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19x14 - Two Wheels Good

Posted: 09/15/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children] ♪ They'’re two, they'’re four ♪

♪ They'’re six, they'’re eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ They'’re the really useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends

[whistle toots]

[male narrator] "Two Wheels Good."

One day, Spencer had a very important job.

He was taking the duke and duchess to Callan Castle

for Lord Callan'’s birthday ball.

The duke was giving a speech

and bringing Lord Callan a very special gift.

Did you remember the present, dear?

Yes, yes. I have it right here.

Hello, Spencer.

Hello, sir.

Now, remember, Spencer,

I want to arrive at Callan Castle in good time.

I'’m giving a very important speech.

Don'’t worry, sir.

I won'’t let you down.

Thank you, Spencer.

[whistle blows]

[steam hissing]

[whistle toots]

[train engine chugging]

[narrator] Spencer hurried along the tracks towards Callan Castle.

[Duke] Yes, indeed...

To see you all gathered on this beautiful occasion.

A great honor for my wife...

[narrator] Spencer'’s first stop would be Knapford Station.

[horn honks]

[horn honking]

Hello, Bertie.

Hello, Thomas. [bell dinging]

[narrator] Mr. Percival had come to Knapford on his bicycle

to have a meeting with Sir Topham Hatt.

Hello, there. [chuckles]

You'’re not still riding that old thing, are you?

You should get a car like mine.

I prefer my bike, thank you.

What I always say is,

"Two wheels are best."


Did you hear that, Thomas?

That'’s not true.

Everybody knows that four wheels are best.

How can four wheels be better than six wheels?

[whistle toots]

What nonsense.

It'’s so obvious that wheels are the best.

No, no, no.

Four wheels.

Six wheels!

Twenty wheels.

[Duke] Uh, Spencer,

if you carry on chatting,

we'’re going to be late for my important date

at Callan Castle.

Sorry, sir, I'’ll get you there in time...

on my trusty wheels.


[whistle toots]

[whistle blows]

[whistle toots]

[horn honks]

[narrator] Spencer was speeding along, confident as can be.

[sheep bleating]

But then there was trouble.

[train engine slowing]

I don'’t believe it.

[steam hissing]

Spencer! What was that?

I'’m sorry, sir,

but I think my valve gear has snapped.

How am I going to get to Callan Castle on time now?

We, dear. We.

[whistle toots]

What'’s wrong, Spencer?

Have your trusty wheels let you down already?

That'’s not funny, Thomas.

I have to get the duke and duchess to Callan Castle.

Well, I can take them.

Oh, really?

That would be most kind, Thomas.

Come on, dear.

Oh, this is such fun.

How exciting!

We are carrying a duke and a duchess, Clarabel.

[whistle toots]

Six wheels to the rescue.

Next stop: Callan Castle.

[train engine chugging]

[Thomas] Goodbye, Spencer.

[train engine chugging]



[train engine chugging]

Oh, no!

[wheels screeching]

[both yelp]

[wheels screeching]

Phew. That was close.

Now what?

Sorry, sir.

There'’s a fallen tree on the tracks.

[sighs] This just isn'’t my day, is it?

I'’m afraid we might be stuck here for quite some time.

But I must get to the castle.

My speech!


I mean, our speech.

[horn honking]

Hello again, Thomas.

What'’s up?

There'’s a tree on the line, Bertie.

And I'’m supposed to be taking the duke and duchess

to Callan Castle.

I can take them by road.

[gasps] That would be delightful.

Come along, dear.



What an adorable little bus.

Oh, thank you, ma'’am.

Please step aboard.

As I said, Thomas,

"Four wheels are best."


[horn honks]


[narrator] Poor Thomas was going nowhere.

But at least the duke and duchess

would get to the castle on time.

[bell dinging]

[horn honking]

[train engine chugging]


[narrator] But then, there was more trouble.

[tire pops]

[tires screeching]

Oh, no!

[both yelping]


I don'’t believe it!

What'’s happened this time?

Flat tire, sir.

I'’m really sorry.

But that'’s it, then.

We'’re simply not going to get there in time for my speech.

[bell dinging]

Oh, what'’s happened here, then?

Mr. Percival.

Your Grace.

We need to get to get to Callan Castle,

but I don'’t think we'’re gonna make it.

Bertie has a flat tire.

Don'’t despair.

I'’ll get you there.

Oh. [laughs]

What a charming little bicycle.

I haven'’t ridden one for some years.

I suppose I could sit on the handlebars.

No, no, no.

You wait here while I go for help.

It'’s like I always say,

"Two wheels to the rescue!"

[door creaks]

Hello, hello?

Sodor Search and Rescue Center, we need help.

[helicopter blades whirring]

Oh, my.

Hop on, Your Graces.

I'’ll get you to Callan Castle.

[cows lowing]

Oh, Lord Callan!

What an arrival.

But where'’s Spencer?

I'’ll tell you all about it over dinner.

Thank you, Harold.

My pleasure, Your Grace.

[Spencer] How embarrassing, breaking down like that.

But at least your valve gear'’s been fixed now, Spencer.

And my flat tire'’s been mended, too.

After all that,

I still don'’t know how many wheels are best.

[Sir Topham Hatt] Whoa. Whoa.


It is quite fun, actually, on two wheels.

[chuckles] Oh, but, ah... I still think I prefer my car!

-[grunts] -[crashing]


[both] Ooh!

[Sir Topham Hatt] Ohh...


[helicopter blades whirring]

Well, it was Harold who finally saved the day.

And he didn'’t use any wheels.


[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[whistle blows]

[children singing]

[whistle tooting]

[upbeat pop music]