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01x09 - Underwater

Posted: 05/16/13 01:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bates Motel...

Bradley, we need to talk.

You and I, we're together, right?

Norman, I don't feel that way about you.

You came at me with a meat tenderizer.

You're making this up, right?

Can I help you?

Jake Abernathy.

You know where I can find Keith Summers?

He's actually dead.

Where is it?

Where is what?

I'm not some moron like Keith Summers.

He was the bottom rung. I'm on the top.

Here's your money back.

I want you out of my motel!

You want to play, we'll play.


[Radio chatter]

Shit. I wonder who died.

[Exhales] I was changing to go out to dinner, walked in my room, I opened the door, turned on the light.

Just there it was in my bed.

God, the image.

Oh, the smell is never gonna leave my brain.

Do you have any idea who might have done it?

I have a pretty good idea who might have done this.

It was that man, Jake Abernathy, who stayed at the motel.

What makes you say that?

'Cause he was asking all sorts of weird questions about Shelby, about Keith Summers.

Like what?

Like--like how well I knew them.

Like what I knew about what happened to them.

He was asking me if I had something, something that he was looking for that he was supposed to get from Shelby.

What was that?

I don't know.

I thought he was crazy!

Like, why do crazy people keep gravitating towards me?

You get this guy's information when he checked in?

Yeah. Yeah, I got it.

It's down in the office.

We can go get it.

This is so stupid.

Perfectly good mattress.

Setting fire to 600 bucks.

Would you want to sleep on a mattress a dead body had been on?

That's what Lysol is for.

What do you think they do in hospitals?

Do you think they burn the mattress every time somebody dies?

Just cut her some slack.

It was pretty horrible.

Yeah, it was.

And that's why she'll make a meal out of it for a year.

You know I can hear you, right?

And I'm not making a meal out of it.

It was completely horrific.


Do you smell that?

[Man chuckling]

[Indistinct conversation in distance]

Excuse me.

You can't smoke pot on my motel porch, okay?


You're kidding, right?

No, I'm not even close to kidding.

You know where you live, right?

What the local economy is around here?

No one cares.

I care.

Okay? I care.

Mom, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

This is not happening here.

Lady, I get that you're upset 'cause someone died.

Give me that!

Whoa! Whoa!

You, what's your name?




I had an idea when I moved here of how life was gonna be.

And, oh, okay, sure, while life can be disappointing, no one prepared me for the colossal frickin' face-dive off a cliff that living in this crazy-ass town really is.

Is still under my control, and it does not include people in torn jeans with tie-dyed clothing and dirty hair hanging out on my new furniture smoking a doobie.

So take that as the law around here because there doesn't seem to be much of one otherwise, okay?

All right.

Okay, just...chill.

Chill your own ass.

Dylan, get over here!

"Smoking a doobie."

I mean, what kind of people are these that you brought here?

They're workers.

Doing what?

Just processing stuff.

Processing what stuff?


[Indistinct conversation in background]

I wasn't gonna say that, man.

I hate this place!

I hate it! I hate it.

Coming here was the worst mistake.

A horrible mistake.

This town is a nightmare.

I can't wait to get the hell out.

It can't happen soon enough.

Mother, what does that mean?

We're moving!

[Water sloshing]

[Gasps for air]

[Distant chiming]

[Alarm chimes]

What are you doing here so early?

Oh, hey, I just came in a bit before school to work on this.

I know how you wanted it all organized.

It's just taking a bit longer than I'd hoped.

The guy who owned this place before you was not much of a file keeper.

Ugh, just throw it all away.

Didn't you want me to organize it?

Not anymore.

Just keep anything that relates to the original deeds and the sale of the land.

Everything else, just trash it.

Is everything all right?

Everything's fine.

I have some errands to run.

Oh, and these people that are staying at the motel, under no circumstances are any of the guests allowed to smoke pot in or around the motel.

If they do, you have to go out there and bust it up immediately.

Bust it up?

That's right. Make them stop.

What if they don't want to?

Well, you have to find an authoritative voice with them.

See you in a bit.


I've got a delivery for a Norma Bates.

Thank you.


Those are beautiful.

What is it?

Throw these in the garbage.

I have to go somewhere. Lock the door when you leave.




Sheriff's office.

Sheriff Romero, please.

This is Norma Bates calling.

He's not here right now.

He won't be back for a few hours.

Could you tell him to call me, please?

Right away.

And what is it regarding?

Tell me him that someone sent flowers to me.

The card says, "See you soon."

I mean, I'm sure that it's Jake Abernathy.

He's got to do something about this.

About the flowers?

Just tell him to call me.

I'll give him the message.

Yeah, I guess. I mean, whatever.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Car horn toots]



Nice truck.

Yeah, I got it from my job.

I figured.


I wanted to ask you something.


Did you know my dad has an office over at Gil's place?

No. No, I didn't.

Well, I was wondering if you could do me a really big favor and get me inside.

I just want to get some of his stuff.

I know I barely know you and it's a lot to ask, but somehow it seemed like it would be okay to ask you anyway.



Yeah, I'll check it out.

I really appreciate it.

Well, I got to go play high school now.

Yeah, you do that.

See you.


You have to get your clients to see the inside.

The layout is phenomenal.

Well, they can redo--

Hey, Jason, I've got a client here.

Can I call you back later? Thanks.

Norma Bates. How's the motel business going?

The motel business sucks, Matt.

Is there a problem?

When I bought the property, you never told me there was gonna be a new bypass road that takes all the traffic away from my property and destroys my business.

At the time, it wasn't official.

It was being proposed.

Lots of things are proposed.

Matt, listen to me, you wanna spend the next year squaring off against me in court?

Ideally, no.

Then get me my money back.

I want the motel and the house on the market as of today, and I want an open house on Sunday.

Can you do that?

All right. Okay, yes.

I'll relist it.

Thank you.

Oh, and no sign out in the front.

I still need to earn a living until it gets sold.

Of course.

[Class bell rings]

Norman, that short story you turned in, it's incredible.

It is?

[Chuckles] It is.

You should be really proud.

In fact, I have a friend who has a small literary publication, and I'd like to send it to him.

I think you might be able to get it published.


Yeah, I mean, you need to do a little work on it, a little editing and clean.


I can help you.

Do you want to come by tomorrow after school?


Okay, good.

Ah, and I was reviewing your quarter grades.

Straight "A"s. I'm really proud of you.

I think this school's gonna be good for you.

[Suspenseful music]

[Car accelerates away]

[Door opens, closes]



Lock and bolt the front door!

Welcome to my world, Juno.

We have to keep everything battened down until they find that crazy guy.

Did you lo--

How do you like her, mom?

Well, let's see.



Yeah, look at that.

I had a really good day at school.

I'm glad, honey. What happened?

Miss Watson said that my... my quarter grades are 4.0.

Norman. Norman, that's wonderful.

I'm so proud of you.

I really like this school, mom.

I know.

I know, but it's you getting the grades.

It's not the school.


What the hell is that?


She's the dog that got hit out front.

That's just weird, dude.

Close the door.

Has mom said anything else to you about moving?

No, but...

I've been at work all day.

Did you have a dream you were drowning someone?


No, it says here drowning in a dream can mean you're feeling overwhelmed in your life.

That makes sense.


Just curious... who were you drowning in the dream?

Someone from school.

Yeah, I figured.

But who was it?

It's stupid.

No, it's totally stupid.

But who was it?


It's just a dream, Dylan.

You wouldn't actually want to hurt anybody, though, would you?

Of course I wouldn't want to.

I've never wanted to hurt anyone, except you once in a while.


Good night, Norman.

♪ The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine ♪

♪ The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine ♪

♪ He drink whiskey
♪ Poncho drink the wine
♪ He drink whiskey
♪ Poncho drink the wine

[indistinct chatter]

We got two more truckloads coming in from the north field, and that'll be it.

Hey, Gil, can I ask you something?


Did Jerry Martin have an office here?

What, I haven't promoted you fast enough?

You want an office now too?

No. No, I was just curious.

I'm not feeling too friendly towards Jerry Martin.

His little shenanigans cost me over 100 grand of lost product in that warehouse fire.

He's lucky I didn't get his family to cover my losses.

Yeah, no, I get it.

You want his office, take it.

Just throw all his shit out.

[Pressure Drop by Toots and the Maytals]



♪ Yeah


♪ Yeah
♪ it is you
♪ oh, yeah
♪ it is you

[Coughing] Yeah.

Excuse me. I'm from the motel.

I'm kind of busy right now.

Could you open the door, please?

[Clears throat]

Hey, what's up?

It smells like someone is smoking weed, and no one is supposed to be doing that at the motel.

Well, it's not me.

I can see smoke behind your back.

So unless you're on fire, I think you are smoking something.


You want some?

No, I don't want some. You want me to blow up?

Oh, you won't blow up.

I've seen smokers with O2 tanks in Vegas, you know, playing the slot machines.

Yeah, that's not really the point.

Okay, well, if you can't smoke, I've got these k*ller weed cupcakes.

Do you want one?

No, thanks.

Just put the joint out, or I'm gonna lose my job, okay?



I appreciate it.

♪ I say a pressure drop
♪ oh, pressure, pressure
♪ pressure, pressure


So this sentence here.

"He felt like he was choking inside on some black smoke."

That-- I love-- I love that image.

But I think it would be better if you just moved it to the end of the paragraph.



It just has more impact.

Yeah, I see that.


How did you ever come up with this idea, hmm?

A man who's on fire on the inside.

I don't know.

I honestly don't know.

I just figured it would make an interesting story.

You know, how do you deal with daily life when you're burning up and nothing will put it out?

I think you're an old soul, Norman.

I just feel like you understand things that are way beyond your years, things about how hard life can be, about how we're not really meant to be happy.

Miss Watson, are you okay?


[Chuckles] Yeah. I am.

Of course.

I'm just a sap for good writing.

Anyway, you should, um-- you should probably make sure that this is okay with your mom if it should be published.

You know, being as you're a minor and all.

Yeah, I'll tell her.


♪ Suppose I'll ever know
♪ what it means to be a man ♪
♪ something I can't change
♪ I'll live around it
♪ I want to wake up where you are ♪
♪ I won't say anything at all ♪
♪ so why don't you slide?

♪ Yeah
♪ we're gonna let it slide

♪ Oh, May
♪ put your arms around me
♪ what you feel is what you are ♪
♪ what you are...

Where are you guys working?

Gil's dry dock.

Want some veggies?

No, I'm good. Thanks.

♪ Oh, May, wanna get married ♪
♪ or run away?

Did you get my message?

Something about flowers.

Yeah, I saved the card. Here it is.

♪ Yeah, we're gonna let it slide ♪

How do you know he sent this?

Well, who else would it be?

I don't know.

I don't know anything about your personal life.

This doesn't have anything to do with my personal life.

This could be a clue.

And I'm pretty sure that I saw him driving by earlier today.

I'll look into the florist.

I don't think it'll lead anywhere.

Why not?

'Cause Jake Abernathy doesn't exist.

All the information he gave you when he registered is made up.

And if this was him, I doubt he left any traceable information at the florist.

So I'd like to dust his hotel room for fingerprints if you'll let me in.

Well, yeah, that would be fine, but I already cleaned the room from top to bottom after the creep left.

And now there's a couple of stoners sleeping in there.

God knows what they tracked in with them.


It's sort of funny that you went into the service industry.

You don't seem very keen on serving anybody.

I'm as keen as I need to be.

So what are you gonna do now about Abernathy?



You're a sheriff.

Law enforcement.

You have ways of finding things out-- like, things you do. Official things.

Not unless we have a lead. Do you have anything else?

I mean, besides the florist ca that says, "See you soon"?

Do you have a license plate or any names that he might have mentioned or a location he might be going?

Do you?



All right.

I'm gonna have your house patrolled on the half hour.

Let me know if anything else happens.

Oh, like what?

Like he digs up a couple more dead people and puts them in my bed?

Yeah, like that.

Night, Norma.

Copy that. On our way.

[Radio chatter]

[Engine starts]

[SUV pulls away]



Thanks for meeting me.

So when can you sneak me into my dad's office?

You know, I was just thinking that, um... maybe it's easier for me to just go in and pack up and bring the boxes to you.


Okay, yeah.

You know, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be in there.

Gil seems pretty upset with how things ended up with your dad.

Did he explain why?

He didn't offer, and I didn't ask.

I just really wanted to see my dad's office again.

The way he set it up, the way he left everything.

My mom was so freaked out about the way he died.

She took all his things and threw them away.

Everything he had. It's like-- it's like he never even lived there.

Like he's completely gone.

And I just miss him.

I just... wanted to try to be with him again, even if it was for a few minutes, even if it was just... with his stuff.


All right.

All right what?

I'll get you in there.

You sure?

No, but I'm gonna do it anyways.

Thank you.

[Drill whirs]

[Phone rings]

Hello, Bates Motel.

This is Emma. How may I help you?

Yeah, hi. I'm looking for Dave.

Um, I think you have the wrong number.


Oh, I'm sorry.

Okay, bye.



What, mother?

I found a beautiful, little cottage in Hawaii.

It's not on the beach. Those are a fortune.

But it's up in the mountains, and it's actually affordable if we get our money out of this place.

Mom, we can't move.

Norman, I know you don't want to move, but how can we stay here?

Besides, Oahu is one of the top ten safest places to live.

You can't be serious.

I'm totally serious.

It's especially safe because it's an island.

I'm not talking about it being safe.

We can't move.

I won't do it.

You can't make me.

Actually, yes, I can.

And we are, as soon as we sell this place.

We're having an open house this weekend.

You didn't listen to me. I won't do it!

Okay, this is just another one of your stupid "starting over" ideas.

I've been through enough of them.

I like it here.

We can get jobs in the hotel industry.

We have experience now.

We've been open three days.

So? They don't have to know that.

Oh, here we go again!

That is totally unfair.

No matter where we go, things will always be the same.

You do things that don't make sense!

You! You're crazy!

I'm sorry, mother. I didn't mean that.

I think there might be video monitoring equipment in the office.

What? Did you see something?

No, I just felt like I was being watched.

It was really creeping me out.

Well, do you know who was watching you?

I don't know. I just felt like it.

Well, who do you think it was?

I don't know.

I got so nervous down there, I wanted to come up and see you guys.

Then I started walking up the stairs.

Have you ever thought about how long those stairs are?

I just kept climbing and climbing.

Oh, my God. Are you high?

It was like more steps just kept appearing like it was an escalator that you climb. Hi.

One more step just kept coming out of nowhere like I was in space or something.

You smoke pot with your condition?


I ate it.

It was in a cupcake.

One of the motel guests gave it to me.

You know, I've heard it's fun, but I'm not having any fun yet.

When does the fun start?

You're having a bad reaction.

Norman, go make some toast and get some orange juice.

I can't send her home like this.

Poor thing.

Mother, I'm sorry. I don't think you're crazy.

Get the toast.

[Door opens]

Drop. I got you.

Thank you for doing this.


You can't ever tell anybody about this.

You know that.

I promise.

Let's go.


Hey, come on.

Stop sh**ting! It's me! It's Dylan Massett!

It's me! It's Dylan!

Do you hear me?

Step out, dumb ass.


Put the g*n down.

Yeah, okay.

Who's the other person back there with you?

Have them step up.


You got to be kidding me.

Hey, Remo, look, could you put the g*n down?

Aren't you Jerry Martin's kid?


Uh, Brittany?


Are you insane?

Look, I only brought her here, so she can get some of her dad's stuff.

All right? Gil wouldn't let her.

Yeah, you think I don't know that?

You think I don't know how Gil feels about Jerry Martin, dumb ass?

You got any idea what kind of a position you put me in bringing her down here?

We'll be in and out in ten minutes.

What are you waiting for?

Come on.

Let's go.

I'm really sorry.

Everything is just how he left it.

I didn't think it would hit me like this.

You want a minute?


I like having you here.

He had this old, beautiful, gold pocket watch.

And when I was little, we would wind it up together.

And he showed me how to pop it open.

And it's just the one thing that I really want to find.

What is it?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. I have to leave.


You okay?

They're from a woman.

"All my love, B."

Who's B?

Why would he do this?

People are complicated.

Okay? He's still your dad.

He still loved you.

I know that he had to love you. Because who wouldn't?

Come on.

We need to go.

Come on.

[Door opens]

Norman, can I sleep in here?

I'm still just so scared to sleep in that room.

Sure. I'll sleep on the floor.

No, I don't want you to have to sleep on the floor.

We'll both fit.

Remember when we used to have sleepovers when you were little, and we'd watch movies in my room?

Yeah, I remember.

That always made me really happy.

I know. Me too.

I'm sorry, Norman, about the moving.

It's all right, mother.

I'm sorry I said you were crazy.

You're not crazy.

Let's go to sleep.


Are we finishing your story after school?

I don't think we should send it in.

Why not?

I don't think my mom would-- would like it, you know, being published.

Have you asked her?

Nah, there's no point.

She's not gonna get it.

Well, how are the therapy appointments going?

I went once.


Sorry about the story.


Oh, how should I say this?

I think you're a good kid, and I think your talent deserves to be recognized, so, um... you don't really need to tell her.

That doesn't seem right.

I know what it's like for you.

I have a sense, anyway.

I've had a lot of troubles in my own life, so I can see when things aren't fair.

What I'm saying is that, what is the likelihood that she'll ever know?

The square footage.

Too much.

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, shit.

Matt... it's the end of the day. You haven't called.

What are the details of the open house tomorrow?

I was thinking I could bake some cookies, give the place that fresh-baked smell.


[Clears throat]

There's not gonna be an open house.

Why not?

Look, Norma, I looked into it, and there's no market for your property, not with the new bypass road going in.

I can't get you your money back.

Well, how much can you sell it for?

I mean, it has a value. What's its value?

Maybe half what you paid for it.

You're underwater.

The best thing you can do is to just walk away.

Let the bank take it back.

You want me to walk away from my investment?

I ca--I'm not gonna do that. I can't do that!

I don't know what else to tell you.

Are you kidding me? I will sue you!


You can, um, but I'm $30,000 in debt.

I live with my girlfriend, and my mom owns my car.

So I don't think--

Oh, no. God, o-okay!





[Gasps, whimpers]

Did you get the present I left on your bed?

Yeah, I'm done being polite.

I see it doesn't work with you.

Now, I'm gonna take my hand away from your mouth.

And you're not gonna scream, or you're gonna be dead.

Nod if you understand.



I'm not kidding.

Zack Shelby owed me $150,000 from the sale of the last batch of girls.

With his death, that money's gone missing.

I was talking to everyone else involved.

No one else has it, so that leaves you.

Why do you think that I--

Just listen.

I know that you have it.

And I need you to bring me that money tomorrow night... at the Seacliff Pier at midnight.


It's okay.

So here's my question. Can you do that?

Hmm? Can you bring me my money?


You'll be there tomorrow night with the 150,000?


Good girl.

Remember, I know where you live, you know I do.

If I have to come to your house, I'll k*ll your sons first.

And then I'll k*ll you.

Good night.

[Car door closes]