

♪ All that I've given, given away

♪ Is all that I need here tonight

♪ All that I try to, try to forget

♪ Is the more this empty heart seems to fight

♪ Yeah

♪ It's all that I've given away ♪
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