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04x13 - Glow In The Dark

Posted: 09/16/23 08:11
by bunniefuu

She's leaving me for an iPhone.

Leigh is well, I believe the American term, a total nut job.

Would you like to give us a try again?

- I don't know what to say.

- How about yes? I'm surprised at you, Shirley.

Your fairness compass is always spot


It's fritzing out here.

We're now having a fight.

Which you're losing, and that bothers you.

I don't know.

Maybe Shirley and I aren't right for each other.

- Shirley.

- Ah, Carl, still alive.

Well That's mature.

- Leigh, hello.

- Hello.

I'm afraid Jerry's not here at the moment.

Actually, I came to see you, hello.


Jerry and I have endeavored to get back together.

Yes, I heard.

That's wonderful.

Is it? Well, that would seem at odds with some of your reflections which you shared with Jerry during our brief estrangement period.

I'm sorry? Jerry shared with me that you encouraged him to forget me.

You said he could do much better than me, given that I'm a weirdo.

Well, that wasn't exactly the expression I used.


You said nut


I Jerry was in pain.

I was simply trying to make him feel better.

Is that something to tense to lift a person's spirits calling others nut

-jobs? I apologize, I just I don't want you sharing an office with him any longer.

- I beg your pardon?

- Moreover, I don't want you talking to him.

With all due respect, Leigh, I don't think you have the right to ask that.

Oh, let me demand it then.

If you talk to Jerry, I may have violent urges.

I assure you, you don't want that.

Stay away from my man, Katie.

That's my last warning.

- Shirl.

- Andrea.

How are you? You know me, causing trouble.

What now? Well, I'm suing my town.

- Asbestos?

- I did that.

- Power lines?

- Keep going.

Hazardous waste.

Alright, here's a clue.

Am I glowing? That's right.

A wonderful little town of Belmont Falls wants to build a nuclear power plant.

I want to enjoin them.

Andrea, do you have to take up every cause? It makes me feel sexy, horny, too.


Is he any good? Not bad, actually.

But a sprinter.

- How much notice do you need?

- Ready now.

- What do you got?

- Mad cow.

Condoms? Denny Crane, to serve and protect.

Boston Legal Á¦ÀÓ½º ½ºÆÐÀÌ´õ (¾Ù·± ¼î¾î æµ) Á¸ ó·ÎÄùÆ® (Ä® ½Ù æµ) Å©¸®½ºÂù Ŭ·¹¸à½¼ (Á¦¸® ¿¡½ºÆæ½¼ æµ) °Ô¸® ¾Ø¼Ò´Ï Àª¸®¾ö½º (Ŭ ó·»½º º§ æµ) Ÿ ó ¼­¸Ó½º (ÄÉÀÌÆ® ·ÎÀ̵å æµ) ¼¼ÇÁ·Ð ¹ö·Î¿ìÁî (·Î·¹ÀÎ À£·¯ æµ) Ÿ óÁö P.

Çî½¼ (ÈÖÆ®´Ï ·Ò æµ) ĵµð½º ¹ö°Õ (¼È¸® ½´¹ÌÆ® æµ) Àª¸®¾ö »þÆ®³Ê (µ¥´Ï Å©·¹ÀÎ æµ) µñÅ×ÀÌ¼Ç ½ÌÅ©ÆíÁý Çѱ۹ø¿ª ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON ABC: 2008/02/12 You're smoking.

Why didn't you call me? Alan, I just had sex with a stranger.

Didn't even get her name.

She was phenomenal, and I didn't have to pay for it.

- When did this happen?

- 10 minutes ago, right here.

You had sex 10 minutes ago? Finished 9 minutes ago.

I was incredible.


- Denny just had sex.

- Glad to hear it.

I could use you on a pretty important case for free.

Actually / Thank you, we're meeting in the conference room ASAP.

Still aroused if you want in.

Rain check.

I love it when I don't know their names.

The biggest thing going for you is their start

-up costs.

Nuclear power plants typically take up to 4 billion just to get off the ground.

Public opposition and red tape could sometimes double that.

Well, you can assume that we're already spending millions just to get in this firm.

??? Wow, now I really am glowing.

Andrea Michele, the client.

I'm told that it's all about keeping the customer happy here.

You are This would be Alan Shore.

Give me one week, and I'll get rid of that baby fat.

I'm rather fond of my baby fat.

Great, then you'll love mine.

Ah, Andrea, can we just get serious about this case for a minute? I'm very serious.

Where should we go to discuss it? How about my desk? Well, well, a little windmill tilting.

How fun.

Don't get up.

Looks painful.

Shirley, you still look fantastic.

Cream and sugar for me.

Jack Ross.

Don't speak, you'd ruin it for me.

You would be the client.

Jack! / You remembered.

And here I thought it was just physical.

You heard me say cream and sugar, right? This is for you Shirley, because I care.

What is it? Well, I would call it a righteous complaint suing Ms.

Michele for defamation and libel.

You might characterize it as a SLAPP suit designed to send a message to other potential plaintiffs it'll cost them.

Okay, tea then.

Does the old guy talk? You used to be taller.

Uh, everybody out, now, please.

Except you, Jack, you stay.


- He's cute.

- Tell a friend.

Still trying to impress me after all these years? I am.

Did I? Maybe a little.

I meant that part about you still looking fantastic.

Thank you.

- Can we talk about this case?

- Fine.

I'm about saving the planet.

What are you up to? With nuclear energy? We're not gonna get it done driving your hybrid.

You do drive one I hope?

- How have you been?

- I've been good.

- How many kids?

- Six, all of them great.

Kim's doing well.

- She, still teaching?

- She is, what about you?

- How are all the spouses?

- Funny.

I'm between husbands at the moment.

Well, if I were single.

I have to say, I'm very happy to see you still tilting at windmills, Shirley.

See you in court, Jack.

It's a date.

- Morning.

- Morning, Jerry.

- It's quite a tie.

- Leigh picked it.

She likes bowties.

- Leigh paid me a little visit this morning.

- She did? Other than demanding I not speak to you, and her threatening me with v*olence, it was quite a pleasant encounter, actually.

Excuse me? She's quite crossed that I called her a nut


What possibly possessed you to tell her I said that, Jerry? Well Here I am, trying to mitigate some of your pain, and you repeat my words.

It was a betrayal, Jerry.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I shared that.

I was not trying to alienate you from her, I promise.

How dare she enter my office, demand I stop communicating with you, threatening me physically.

She's not a well person.

I'll speak to her.

So, Jack Ross.

Small world, I guess.

No, Shirley it's a big world, actually.

The fact that you seemed to have had sex with everybody in it.

That isn't nice.

So, what's the story with him? We went out in law school.

That's about it.

A nuclear b*mb? In Belmont Falls.

A nuclear power plant, judge.

Small difference, if you're into details, one destroys the planet, the other saves it.

Too much minutiae? I can take criticism.

One for yes, two for no.

- I think you lost him.

- That's enough.


Shore, start your case, and make it quick.

I'll make it very quick.

A nuclear power plant jeopardises health and safety of everyone in Belmont Falls.

Actually it doesn't, but don't let the fact stop you.

Let me call a witness, judge, I can tell you everything you need to know.

- One o'clock.

- Wait! It's my motion.

One o'clock.

We're adjourned.

Look, nothing personal.

Client wants me to put on a show.

I promise, underneath all the bloodstream, I'm a complete ass.

Well, it's 10:30 now, we don't have to be back until 01:00.

What do we do in the meantime? And I mean the entire "meantime".

Did you actually say those things? I did.

I have no excuse.

Jerry, I'm deeply ashamed.

I don't understand.

I feel hugely threatened by her.

I get this vibe.

What vibe? That you like her, that if she were available, you'd prefer her, would you? No.

Katie is a friend and a colleague, nothing more.

I'll apologize, I'm so sorry.

Nuclear power plant is a blast from the past.

- You're glowing.

- Funny.

No, really.


You've had sex.

I have actually.

Tell me.

Her name is Andrea.

She's This woman is completely untamed.

She brought out ??? in me I so miss.

I felt liberated.

I get to be everything I and others so loathe about myself.

First I had stranger sex, now you're with, uh, Andrea? Oh, it's like sharing.

It's almost as if we had sex together in a way.


Alan, I wanna ask you something.

I've never done this before, eh you probably have done but, I haven't.

I don't like where this is going.

Alan, I've always wanted to do a little swingy.

And it sounds like our girls would go for it.

I'm afraid seeing you naked could make me Huh, that can be in the dark.

- Even so.

- What?! Different rooms? Come on, Alan, once.

Before we go, let's swing.


Jerry told me about your conversation and I feel just awful.

- As well you should, I must say.

- Yes.

Had I known that you were such a wimpy little cry

-baby, I never would have bothered with you, I promise.

Anyway, for Jerry, I'm apologizing.

Other than that watch your back.

A nuclear power plant is actually very simple.

We boil water to create steam to turn a turbine to make electricity.

But instead of burning fuel to generate heat, we use nuclear fission.

- What about green house gases?

- None.

- Acid rain?

- None.

- Urban smoke?

- None.

It's one of the greenest ways we can go.

Is it safe? We all remember Chernobyl.

Our nuclear power plants have multiple layers of security and high level of operational performance.

Boy, I'm sure glad you showed up.

You seem to have all the answers.

I love people who have all the answers.

Don't you, judge? Of course you've had all the answers before, in 1925, the international commission on radiological protection set the radiation exposure limit at 100 rem per year.

Anything under was safe.

We now know they were wrong.


/ And in 1934, the national council on radiation protection set the standard at 36 rem per year.

Positive that was safe.

And we now know that's also way to high.

In fact, the acceptable level of radiation keeps getting reduced more and more, we learn.

Good thing, I guess, we now know everything.

Wouldn't you agree? Nuclear power plants are safe.

I know that.

Yes, unless there's a design flaw, or human error, or unsafe procedures, or a t*rror1st att*ck.

- I tried to deal with probabilities, not

- Really? I lean towards certainty when being even a tiny bit off could wipe out hundreds and thousands of people.

You want a certainty? Global warming is k*lling us.

Unless we explore new ways to

- What about solar power

- That's good, but not enough.

Alright, alright, alright, I'd like to hear from Ms.

Michele, please.

Well, it's good thing I was almost finished.

Um, Your Honor, would it be possible for me to testify from here? Why? Well, this is very embarrassing, but I'm I would just feel more comfortable with a little distance from you.

I'm deeply attracted to you.

And my flirting can sometimes Well, I just don't want to do anything that would make you think that I don't take this case seriously.


You need to tone it down.

- Why? Was I inappropriate?

- Andrea.

Uh, there he is.

I can't wait to be cross

-examined by you.

Don't be gentle.


So, Jack, here to settle? You remember the Old Bailey, in Harvard Square? Gee, how could I? We only ate there seven days a week.

Still open, hamburgers are rumoured to be just as good, what do you say? Carl, uh, Jack and I were just talking about grabbing a bite later.

Remember the Old Bailey? You wanna join us? I'd love to, but, you two go ahead.

You never said he was funny.

So, Jack, can I see the photos of these kids you keep bragging about? Oh, it took you long enough.

Ah, let's see.

There's Steph, looks just like her mother.

- Oh, God, she's beautiful.

- Yes, she is.

And ah, here's Michael.

Also looks like Kim, also beautiful.

I wonder if they were really mine.

I'm having trouble believing this.

I promise you, Jerry, I wouldn't make it up.

"Watch your back!"? Her exact words, she's a bit off I'm afraid.

- I'll talk to her.

- No, please headbutt her.

Is there any chance you could have got it wrong? / None.

I'm all for saving the planet, but sorry, I don't feel like getting cancer in the process.

And do you have any evidence that you would? Oh, come on.

Radiation? Even this administration's scientific commissions which don't include any scientist, I admit, say that they're risk, and they're pro



And yet many environmentalists support them, are they not? Yeah, but I doubt that they wanna live near them.

And there're just as many that are against them.

By the way, and I don't mean to get political here, how can our administration can claim on the one hand that there're t*rrorists out there, be afraid, and on the other hand, be pro

-nuke, when it should be obvious to anyone that you build these plants, you multiply by a thousand the risk of nuclear w*apon's proliferation.

Alright, just one weekend on the vineyard, don't make me bark for it.

Have you read the EPA's report on nuclear power plants? The fixes in it? The EPA, everybody knows that.

Take that as no.

What about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's report? I'm waiting for the movie to come out.

How about the National Academy of Science? Sweetie, I'd be happy to swap reading list.

Just fax them to me on the vineyard I'd be with the judgie.

In the meantime, I don't care who writes what.

I don't want a nuclear reactor in my neighbourhood, do you? She makes for a good witness, but uh, it can't just go away.

This is billions of dollars of research and development.

Just pick a another locale, far away from Andrea.

Something tells me Andrea gets around.

Besides, there is no other place.

It's either too residential, or commercial district, or it's a park we tried to swamp.

It was protected as wetlands.

There're 60 acres of nothing in Belmont Falls Why are you smiling at me? I'm just remembering all our dreams in college, how idealistic we both were.

- Now look at us.

- What? We're arguing cases we both strongly believe in.

Is there some law that it's wrong to fight for principles, and make fortune while doing so? There must be.

These burgers are just as good at least.

Hey, we're just as good.



Other than some minor physical depreciation, we think better, we have maturity that gives us perspective, we love better, we appreciate what's really important, we're at our peak.

Like autumn foliage, just before all the leaves fall off.

Do you have any regrets, Jack? Well, I was hoping you did, being the one who left.

You seem happy.

These hamburgers are just as good, aren't they? Am I getting my ass whipped? Not that I don't like that.

We have a tough case, Andrea.

Also I'm not entirely sure it helps for you to be inviting the judge to the vineyard.

You're right, that's where you and I go.

I have a close friend who's proposed a ridiculous idea.


That just sounds absurd.

But I admit, I didn't speak for me, 'cause I've never done it before.

Who's the friend? Uh, Denny Crane.

He's a lawyer here.

Is he now? Not that you would ever consider, of course.

My ??? or yours?

- Really?

- I shock you.

Not yet, but I'm hoping.

Well, it's late.

I am a little bit drunk, and I have to be in court in the morning.

I do too, remember? No, you've been such a wallflower.

I forgot you were even on this case.

Does your wife know you're out with me tonight? She does, actually.

I'm too old and too smart to lie about matters.

Why are you looking at me like that? Well, sometimes I'm too old and too smart to speak the truth.

You still play the piano? There's a piano over there.

- You're trying to get rid of me.

- I am, actually.

Plus I always loved to hear when you sing.

Okay, a song it is.

- Any request?

- Scotch.

¢Ü Once upon a time ¢Ü ¢Ü A girl with moonlight in her eyes ¢Ü ¢Ü Put her hand in mine ¢Ü ¢Ü And said she loved me so ¢Ü ¢Ü But that was once upon a time ¢Ü ¢Ü Very long ago ¢Ü ¢Ü How the breeze rustled through her hair ¢Ü ¢Ü How we always laughed as though ¢Ü ¢Ü Tomorrow wasn't there ¢Ü ¢Ü We were young and didn't have care ¢Ü ¢Ü Where did it go ¢Ü ¢Ü Once upon a time ¢Ü ¢Ü World was sweeter than we knew ¢Ü ¢Ü Everything was ours ¢Ü ¢Ü How happy we were then ¢Ü ¢Ü But somehow once upon a time ¢Ü ¢Ü Never comes again ¢Ü Shirley.

Uh, one second? Go get Alan, tell him we need to go.

Probably it isn't the best time, but I don't think this is working out.

What isn't working out? Us.

You, me, us.

I think we should take a little break.

- What happened?

- Nothing's happened, I just

- We can talk more about it later.

- No, we'll talk about it now.

I want an explanation, please.

Look, Shirley, I adore you.

I think that you are a phenomenal woman.

But you and I are simply not a match.

- Let's just leave it at that.

- No, let's not leave it at that.

- What's going on?

- I told you, I want out.

Okay, you're fired.

What? For what reason? I'll give you three.

First, I'm pissed.

Second, the name of this firm is Crane, Pool & Schmidt.

And the third, I am Schmidt.

You're done.

She denies it? She thinks you, maybe, misinterpreted it.

Yes, what part of "Watch your back" did I get wrong?

- Katie, is it possible?

- No, Jerry, it is not.

You have to admit what you're suggesting is totally outside of Leigh's character.

What I'm suggesting? So, you don't believe me now.

No, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just Just what, then? I think there's always two sides to every story, and I'm wondering if it's possible that the truth here lies somewhere in the middle.

It doesn't.

Your girl friend's a psycho.

Americans are big babies, Your Honor.

I will not have you attacking this fine country of mine as we try to spread democracy around the world.

Yeah, while the reason we wanna give the world democracy is so that we can get back their oil in return.

But it's game over, judge.

We can't depend on oil from other countries, any more.

I could say we should draw for our own.

But folks don't wanna hear that either.

Tear up our own soil? Forget it.

The problem with Americans is we, we don't wanna make sacrifices.

Well, we have to.

And if you truly wanna save the planet to rely less on petroleum, to reduce the green house gas emissions, we simply have to commit to the nuclear power industry.

Are there some risks involved? Sure.

Like with everything.

There're bigger risks in building nuclear bombs, but we do so because we consider them necessary.

Well, power plants are morsel??? and they're vile??? We've already got a 104 reactors in 66 plants in the US.

And we're not all dying of cancer.

In fact, since power plants don't burn fossil fuels and send carbon dioxide into the air, we'll probably have less cancer as a result of them.

But just because a few babies saw 'China Syndrome' or the word Chernobyl pops up every now and again in the Sunday crossword, we panic at the mention.

Let's grow up.

Nuclear power will save lives, money, energy, and the planet.

Already they produce 1/5 of America's electricity.

In Vermont, maybe your greener state, it's 70%, Still need a reason? How about this? We have no choice.

Coal and oil supplies are being exhausted.

One day, they'll be gone.

- We have no choice.

- Sure we do.

There's solar energy, hydroelectric power, and of course, listening to Mr.

Ross, one has reminded of the enormous potential of wind, his closing argument alone.

I'm sure he could have fueled Hillary's electrolysis.

By the way, she is willing to explore nuclear power.

As our Obama, Mit, Rudy, they all are, except Edwards.

It's in now to be pro


Elle magazine says nuclear power is cool.

And I'm the only one who's scared to death? The amount of radiation we're talking about, I mean, my dentist still flees the room when he X

-rays my teeth.

Any exposure is harmful.

Every scientist says so, not even the gifted but gusty Mr.

Ross can dispute that.

Radiation exposure causes cancer.

Within the plume of Three Mile Island, there was 300% to 400% increase in lung cancer, a 600 to 700% increase in leukemia.

Why the hell do you think they haven't build one of these since 1970s? And we all feel safe? That nothing will go horribly wrong with our leaders in charge? Where the hell was Condi to talk about the big mushroom cloud ??? And if the next su1c1de hijacker, instead of pointing at a high rise, aims for a power plant, it's lights out.

Pun intended.

Which is why these nukes are regarded by many security analysts as a sort of pre

-positioned weapons of mass destruction.

And the reactor's container domes are built to withstand the impact of a jetliner.

Oh, balls, you don't need to be a genius to know that a fully loaded jetliner would at least cr*ck the damn thing,

- cause a massive radioactive

- What are you, an engineer, now?

- At least have the decency to strap yourself to a polygraph

- What if a spy or ???

- so we know which lie is

- Have you thought about that? We don't have ??? Silence! Mr.

Shore, would you wrap it up, please, and quickly.

- One last thought, judge.

- Thank god.

I'm going to skip over the whole section I had on earthquakes, and proceed right to the waste.

These facilities will produce tons and tons and tons And tons and tons of nuclear waste.

Where should we store it? Already we have 55,000 metric tons of the crap with no real idea of what the hell to do with that.

Our best plan today? It's to just bury it somewhere.

Pump the radioactive stuff back into the earth until one day the entire planet will be full of it.

Like you.

- Alright, I shall rule

- I lied.

We know where they'll go as other communities like Belmont Falls hire lawyers to say "Not in my backyard" and the likes Sierra Club keep it outta the deserts in parks.

We know exactly where the waste will eventually go.

In the poor communities.

Just like they get the power plants, landfills and fast food restaurants.

That's one of the wonderful things about America.

The poor always get what's coming to them.

Katie, hello.

Is Jerry around? He is actually.

He is under my desk licking my thigh at the moment.

That was dishonest of me.

I apologize.

I suppose it's not good to be dishonest, is it, Leigh?

- I'm feeling hostility.

- Are you now? Jerry says you categorically deny having told me to watch my back.

Katie, I'm not going to get into accusations over who said what.

I was hoping you and I could be friends.

Um, excellent.

How does one define friendship in Leigh Swift terms? Well, I would define it by you keeping your slutty well

-traveled hands away from Jerry.

I would define it by you not sticking your big sloppy, floppy breast in his face.

And if you keep looking at me like that, I'll punch your lights out.

Uh, wanna run and tell now? He dumped you? Just like that? Yes.

I don't want you to be alone tonight.

Damn it, Denny.

Let me fill the void, that I once escaped so unselfishly to.

You stay away from my void.

Are you okay? I'm, I'm just shocked, I guess.

All the childish Shirley, you say childish when it's really just weak.

Sounds like Carl.

Just can't handle all it is Shirley Schmidt? Whatever you need, Shirley, a shoulder, a hug, an erection? Shirley, whatever you need, I'm here.

I know that, Denny, which is the reason you're just that office I came in to.

- Where's Alan?

- He's meeting us at the court house.

Is ever cold draft in here or? Hello.

- What are you doing tonight?

- Whatever you have in mind.

Whatever? No strings attached? Strings? No.

Binds? Absolutely.

I would like to know why.

You and I You want somebody to complement your life, Shirley, as opposed to being part of it.

The word "soul mate" is as cliche as it is unrealistic.

Or so I thought.

- And?

- And I went to the Old Bailey.

And I saw you two.

What you had with Jack Ross, you may very well still have.

You and I would never know.

Carl, what you and I have is You deserve more.

And so do I.

If it's okay with you, I want to assume I'm not really fired.

Leigh, hello.

My! Certainly seeing a lot of you these days.

You see, that was hostile.

I think she covets you, Jerry.

Actually, I'm in a relationship, Leigh.

I met the most wonderful, understanding, funny iPhone.

So slick and sexy, isn't it? I wouldn't know.

And look at the lines of it.

Ever seen anything so ??? Hold it in your hand, Leigh.

It's fab.

She's trying to exploit my disability, Jerry.

What kind of a person is this? And the things you can download, check this out.

"How does one define a friendship in Leigh Swift terms?" "Well, I would define it "by you keeping your slutty well traveled hands away from Jerry, "I would define it as you not sticking your big sloppy floppy breast in his face.

"And if you keep looking at me like that, I'll punch your lights out.

" She tricked me.

She's conniving bitch, Jerry.

She tricked me.

Leigh, I'm finding it very difficult to believe you.

Jerry, I'm so sorry.

Why, why must there be so many bad people Obviously nuclear power plants pose risks.

People in Illinois having big problems with them, leaking radiated water to the ground.

Wet dirt has also been found in New York.

Why? Somebody ??? waste them, build a dirty b*mb.

And no one can say for a certainty that we'd all be safe.

But we can, as Mr.

Bostick said, know for a certainty, that unless we do something drastic about global warming, it won't be a mushroom cloud that gets us in the end.

But all of this is, is secondary to the fact that my mother lives in Belmont Falls The injunction is granted, and we're adjourned.

We're being over and over again no one knows the logic.

- Okay now I'm horny.

- Gee.

Unbelievable, got milk? Ah, don't let me hold you two up.

Okay, that wasn't fair.

Yeah, life sometimes isn't.

Can I buy you a burger? Uh, it's my oldest son's birthday.

So I suggest a rain check, but I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Probably not.

If only life came with a do

-over, you know?

- So good seeing you again.

- You too.

- Bye, Shirl.

- Bye.

I may have so appeal.

I have to admit I'm a little nervous, are you? Denny, I'm still a little unsure about this.

I'm not gonna ??? to your ??? here.

What are you talking about? My girl's here.

No, I mean, the one for me, the one you were with the other day.

She's the one I was with, the other day.

What? No, I

- What?

- What? Slutty me.

- I don't believe this.

- Wait a second.

So, what I had with you the other day Denny's leftovers.

We can't swing with one.

Of course, we can.


I mean it was too good to be truth.

No way, I mean the Red Socks and the Patriots, and little swap action, all on the same year? Boys, not to worry, I'm indefatigable.

Should have known better than to expect a good hamburger in peace.

Denny told me.


You know, Shirley, maybe you and Jack Ross He is happily married.

Nuclear power plants, global warming warns I don't think electric bill in the end, next to matters of the heart.

- Are you guessing, Alan?

- Nah, I don't love them.

I mean I play it well.

What worth it is for, but I don't love.

I thought you and Denny were swinging tonight.

We were afraid our arms would get tired.

- I had an

- Chicken.

I know that Denny said he was there for you.

So am I.

Thank you, Alan.

I'm a big girl.

Yes, I heard in a song somewhere they cry.


Good night, Alan.

At least you got a little cheek action, (I've got)??? nothing.

Why? I left you with Andrea.

- Nothing happened?

- I was too, uh ???.

You know, maybe we should do ah, uh, a three


It's the one thing you and I haven't shared together.

Denny, I really don't think I can be next to you on a bed while you're naked and sweating, and that's as far as I can take the imagery.

I don't like the idea of you sneaking over to see Shirley like that.

She was vulnerable.

I should be the one that takes advantage of that, not you.

I think she was more than vulnerable.

She might be a little broken

-hearted, not over Carl Sack, but what could have been with Jack Ross.

How she goes with guys with one syllable names.

- Crane, Ross take Sack, Crane.

- You said Crane twice.

It's 'cause she's not over me, and never will be.

You need to look out for her a little now.

So many things in life that are paramount but, being there for a friend in pain I'm glad you went check with her.

Lovers come and go, but friends.

Not everybody has somebody, like us.


- Still wanna swing though.

- No swing.

The thing about life, you always ??? keep something on the to

-do list.

You'll swing.

??? Shirley being on your to

-do list.

- Would you get over?

- I'm just saying.

/ Never mind.